We have already lost the war against illegal immigration.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

If we give the 20 million already here a path to citizenship and create a chain migration we will never get control of illegal immigration or legal immigration.
Neither parties are talking about enforcement anymore.

We have already lost the war against illegal immigration. Comprehensive Immigration Reform will do nothing to control illegal or legal immigration and is not intended to. The result of Obama’s temporary legal status for children of Illegal Aliens is the beginning of the end of America as we know it. We will never get control of illegal immigration or secure the border because every 20 years we will have an amnesty and it will lead to another amnesty and sooner than we think this country will be North Mexico with same problem as South Mexico and it will be too late to fix the problem. The Right and Left are fighting over immigrants and immigrants are the winners. Legal and illegal. We have lost control of the country and our leader are just to dumb and greedy to know it. Spanish will be the language of the country and English the second language. The United State of Mexico will be control by a Mexican type government by Mexicans.
Mexico Flag
Mexican States
Mexico National Anthem
Mexico Politics
President of Mexico
Mexican Independence Day

Mexico Government and Politics
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You're right, we HAVE lost the war against illegal immigration but the Mexicans didn't start the War, the US Gov't did. THEY invited all of them in, Mexico didn't, we the citizens didn't.

Also, the End Game isn't the United States of Mexico. The End Game is a North American Union like the one in Europe with a single currency. Which will then be imploded and consolidated just like is happening in Europe.

The only way out is States Rights, Nullification and re-institute the Republic and the Constitution.

We're going to find out in the next four years if that's going to happen.
Hopefully unlike during the fall of Rome we can turn these former Mexicans into Americans. They show up with such energy and drive just like our grandparents did.

Keep the new blood coming in so they can support the dying greatest generation, our soon to retire baby boomers and the failure to launch generations.
Illegal Immigration and the Fulfillment of Book of Mormon Prophecy
April 30, 2010 by Greg West |

The right sees the left as undermining the borders, language, and culture of the United States. There appears to be no middle ground.
Referring to this remnant of Lehi’s seed, Jesus said in 3rd Nephi 20:
“And the Father hath commanded me that I should give unto you [the Nephites and Lamanites] this land, for your inheritance. And I say unto you, that if the Gentiles do not repent after the blessing which they shall receive [the Book of Mormon and the restored gospel], after they have scattered my people—Then shall ye, who are a remnant of the house of Jacob, [people from Mexico, Central, and South America] go forth among them; and ye shall be in the midst of them who shall be many; and ye shall be among them as a lion among the beasts of the forest, and as a young lion among the flocks of sheep, who, if he goeth through both treadeth down and teareth in pieces, and none can deliver. Thy hand shall be lifted up upon thine adversaries, and all thine enemies shall be cut off.”
(3 Nephi 20:14–17)

Illegal immigration is a contentious issue because it brings into conflict those with racial prejudices, constitutionalist loyalties, social justice and humanitarian activists, new world order proponents, liberals, progressives, conservatives, labor unions, you name it. One controversial set of headlines that emerged (and has since gone onto the back burner for the time being) is what was called the “NAFTA highway.” Congress approved funding for a free trade “corridor” to be built from Mexican container ports to an internal U.S. distribution hub. There would be an open border for trucks coming from these container ports to a the hub. Where was that hub to be built? In Jackson County, Missouri, not far from Independence. The hub would be sovereign Mexican territory–in Jackson County, Missouri. That should set some alarm bells off for latter-day saints. We already know where that Great Temple is to be built. Prophecy tells us who will build it and who will assist.

Illegal Immigration and the Fulfillment of Book of Mormon Prophecy | LDS Liberty
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The Mexican Invasion and Occupation:
Mexico Builds the LA RAZA "THE RACE" SUPREMACIST Welfare State.

The Mexican Invasion and Occupation: Mexico Builds the LA RAZA "THE RACE" SUPREMACIST Welfare State.
Our traitor government ( not just Obama--but all administrations over the past 50 years) have refused to follow our laws to deport all illegals and have refused to follow our Constitution to secure our borders .When our lawmakers refuse to follow laws and the Constitution--that is called "treason".

Is it time to have an actual American Revolution # 2 --to throw out the traitors and restore this nation to one of following "the rule of law" and the Constitution?

Only the American people can make that decision.I am of the opinion that all the reasons that our forefathers fought the original American Revolution are present today in this nation.

Thomas Jefferson wrote:
" The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants
Is the present time one of those times that Jefferson spoke about?
Hopefully unlike during the fall of Rome we can turn these former Mexicans into Americans. They show up with such energy and drive just like our grandparents did.

Keep the new blood coming in so they can support the dying greatest generation, our soon to retire baby boomers and the failure to launch generations.

You are assuming the Mexicans that come here are interested in becoming Americans, most of them are not.
Hopefully unlike during the fall of Rome we can turn these former Mexicans into Americans. They show up with such energy and drive just like our grandparents did.

Keep the new blood coming in so they can support the dying greatest generation, our soon to retire baby boomers and the failure to launch generations.

You will never turn those mexicans into Americans. They are inculcated from birth into staying mexican and being loyal to mexico. We don't assimilate any immigrant any more. The United States encourages hanging on to ethnic identity.
Hopefully unlike during the fall of Rome we can turn these former Mexicans into Americans. They show up with such energy and drive just like our grandparents did.

Keep the new blood coming in so they can support the dying greatest generation, our soon to retire baby boomers and the failure to launch generations.

You will never turn those mexicans into Americans. They are inculcated from birth into staying mexican and being loyal to mexico. We don't assimilate any immigrant any more. The United States encourages hanging on to ethnic identity.

I do agree we do not assimilate our newer immigrants as well on the whole.

I also believe this is racially motivated.

150 years ago my ancestors showed up and by the second generations had Americanized their last names and blended into the culture. Partially for survival lol for this was still the world where folks were "shanty irish" or "degos". In that world you could change your name, lose an accent by the second generation and blend in.

Now we have brown ppl showing up and stupid American WASPS can tell them apart a mile away. No name changing will help that. In most circles the browns are treated better than the blacks though. Damn genetics overcoming the lower half of WASP society's brains urging them to gang up on those with the most different DNA.

I casually know some Indian folks and.some Bosnians. With interest I am waiting to see how their kids are treated.

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