"We Lie To You" news

Rather than tune in to an hour of FOX?
I bet you're as big a fucking bore IRL as you are here.


Trump Campaign Adviser Pleads Guilty to Child Porn, Sex ...​

Courthouse News Service
https://www.courthousenews.com › trump-campaign-a...

An informal adviser to Donald Trump's 2016 campaign who testified in the Mueller probe pleaded guilty Monday to charges of child sex trafficking and possessing ..
That’s always the Republican excuse. Everybody does it. Democrats just get away with it.

Everybody doesn’t do it. That’s the thing Republicans are missing completely. Everybody doesn’t lie. Everybody doesn’t steal from the public purse.

It’s not the republican party of LBJ or Richard Daley. Ethics matter. They’re not running conmen or crooks for office.

Since Nixon was in office, over 300 White House Republicans have been charged with crimes against the state. In the same time frame, three Democrats have been charged.

The Republican Party used to be the party of ideas. Today is the party of racists, Q-anon and authoritarians. They offered the American people nothing but chaos, violence, and destruction.

So, do you really believe that democrats in office or in the White House do not commit crimes?
Interestingly enough, this is the ONLY thread, that had any conversation that came close to discussing the recent Bilderburg meetings.

The Bilderbergs? Pfizer?
Hahaha I love the Illuminati pretending they're not behind it all.

Sneaky sneaky bastards.

You folks know how lazy I am, I loath making new threads. . . .


"The key topics for discussion at the 2023 Bilderberg Conference were announced on the Bilderberg website shortly before the meeting.[2] These topics included:

Max Blumenthal Breaks Down What Elites DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW About Secretive Bilderberg Meetings​

That’s always the Republican excuse. Everybody does it. Democrats just get away with it.

Everybody doesn’t do it. That’s the thing Republicans are missing completely. Everybody doesn’t lie. Everybody doesn’t steal from the public purse.

Pretty much everyone does. Small exceptions.

It’s not the republican party of LBJ or Richard Daley. Ethics matter. They’re not running conmen or crooks for office.

Since Nixon was in office, over 300 White House Republicans have been charged with crimes against the state. In the same time frame, three Democrats have been charged.

The Republican Party used to be the party of ideas. Today is the party of racists, Q-anon and authoritarians. They offered the American people nothing but chaos, violence, and destruction.

That part is pretty true.
Where did I state anything about democrats and republicans? This is the thing you’ll never understand, because you’re stuck in the duopoly matrix.

The establishment media talking heads aren’t democrats, though they may all vote D. They are stenographers for the elite and the state, first and foremost. The state is owned and controlled by the elite.

You should have known this before Covid, but there are no excuses for your ignorance after Covid.
DragonBreath is a shit for brains leftard. A foreigner meddling in our internal politics. Simple logic completely escapes the leftard brain, it's uncanny the way they can look right at something and pretend it isn't there.
Interestingly enough, this is the ONLY thread, that had any conversation that came close to discussing the recent Bilderburg meetings.

You folks know how lazy I am, I loath making new threads. . . .


"The key topics for discussion at the 2023 Bilderberg Conference were announced on the Bilderberg website shortly before the meeting.[2] These topics included:

Max Blumenthal Breaks Down What Elites DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW About Secretive Bilderberg Meetings​

So Wikipedia(US consistently paranoid about its own obvious biases due to naturally being the entire world's magnet for criticism), Rising/The Hill TV(US center left), The Telegraph(UK center right), The Guardian(UK center left), The Independent(UK center left), CNBC(US center left)

All relatively respectable sources that one might expect "the elite" to use themselves. Where does one go for quick reference and updates once they toss their TV out the window? FOX.com? Newsmax? Truth Social? What, why not? Too commercial or rightarded? Too much like the TV you just chucked out the window? Remember what paying for cable was supposed to eliminate?

The existence of the Bilderbergs and their annual meetings has never been the conspiracy. What they discuss and decide upon has obviously always been fertile fodder for conspiracy nuttery. The fact that we can always still find a Max Blumenthal here and there, quietly holding the MSM's feet to the fire demonstrates that all hope is never lost. Good, unbought, genuine journalists and activists continue to march and calmly report while the Alex Joneses of the world rant and rave. The Bilderbergs (the billionaires) would prefer they didn't. No shit. So what? They love the odd Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson providing them cover. Murdoch, Trump, Musk, Gates, .. Cutthroat bastards. Billionaires with insatiable appetites for wealth and power.

They are and always have been our worst enemy. Ready to start fighting back? What's your actual point or solution? Piss up a rope? Bark at the Moon expecting an answer? Oppose vaccination? Deny global warming?
Oppose vaccination? Deny global warming?

Beyond Bilderberg(er)'s Civil War - #NewWorldNextWeek​

Interview 1732 - New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

Corbett • 06/10/2022
"This week on the New World Next Week: Bilderberg meets in near-total secrecy to discuss continuity of government; children in Wales are being taught to eat the bugs; and 44% of Americans believe the country is heading toward civil war."

Story #1: Pfizer, CIA, Facebook & Other Elites Secretly Meet In DC — Corporate Media Silent

Story #2: Primary School Pupils to Be Offered Insects to Eat In 'Alternative Protein' Study

Story #3: Race Card Institute's Alarmist New Poll Finds 44% Of Americans See Civil War



look how quickly the media freaks out about losing just a *tiny* part of the narrative™ machine.
This quote;

"Yes, there are all REAL headlines from major news corporations, Bloomberg, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, and Vox, and they are scared to DEATH of Elon's Twitter because the Left, the media, and the deep state no longer have their hooks in it."

I remain skeptical.

"In this episode, journalist and podcaster, James Corbett, of Corbett Report reveals how centralized social platforms work. Discussing the inconsequential repercussions of Elon Musk buying Twitter, how the parasite ruling class uses these kinds of distractions to detract from the prevalent real agenda, media and government propaganda. Describing what freedom and a new vision for the future might look like, crypto currency and more.

Did Elon Musk fabulously fooled the world when he indicated to his almost 80 million followers on Twitter that he was interested in possibly creating a social media platform that was focused on free speech.? Every body thought he was going to invest some of his billions to create a new, open-source platform from scratch.

Those who believe Elon Musk, should think for a second that who, which bank is doing business with Elon Musk and which bank is going to give him $44,000,000,000.00 billion dollars to buy Twitter.? The very same parasite ruling class who gave him his startup money, and control him ever since.

Those who do not learn from their history are doomed to repeat it."

James Corbett: Information Wars, Truth, & Freedom​

This episode;
The Bilderbergs? Pfizer?

Club member yet? Or still your little Tucker buddy?
Crossing the Ruby-Red Rubicon

What choice do we have? As long as slavish Americans take a medieval peasant's self-hating attitude about the unearned and civilization-destroying privilege of inheritance, our only hope is that this heir of Commodore Vanderbilt, like Julius Caesar, wants to destroy his own class because they disgust him, as they would disgust any normal American who had a peek behind the scenes at the secret life of the Preppyhood.

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