'We Expanded Family Detention / Held Kids Alone' - Obama...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'We Expanded Family Detention / Held Kids Alone' - Obama DHS SECRETARY JEH JOHNSON'

Obama DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson: ‘We Expanded Family Detention’

The LIberals and snowflakes, obviously working for Putin / the Russians, continue to manufacure a fake scandal involving a policy that Obama executed back in 2015, attacking the President and his agency directors publicly while trying to convince gullible idiots that Trump has created a never-seen-before humanitarian crisis-creating inhumane policy of separating kids from parents and daring to deport criminals who break into our 'house'.

In reality, in 2014 Federal Judge Gee slammed Trump for running what Gee called 'Concentration Camp's where kids were separated from parents and children were not taken to hospitals for medical care until they began coughing up blood days after showing severe signs if being sick.

Snowflakes, meanwhile, have intolerantly, publicly attacked and harassed Trump, his team members, and anyone else who holds different opinions....doing their manipulators' bidding and in the end support criminal invasion of our country, refusal to enforce US law, and aiding and abetting violent criminals ... Just like their 'leaders'.


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