We need a real Wall Street Regulator

Do you support a "Free Market" or one regulated to protect US workers & investors

  • Let the Free Market alone - But no more Bailouts!

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • We need a powerful SEC to manage Wall Street and the economy

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
BOOM.....BUST....BUBBLE....BUST....prices keep going up and jobs keep going overseas.

We need a government entity that actually manages the growth of the US economy. The "Free Market" is like playing Russian-Roulette.

Lets take a poll. The "Free Market" with unregulated global casinos and boom/bust cycles that always lead to BAILOUTS with our SS & Medicare contributions, OR a real government regulator that manages the growth of the US economy...with TAX POLICY CARROTS & STICKS...

I'm talking about taxing short-sales, derivatives, currency traders, derivative traders, etc.
Then rewarding new jobs created, long term investments, etc.
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BOOM.....BUST....BUBBLE....BUST....prices keep going up and jobs keep going overseas.

We need a government entity that actually manages the growth of the US economy. The "Free Market" is like playing Russian-Roulette.

That's the last thing we need. The government has been managing he growth of the US economy for 100 years. The government has been the main cause of almost every recession/depression we have had.
BOOM.....BUST....BUBBLE....BUST....prices keep going up and jobs keep going overseas.

We need a government entity that actually manages the growth of the US economy. The "Free Market" is like playing Russian-Roulette.

That's the last thing we need. The government has been managing he growth of the US economy for 100 years. The government has been the main cause of almost every recession/depression we have had.

I can kinda dispute that by citing Fannie, Freddie, Bernie Madoff as head of the SEC, etc. These were government run agencies used as cash cows. I want a REAL regulator not a DC whore.
What is it with neo-socialists? Are they stupid enough to think that Wall Street operates under no federal regulations? Fannie Mae was an unholy partnership between the private sector and the federal government and the politicians showed Wall Street how to steal big time. Frank Raines walked away with 90 Million dollars for allegedly cooking the books to show a fake profit that was tied to his salary. The Feds cooked up a ponzi scheme worthy of organized crime. They bundled up bad loans with good loans and sold them back to banks as good loans. Mean while the Fannie board was filled with no show political payoff jobs. Wall Street operates under restrictions that would fill a law school room. Only the insane or the misinformed or the ignorant would suggest that there are no restrictions.
I can kinda dispute that by citing Fannie, Freddie, Bernie Madoff as head of the SEC, etc. These were government run agencies used as cash cows. I want a REAL regulator not a DC whore.

That's what you get when you let government have control over other people's money. Corruption and government are as inseparable as flies and a cow's ass.

That's what libtards don't seem to get: people don't become angels the minute the take a job with the government. They are still driven by the same things that motivate us all.
BOOM.....BUST....BUBBLE....BUST....prices keep going up and jobs keep going overseas.

We need a government entity that actually manages the growth of the US economy. The "Free Market" is like playing Russian-Roulette.

That's the last thing we need. The government has been managing he growlaizzezth of the US economy for 100 years. The government has been the main cause of almost every recession/depression we have had.
Try better than 200 years. The Louisiana Purchase, granting huge tracts of land to railroad interests who built the continental railroad, arms contractors since the DuPonts of Delaware, engineering and technology firms, construction contractors, steel producers and automobile makers.

And with all that government 'interference' in the free market system, I, for one, think we did okay. We have the largest economy ion the world, the strongest military ever known, and a system of laws to preclude swindlers and scams. Ours has never been a laissez faire capitalist economy. We need government oversight the way banks need guards.
What is it with neo-socialists? Are they stupid enough to think that Wall Street operates under no federal regulations? Fannie Mae was an unholy partnership between the private sector and the federal government and the politicians showed Wall Street how to steal big time. Frank Raines walked away with 90 Million dollars for allegedly cooking the books to show a fake profit that was tied to his salary. The Feds cooked up a ponzi scheme worthy of organized crime. They bundled up bad loans with good loans and sold them back to banks as good loans. Mean while the Fannie board was filled with no show political payoff jobs. Wall Street operates under restrictions that would fill a law school room. Only the insane or the misinformed or the ignorant would suggest that there are no restrictions.

My entire point is that the DC whores can't be trusted. They get bought-off by Wall Street, and our SS & Medicare funds bail them out. We need a REAL regulator, not a cash cow for the DC whores. The system is totally fucked-up. I'm suggesting that it needs to be run by a group like CALPERS or some other trusted board of mostly saints, run entirely in the open. FED members like Bernanke, maybe a Nobel prize winning economist or two, just to set tax policy and stabilize the US economy for the long term.
BOOM.....BUST....BUBBLE....BUST....prices keep going up and jobs keep going overseas.

We need a government entity that actually manages the growth of the US economy. The "Free Market" is like playing Russian-Roulette.

Lets take a poll. The "Free Market" with unregulated global casinos and boom/bust cycles that always lead to BAILOUTS with our SS & Medicare contributions, OR a real government regulator that manages the growth of the US economy...with TAX POLICY CARROTS & STICKS...

I'm talking about taxing short-sales, derivatives, currency traders, derivative traders, etc.
Then rewarding new jobs created, long term investments, etc.

Free Market
End corporate welfare
Close corporate tax loopholes
BOOM.....BUST....BUBBLE....BUST....prices keep going up and jobs keep going overseas.

We need a government entity that actually manages the growth of the US economy. The "Free Market" is like playing Russian-Roulette.

Lets take a poll. The "Free Market" with unregulated global casinos and boom/bust cycles that always lead to BAILOUTS with our SS & Medicare contributions, OR a real government regulator that manages the growth of the US economy...with TAX POLICY CARROTS & STICKS...

I'm talking about taxing short-sales, derivatives, currency traders, derivative traders, etc.
Then rewarding new jobs created, long term investments, etc.

Sure great Idea turn it over to the same people who can't seem to be able to run the Postal service ..
BOOM.....BUST....BUBBLE....BUST....prices keep going up and jobs keep going overseas.

We need a government entity that actually manages the growth of the US economy. The "Free Market" is like playing Russian-Roulette.

Lets take a poll. The "Free Market" with unregulated global casinos and boom/bust cycles that always lead to BAILOUTS with our SS & Medicare contributions, OR a real government regulator that manages the growth of the US economy...with TAX POLICY CARROTS & STICKS...

I'm talking about taxing short-sales, derivatives, currency traders, derivative traders, etc.
Then rewarding new jobs created, long term investments, etc.

Sure great Idea turn it over to the same people who can't seem to be able to run the Postal service ..

What? As opposed to the whiz kids who ran Bear Sterns? Lehman Bros? Enron?
What is it with neo-socialists? Are they stupid enough to think that Wall Street operates under no federal regulations? Fannie Mae was an unholy partnership between the private sector and the federal government and the politicians showed Wall Street how to steal big time. Frank Raines walked away with 90 Million dollars for allegedly cooking the books to show a fake profit that was tied to his salary. The Feds cooked up a ponzi scheme worthy of organized crime. They bundled up bad loans with good loans and sold them back to banks as good loans. Mean while the Fannie board was filled with no show political payoff jobs. Wall Street operates under restrictions that would fill a law school room. Only the insane or the misinformed or the ignorant would suggest that there are no restrictions.
There is a very simple, sensible and productive way to avoid all such maneuverings. That is to impose a limit on allowable accumulation of personal assets and to restore every regulation removed from the banking and finance industries since the Carter Administration.
BOOM.....BUST....BUBBLE....BUST....prices keep going up and jobs keep going overseas.

We need a government entity that actually manages the growth of the US economy. The "Free Market" is like playing Russian-Roulette.

Lets take a poll. The "Free Market" with unregulated global casinos and boom/bust cycles that always lead to BAILOUTS with our SS & Medicare contributions, OR a real government regulator that manages the growth of the US economy...with TAX POLICY CARROTS & STICKS...

I'm talking about taxing short-sales, derivatives, currency traders, derivative traders, etc.
Then rewarding new jobs created, long term investments, etc.

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