We are in the midst of the worst drug crisis in American history

We Are In The Midst Of The Worst Drug Crisis In American History

According to the most recent government numbers, 24.6 million Americans have used an illegal drug within the last 30 days.

But that war on drugs really worked bet those gun laws work just as well. Awwww isn't that specail.
We should have learned this lesson from prohibition but just doubled down on it. Now we have more people in prison than any where else, drug gangs with a firm hold, a populace that will not get off the couch, and every one basically pissed at each other. Hell when I try to get people around my city to go do some thing active and get off the couch I find it impossible and it makes me wanna drink or some thing. I can not tell you how much time I spend fishing,hunting and hiking alone when I am stuck in Columbus. I am typicaly stuck all winter. The good news is from april thru november I spend running fishing charters out of port Clinton. I have absolutely zero issues finding people to do active things there. If it were not for this bastion of hope I some times wonder if I would have some sort of problem. My family is well to do financially and it has not stopped the drug issue from hitting where I sleep. I currently support my drug addicted broither. I had just had two good weeks with him where he was clean o9r seemed to be and was out doing things with me again. Then some thing happened on friday and he dissapeared till early sunday morning. Only came back because our parents were in town visiting and we were getting his son for the day. He shows up hours after his ex brings the son and I do not efven know how to describe his behavior. I have never seen a reacttion to a drug like what ever he was on but it was crazy,disturbing, un explainable and it lasted all night. I have not slept a wink. All of this happened in front of our parents. Now my parents stayed and are sitting in my living room in complete silence. We do not know what to say to each other or do. My brother is still asleep at this time of day and I can hear him snore through 3 closed doors.. I fucking kn ew taking a month off of work was a bad idea, hollidays or not. Hell I get bored with two days off in a row. Am I an osterage? Do I stick my head in the sand by working all the time? All I know is I would rather get paid to deal with problems rather than do it for free.

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