We are a nation of laws......


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
The recent 9th circuit appellate decision confirms that tenet.....Mindful that the district court decision was by a judge appointed by a republican....and the appellate decision ALSO had a judge appointed by a republican.......Ergo, Trump's inane comment that the decisions are "all political" is as stupid as most of the comments he tweets.

We are NOT a nation of right wingers interpreting the Constitution as they want it to mean.

We are NOT a nation of ignorant presidents who learn their legal precepts from watching episodes of Law & Order ....

We are NOT a nation that supports xenophobia, torturing and misogynistic policies because some clowns tell us that otherwise we should live in fear.

The "emperor's new clothes" are being exposed.
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The recent 9th circuit appellate decision confirms that tenet.....Mindful that the district court decision was by a judge appointed by a republican....and the appellate decision ALSO had a judge appointed by a republican.......Ergo, Trump's inane comment that the decisions are "all political" is as stupid as most of the comments he tweets.

We are NOT a nation of right wingers interpreting the Constitution as they want it to mean.

We are NOT a nation of ignorant presidents who learn their legal precepts from watching episodes of Law & Order ....

We are NOT a nation that supports xenophobia, torturing and misogynistic policies because was clowns tell us that otherwise we should live in fear.

The "emperor's new clothes" are being exposed.

You are correct.

We are nation of laws.

And we are nation of people who fight to have the Constitution interpreted the way we want it.

And we can be a nation that support xenophobia, sexist, and racist policies (look at affirmative action......BTW: We didn't vote against Obama because he was black....we voted against him because he was a bad candidate. The left voted for him because he was black. And they call conservatives racist).

So you might want to wake up to what we have been and what we are.
It was purely political, they based their ruling off of his campaign rhetoric and not national security

The recent 9th circuit appellate decision confirms that tenet.....Mindful that the district court decision was by a judge appointed by a republican....and the appellate decision ALSO had a judge appointed by a republican.......Ergo, Trump's inane comment that the decisions are "all political" is as stupid as most of the comments he tweets.

We are NOT a nation of right wingers interpreting the Constitution as they want it to mean.

We are NOT a nation of ignorant presidents who learn their legal precepts from watching episodes of Law & Order ....

We are NOT a nation that supports xenophobia, torturing and misogynistic policies because was clowns tell us that otherwise we should live in fear.

The "emperor's new clothes" are being exposed.

And if it is overturned, will you still believe we are a nation of laws?

The recent 9th circuit appellate decision confirms that tenet.....Mindful that the district court decision was by a judge appointed by a republican....and the appellate decision ALSO had a judge appointed by a republican.......Ergo, Trump's inane comment that the decisions are "all political" is as stupid as most of the comments he tweets.

We are NOT a nation of right wingers interpreting the Constitution as they want it to mean.

We are NOT a nation of ignorant presidents who learn their legal precepts from watching episodes of Law & Order ....

We are NOT a nation that supports xenophobia, torturing and misogynistic policies because was clowns tell us that otherwise we should live in fear.

The "emperor's new clothes" are being exposed.

We are a Nation of Laws. You Left out Immigration Laws. You have just been exposed.
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It was purely political, they based their ruling off of his campaign rhetoric and not national security

Moron, when Obama issued his ban on NEW visas to Iraqi that was based on a national security risk........Trump's moronic order was based on some nightmare he must have had roaming the halls of the WH residence.

(for her sake, good thing that Melania no longer sleeps with him.)
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And if it is overturned, will you still believe we are a nation of laws?

Certainly....I may not like it (in the same way that I did not like Bush v.Gore or Citizen United.)........However, this case goes right back to the same district court that made the first ruling.
It was purely political, they based their ruling off of his campaign rhetoric and not national security

Moron, when Obama issued his ban on NEW visas to Iraqi was based on a national security risk........Trump's moronic order was based on some nightmare he must have had roaming the halls of the WH residence.

(for her sake, good thing that Melania no longer sleeps with him.)

He roams the halls of the WH ?

Oooops...he's the president....I guess he gets to do that.

Suck on it.
It was purely political, they based their ruling off of his campaign rhetoric and not national security

Moron, when Obama issued his ban on NEW visas to Iraqi was based on a national security risk........Trump's moronic order was based on some nightmare he must have had roaming the halls of the WH residence.

(for her sake, good thing that Melania no longer sleeps with him.)

Obama also banned Ebola..

This was purely political and like normal the Supreme Court will overturn the dumb and 9th ruling but it doesn't matter the 90 days would be up
The 9th has 86 of every 100 cases overturned by the Supreme court, that tells you all you need to know about this ruling. Its like asking Bernie Sanders to make a ruling on welfare.
We are a Nation of Laws. You Left out Immigration Laws. You have just been exposed.

Come back when you actually have a better understanding of what the latest decision stated about how Trump's EO was NOT legal.......Perhaps ask for help by that renowned jurist, Sean Hannity.
We are a Nation of Laws. You Left out Immigration Laws. You have just been exposed.

Come back when you actually have a better understanding of what the latest decision stated about how Trump's EO was NOT legal.......Perhaps ask for help by that renowned jurist, Sean Hannity.

I'm speaking on the Issue of Immigration Laws. Who is Sean Hannity?
He roams the halls of the WH ?

Oooops...he's the president....I guess he gets to do that.

Suck on it.

Nitwit, Trump's sleeps a mere 4 hours each night spending the rest of the night tweeting, eating Twinkies and conjuring up revenge on anyone who doesn't like his orange hair.
It was purely political, they based their ruling off of his campaign rhetoric and not national security

Moron, when Obama issued his ban on NEW visas to Iraqi was based on a national security risk........Trump's moronic order was based on some nightmare he must have had roaming the halls of the WH residence.

(for her sake, good thing that Melania no longer sleeps with him.)

Obama also banned Ebola..

This was purely political and like normal the Supreme Court will overturn the dumb and 9th ruling but it doesn't matter the 90 days would be up

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, based in San Francisco, has been a target of Republicans for decades.

It routinely is the most overturned court in the U.S. In 2012, the Supreme Court reversed 86 percent of the rulings it reviewed from the ninth.


Perhaps the most controversial decision was striking down the Pledge of Allegiance due to the phrase “under God.” It also ruled citizens have no constitutional right to own guns and is often over-ruled when showing its disdain for capital punishment.

Critics deride the court, calling it the “Ninth Circus” and the “Nutty Ninth.”
Obama also banned Ebola..

This was purely political and like normal the Supreme Court will overturn the dumb and 9th ruling but it doesn't matter the 90 days would be up

See, bearbreath, how quickly you've gone from gloating like a "winner" to whining?
The good ol 9th circuit Court who never heard of the 2nd Amendment ...

Obama also banned Ebola..

This was purely political and like normal the Supreme Court will overturn the dumb and 9th ruling but it doesn't matter the 90 days would be up

See, bearbreath, how quickly you've gone from gloating like a "winner" to whining?

No you're dealing with the 9th the most craziest circuit court ever who makes shit up as it goes.

The recent 9th circuit appellate decision confirms that tenet.....Mindful that the district court decision was by a judge appointed by a republican....and the appellate decision ALSO had a judge appointed by a republican.......Ergo, Trump's inane comment that the decisions are "all political" is as stupid as most of the comments he tweets.

We are NOT a nation of right wingers interpreting the Constitution as they want it to mean.

We are NOT a nation of ignorant presidents who learn their legal precepts from watching episodes of Law & Order ....

We are NOT a nation that supports xenophobia, torturing and misogynistic policies because was clowns tell us that otherwise we should live in fear.

The "emperor's new clothes" are being exposed.

NaziCons actually believe that courts should rule based on "what ifs" instead of actual facts. They obviously don't understand the Constitution.

For example: What if Trump goes completely insane - should we impeach him now or wait until he goes completely insane? I would feel much safer if we could impeach him now - but the Constitution says "NO". Therefore, we must wait...

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