We have no choice: Trump justifies US strikes, military build up & Posturing


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The US has “no choice” but to continue boosting its military power, Donald Trump has said, after Washington’s war machine showcased its latest weapons over the past week and demonstrated its willingness to use them.
‘We have no choice’: Trump justifies US strikes, military buildup & posturing
“Our military is building and is rapidly becoming stronger than ever before,” the US President tweeted Sunday. ”Frankly, we have no choice!”

Well it's a little outside the brains of those who can't think nor realize the President knows stuff we don't know omg you don't say.

North Korea's 3 Deadman Switches-Are We Ready?

North Korea has the ability to bring down holy hell on our country. There is no question that NK can be destroyed by the might of the US military, however, their ability to carry out assymetrical warfare is beyond compare to other rogue, terrorist leaning states.

The EMP Threat
Sophisticated computer hackers, like the ones from North Korea, now have the ability to generate such an effect on our power grid by simultaneously hacking into our power grid and, in effect, generating a localized EMP attack. The effect would be almost as devastating in terms of the effects of such an attack on local utilities, especially for the providers of our power and water entities.

Some insider sources have concluded that there is a significant danger to America from North Korean hackers far beyond the disruption of our movies and corporate accounts that they have hacked.

I have learned that sophisticated computer hackers, like the ones from North Korea, have the ability to generate an EMP effect on our power grid by simultaneously hacking into our power grid and, in effect, generating a localized EMP attack. The effect would be almost as devastating in terms of the effects of such an attack on local utilities, especially for the providers of our power and water entities.

Let’s not forget about the well documented two NK satellites that orbit above the United States and an EMP burst would devastate the power grid.


At one time I would have stated that one has to remember that North Korea is a proxy state of China. And China is preparing for war against the US in
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I so badly wanted to believe that Trump was going to be our first real president since JFK,but he is no different despite what some independent news media are saying such as the power hour and others say.He's got them all fooled.

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