"We Lie To You" news

Where did I state anything about democrats and republicans? This is the thing you’ll never understand, because you’re stuck in the duopoly matrix.

The establishment media talking heads aren’t democrats, though they may all vote D. They are stenographers for the elite and the state, first and foremost. The state is owned and controlled by the elite.

You should have known this before Covid, but there are no excuses for your ignorance after Covid.

Just the idea that you think there are people who are “elites”, shows how ignorant you are of reality.

Why even bother at this point? Look what they are doing to Assange. . . :rolleyes:

You can't fight city hall. Civil rights and civil liberties are now dead. Even if you use something that was acquired illegally, like the Pentagon Papers? Now? That makes the press complicit, and any journalist that isn't in bed with that State, a criminal.

Yeah, folks have tried to sue, and they lose.

Project Veritas loses journalistic and attorney-client privilege claims in Ashley Biden case​

View attachment 792035

. . . but? It matters no longer. We now know, Biden took showers, and inappropriately sexualized his young daughter. Only partisans are in denial of this now. They only thing they can do at this point? Deflect to Trump and his daughter, as if any of us give a damn about that demagogue. We are led by psychopaths. . . .

And these tools, only care about destroying the Bill of Rights for the oligarchy they represent. They don't give a damn about any of us. . . .


Project Veritas is a dishonest lying piece of shit who deserve to be sued. Hell, those people deserve to in jail for their dishonesty.
Am I to assume you don’t believe there is an elite?
Jame's crack team of "investigative journalists" sure did root out corruption in house by firing their "elite" founder / board chairperson.



That is usually the reaction that authoritarian fascists have to those who expose them!

I would expect you to espouse no other line.


Project Veritas is a card carrying fake news site. This outfit exists to extract donations from the gullible. Nothing they have ever “uncovered” has turned out to be true.

Yeah, even the Russians run some of America's "news" clips.

Kremlin memos urged Russian media to use Tucker ...​

View attachment 780969
The Guardian
https://www.theguardian.com › media › mar › kremlin...
Mar 14, 2022 — Russian government document instructed outlets to show Fox News host 'as

Russian TV Uses Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard to Sell ...​

View attachment 780970
The Intercept
https://theintercept.com › 2022/02/24 › russian-tv-uses...
Feb 24, 2022 — Fox News clips of Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard trashing Ukraine and the Biden administration were a mainstay of news coverage this week ...

Russian State TV Using Tucker Carlson Clips to Promote ...​

View attachment 780971
https://www.newsweek.com › ... › War › Vladimir Putin
Sep 25, 2022 — At least 745 people were arrested on Saturday for protesting Russia's mobilization, according to a human rights group.
Tucker and Fox
Project Veritas is a card carrying fake news site. This outfit exists to extract donations from the gullible. Nothing they have ever “uncovered” has turned out to be true.

Oh, of course. I can turn off my brain and stop thinking, because some CFR blogger told me what I heard and saw didn't really happen. :rolleyes:

George Orwell just called. Said he's tired and to tell you stop making him roll over all the time.

July 25 2018
At a speech in Kansas City to the VFW annual convention on Tuesday, President Donald Trump – amid one of his trademark anti-media rants – said this (emphasis mine):

“Stick with us. Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. … What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”
George Orwell just called. Said he's tired and to tell you stop making him roll over all the time.
You should try something new.

Your tactic of personal attacks, upon those point out the insanity, as a defense against clear insanity of those you support?


It just makes you look ever more juvenile and desperate in your untenable position.

July 25 2018
At a speech in Kansas City to the VFW annual convention on Tuesday, President Donald Trump – amid one of his trademark anti-media rants – said this (emphasis mine):

“Stick with us. Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news. … What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

Trump is just as bad.

You should try something new.

Your tactic of personal attacks, upon those point out the insanity, as a defense against clear insanity of those you support?


It just makes you look ever more juvenile and desperate in your untenable position.
Really? That was "a personal attack"?
George Orwell just called. Said he's tired and to tell you stop making him roll over all the time.
Wait, who or what's insane? Untenable? Saying "you look ever more juvenile and desperate" is somehow not personal? Juvenile? Desperate?

Surrender. Forgive yourself. Move on.
Yeah, even the Russians run some of America's "news" clips.

Kremlin memos urged Russian media to use Tucker ...

View attachment 780969
The Guardian
https://www.theguardian.com › media › mar › kremlin...
Mar 14, 2022 — Russian government document instructed outlets to show Fox News host 'as

Russian TV Uses Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard to Sell ...

View attachment 780970
The Intercept
https://theintercept.com › 2022/02/24 › russian-tv-uses...
Feb 24, 2022 — Fox News clips of Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard trashing Ukraine and the Biden administration were a mainstay of news coverage this week ...

Russian State TV Using Tucker Carlson Clips to Promote ...

View attachment 780971
https://www.newsweek.com › ... › War › Vladimir Putin
Sep 25, 2022 — At least 745 people were arrested on Saturday for protesting Russia's mobilization, according to a human rights group.
Yep. The rubes are projecting. Again.

They know about the communications between the Fox hosts. They know they're being lied to. And what do they think about that? They just don't care. They just want to hear what they want to hear.
Yep. The rubes are projecting. Again.

They know about the communications between the Fox hosts. They know they're being lied to. And what do they think about that? They just don't care. They just want to hear what they want to hear.
AND FOX,OAN, Newsmax, etc. tells them exactly that.
Just like Russia.

The Shadowy Russian Scheme That Dumped Nazis Into ...​

The Daily Beast
https://www.thedailybeast.com › the-shadowy-russian-...

May 3, 2022 — For all the talk of wanting to “de-nazify” Ukraine, Vladimir Putin seems to have forgotten the fact that Russia has spent years fueling its ...
Yep. The rubes are projecting. Again.

They know about the communications between the Fox hosts. They know they're being lied to. And what do they think about that? They just don't care. They just want to hear what they want to hear.
This is worse this time though. The people looked them directly in the eyes and said, I lied to you.

And they still reject it. That is rather impressive in a very doomer sort of way.

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