We don't need wingtip cowboys: Stop playing politics with Libyan attacks

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
"We don't need wingtip cowboys. We don't need shoot-from-the-hip diplomacy. And when Mitt Romney first responded to what was going on in Libya, his own party called him out for insensitivity. He has done nothing but politicize this issue, when what we need to do is find out what happened, and do that as Americans, not as Democrats and Republicans."

Read more: Gibbs: Stop playing politics with Libyan attacks - Washington Times Gibbs: Stop playing politics with Libyan attacks - Washington Times
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man up and admit Obama was wrong. Can you imagine the bloody screams that would be happening if this was under bush. Katrina was dogging him to his end days and Obama has gotten away with so much worse that HE personally had control of.
The father of Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya who was killed in the attack in Benghazi last month, said his son’s death shouldn’t be politicized in the presidential campaign.

“It would really be abhorrent to make this into a campaign issue,” Jan Stevens, 77, said in a telephone interview from his home in Loomis, California, as he prepares for a memorial service for his son next week.

Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee, has criticized President Barack Obama for not providing adequate security in Libya, saying the administration has left the country exposed to a deadly terrorist attack.

The ambassador’s father, a lawyer, said politicians should await the findings of a formal investigation before making accusations or judgments.

“The security matters are being adequately investigated,” Stevens said. “We don’t pretend to be experts in security. It has to be objectively examined. That’s where it belongs. It does not belong in the campaign arena.” Stevens said he has been getting briefings from the State Department on the progress of the investigation.

Libyan Ambassador
and hes right and if the president took responsiblity like a man all this would be behind him and hed be on better ground. No, he had to lie to the people and worse he was caught.
and hes right and if the president took responsiblity like a man all this would be behind him and hed be on better ground. No, he had to lie to the people and worse he was caught.

The President lied?



What do you call going on in front of the American people saying it's a protest only to be caught red handed?

Must be nice to have no honor. LOL.
and hes right and if the president took responsiblity like a man all this would be behind him and hed be on better ground. No, he had to lie to the people and worse he was caught.

The President lied?



What do you call going on in front of the American people saying it's a protest only to be caught red handed?

Must be nice to have no honor. LOL.

or pride, dignity, confidence, ethics, all that stuff.
No one is politicizing the deaths, what is being politicized is the gross incompetence of the Maobama regime. Their total lack of communication, their disregard for request for additional security, in the name of normalizing activity in and around the consulate. These are questions the administration should and will eventually have to answer. It reflects directly on his ability to lead and take responsibility for his administration, and voters have a right to those answers.
No one is politicizing the deaths, what is being politicized is the gross incompetence of the Maobama regime. Their total lack of communication, their disregard for request for additional security, in the name of normalizing activity in and around the consulate. These are questions the administration should and will eventually have to answer. It reflects directly on his ability to lead and take responsibility for his administration, and voters have a right to those answers.

The American people should shoulder the blame. They put him in the White House. Stop blaming Obama.
No one is politicizing the deaths, what is being politicized is the gross incompetence of the Maobama regime. Their total lack of communication, their disregard for request for additional security, in the name of normalizing activity in and around the consulate. These are questions the administration should and will eventually have to answer. It reflects directly on his ability to lead and take responsibility for his administration, and voters have a right to those answers.

The American people should shoulder the blame. They put him in the White House. Stop blaming Obama.

Guess you've never been in the military, a commander is responsible for EVERYTHING that happens or doesn't happen on his watch. Exactly what exempts Maobama from that concept?
No one is politicizing the deaths, what is being politicized is the gross incompetence of the Maobama regime. Their total lack of communication, their disregard for request for additional security, in the name of normalizing activity in and around the consulate. These are questions the administration should and will eventually have to answer. It reflects directly on his ability to lead and take responsibility for his administration, and voters have a right to those answers.

The American people should shoulder the blame. They put him in the White House. Stop blaming Obama.

Guess you've never been in the military, a commander is responsible for EVERYTHING that happens or doesn't happen on his watch. Exactly what exempts Maobama from that concept?

Soldiers are excused. It's the damned fools - who elected Obama and put him in power - who should take the blame.
The American people should shoulder the blame. They put him in the White House. Stop blaming Obama.

Guess you've never been in the military, a commander is responsible for EVERYTHING that happens or doesn't happen on his watch. Exactly what exempts Maobama from that concept?

Soldiers are excused. It's the damned fools - who elected Obama and put him in power - who should take the blame.

You can't include me in that equation, I didn't vote for the SOB.
Guess you've never been in the military, a commander is responsible for EVERYTHING that happens or doesn't happen on his watch. Exactly what exempts Maobama from that concept?

Soldiers are excused. It's the damned fools - who elected Obama and put him in power - who should take the blame.

You can't include me in that equation, I didn't vote for the SOB.

Ok, then. Let's get this country back from them sonabitches.
"We don't need wingtip cowboys. We don't need shoot-from-the-hip diplomacy. And when Mitt Romney first responded to what was going on in Libya, his own party called him out for insensitivity. He has done nothing but politicize this issue, when what we need to do is find out what happened, and do that as Americans, not as Democrats and Republicans."

Read more: Gibbs: Stop playing politics with Libyan attacks - Washington Times Gibbs: Stop playing politics with Libyan attacks - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

Strange, I don't recall him being upset when people called Bush out on his Iraq and Afghanistan policies. I wonder what changed.

I know, he works for Obama now.
Seriously, Dante, why do you have so little honor that you have to cover Obama's ass? You seriously think that Romney is going to take SSi, Medicare away. :badgrin: I somehow seriously doubt it.

Stop defending the liar and snake.

LOL I know....

Just like all we heard when Obama got elected was how he was going to destroy the 2nd Amendment or a civil war would break out....
The father of Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya who was killed in the attack in Benghazi last month, said his son’s death shouldn’t be politicized in the presidential campaign.

“It would really be abhorrent to make this into a campaign issue,” Jan Stevens, 77, said in a telephone interview from his home in Loomis, California, as he prepares for a memorial service for his son next week.

The ambassador&#8217;s father, a lawyer, said politicians should await the findings of a formal investigation before making accusations or judgments. <snip>

There is a possibility there are other reasons Mr Stevens' father is making these statements.

"Jan S. Stevens, a Yolo County Superior Court judge, Davis City Councilman and California Assistant Attorney General"
I also wonder why the media neglected Mr Stevens' true bio.
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