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The president signs bills into law.
That's correct, and it is the Congress, namely the House that originates the spending, appropriates the funds, and passes what they want...Then the Senate is supposed to deliberate and come up with what they want to see, and sends it back to the House for the final product. The President, other than lobbying for things has NO Constitutional input into what the House and Senate want him to sign...

Now, it's true that Trump didn't have to sign all the spending, but the way budgets, and spending bills are done today is a blatant rip off of the American people, IMHO...And Republican's have become no better than the Democrats.

These people need to stop with the bloated "comprehensive" bull shit...That's a recipe for throwing away money on frivolous crap that would never pass in a stand alone bill...And the process for passing these things should be adhered to strictly...IOW, a shutdown is not a bad thing...We need bills for spending to be single issue, stand alone bills and MAKE these people do their jobs like they're supposed to...None of this putting something in the bill that the President wants, or needs to save face, along with the myriad of bloated pork that does nothing but put us in debt further....
Actually it is because it is a massive waste of money.
Well, it wouldn't be if the bureaucracy wasn't 1. Unionized to rip off the taxpayer, and 2. wasn't used as a weapon....

Clue for ya....It's the weekend, most of the Government is shutdown right now.... ;)

And, as for "waste of money"? Are you kidding here? Libs don't give two shits how much money is wasted as long as they can spew their false narratives.
And, as for "waste of money"? Are you kidding here? Libs don't give two shits how much money is wasted as long as they can spew their false narratives.

Yet here you are advocating for wasting money...must mean you are a Lib.
These people need to stop with the bloated "comprehensive" bull shit...That's a recipe for throwing away money on frivolous crap that would never pass in a stand alone bill...And the process for passing these things should be adhered to strictly...IOW, a shutdown is not a bad thing...We need bills for spending to be single issue, stand alone bills and MAKE these people do their jobs like they're supposed to...None of this putting something in the bill that the President wants, or needs to save face, along with the myriad of bloated pork that does nothing but put us in debt further....
Cool idea.....you would have thought someone would have come up with it earlier.

Oh wait...I did.

But he did. So he is responsible.

I thought he was the ultimate deal maker....I guess it’s just another massive failure by Mara-Lard-Ass, right?

Let me guess....you’re just fine with the $8T in new debt he authorized....right?
You act like there was no pressure at all in refusing to sign these bills....See, this is what Democrats do...Fill something like a defense bill with bloated spending, then when the President balks at the nonsense, attack him for not passing a defense bill....
Cool idea.....you would have thought someone would have come up with it earlier.

Oh wait...I did.

So, for a moment of clarity, you want a cookie?
LOL....No, claiming it's a waste of money is your claim, not a fact. You should really learn the difference....

When the Govt is shut down, all those employees that are not working still will get their full pay thanks to a law passed by congress.
You act like there was no pressure at all in refusing to sign these bills....
Sure there is...tons of pressure. Just like every other president.

Didn’t you say that your blob was going to be different?
See, this is what Democrats do...Fill something like a defense bill with bloated spending, then when the President balks at the nonsense, attack him for not passing a defense bill....
The democrats have/had a paper thin majority in both houses for 2 years of your blob’s administration. And you’re only blaming the democrats. God damn...at least pretend that you have some sort of tether to reality.

You guys stated that Trump was going to cut spending. He didn’t do it. In fact, he increased it. Just like every other president.

But somehow, you want to keep pretending that your blob was the victim of nefarious legislators.
You act like there was no pressure at all in refusing to sign these bills....See, this is what Democrats do...Fill something like a defense bill with bloated spending, then when the President balks at the nonsense, attack him for not passing a defense bill....

This is why we have 34T in debt, people like you give your side a free pass every time.
When the Govt is shut down, all those employees that are not working still will get their full pay thanks to a law passed by congress.
Yep, and as I said, that’s a part of allowing unionization of government employees. It’s not right. Government employee unions should be dismantled.

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