we are raising an awesome group of ypung women these days

They need to save their money for abortions and birth control, so they can fuck indiscriminately! Get your priorities straight!
No, the difference is I don't see whether or not a woman uses makeup as the definition of WHO SHE IS. I don't care if girls wear it or not, their choice, there's good reasons to not wear, or wear it. I'm not going to tell them they're "brave" based on their choice...it's idiotic. It essentially is telling them they are defined by their faces.

It's completely moronic.
If no one in society wore makeup women would be just fine.

they would not want to wear it.

You see all it is is an attempt to sell needless crap
They program YOUNG girls to think they are not women UNLESS they paint their fac=e with expansive crap.

That is NOT building ANYONES self esteme
Telling young women that something is WRONG with their face and they have to cover it up with smears of chemical crap is NOT good for female children
why are boys not compelled to "FIX" their faces?

No one has to compel us, it comes naturally. We get started young.......


Makeup is a stupid social tradition with NO redeeming qualities
Its pure commercialism and that is all

Human beings, men and women, have been painting, tatooing, piercing, and adorning their bodies, top to bottom, since the beginning of humankind. If you don't want to do anything to yours, it's up to you: but I bet you don't walk around nekked, do you. You probably get your hair cut in a nice style and consider, to some extent, how flattering your clothing is; you like to be clean and have white teeth, and use soap and deodorant so you don't smell bad. All of that is the same as make-up: it says you need to do it because you are not good enough au naturale.

If a female child feels she is nothing without make-up, that is down to poor parenting, not to anything else. Companies are in business to make a profit. That does not mean we allow the children we raise to grow up believing they need everything that is advertised and on the market to feel right about themselves.
smearing crap on your face becuase someone says to you " hey you look like shit and you need to hide your face behind some chemicals, here let me sell you some" is pretty lame

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