We are losing our rights.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Sanctuary states/cities without the votes of the people in that state; trying to take away our 2nd amendment rights to bear arms to protect ourselves; no freedom of speech; lockdowns where people go broke; MUST be inocculized (spelling?) before one can buy food/see dr/drive/fly/travel from state to state with PROOF (not yet, but thats coming). I could go on and on and what amazes me are those who are not thinking of these things when they vote for someone who wants to take those rights away...including their own rights.

I am no expert on the constitution or bill of rights but I know it says in there somewhere that IF those in power try to circumvent the constitution/bill of rights/declaration of independence, etc...we have the RIGHT and the NEED to protect what our founding fathers wrote for us as guides on keeping us FREE.

We will soon no longer be free.
We will soon no longer be the UNITED states of america.
We will soon be lemmings at the mercy of whomever is in control.
We will soon not be able to protect ourselves.

This is wrong. WRONG. And unless WE do something about it...this is what will happen. But what can we do? I have no idea.
Sanctuary states/cities without the votes of the people in that state; trying to take away our 2nd amendment rights to bear arms to protect ourselves; no freedom of speech; lockdowns where people go broke; MUST be inocculized (spelling?) before one can buy food/see dr/drive/fly/travel from state to state with PROOF (not yet, but thats coming). I could go on and on and what amazes me are those who are not thinking of these things when they vote for someone who wants to take those rights away...including their own rights.

I am no expert on the constitution or bill of rights but I know it says in there somewhere that IF those in power try to circumvent the constitution/bill of rights/declaration of independence, etc...we have the RIGHT and the NEED to protect what our founding fathers wrote for us as guides on keeping us FREE.

We will soon no longer be free.
We will soon no longer be the UNITED states of america.
We will soon be lemmings at the mercy of whomever is in control.
We will soon not be able to protect ourselves.

This is wrong. WRONG. And unless WE do something about it...this is what will happen. But what can we do? I have no idea.
Now for the prog slaves to come in with their memes to insult you. It is just their way...
Whats truly sad is we are allowing it to happen. Fear for our families. Fear of jail. Fear of the powerful. Fear. Same fear that stopped ordinary germans who ignored the gray ashes raining down on them.

We. Are. Allowing. It. To. Happen.

Meanwhile, the dictators decree the rules, but break those same rules themselves. Seems one would see lots of clues with that, but alas...they don't see it.
Whats truly sad is we are allowing it to happen. Fear for our families. Fear of jail. Fear of the powerful. Fear. Same fear that stopped ordinary germans who ignored the gray ashes raining down on them.

We. Are. Allowing. It. To. Happen.

Meanwhile, the dictators decree the rules, but break those same rules themselves. Seems one would see lots of clues with that, but alas...they don't see it.
Gracie it's going to be no big deal, just got to hammer them.

The politicians read these obscure boards
Sanctuary states/cities without the votes of the people in that state; trying to take away our 2nd amendment rights to bear arms to protect ourselves; no freedom of speech; lockdowns where people go broke; MUST be inocculized (spelling?) before one can buy food/see dr/drive/fly/travel from state to state with PROOF (not yet, but thats coming). I could go on and on and what amazes me are those who are not thinking of these things when they vote for someone who wants to take those rights away...including their own rights.

I am no expert on the constitution or bill of rights but I know it says in there somewhere that IF those in power try to circumvent the constitution/bill of rights/declaration of independence, etc...we have the RIGHT and the NEED to protect what our founding fathers wrote for us as guides on keeping us FREE.

We will soon no longer be free.
We will soon no longer be the UNITED states of america.
We will soon be lemmings at the mercy of whomever is in control.
We will soon not be able to protect ourselves.

This is wrong. WRONG. And unless WE do something about it...this is what will happen. But what can we do? I have no idea.

I understand the sentiment Gracie, but really only at arm's length.

Seriously, the farther you get away from the utter shitholes the Progressives have created for themselves, the better everything gets.
They create the problems they complain about, and they do nothing to attempt to fix them other than add more crap to the bill.

They can only survive by increasing their control, and it is human nature to desire freedom.
Those that deny that longing for freedom, in attempts to gain security, have just been domesticated like a pet or farm animal.

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Whats truly sad is we are allowing it to happen. Fear for our families. Fear of jail. Fear of the powerful. Fear. Same fear that stopped ordinary germans who ignored the gray ashes raining down on them.

We. Are. Allowing. It. To. Happen.

Meanwhile, the dictators decree the rules, but break those same rules themselves. Seems one would see lots of clues with that, but alas...they don't see it.
I turned rebel before I had pubes.
Sanctuary states/cities without the votes of the people in that state; trying to take away our 2nd amendment rights to bear arms to protect ourselves; no freedom of speech; lockdowns where people go broke; MUST be inocculized (spelling?) before one can buy food/see dr/drive/fly/travel from state to state with PROOF (not yet, but thats coming). I could go on and on and what amazes me are those who are not thinking of these things when they vote for someone who wants to take those rights away...including their own rights.

I am no expert on the constitution or bill of rights but I know it says in there somewhere that IF those in power try to circumvent the constitution/bill of rights/declaration of independence, etc...we have the RIGHT and the NEED to protect what our founding fathers wrote for us as guides on keeping us FREE.

We will soon no longer be free.
We will soon no longer be the UNITED states of america.
We will soon be lemmings at the mercy of whomever is in control.
We will soon not be able to protect ourselves.

This is wrong. WRONG. And unless WE do something about it...this is what will happen. But what can we do? I have no idea.
“I am no expert on the constitution or bill of rights…”

That’s clearly obvious given how ignorant and ridiculous the thread premise is.

No one is ‘losing’ his rights; indeed, Americans have never been more free and secure in their rights and protected liberties.

The only threat to those rights and protected liberties are the rightwing ideologues on the Supreme Court.
“Sanctuary states/cities without the votes of the people in that state…”

This doesn’t make any sense.

There is no such thing as a ‘sanctuary city.’

In fact, the Constitution prohibits the Federal government from compelling the states and local jurisdictions from enforcing Federal laws – such as immigration law.
Sanctuary states/cities without the votes of the people in that state; trying to take away our 2nd amendment rights to bear arms to protect ourselves; no freedom of speech; lockdowns where people go broke; MUST be inocculized (spelling?) before one can buy food/see dr/drive/fly/travel from state to state with PROOF (not yet, but thats coming). I could go on and on and what amazes me are those who are not thinking of these things when they vote for someone who wants to take those rights away...including their own rights.

I am no expert on the constitution or bill of rights but I know it says in there somewhere that IF those in power try to circumvent the constitution/bill of rights/declaration of independence, etc...we have the RIGHT and the NEED to protect what our founding fathers wrote for us as guides on keeping us FREE.

We will soon no longer be free.
We will soon no longer be the UNITED states of america.
We will soon be lemmings at the mercy of whomever is in control.
We will soon not be able to protect ourselves.

This is wrong. WRONG. And unless WE do something about it...this is what will happen. But what can we do? I have no idea.
“I am no expert on the constitution or bill of rights…”

That’s clearly obvious given how ignorant and ridiculous the thread premise is.

No one is ‘losing’ his rights; indeed, Americans have never been more free and secure in their rights and protected liberties.

The only threat to those rights and protected liberties are the rightwing ideologues on the Supreme Court.
Go fuck yourself without vaseline so it burns, asswipe. If the thread is ridiculous, obviously you enjoy being ridiculous yourself by participating.
“…trying to take away our 2nd amendment rights to bear arms to protect ourselves…”

This is a lie.

No one is seeking to do any such thing.

Like other rights, the Second Amendment right is neither ‘unlimited’ nor ‘absolute’ – government has the authority to enact firearm regulatory measures, provided those measures conform with Second Amendment jurisprudence.
“I am no expert on the constitution or bill of rights…”

That’s clearly obvious given how ignorant and ridiculous the thread premise is.

No one is ‘losing’ his rights; indeed, Americans have never been more free and secure in their rights and protected liberties.

The only threat to those rights and protected liberties are the rightwing ideologues on the Supreme Court.

My Freedom and Liberty in no way requires your definition of terms, and I am not asking you to agree ... Run along you silly hack.

“…no freedom of speech…”


Again, no right is ‘unlimited’ or ‘absolute’ – government has the authority to place limits and restrictions on speech consistent with First Amendment case law.

And if this is some clumsy reference to internet hosting sites such as FB and Twitter, wrong again; the right to free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or private entities.

That FB or Twitter might edit to remove rightwing hate speech in no manner ‘violates’ the free speech rights of conservatives.
I'm sad. I'm disgusted. I'm fearful of the future. I'm angry. Fuck spelling correctly. I got the drift across.
I helped the Cinese communist by eating at a Chinese buffet tonight. But I did eat with my 9mm in an ankle holster. I never did get a chance to shoot any communist.
Yeah. Here in Oregon, the state patrol has been nationalized since summer. Our firefighting helicopters got deployed to Afghanistan right before the worst fire season in a century. These are Declaration of Independence type gripes. If you are just sad because the gym is closed, it's time to put up your big-girl pants and deal with it.
Sanctuary states/cities without the votes of the people in that state; trying to take away our 2nd amendment rights to bear arms to protect ourselves; no freedom of speech; lockdowns where people go broke; MUST be inocculized (spelling?) before one can buy food/see dr/drive/fly/travel from state to state with PROOF (not yet, but thats coming). I could go on and on and what amazes me are those who are not thinking of these things when they vote for someone who wants to take those rights away...including their own rights.

I am no expert on the constitution or bill of rights but I know it says in there somewhere that IF those in power try to circumvent the constitution/bill of rights/declaration of independence, etc...we have the RIGHT and the NEED to protect what our founding fathers wrote for us as guides on keeping us FREE.

We will soon no longer be free.
We will soon no longer be the UNITED states of america.
We will soon be lemmings at the mercy of whomever is in control.
We will soon not be able to protect ourselves.

This is wrong. WRONG. And unless WE do something about it...this is what will happen. But what can we do? I have no idea.
“I am no expert on the constitution or bill of rights…”

That’s clearly obvious given how ignorant and ridiculous the thread premise is.

No one is ‘losing’ his rights; indeed, Americans have never been more free and secure in their rights and protected liberties.

The only threat to those rights and protected liberties are the rightwing ideologues on the Supreme Court.
Every day is Opposite Day to you, isn't it?
“…lockdowns where people go broke; MUST be inocculized (spelling?) before one can buy food/see dr/drive/fly/travel from state to state with PROOF (not yet, but thats coming).”

This fails as a slippery slope fallacy; nothing but baseless demagoguery.

There are no ‘lockdowns’ – during this entire pandemic Americans have been free to leave their homes, move about their cities and towns, and travel from state to state.

Moreover, the health and safety guidelines are perfectly appropriate and Constitutional in response to a deadly pandemic that’s taken the lives of over a quarter million Americans.

The right’s unwarranted hostility to the health and safety guidelines has everything to do with partisan politics and nothing to do with the facts and science concerning the pandemic.

Indeed, that so many Americans have died or become ill is because the health and safety guidelines were ignored by both private citizens and Republican elected officials.

Last, Americans are ‘going broke’ because of job losses the consequence of the recession the result of the pandemic, not because of some ‘nefarious plot’ by government, having nothing to do with rights.

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