We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Dorsen, 8 and Monica, 4 are two of the 40,000 children working daily in the mines, searching rocks for cobalt.

Child miners aged four at Congo cobalt mine | Daily Mail Online

Funny how the Left are never concerned about the results of their agendas, especially the human cost.
Dorsen, 8 and Monica, 4 are two of the 40,000 children working daily in the mines, searching rocks for cobalt.
View attachment 234124

Child miners aged four at Congo cobalt mine | Daily Mail Online

Funny how the Left are never concerned about the results of their agendas, especially the human cost.
I've got an idea--why don't you go have a talk with the Congolese and explain to them that 4 year olds can't work in the mines?
I don't know if you own an oil well, or what, but electric cars are going to be the norm in twenty years. They've got to put some sort of noise maker on them though. You could get run over mighty quick by one. They're totally silent.
The dirty little secret of the Enviro Nazis is that EV's get charged by COAL, and batteries are very environmentally, and socially UNFRIENDLY. It is just part of the big SCAM of carbon, and man made climate change. It is all about money.
Dorsen, 8 and Monica, 4 are two of the 40,000 children working daily in the mines, searching rocks for cobalt.
View attachment 234124

Child miners aged four at Congo cobalt mine | Daily Mail Online

Funny how the Left are never concerned about the results of their agendas, especially the human cost.
I've got an idea--why don't you go have a talk with the Congolese and explain to them that 4 year olds can't work in the mines?
I don't know if you own an oil well, or what, but electric cars are going to be the norm in twenty years. They've got to put some sort of noise maker on them though. You could get run over mighty quick by one. They're totally silent.

The left wants electric cars which will are and will primarily be powered by coal powered electric plants too funny.. Why don't you skip the middle man and advocate for a return to coal driven steam powered engines.
Dorsen, 8 and Monica, 4 are two of the 40,000 children working daily in the mines, searching rocks for cobalt.
View attachment 234124

Child miners aged four at Congo cobalt mine | Daily Mail Online

Funny how the Left are never concerned about the results of their agendas, especially the human cost.
I've got an idea--why don't you go have a talk with the Congolese and explain to them that 4 year olds can't work in the mines?
I don't know if you own an oil well, or what, but electric cars are going to be the norm in twenty years. They've got to put some sort of noise maker on them though. You could get run over mighty quick by one. They're totally silent.

The left wants electric cars which will are and will primarily be powered by coal powered electric plants too funny.. Why don't you skip the middle man and advocate for a return to coal driven steam powered engines.
I think there is a move toward renewable energy sources for electricity, Donovan. Seems I've heard something about that. And of course, we already have the electricity to charge the batteries. It is a new technology and it will improve, if the Republicans allow it to.
Dorsen, 8 and Monica, 4 are two of the 40,000 children working daily in the mines, searching rocks for cobalt.
View attachment 234124

Child miners aged four at Congo cobalt mine | Daily Mail Online

Funny how the Left are never concerned about the results of their agendas, especially the human cost.
I've got an idea--why don't you go have a talk with the Congolese and explain to them that 4 year olds can't work in the mines?
I don't know if you own an oil well, or what, but electric cars are going to be the norm in twenty years. They've got to put some sort of noise maker on them though. You could get run over mighty quick by one. They're totally silent.
I have an idea - why don’t the enviro Nazis Refuse to buy from any source that uses child labor?
Dorsen, 8 and Monica, 4 are two of the 40,000 children working daily in the mines, searching rocks for cobalt.
View attachment 234124

Child miners aged four at Congo cobalt mine | Daily Mail Online

Funny how the Left are never concerned about the results of their agendas, especially the human cost.
I've got an idea--why don't you go have a talk with the Congolese and explain to them that 4 year olds can't work in the mines?
I don't know if you own an oil well, or what, but electric cars are going to be the norm in twenty years. They've got to put some sort of noise maker on them though. You could get run over mighty quick by one. They're totally silent.
I have an idea - why don’t the enviro Nazis Refuse to buy from any source that uses child labor?
That's your excuse today. Sure you don't want to switch to the evils of batteries or the coal powered electric suppliers?
One way or the other, save for some entirely new form of energy, the world will run on carbon emitting sources.
So if we are serious about global warming let's go back to an early nineteenth century life style and live like Benjamin Franklin did.
And that means everyone! Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio, the head of the UN...everybody!
One way or the other, save for some entirely new form of energy, the world will run on carbon emitting sources.
So if we are serious about global warming let's go back to an early nineteenth century life style and live like Benjamin Franklin did.
And that means everyone! Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio, the head of the UN...everybody!

The only thing funnier than watching some douche like Al Gore fly in on his private jet to tell us that we need to stop driving our gas powered cars is watching all the liberal dipshits ooh and ahhh at his brilliance .

Al Gore probably burns more fossil fuels per year than every single poster on this message board combined.
The only thing funnier than watching some douche like Al Gore fly in on his private jet to tell us that we need to stop driving our gas powered cars is watching all the liberal dipshits ooh and ahhh at his brilliance .

Al Gore probably burns more fossil fuels per year than every single poster on this message board combined.
His shopping mall sized home eats up enough energy to run twenty regular sized homes.
If smug self importance and hypocrisy were fuels Gore could fly his private plane forever.
Dorsen, 8 and Monica, 4 are two of the 40,000 children working daily in the mines, searching rocks for cobalt.
View attachment 234124

Child miners aged four at Congo cobalt mine | Daily Mail Online

Funny how the Left are never concerned about the results of their agendas, especially the human cost.
I've got an idea--why don't you go have a talk with the Congolese and explain to them that 4 year olds can't work in the mines?
I don't know if you own an oil well, or what, but electric cars are going to be the norm in twenty years. They've got to put some sort of noise maker on them though. You could get run over mighty quick by one. They're totally silent.
Maybe electronic cars will be, maybe not...
But they certainly are not reliable, economical or feasible in any form right now, there is no reason to force them on people.
Oil and Natural gas is so plentiful in the U.S. and we are finding more all the time. That is a RENEWABLE resource. Wind, and solar are a joke. They are expensive, inefficient, and very small in percentage of power supplied. We can not rely on them. The world runs on fossil fuel, and most products made have an oil component to them, not just the energy it takes to make them. Plastic is mostly OIL.
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Green shit is soooooo emotional for left loons....then this tidbit comes out and they sit there all sheepish and shit.
Green shit is soooooo emotional for left loons....then this tidbit comes out and they sit there all sheepish and shit.

Everything they say, do, or think is to advance the far left Progressive narrative. If something doesn't do that, even if it could be a real issue that an actual thinking liberal would care about, they won't address it unless it advances the narrative.

Just like Black conservatives. They are demonized because they don't buy into the victimization narrative, and therefore are not a useful tool for the Left.
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Dorsen, 8 and Monica, 4 are two of the 40,000 children working daily in the mines, searching rocks for cobalt.
View attachment 234124

Child miners aged four at Congo cobalt mine | Daily Mail Online

Funny how the Left are never concerned about the results of their agendas, especially the human cost.
I've got an idea--why don't you go have a talk with the Congolese and explain to them that 4 year olds can't work in the mines?
I don't know if you own an oil well, or what, but electric cars are going to be the norm in twenty years. They've got to put some sort of noise maker on them though. You could get run over mighty quick by one. They're totally silent.
I have an idea - why don’t the enviro Nazis Refuse to buy from any source that uses child labor?
That's your excuse today. Sure you don't want to switch to the evils of batteries or the coal powered electric suppliers?
Justifying child slavery, how Leftist of you.

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