'We felt like screaming': Wife says crowded hospital failed her dying husband

Hmm, $20 Million is all you get, after that the government takes your money and spends it the way they see fit.

". . . $20 million is all you get. . .?"

I really would like to know what your net worth is. Because it's been my experience that those who rush to defend the excesses of laissez faire capitalists like Gates, Jobs, Bloomberg, et al, typically don't have a pot to piss in and are truly incapable of imagining what twenty million dollars in assets looks like.

That is what you think?
Yes. That is what I think.

So Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk etc. and all the other innovators who have advanced technology/ productivity, what do you think they would do when the government told them they are working for free from now on?
Bill Gates, for one example, was a nerd who was in the right place at the right time. Both he and Wozniak hitched their wagon to the the passing star that was digital technology. They didn't discover it. They simply became the next step in a progression of stages in a technological phenomenon which was rising, with or without either of them.

Contrary to what many believe, Bill Gates is not some kind of a tech wizard. In addition to his curiosity about an infant technology Gates possesses the instincts of a typical predatory capitalist, which he owes to his lawyer father. He owes his empire to one single entity, the software known as Microsoft, which he cleverly purloined from it's creator and copyrighted.

From that acorn grew the mighty oak -- which would have grown with or without Gates. If it grew without Gates we all might have benefited by not needing to upgrade to expensive and often unnecessarily complicated editions of Windows every two years -- which accounts for the Gates fortune. Without this imposition we all would have more money to spend on other things and Gates, who still would be wealthy, would have less in his hoard.

You commies can't provide a single example where that crap has ever worked, yet you cling to it like idiots.
"Commies?" If you had the slightest notion of what you are talking about in this rather ignorant statement you would be embarrassed by how utterly stupid it seems.
But this is sounds like the demagoguery of the left. Of course, it's all lies but it's what they say every election cycle.

If you notice, the very wealthy tend to be Dims. In fact, the richest states seem to be blue, not red.

Why do you think this is?
"Demagoguery of the left."

That twisted partisan observation is clear evidence that your thinking is influenced by a mindset best described as a fundamentally primitive form of tribalism. Does your sense of essential political left and right impose a similar influence on your libido? Can you enjoy sexual contact with someone who does not conform with your partisan ideal?

I truly doubt that you can.
That is communism. Even the fucking Hollywood Stars wouldn't go along with limiting them to,$20 million. Don't worry about what others make. Their wealth doesn't change anything about your own condition.
You and all who agree with you are clearly in need of a very basic education, which can begin with a simple question: Can you refer to a single example of communism in which its subjects are permitted to freely accumulate and to retain twenty million dollars in personal assets?

Once you get past that fundamental question and the implications that follow then maybe you'll be ready to begin learning about the need for controlling what are the inevitably damaging effects of laissez faire capitalism, which has had and continues to have a menacing effect on the economic health of this Nation.
This isn't a resource issue discussed in the OP, it's a practice issue that is common throughout medicine and all kinds of systems.

This man was terminally ill. Obviously his diagnosing physician failed to adequately educate on hospice, palliative care, likelihood of rapid advancement of a deadly cancer.

The problem isn't what happened in a crowded ER; it's that he and the wife ever bothered to go to the ER to begin with. We need to talk about death more openly and let people be empowered - that they are free to die at home. (Obviously with adequate pain relief provided by physicians/nurses.)

That OP doesn't illustrate anything about socialized v. free market (ha! no such thing) healthcare; it illustrates deep dysfunction within the medical field about communication with patients regarding death.

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