We are all equal in America. But that is not what the far left believes.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
No man in this country will ever apologize for being what he is. Be proud of who you are.

The far left and the neocons want men to cry all the time, they want white men to feel bad every time they see a black man. they want black men to feel like they’re nothing, and they come from dirt that Africa is a history of nothing. Never mind the glorious Christian history of Africa and Europe that connects us Christians around the world.

Many many men and women around the United States are rejecting the legalization of drugs propped up by politicians ….are now are embracing being healthy, being kind to others, being tolerant, respecting different cultures this all culminates in a rejection of the far left and the neoconservative establishment that we currently have.

The mo boycott of target and Budweiser is the start of something special. It’s the start of the beginning of end of the far left…

Whether it is Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis who takes over a 2024. Just be patient give it a few more months. …Things are going to keep on getting better and before you know it we’re gonna get back to the low interest rates on loans we had under Mr. Trump. Wow looking forward to a great summer. Thanks everyone
No man in this country will ever apologize for being what he is. Be proud of who you are.
And I am damned proud not to be a MAGAt.

The far left and the neocons want men to cry all the time, they want white men to feel bad every time they see a black man. they want black men to feel like they’re nothing, and they come from dirt that Africa is a history of nothing. Never mind the glorious Christian history of Africa and Europe that connects us Christians around the world.
Appears that the tears being shed in this exchange is from you.

Many many men and women around the United States are rejecting the legalization of drugs propped up by politicians ….are now are embracing being healthy, being kind to others, being tolerant, respecting different cultures this all culminates in a rejection of the far left and the neoconservative establishment that we currently have.
Okay, you have IDed a problem now how about a solution and it's ain't a left or right solution. It's an American Solution.

The mo boycott of target and Budweiser is the start of something special. It’s the start of the beginning of end of the far left…

You have one hell of a lot of boycotting yet ahead of you like Walmart, Safeway, Kroger, just to name a few. Now, get busy. It's a National Emergency in your mind.

Whether it is Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis who takes over a 2024. Just be patient give it a few more months. …Things are going to keep on getting better and before you know it we’re gonna get back to the low interest rates on loans we had under Mr. Trump. Wow looking forward to a great summer. Thanks everyone

Rump will be lucky to have his gold crapper and DeMeatball Ron won't get reelected as the governor of FL. You keep trying to hand us losers and insane candidates and then you wonder why you are starting to lose hard. The ONLY reason Biden would even be considered is because of the two "Choices" that you MAGAts are presenting.
And I am damned proud not to be a MAGAt.

Appears that the tears being shed in this exchange is from you.

Okay, you have IDed a problem now how about a solution and it's ain't a left or right solution. It's an American Solution.

You have one hell of a lot of boycotting yet ahead of you like Walmart, Safeway, Kroger, just to name a few. Now, get busy. It's a National Emergency in your mind.

Rump will be lucky to have his gold crapper and DeMeatball Ron won't get reelected as the governor of FL. You keep trying to hand us losers and insane candidates and then you wonder why you are starting to lose hard. The ONLY reason Biden would even be considered is because of the two "Choices" that you MAGAts are presenting.
OK easy brother. Easy response here.our economy was way better under Mr. Trump. It’s the Democrats who are leading our government today . They’re the ones who are supposed to figure things out. And they’re failing miserably. They are the ones saying “men can get pregnant”. Not me not you I hope.

Identify the problem is easy. It’s the Democrats and their neoconservative Ally’s that are the problem. They lie every day. They’re all about money and power. It’s basically like the matrix for sure. They’re telling you things that are insane like men can get pregnant, they’re telling you to get a dog don’t have kids because you can’t afford kids because of the economy

The solution is to bring back Donald Trump. That’s at least one solution.

The good news is that Twitter and YouTube are opening up more free speech. This hopefully will help us with our economy in some way shape or form…

“equity” laws are currently propped up by Democrats and their Republicans allies… its part of the reason why we have a bad economy. People are waking up and seeing this. Do you want a solution get rid of racist equity laws.
OK easy brother. Easy response here.our economy was way better under Mr. Trump. It’s the Democrats who are leading our government today . They’re the ones who are supposed to figure things out. And they’re failing miserably. They are the ones saying “men can get pregnant”. Not me not you I hope.

Identify the problem is easy. It’s the Democrats and their neoconservative Ally’s that are the problem. They lie every day. They’re all about money and power. It’s basically like the matrix for sure. They’re telling you things that are insane like men can get pregnant, they’re telling you to get a dog don’t have kids because you can’t afford kids because of the economy

The solution is to bring back Donald Trump. That’s at least one solution.

The good news is that Twitter and YouTube are opening up more free speech. This hopefully will help us with our economy in some way shape or form…

“equity” laws are currently propped up by Democrats and their Republicans allies… its part of the reason why we have a bad economy. People are waking up and seeing this. Do you want a solution get rid of racist equity laws.
You musta missed 2020 and Trump's economy it s-u-c-k-e-d yugely!
OK easy brother. Easy response here.our economy was way better under Mr. Trump. It’s the Democrats who are leading our government today . They’re the ones who are supposed to figure things out. And they’re failing miserably. They are the ones saying “men can get pregnant”. Not me not you I hope.
You are wrong on so many levels. There are many reasons that Rump was sent packing in Nov 2020. The Economy was just one of them. It sucked a bigly one. Not to mention, that was about the time he started to paraphrase Mussolini and still does today. "I AM THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN SAVE YOU". Before Jan6, Rump had already accomplished filling in 13 out of the 14 steps of full blown Fascism. But we can't fool the voters who rejected him in 2020.

Identify the problem is easy. It’s the Democrats and their neoconservative Ally’s that are the problem. They lie every day. They’re all about money and power. It’s basically like the matrix for sure. They’re telling you things that are insane like men can get pregnant, they’re telling you to get a dog don’t have kids because you can’t afford kids because of the economy

You are wrong. It's physically and scientifically possible for a man to accept an early development embryos or fetuses. It's done once in awhile for women with a lot less body changes but it can be done.

The solution is to bring back Donald Trump. That’s at least one solution.

With him going into a complete dictator mode, one small solution doesn't override all the negatives.

The good news is that Twitter and YouTube are opening up more free speech. This hopefully will help us with our economy in some way shape or form…

“equity” laws are currently propped up by Democrats and their Republicans allies… its part of the reason why we have a bad economy. People are waking up and seeing this. Do you want a solution get rid of racist equity laws.

Step one, get rid of the tax breaks for the ultra rich and get rid of those politicians that keep trying to block it.
No man in this country will ever apologize for being what he is. Be proud of who you are.

The far left and the neocons want men to cry all the time, they want white men to feel bad every time they see a black man. they want black men to feel like they’re nothing, and they come from dirt that Africa is a history of nothing. Never mind the glorious Christian history of Africa and Europe that connects us Christians around the world.

Many many men and women around the United States are rejecting the legalization of drugs propped up by politicians ….are now are embracing being healthy, being kind to others, being tolerant, respecting different cultures this all culminates in a rejection of the far left and the neoconservative establishment that we currently have.

The mo boycott of target and Budweiser is the start of something special. It’s the start of the beginning of end of the far left…

Whether it is Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis who takes over a 2024. Just be patient give it a few more months. …Things are going to keep on getting better and before you know it we’re gonna get back to the low interest rates on loans we had under Mr. Trump. Wow looking forward to a great summer. Thanks everyone
Unfortunately many Republicans just are blind to the writing on the wall. Times are changing. Progressiveness is in and conservativism is dying. The change is a very good thing in my opinion too, conservatives have ruined this country far too long. Biden will make things even better during his 2nd 4 year term.
Unfortunately many Republicans just are blind to the writing on the wall. Times are changing. Progressiveness is in and conservativism is dying. The change is a very good thing in my opinion too, conservatives have ruined this country far too long. Biden will make things even better during his 2nd 4 year term.
Well, there’s nothing to discuss with people who thinks it’s funny or disagree that people are born equally.

This is not a winning formula for the far left. They can’t ever expect another grown man to say they were born privileged based on my skin color. No man could ever look his son in the face after something like that.
Unfortunately many Republicans just are blind to the writing on the wall. Times are changing. Progressiveness is in and conservativism is dying. The change is a very good thing in my opinion too, conservatives have ruined this country far too long. Biden will make things even better during his 2nd 4 year term.
we have millionaires telling black men and white men in this country to feel bad about themselves. That’s their formula. Anyway, anyone looks at it it’s a losing formula.

I go by the facts of history, Africans and Europeans built empires. It’s about mutual respect and we don’t see mutual respect from the mass media, and from many of the establishment Democrats and Republicans..
You are wrong on so many levels. There are many reasons that Rump was sent packing in Nov 2020. The Economy was just one of them. It sucked a bigly one. Not to mention, that was about the time he started to paraphrase Mussolini and still does today. "I AM THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN SAVE YOU". Before Jan6, Rump had already accomplished filling in 13 out of the 14 steps of full blown Fascism. But we can't fool the voters who rejected him in 2020.

You are wrong. It's physically and scientifically possible for a man to accept an early development embryos or fetuses. It's done once in awhile for women with a lot less body changes but it can be done.

With him going into a complete dictator mode, one small solution doesn't override all the negatives.

Step one, get rid of the tax breaks for the ultra rich and get rid of those politicians that keep trying to block it.
Ok pal men can get pregnant.

The home interest rates at tripled since Joe Biden took office. That tells you everything brother. Joe, Biden, and his administration prop up racist job policies that hurt our economy. They prop up “equity” laws.

All the stuff about Trump being Mussolini is a smokescreen. You have black and white politicians saying people are born privileged based on their skin color.

Your average American on the street whether black or white doesn’t give a darn about Black Lives Matter because Black Lives Matter doesn’t give a darn about any working class people. They’re thieves. And you have these rich white men and Black men who claim to support Black people, but don’t do anything for them …They’re building Kentucky fried chickens bringing in more McDonald’s and Burger Kings to inner cities , legalizing drugs all over the place. Sorry that’s not a winning formula that’s for losers.

American society is filled with winners. We are in the midst of a great summer and just give it some more time. The Democrats are going to lose in 2024. Maybe Robert F Kennedy junior will make some ground. That would be a good thing he’s a good Democrat. But right now many democrats, and their neoconservative Allies have wrecked our economy and we’re trying to pick up the pieces and build things back up which we will it’ll take time but we will.

One cannot make the claim Trump wrecked the economy. It makes literally no sense. Prices were lower under Trump, people were friendlier. And now we have the inflation problem, but we will get through it.
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We are not all equal. No one in the world is equal. Never has been. Never will be. And that's what most people will never understand or accept. Thousands and thousands of years ago allover the world till right now we have never been equal. It's impossible.

People have to accept what and who they are and accept your limitations. People forget one day we will all be dead and none of this will matter anyway.

Is the down syndrome kid that works at the McDonald's near me my equal? No. Am I Elon musks equal? Not even close. Different people have different levels of potential in life. The idea "every child can be anything they want" is a uplifting and positive lie. Can every person be a neru surgeon? Hell no.

But that's how the world has always worked. There are very few at the top, a decent chunk at the bottom, and the vast majority of people are in the middle. The people in the middle represent the overall peak of human capacity because there are so many of them, the few at the top represent the exceptional human, and people at the bottom represent our potential of lacking.

I accept what I am. I'm in the upper 40% of the middle. I'm a building guy, I'm nothing special at work but I understand a lot of things, I work hard, I only have 1 acre my house is on but I like it. I'm content with who I am, what I can do and what I have. Sure more is nice but I don't need it. There are a shitload of people who have way way way more than I ever will but I don't care because I don't have the potential to be Elon musk or Jeff bezos, I'm not cut from the same cloth.

Inequality is what has advanced us as a species. If everyone was perfectly equal, why would anyone want to advance or progress or create or try to earn money by trying to do something new or better? We would all stagnate. Inequality is what motivates us to be better and do better.
Ok pal men can get pregnant.

The home interest rates at tripled since Joe Biden took office. That tells you everything brother. Joe, Biden, and his administration prop up racist job policies that hurt our economy. They prop up “equity” laws.

All the stuff about Trump being Mussolini is a smokescreen. You have black and white politicians saying people are born privileged based on their skin color.

Your average American on the street whether black or white doesn’t give a darn about Black Lives Matter because Black Lives Matter doesn’t give a darn about any working class people. They’re thieves. And you have these rich white men and Black men who claim to support Black people, but don’t do anything for them …They’re building Kentucky fried chickens bringing in more McDonald’s and Burger Kings to inner cities , legalizing drugs all over the place. Sorry that’s not a winning formula that’s for losers.

American society is filled with winners. We are in the midst of a great summer and just give it some more time. The Democrats are going to lose in 2024. Maybe Robert F Kennedy junior will make some ground. That would be a good thing he’s a good Democrat. But right now many democrats, and their neoconservative Allies have wrecked our economy and we’re trying to pick up the pieces and build things back up which we will it’ll take time but we will.

One cannot make the claim Trump wrecked the economy. It makes literally no sense. Prices were lower under Trump, people were friendlier. And now we have the inflation problem, but we will get through it.
You apparently live in a completely different reality than most. :rolleyes: Your opinions are pulled straight from the media. Cult.
The far left and the neocons want men to cry all the time, they want white men to feel bad every time they see a black man. they want black men to feel like they’re nothing, and they come from dirt that Africa is a history of nothing. Never mind the glorious Christian history of Africa and Europe that connects us Christians around the world.
Horse shit. Jesus what a load of shit

And oh yea..."Christian history" in Africa was pretty horrific...for Africans
Well, there’s nothing to discuss with people who thinks it’s funny or disagree that people are born equally.

This is not a winning formula for the far left. They can’t ever expect another grown man to say they were born privileged based on my skin color. No man could ever look his son in the face after something like that.
I'm a man.
Played football
Served in the military
Proud republican from 1973 to 1998
Not so proud Republican since.

I was born white where being born white is the equivalent of being gifted 2nd base.
I was born damned dirt poor in a coal mining family. but I was born White.

In this country the only thing better than being born white is to be born rich. Even than, white rich is way better than Black rich.

You intentionally delude yourself.
We are not all equal. No one in the world is equal. Never has been. Never will be. And that's what most people will never understand or accept. Thousands and thousands of years ago allover the world till right now we have never been equal. It's impossible.

People have to accept what and who they are and accept your limitations. People forget one day we will all be dead and none of this will matter anyway.

Is the down syndrome kid that works at the McDonald's near me my equal? No. Am I Elon musks equal? Not even close. Different people have different levels of potential in life. The idea "every child can be anything they want" is a uplifting and positive lie. Can every person be a neru surgeon? Hell no.

But that's how the world has always worked. There are very few at the top, a decent chunk at the bottom, and the vast majority of people are in the middle. The people in the middle represent the overall peak of human capacity because there are so many of them, the few at the top represent the exceptional human, and people at the bottom represent our potential of lacking.

I accept what I am. I'm in the upper 40% of the middle. I'm a building guy, I'm nothing special at work but I understand a lot of things, I work hard, I only have 1 acre my house is on but I like it. I'm content with who I am, what I can do and what I have. Sure more is nice but I don't need it. There are a shitload of people who have way way way more than I ever will but I don't care because I don't have the potential to be Elon musk or Jeff bezos, I'm not cut from the same cloth.

Inequality is what has advanced us as a species. If everyone was perfectly equal, why would anyone want to advance or progress or create or try to earn money by trying to do something new or better? We would all stagnate. Inequality is what motivates us to be better and do better.
You think Donald Trump represents the peak of humanity?
With all due respect...
Ok pal men can get pregnant.

The home interest rates at tripled since Joe Biden took office. That tells you everything brother. Joe, Biden, and his administration prop up racist job policies that hurt our economy. They prop up “equity” laws.

All the stuff about Trump being Mussolini is a smokescreen. You have black and white politicians saying people are born privileged based on their skin color.

Your average American on the street whether black or white doesn’t give a darn about Black Lives Matter because Black Lives Matter doesn’t give a darn about any working class people. They’re thieves. And you have these rich white men and Black men who claim to support Black people, but don’t do anything for them …They’re building Kentucky fried chickens bringing in more McDonald’s and Burger Kings to inner cities , legalizing drugs all over the place. Sorry that’s not a winning formula that’s for losers.

American society is filled with winners. We are in the midst of a great summer and just give it some more time. The Democrats are going to lose in 2024. Maybe Robert F Kennedy junior will make some ground. That would be a good thing he’s a good Democrat. But right now many democrats, and their neoconservative Allies have wrecked our economy and we’re trying to pick up the pieces and build things back up which we will it’ll take time but we will.

One cannot make the claim Trump wrecked the economy. It makes literally no sense. Prices were lower under Trump, people were friendlier. And now we have the inflation problem, but we will get through it.

Sane People just can't have a meaningful discussion with you MAGAts. The only alternative to reality is for us to move off. Say goodnight, Gracie.
I'm a man.
Played football
Served in the military
Proud republican from 1973 to 1998
Not so proud Republican since.

I was born white where being born white is the equivalent of being gifted 2nd base.
I was born damned dirt poor in a coal mining family. but I was born White.

In this country the only thing better than being born white is to be born rich. Even than, white rich is way better than Black rich.

You intentionally delude yourself.
The VP woman for beer, the titanic women. Part of millions of woke ladies hired and with egos and attitudes in a declining nation. Delusion is a word for survival. We are done.
I'm a man.
Played football
Served in the military
Proud republican from 1973 to 1998
Not so proud Republican since.

I was born white where being born white is the equivalent of being gifted 2nd base.
I was born damned dirt poor in a coal mining family. but I was born White.

In this country the only thing better than being born white is to be born rich. Even than, white rich is way better than Black rich.

You intentionally delude yourself.

I’m disabled I am at a disadvantage. And I thank God I am confident and that I don’t go around like a little bitch like these BLM leaders do complaining about things when they are physically healthy, and multi millionaires.

I don’t go around demanding that every single American put up a flags saying “disabled lives matter.” or “handicapped, lives matter”.

When I hear somebody like you say “but I was born white” .

You’re not disabled !!! You don’t have cancer !! There are many white people who are dying of cancer, who have no money to their name. So you just said you’re born white Noser you were born with an able-bodied, sir. Go to a white man who can’t even produce children. Why don’t you go talk to a white man who is unable to have children. !!!!


You’re another healthy able-bodied American.

Learn a lesson from this post, because you have an evil ideology and no man no white man or black man of honor would agree with your racist ideology … No man in this country is ever going to look their son in the eye, and say “son you’re born privileged based on your skin color. “

I gotta disagree with you, big-time not just me brother you just said you’re born at second base. No sir no sir. Let’s just go back a bit. The only people in this country born with a disadvantage are those born with a disability. Or those who currently are living in a wheelchair right now or with cancer. It is disgusting and brutally offensive and an outrage to the disabled people of America when they hear some rich millionaire white or black man say that people have it bad in America based on their skin color. It really is unfortunate. This has nothing to do with you. You’re not the problem. The problem are the black men and white men who are multimillionaires and who support Black Lives Matter. They don’t give one shit about you or any white man or black man in the middle class.

Every person who wants supported BLM to get on their knees and ask forgiveness from those in this country who are truly suffering. Do they know what it’s like to have a catheter up your dick for 40 days. Do they actually know what it’s like to not even be able to use the darn bathroom !!!!

Thankfully, the far left ideology is on the way out. This is the beginning of the end for the far left in for Black Lives Matter. It’s an embarrassment Black Lives Matter is an embarrassment to Africa. No white man or black man in this country should ever feel bad about themselves, or should feel that they were born on second base or ahead of the game because of their skin color. That’s a horrible way to live.

People should be positive. Love God, support equality stand against injustice
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Sane People just can't have a meaningful discussion with you MAGAts. The only alternative to reality is for us to move off. Say goodnight, Gracie.
I’m ready to have a conversation you’re not by what you’re saying

I’m a democrat 1950s style John F. Kennedy

But if you can’t agree to basic principles such as the fact that physically disabled people are at a much more disadvantage compared to able-bodied people… I don’t think we have anything to talk about so I can only hope that you change your ways

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