We keep telling you. To stop gun violence, focus on actual criminals, not law abiding gun owners...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is a study from Chicago.....the shooting gallery of the midwest....the nice part about this study..it actually looks at the criminal histories of the actual shooters and their victims.....and it shows the fact that the people getting shot, and the people doing the shooting...are actual criminals........not law abiding gun owners who have a bad day......

The anit gunner belief that guns in the hands of normal people leads to more crime and murder is wrong........it is not based in the truth, facts or reality......but that never stops them from lying about guns in America...

Chicago Killers' Arrest Records Revealed - The Truth About Guns

The University of Chicago’s Crime Lab released its report Gun Violence in Chicago 2016. The researchers delved into data provided by the Windy City’s PD, winkling out actionable stats. Turns out both shooters and shootees were known to the police. Who saw that one coming? And the survey SAID . . .

Around 80 percent of Chicago’s homicide victims in 2015 and 2016 had at least one prior arrest, almost 40 percent had a prior violent crime arrest, and almost 30 percent had a prior gun arrest.

Nearly 40 percent of victims had more than 10 prior arrests, while the share with more than 20 prior arrests rose from 14 to 18 percent in 2016.

The share of victims with a current or prior gang affiliation as recorded by CPD was about the same in both years (53 and 54 percent).

And now the shooters . . .

Individuals arrested for a homicide or shooting in Chicago in 2016 and 2015 had similar prior criminal records: around 90 percent had at least one prior arrest, approximately 50 percent had a prior arrest for a violent crime specifically, and almost 40 percent had a prior gun arrest.

The average person arrested for a homicide or shooting in both years had nearly 12 prior arrests, with almost 45 percent having had more than 10 prior arrests, and almost 20 percent having had more than 20 prior arrests.

Why is anyone in Chicago (or elsewhere) talking about gun control? Clearly, Chicago’s revolving door justice system is a failure that allows dangerous killers to roam the city streets.

And another major factor not addressed........how many of the innocent people shot in Chicago were directly related to these criminals and simply were caught in the crossfire as these criminals were shooting at each other.......
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Yes......the anti gunners keep lying and trying to make people believe that normal people become killers simply because they own a gun, and get into an argument with the wife......and it is not true, or based in reality....
Yes......the anti gunners keep lying and trying to make people believe that normal people become killers simply because they own a gun, and get into an argument with the wife......and it is not true, or based in reality....
No, they also frequently shooot themselves and loved ones. Accidentally or otherwise. And your obsession with Chicago is HILARIOUS given that it's not even in the top 100 for violent crime in America. That honor resides with cities in red states, like Memphis, Birmingham, Indianapolis, etc. all places where guns are freely available to anyone.
The anit gunner belief that guns in the hands of normal people leads to more crime and murder is wrong........it is not based in the truth, facts or reality......but that never stops them from lying about guns in America...
As though the terrorist toddlers don't commit murder.
Yes......the anti gunners keep lying and trying to make people believe that normal people become killers simply because they own a gun, and get into an argument with the wife......and it is not true, or based in reality....
No, they also frequently shooot themselves and loved ones. Accidentally or otherwise. And your obsession with Chicago is HILARIOUS given that it's not even in the top 100 for violent crime in America. That honor resides with cities in red states, like Memphis, Birmingham, Indianapolis, etc. all places where guns are freely available to anyone.
"Frequently"? Is it opposite day or something? You should have said "rare as fuck"!
Yes......the anti gunners keep lying and trying to make people believe that normal people become killers simply because they own a gun, and get into an argument with the wife......and it is not true, or based in reality....
No, they also frequently shooot themselves and loved ones. Accidentally or otherwise. And your obsession with Chicago is HILARIOUS given that it's not even in the top 100 for violent crime in America. That honor resides with cities in red states, like Memphis, Birmingham, Indianapolis, etc. all places where guns are freely available to anyone.

And yet....our gun murder rate has gone down, not up as more Americans own and carry guns....by 47% and our violent crime rate has gone down 77%.....

I live in Chicago asswipe.
Yes......the anti gunners keep lying and trying to make people believe that normal people become killers simply because they own a gun, and get into an argument with the wife......and it is not true, or based in reality....
No, they also frequently shooot themselves and loved ones. Accidentally or otherwise. And your obsession with Chicago is HILARIOUS given that it's not even in the top 100 for violent crime in America. That honor resides with cities in red states, like Memphis, Birmingham, Indianapolis, etc. all places where guns are freely available to anyone.

Again...normal, law abiding people are not shooting each other or loved ones...as this study shows.
Yes......the anti gunners keep lying and trying to make people believe that normal people become killers simply because they own a gun, and get into an argument with the wife......and it is not true, or based in reality....
No, they also frequently shooot themselves and loved ones. Accidentally or otherwise. And your obsession with Chicago is HILARIOUS given that it's not even in the top 100 for violent crime in America. That honor resides with cities in red states, like Memphis, Birmingham, Indianapolis, etc. all places where guns are freely available to anyone.
Source: FBI 2012 Uniform Crime Report

This list reflects the 100 most dangerous cities overall. For rankings by population size, please click here.

*Chicago, Ill. is not included in these rankings as the city did not report forcible rape statistics using the required definition of the UCR data. Due to changes in the FBI’s definition of forcible rape, Chicago will be included in the metrics beginning with 2013 data. If the measure of violent crime were based on murder, robbery, and aggravated assault (excluding forcible rape), *Chicago, Ill. would rank 33* on the overall list of Most Dangerous Cities for calendar 2012."

100 Most Dangerous American Cities - Law Street (TM)
Yes......the anti gunners keep lying and trying to make people believe that normal people become killers simply because they own a gun, and get into an argument with the wife......and it is not true, or based in reality....
No, they also frequently shooot themselves and loved ones. Accidentally or otherwise. And your obsession with Chicago is HILARIOUS given that it's not even in the top 100 for violent crime in America. That honor resides with cities in red states, like Memphis, Birmingham, Indianapolis, etc. all places where guns are freely available to anyone.

Twit....the 6 biggest cities in Tennessee are run by democrats.....and their pro criminal policies.....
Yes......the anti gunners keep lying and trying to make people believe that normal people become killers simply because they own a gun, and get into an argument with the wife......and it is not true, or based in reality....
No, they also frequently shooot themselves and loved ones. Accidentally or otherwise. And your obsession with Chicago is HILARIOUS given that it's not even in the top 100 for violent crime in America. That honor resides with cities in red states, like Memphis, Birmingham, Indianapolis, etc. all places where guns are freely available to anyone.
Yes......the anti gunners keep lying and trying to make people believe that normal people become killers simply because they own a gun, and get into an argument with the wife......and it is not true, or based in reality....
No, they also frequently shooot themselves and loved ones. Accidentally or otherwise. And your obsession with Chicago is HILARIOUS given that it's not even in the top 100 for violent crime in America. That honor resides with cities in red states, like Memphis, Birmingham, Indianapolis, etc. all places where guns are freely available to anyone.

Birmingham, Alabama....democrat mayors....hmmmm.....seems to be a trend in these red states, the cities with high murder rates are run by democrats....
Yes......the anti gunners keep lying and trying to make people believe that normal people become killers simply because they own a gun, and get into an argument with the wife......and it is not true, or based in reality....
No, they also frequently shooot themselves and loved ones. Accidentally or otherwise. And your obsession with Chicago is HILARIOUS given that it's not even in the top 100 for violent crime in America. That honor resides with cities in red states, like Memphis, Birmingham, Indianapolis, etc. all places where guns are freely available to anyone.

and again.....from the report.....law abiding gun owners are not driving the crime rate....actual criminals are...and guess what genius...they are already forbidden to buy, own and carry guns.....
Yes......the anti gunners keep lying and trying to make people believe that normal people become killers simply because they own a gun, and get into an argument with the wife......and it is not true, or based in reality....
No, they also frequently shooot themselves and loved ones. Accidentally or otherwise. And your obsession with Chicago is HILARIOUS given that it's not even in the top 100 for violent crime in America. That honor resides with cities in red states, like Memphis, Birmingham, Indianapolis, etc. all places where guns are freely available to anyone.

Birmingham.....murder rate is lower than Baltimore....another democrat city......
This is from the link...the actual Crime Lab story....again...it isn't law abiding people doing the shooting......it is a concentrated group of thugs......

News | UChicago Urban Labs

The Crime Lab’s report also examined the geography of the increase in shootings. Gun violence in Chicago has typically been disproportionately concentrated in a number of very disadvantaged South and West side neighborhoods.

In principle the large increase in gun violence the city experienced in 2016 could have arisen from a diffusion of the most severe aspects of the gun violence problem into new areas.

Instead, said Max Kapustin, Research Director at the Crime Lab, “what seems to have happened is an intensificationof gun violence in those neighborhoods where the problem was already most pronounced.”

Just five neighborhoods accounted for nearly half of the increase in gun violence in the city as a whole.

In a city of 3 million people......
Here is the actual study.....


They say they can't tell why the shootings increased...but this might be a big clue.....

Another form of police activity that declined in 2016 is street stops. Chicago police recorded over 80 percent fewer stops in January 2016 than they had in November 2015. This drop, from an average of over 50,000 stops per month in 2015 (through November) to approximately 10,000 stops per month starting in early 2016, began a few months before rates of gun violence in Chicago began to increase. What caused the decline is itself unclear. Several frequently-mentioned candidate explanations—the release of video footage showing the shooting by a CPD officer of teenager Laquan McDonald, announcement of a U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation of CPD, implementation of an agreement between the City and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) concerning street stops, and a new state law regarding street stops—all happened essentially within a few weeks of each other in late 2015 and early 2016.24
Here is a little factoid...New Orleans......again....a small, concentrated area, not law abiding citizens...

Gun violence continues to soar in New Orleans

The shootings in New Orleans, as is the case with Chicago and many other cities, are found to be concentrated in a few poor and often ignored neighborhoods. Tourists rarely set foot in these New Orleans neighborhoods, which may be why the gun violence has received little national media coverage.

Interesting fact....New Orleans has had democrat mayors since 1874.......

List of mayors of New Orleans - Wikipedia
Yes......the anti gunners keep lying and trying to make people believe that normal people become killers simply because they own a gun, and get into an argument with the wife......and it is not true, or based in reality....
No, they also frequently shooot themselves and loved ones. Accidentally or otherwise. And your obsession with Chicago is HILARIOUS given that it's not even in the top 100 for violent crime in America. That honor resides with cities in red states, like Memphis, Birmingham, Indianapolis, etc. all places where guns are freely available to anyone.

Birmingham.....murder rate is lower than Baltimore....another democrat city......

Honestly it has nothing to do with gun ownership rates or even if it's Dem controlled territory. It's simply that blacks commit most of the crimes in the US, to include violent crime and gun crimes. There are several countries in Europe that have strict gun laws, and others that have high gun ownership rates, yet they mostly all have low gun murder rates. The common denominator is the countries have very few minorities compared to the US.

If we want to be serious and fix the problem of violence and gun murders in the US, you have to identifiy the problem first. There is a big problem in the black community, it's the thug culture problem. You are absolutely right in pointing out that the majority of these murderers have had prior records. Another big problem is our "justice system" lets these thugs off the hook time after time. That has to stop. Violent thugs should be locked up for decades. Keeping thugs off the streets is the only way to clean them up. We need strict mandatory sentencing for violent crimes, and we need to do away with parole for them as well.
Yes......the anti gunners keep lying and trying to make people believe that normal people become killers simply because they own a gun, and get into an argument with the wife......and it is not true, or based in reality....
No, they also frequently shooot themselves and loved ones. Accidentally or otherwise. And your obsession with Chicago is HILARIOUS given that it's not even in the top 100 for violent crime in America. That honor resides with cities in red states, like Memphis, Birmingham, Indianapolis, etc. all places where guns are freely available to anyone.

Yes......the anti gunners keep lying and trying to make people believe that normal people become killers simply because they own a gun, and get into an argument with the wife......and it is not true, or based in reality....
No, they also frequently shooot themselves and loved ones. Accidentally or otherwise. And your obsession with Chicago is HILARIOUS given that it's not even in the top 100 for violent crime in America. That honor resides with cities in red states, like Memphis, Birmingham, Indianapolis, etc. all places where guns are freely available to anyone.
Source: FBI 2012 Uniform Crime Report

This list reflects the 100 most dangerous cities overall. For rankings by population size, please click here.

*Chicago, Ill. is not included in these rankings as the city did not report forcible rape statistics using the required definition of the UCR data. Due to changes in the FBI’s definition of forcible rape, Chicago will be included in the metrics beginning with 2013 data. If the measure of violent crime were based on murder, robbery, and aggravated assault (excluding forcible rape), *Chicago, Ill. would rank 33* on the overall list of Most Dangerous Cities for calendar 2012."

100 Most Dangerous American Cities - Law Street (TM)

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