"we Elected A Man As President Who Had No Experience At Anything"....


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
On the other hand, Wynn continues to disparage the White House: "I am stunned at the immaturity of this administration. ... We elected a man as president who had no experience at anything."
Casino executive Steve Wynn more scared about US than about China

Yet many of you Obamatrons support this totally inept inexperience "Executive" ONLY because he was black!
How totally stupid you people are that voted for a black man so you wouldn't feel guilty!
Not one minute of any executive experience that would have trained Obama for the minimum requirements of being an executive i.e. KNOWING he should be attending 100% of the security briefings instead..
As reported by the Government Accountability Institute, Obama has skipped nearly 60% of his presidential security briefings in his second term in office!
And then as the immature person he is.. HE lays the blame for any such underestimates at the feet of Jim Clapper, his director of intelligence. Isn't Clapper in the administration?
Obama Misses 60 of Security Briefings 8230 and Blames Intelligence Community The Loft -- GOPUSA
No wonder you Obamatrons are so totally inept...YOU follow an inept leader!!!!
You do know that before GWB, most Presidents didn't require people to come in and read their reports to them every day.

Obama gets his security briefing like previous, more literate Presidents did - in a daily report that he reads.
For reference, from the last time this bullshit talking point started trending:

In reality, Obama didn’t “attend” these meetings, because there were no meetings to attend: The oral briefings had been mostly replaced by daily exchanges in which Obama reads the materials and poses written questions and comments to intelligence officials. This is how it was done in the Clinton administration, before Bush decided he would prefer to read less. Bush’s results — Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, and the failure to find Osama bin Laden — suggest this was not an obvious improvement.

Dana Milbank Mitt Romney s bucket brigade - The Washington Post
You do know that before GWB, most Presidents didn't require people to come in and read their reports to them every day.

Obama gets his security briefing like previous, more literate Presidents did - in a daily report that he reads.

Yeah, just like Obama handled Harvard Law Review, right?
You do know that before GWB, most Presidents didn't require people to come in and read their reports to them every day.

Obama gets his security briefing like previous, more literate Presidents did - in a daily report that he reads.

Yeah, just like Obama handled Harvard Law Review, right?

I don't know what this post is supposed to mean.
You do know that before GWB, most Presidents didn't require people to come in and read their reports to them every day.

Obama gets his security briefing like previous, more literate Presidents did - in a daily report that he reads.
Or doesnt, which seems to be the issue here.
People laiughed at Reagan because he got his in a TV news format. Seemed to work just fine though.
You do know that before GWB, most Presidents didn't require people to come in and read their reports to them every day.

Obama gets his security briefing like previous, more literate Presidents did - in a daily report that he reads.
If you read something you have no experience with, it behooves you to have people at your elbow to fill in the blanks. OBABBLE done got a shitload of blanks.
You do know that before GWB, most Presidents didn't require people to come in and read their reports to them every day.

Obama gets his security briefing like previous, more literate Presidents did - in a daily report that he reads.
Or doesnt, which seems to be the issue here.
People laiughed at Reagan because he got his in a TV news format. Seemed to work just fine though.

Well, no. That's not what "seems to be the issue here", that's just your imagination.
You do know that before GWB, most Presidents didn't require people to come in and read their reports to them every day.

Obama gets his security briefing like previous, more literate Presidents did - in a daily report that he reads.
If you read something you have no experience with, it behooves you to have people at your elbow to fill in the blanks. OBABBLE done got a shitload of blanks.

It's not the 80s anymore. People don't have to be "at your elbow" to fill in the blanks. Obama communicates with his national security apparatus every day - the fact that he doesn't require someone to come in and read his briefings to him isn't the scandal that you're hoping for.
You do know that before GWB, most Presidents didn't require people to come in and read their reports to them every day.

Obama gets his security briefing like previous, more literate Presidents did - in a daily report that he reads.
If you read something you have no experience with, it behooves you to have people at your elbow to fill in the blanks. OBABBLE done got a shitload of blanks.

It's not the 80s anymore. People don't have to be "at your elbow" to fill in the blanks. Obama communicates with his national security apparatus every day - the fact that he doesn't require someone to come in and read his briefings to him isn't the scandal that you're hoping for.
OBABBLE doesn't know his ass from his elbow. They don't read to him...they explain what the words mean.
You do know that before GWB, most Presidents didn't require people to come in and read their reports to them every day.

Obama gets his security briefing like previous, more literate Presidents did - in a daily report that he reads.
If you read something you have no experience with, it behooves you to have people at your elbow to fill in the blanks. OBABBLE done got a shitload of blanks.

It's not the 80s anymore. People don't have to be "at your elbow" to fill in the blanks. Obama communicates with his national security apparatus every day - the fact that he doesn't require someone to come in and read his briefings to him isn't the scandal that you're hoping for.
Can Obama read it if it's not on a teleprompter?
So why then if Obama is the "smartest" president ever did he blame during
" during Sunday's '60 Minutes' program that his Director of National Intelligence had conceded he underestimated ISIS
But the administration aide insisted that Obama's advisers gave him actionable information that sat and gathered dust for more than a year
'He knew what was at stake,' the aide said of the president, and 'he knew where all the moving pieces were'
Obama takes daily intelligence briefings in writing, he explained, because no one will be able to testify about warning the president in person about threats that the White House doesn't act on
Obama has had accurate intelligence about ISIS since BEFORE the 2012 election says administration insider Daily Mail Online
Does that answer WHY he didn't get his briefings orally? He can cast blame once again on everyone else!
Come on Obamatrons... whether he read or was read to is not important... taking actions are and Obama didn't take any because frankly he doesn't know what to do!

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