Watching The TV News, You'd Have No Idea What The News Is!


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
I watched PBS quite a bit tonight. I also read news sources on the web extensively. Watching the television, I soon realized that if that were my only source, I'd have no idea what is really going on in the world!

CASE IN POINT: for instance, researching the internet from a variety of sources, I'm aware of these concerns to the nation with Joe Biden:
  1. Was the election fair and honest?
  2. Did the FBI spy on Trump illegally?
  3. Did Nancy really stand down security at the Capitol?
  4. What effect the 2nd impeachment when it came long before most of the evidence was even out showing that Trump didn't and couldn't have incited it?
  5. What became of the cost of staging 25K troops in DC on cold floors for a non-existent threat?
  6. When will spending 6 trillion kick in hyper inflation?
  7. What is the mental competency of Biden?
  8. Who is running the White House?
  9. Why is Kamela running everything?
  10. Does Joe have the energy to even serve his term?
  11. The crisis on the southern border.
  12. The soaring cost of life in Joe's America.
  13. Where is the unity Joe promised?
  14. The vilification of Christians, Republicans and Trump supporters.
  15. Where's the Covid thing going and when is it ever ending?

Instead, watching PBS, I got NO SENSE of any of this. Instead, I realized a few things.
  • Whereas the media put Trump front and center PERSONALLY at every issue, with Joe, he is now just part of a "team." Hardly any media talks to Joe directly, or even sees or meets him! Instead, now Joe is just part of something called The Biden Administration, and you are far more likely to just get someone, anyone, to speak for the "administration." Access to Joe is essentially cut off and highly controlled.
  • Bringing up the border issue, all that was said of it was that the "Biden Administration" is working on bringing 1000 separated families together. NOT ONLY DID THEY SPIN THIS AS A POSITIVE THING as if anyone cares about these foreign invading "families," but they actually spun it as a solution to a problem that Trump caused!
  • The war in Yemen. Yemen? Didn't you know that was a concern of yours? One person interviewed there said that Joe's pulling of soldiers out of there was a bad thing, but then the host spun that as really a GOOD thing.
That's about it. Nothing really about food, jobs, crime, riots, rising costs, etc., that actually concern people, much less that he could actually be an illegal president. It was as if they went out and covered a lot of other topics to fill the hour to KEEP JOE OUT OF THE CONVERSATION. If all you do is watch the TV news, you'll have a VERY different perception of Joe and the world, and a rather positive one, even about Covid.

Here we are, 14 months after the fact, and now Covid is just another "fact of life." Take it from Joe. If you can't, there are lots and lots of people out there trying very hard to get you to believe that all is fine and well under "The Biden Administration."
I watched PBS quite a bit tonight. I also read news sources on the web extensively. Watching the television, I soon realized that if that were my only source, I'd have no idea what is really going on in the world!

CASE IN POINT: for instance, researching the internet from a variety of sources, I'm aware of these concerns to the nation with Joe Biden:
  1. Was the election fair and honest?
  2. Did the FBI spy on Trump illegally?
  3. Did Nancy really stand down security at the Capitol?
  4. What effect the 2nd impeachment when it came long before most of the evidence was even out showing that Trump didn't and couldn't have incited it?
  5. What became of the cost of staging 25K troops in DC on cold floors for a non-existent threat?
  6. When will spending 6 trillion kick in hyper inflation?
  7. What is the mental competency of Biden?
  8. Who is running the White House?
  9. Why is Kamela running everything?
  10. Does Joe have the energy to even serve his term?
  11. The crisis on the southern border.
  12. The soaring cost of life in Joe's America.
  13. Where is the unity Joe promised?
  14. The vilification of Christians, Republicans and Trump supporters.
  15. Where's the Covid thing going and when is it ever ending?

Instead, watching PBS, I got NO SENSE of any of this. Instead, I realized a few things.
  • Whereas the media put Trump front and center PERSONALLY at every issue, with Joe, he is now just part of a "team." Hardly any media talks to Joe directly, or even sees or meets him! Instead, now Joe is just part of something called The Biden Administration, and you are far more likely to just get someone, anyone, to speak for the "administration." Access to Joe is essentially cut off and highly controlled.
  • Bringing up the border issue, all that was said of it was that the "Biden Administration" is working on bringing 1000 separated families together. NOT ONLY DID THEY SPIN THIS AS A POSITIVE THING as if anyone cares about these foreign invading "families," but they actually spun it as a solution to a problem that Trump caused!
  • The war in Yemen. Yemen? Didn't you know that was a concern of yours? One person interviewed there said that Joe's pulling of soldiers out of there was a bad thing, but then the host spun that as really a GOOD thing.
That's about it. Nothing really about food, jobs, crime, riots, rising costs, etc., that actually concern people, much less that he could actually be an illegal president. It was as if they went out and covered a lot of other topics to fill the hour to KEEP JOE OUT OF THE CONVERSATION. If all you do is watch the TV news, you'll have a VERY different perception of Joe and the world, and a rather positive one, even about Covid.

Here we are, 14 months after the fact, and now Covid is just another "fact of life." Take it from Joe. If you can't, there are lots and lots of people out there trying very hard to get you to believe that all is fine and well under "The Biden Administration."

Want a little cheese to go with that whine, Freaky?
You have your head so buried in the ass of alt-right media,, you wouldn't know the truth if it ran up and shook your hand.
There are stories about these issues literally everyday on the legitimate news. But you'll never hear those if you limit your
sources to those soothing, just, and righteous outlets that will reinforce your conspiracy theories and give that safe space your
looking for....WAAAH!!!, the election was stolen! :)

Trump lost. Get over it. Move on.
Joe Biden is President. He's displaying more competence and compassion than the last guy could ever hope to do.
We're lucky that the majority of Americans came to their senses last November. I don't think we would have survived another four years of Trump.

May we never make that mistake again.
I watched PBS quite a bit tonight. I also read news sources on the web extensively. Watching the television, I soon realized that if that were my only source, I'd have no idea what is really going on in the world!

CASE IN POINT: for instance, researching the internet from a variety of sources, I'm aware of these concerns to the nation with Joe Biden:
  1. Was the election fair and honest?
  2. Did the FBI spy on Trump illegally?
  3. Did Nancy really stand down security at the Capitol?
  4. What effect the 2nd impeachment when it came long before most of the evidence was even out showing that Trump didn't and couldn't have incited it?
  5. What became of the cost of staging 25K troops in DC on cold floors for a non-existent threat?
  6. When will spending 6 trillion kick in hyper inflation?
  7. What is the mental competency of Biden?
  8. Who is running the White House?
  9. Why is Kamela running everything?
  10. Does Joe have the energy to even serve his term?
  11. The crisis on the southern border.
  12. The soaring cost of life in Joe's America.
  13. Where is the unity Joe promised?
  14. The vilification of Christians, Republicans and Trump supporters.
  15. Where's the Covid thing going and when is it ever ending?

Instead, watching PBS, I got NO SENSE of any of this. Instead, I realized a few things.
  • Whereas the media put Trump front and center PERSONALLY at every issue, with Joe, he is now just part of a "team." Hardly any media talks to Joe directly, or even sees or meets him! Instead, now Joe is just part of something called The Biden Administration, and you are far more likely to just get someone, anyone, to speak for the "administration." Access to Joe is essentially cut off and highly controlled.
  • Bringing up the border issue, all that was said of it was that the "Biden Administration" is working on bringing 1000 separated families together. NOT ONLY DID THEY SPIN THIS AS A POSITIVE THING as if anyone cares about these foreign invading "families," but they actually spun it as a solution to a problem that Trump caused!
  • The war in Yemen. Yemen? Didn't you know that was a concern of yours? One person interviewed there said that Joe's pulling of soldiers out of there was a bad thing, but then the host spun that as really a GOOD thing.
That's about it. Nothing really about food, jobs, crime, riots, rising costs, etc., that actually concern people, much less that he could actually be an illegal president. It was as if they went out and covered a lot of other topics to fill the hour to KEEP JOE OUT OF THE CONVERSATION. If all you do is watch the TV news, you'll have a VERY different perception of Joe and the world, and a rather positive one, even about Covid.

Here we are, 14 months after the fact, and now Covid is just another "fact of life." Take it from Joe. If you can't, there are lots and lots of people out there trying very hard to get you to believe that all is fine and well under "The Biden Administration."

Want a little cheese to go with that whine, Freaky?

Go fuck yourself Jack and get off my thread if you aren't going to contribute positively to it. As usual, you got nothing to say but your usual bullshit denial of everything but with never a shred of evidence supporting your claims.
I watched PBS quite a bit tonight. I also read news sources on the web extensively. Watching the television, I soon realized that if that were my only source, I'd have no idea what is really going on in the world!

CASE IN POINT: for instance, researching the internet from a variety of sources, I'm aware of these concerns to the nation with Joe Biden:
  1. Was the election fair and honest?
  2. Did the FBI spy on Trump illegally?
  3. Did Nancy really stand down security at the Capitol?
  4. What effect the 2nd impeachment when it came long before most of the evidence was even out showing that Trump didn't and couldn't have incited it?
  5. What became of the cost of staging 25K troops in DC on cold floors for a non-existent threat?
  6. When will spending 6 trillion kick in hyper inflation?
  7. What is the mental competency of Biden?
  8. Who is running the White House?
  9. Why is Kamela running everything?
  10. Does Joe have the energy to even serve his term?
  11. The crisis on the southern border.
  12. The soaring cost of life in Joe's America.
  13. Where is the unity Joe promised?
  14. The vilification of Christians, Republicans and Trump supporters.
  15. Where's the Covid thing going and when is it ever ending?

Instead, watching PBS, I got NO SENSE of any of this. Instead, I realized a few things.
  • Whereas the media put Trump front and center PERSONALLY at every issue, with Joe, he is now just part of a "team." Hardly any media talks to Joe directly, or even sees or meets him! Instead, now Joe is just part of something called The Biden Administration, and you are far more likely to just get someone, anyone, to speak for the "administration." Access to Joe is essentially cut off and highly controlled.
  • Bringing up the border issue, all that was said of it was that the "Biden Administration" is working on bringing 1000 separated families together. NOT ONLY DID THEY SPIN THIS AS A POSITIVE THING as if anyone cares about these foreign invading "families," but they actually spun it as a solution to a problem that Trump caused!
  • The war in Yemen. Yemen? Didn't you know that was a concern of yours? One person interviewed there said that Joe's pulling of soldiers out of there was a bad thing, but then the host spun that as really a GOOD thing.
That's about it. Nothing really about food, jobs, crime, riots, rising costs, etc., that actually concern people, much less that he could actually be an illegal president. It was as if they went out and covered a lot of other topics to fill the hour to KEEP JOE OUT OF THE CONVERSATION. If all you do is watch the TV news, you'll have a VERY different perception of Joe and the world, and a rather positive one, even about Covid.

Here we are, 14 months after the fact, and now Covid is just another "fact of life." Take it from Joe. If you can't, there are lots and lots of people out there trying very hard to get you to believe that all is fine and well under "The Biden Administration."

Want a little cheese to go with that whine, Freaky?

Go fuck yourself Jack and get off my thread if you aren't going to contribute positively to it. As usual, you got nothing to say but your usual bullshit denial of everything but with never a shred of evidence supporting your claims.

Right back at you Freaky. You've got nothing so I understand you lashing out. It must be tough when your dreams of finally having a President who was going to put all those "different" people in their place are smashed when he's shown the door because he turned out to be an incompetent boob. But people like you support him, so I'm not surprised at the butthurt.

So let me rub some salt in your already deep wounds.
Here's where your little masturbation fantasy began...a nothing burger that I just knew the alt-right media was gonna blow up into a national conspiracy. Too bad it turned out to be...nothing.

Next, here's a slap down of your constant BS posts that no judge or court ever looked at any evidence...they did. And found it to be lacking. Like 73 times and counting.

Oh and your assertion that the "math doesn't add up". The only math you need to know is Biden 306, Trump 232.

See Freaky, I don't need to debate you in any forum on the mountains of worthless conspiracy theories you spout. I just did it in three easy links. Now THAT'S contributing something of substance...I mean it wasn't positive..for your side. But is was of substance.
See you in 2022. It's gonna be fun! :)
Go fuck yourself Jack and get off my thread if you aren't going to contribute positively to it. As usual, you got nothing to say but your usual bullshit denial of everything but with never a shred of evidence supporting your claims.
It seems like you want people to disengage because they don’t agree with you. That’s a problem.

The concerns you listed are not legitimate (for the most part). They are concerns to you because you’ve been inundated with disinformation from unethical pro-Trump “news”. It’s not on NPR because they are legitimate journalists.
You just need a bullshit converter installed before you watch the opinion as news shows. They can cut down the amount of opinion shows you watch by 95%.
I watched PBS quite a bit tonight. I also read news sources on the web extensively. Watching the television, I soon realized that if that were my only source, I'd have no idea what is really going on in the world!

CASE IN POINT: for instance, researching the internet from a variety of sources, I'm aware of these concerns to the nation with Joe Biden:
  1. Was the election fair and honest?
  2. Did the FBI spy on Trump illegally?
  3. Did Nancy really stand down security at the Capitol?
  4. What effect the 2nd impeachment when it came long before most of the evidence was even out showing that Trump didn't and couldn't have incited it?
  5. What became of the cost of staging 25K troops in DC on cold floors for a non-existent threat?
  6. When will spending 6 trillion kick in hyper inflation?
  7. What is the mental competency of Biden?
  8. Who is running the White House?
  9. Why is Kamela running everything?
  10. Does Joe have the energy to even serve his term?
  11. The crisis on the southern border.
  12. The soaring cost of life in Joe's America.
  13. Where is the unity Joe promised?
  14. The vilification of Christians, Republicans and Trump supporters.
  15. Where's the Covid thing going and when is it ever ending?

Instead, watching PBS, I got NO SENSE of any of this. Instead, I realized a few things.
  • Whereas the media put Trump front and center PERSONALLY at every issue, with Joe, he is now just part of a "team." Hardly any media talks to Joe directly, or even sees or meets him! Instead, now Joe is just part of something called The Biden Administration, and you are far more likely to just get someone, anyone, to speak for the "administration." Access to Joe is essentially cut off and highly controlled.
  • Bringing up the border issue, all that was said of it was that the "Biden Administration" is working on bringing 1000 separated families together. NOT ONLY DID THEY SPIN THIS AS A POSITIVE THING as if anyone cares about these foreign invading "families," but they actually spun it as a solution to a problem that Trump caused!
  • The war in Yemen. Yemen? Didn't you know that was a concern of yours? One person interviewed there said that Joe's pulling of soldiers out of there was a bad thing, but then the host spun that as really a GOOD thing.
That's about it. Nothing really about food, jobs, crime, riots, rising costs, etc., that actually concern people, much less that he could actually be an illegal president. It was as if they went out and covered a lot of other topics to fill the hour to KEEP JOE OUT OF THE CONVERSATION. If all you do is watch the TV news, you'll have a VERY different perception of Joe and the world, and a rather positive one, even about Covid.

Here we are, 14 months after the fact, and now Covid is just another "fact of life." Take it from Joe. If you can't, there are lots and lots of people out there trying very hard to get you to believe that all is fine and well under "The Biden Administration."

Want a little cheese to go with that whine, Freaky?

Go fuck yourself Jack and get off my thread if you aren't going to contribute positively to it. As usual, you got nothing to say but your usual bullshit denial of everything but with never a shred of evidence supporting your claims.

Right back at you Freaky. You've got nothing so I understand you lashing out. It must be tough when your dreams of finally having a President who was going to put all those "different" people in their place are smashed when he's shown the door because he turned out to be an incompetent boob. But people like you support him, so I'm not surprised at the butthurt.

So let me rub some salt in your already deep wounds.
Here's where your little masturbation fantasy began...a nothing burger that I just knew the alt-right media was gonna blow up into a national conspiracy. Too bad it turned out to be...nothing.

Next, here's a slap down of your constant BS posts that no judge or court ever looked at any evidence...they did. And found it to be lacking. Like 73 times and counting.

Oh and your assertion that the "math doesn't add up". The only math you need to know is Biden 306, Trump 232.

See Freaky, I don't need to debate you in any forum on the mountains of worthless conspiracy theories you spout. I just did it in three easy links. Now THAT'S contributing something of substance...I mean it wasn't positive..for your side. But is was of substance.
See you in 2022. It's gonna be fun! :)

tl;dr. I'd try to open that zipper on that banana you call a brain, Jack but instead, I think it would be better to just kneel on your neck until the complaining stops. But I see you once again posted some articles. Good. Save them. Though they probably prove nothing, when I start my election fraud thread, maybe you can throw them up as "proof" how you debunked the election! But I do note that one is that meaningless paragraph you keep posting, another was just written so can't have been relied on back in November, and the third BRILLIANTLY tells us that the courts declined to hear the cases!

I watched PBS quite a bit tonight. I also read news sources on the web extensively. Watching the television, I soon realized that if that were my only source, I'd have no idea what is really going on in the world!

CASE IN POINT: for instance, researching the internet from a variety of sources, I'm aware of these concerns to the nation with Joe Biden:
  1. Was the election fair and honest?
  2. Did the FBI spy on Trump illegally?
  3. Did Nancy really stand down security at the Capitol?
  4. What effect the 2nd impeachment when it came long before most of the evidence was even out showing that Trump didn't and couldn't have incited it?
  5. What became of the cost of staging 25K troops in DC on cold floors for a non-existent threat?
  6. When will spending 6 trillion kick in hyper inflation?
  7. What is the mental competency of Biden?
  8. Who is running the White House?
  9. Why is Kamela running everything?
  10. Does Joe have the energy to even serve his term?
  11. The crisis on the southern border.
  12. The soaring cost of life in Joe's America.
  13. Where is the unity Joe promised?
  14. The vilification of Christians, Republicans and Trump supporters.
  15. Where's the Covid thing going and when is it ever ending?

Instead, watching PBS, I got NO SENSE of any of this. Instead, I realized a few things.
  • Whereas the media put Trump front and center PERSONALLY at every issue, with Joe, he is now just part of a "team." Hardly any media talks to Joe directly, or even sees or meets him! Instead, now Joe is just part of something called The Biden Administration, and you are far more likely to just get someone, anyone, to speak for the "administration." Access to Joe is essentially cut off and highly controlled.
  • Bringing up the border issue, all that was said of it was that the "Biden Administration" is working on bringing 1000 separated families together. NOT ONLY DID THEY SPIN THIS AS A POSITIVE THING as if anyone cares about these foreign invading "families," but they actually spun it as a solution to a problem that Trump caused!
  • The war in Yemen. Yemen? Didn't you know that was a concern of yours? One person interviewed there said that Joe's pulling of soldiers out of there was a bad thing, but then the host spun that as really a GOOD thing.
That's about it. Nothing really about food, jobs, crime, riots, rising costs, etc., that actually concern people, much less that he could actually be an illegal president. It was as if they went out and covered a lot of other topics to fill the hour to KEEP JOE OUT OF THE CONVERSATION. If all you do is watch the TV news, you'll have a VERY different perception of Joe and the world, and a rather positive one, even about Covid.

Here we are, 14 months after the fact, and now Covid is just another "fact of life." Take it from Joe. If you can't, there are lots and lots of people out there trying very hard to get you to believe that all is fine and well under "The Biden Administration."

You'll never get "news" from TV, and certainly not from Faux Newsmax and OAN. Although Faux "hard news," as opposed to commentary like Hannity and that failed comedian guy now posing as a talking head, is probably no more false that the other three "networks." Over the past 20-30 years CNN shifted from actual first hand accounts to being more of the same.

But the linked poem does get something wrong. TV is valuable in letting us see in real time first hand reporting. We saw Vietnam in real time. We saw Jan 6th 2021 in real time. We saw the Towers fall. The Moon Landing .... well that was fake. (-:
I watched PBS quite a bit tonight. I also read news sources on the web extensively. Watching the television, I soon realized that if that were my only source, I'd have no idea what is really going on in the world!

CASE IN POINT: for instance, researching the internet from a variety of sources, I'm aware of these concerns to the nation with Joe Biden:
  1. Was the election fair and honest?
  2. Did the FBI spy on Trump illegally?
  3. Did Nancy really stand down security at the Capitol?
  4. What effect the 2nd impeachment when it came long before most of the evidence was even out showing that Trump didn't and couldn't have incited it?
  5. What became of the cost of staging 25K troops in DC on cold floors for a non-existent threat?
  6. When will spending 6 trillion kick in hyper inflation?
  7. What is the mental competency of Biden?
  8. Who is running the White House?
  9. Why is Kamela running everything?
  10. Does Joe have the energy to even serve his term?
  11. The crisis on the southern border.
  12. The soaring cost of life in Joe's America.
  13. Where is the unity Joe promised?
  14. The vilification of Christians, Republicans and Trump supporters.
  15. Where's the Covid thing going and when is it ever ending?

Instead, watching PBS, I got NO SENSE of any of this. Instead, I realized a few things.
  • Whereas the media put Trump front and center PERSONALLY at every issue, with Joe, he is now just part of a "team." Hardly any media talks to Joe directly, or even sees or meets him! Instead, now Joe is just part of something called The Biden Administration, and you are far more likely to just get someone, anyone, to speak for the "administration." Access to Joe is essentially cut off and highly controlled.
  • Bringing up the border issue, all that was said of it was that the "Biden Administration" is working on bringing 1000 separated families together. NOT ONLY DID THEY SPIN THIS AS A POSITIVE THING as if anyone cares about these foreign invading "families," but they actually spun it as a solution to a problem that Trump caused!
  • The war in Yemen. Yemen? Didn't you know that was a concern of yours? One person interviewed there said that Joe's pulling of soldiers out of there was a bad thing, but then the host spun that as really a GOOD thing.
That's about it. Nothing really about food, jobs, crime, riots, rising costs, etc., that actually concern people, much less that he could actually be an illegal president. It was as if they went out and covered a lot of other topics to fill the hour to KEEP JOE OUT OF THE CONVERSATION. If all you do is watch the TV news, you'll have a VERY different perception of Joe and the world, and a rather positive one, even about Covid.

Here we are, 14 months after the fact, and now Covid is just another "fact of life." Take it from Joe. If you can't, there are lots and lots of people out there trying very hard to get you to believe that all is fine and well under "The Biden Administration."

Want a little cheese to go with that whine, Freaky?

Go fuck yourself Jack and get off my thread if you aren't going to contribute positively to it. As usual, you got nothing to say but your usual bullshit denial of everything but with never a shred of evidence supporting your claims.

Right back at you Freaky. You've got nothing so I understand you lashing out. It must be tough when your dreams of finally having a President who was going to put all those "different" people in their place are smashed when he's shown the door because he turned out to be an incompetent boob. But people like you support him, so I'm not surprised at the butthurt.

So let me rub some salt in your already deep wounds.
Here's where your little masturbation fantasy began...a nothing burger that I just knew the alt-right media was gonna blow up into a national conspiracy. Too bad it turned out to be...nothing.

Next, here's a slap down of your constant BS posts that no judge or court ever looked at any evidence...they did. And found it to be lacking. Like 73 times and counting.

Oh and your assertion that the "math doesn't add up". The only math you need to know is Biden 306, Trump 232.

See Freaky, I don't need to debate you in any forum on the mountains of worthless conspiracy theories you spout. I just did it in three easy links. Now THAT'S contributing something of substance...I mean it wasn't positive..for your side. But is was of substance.
See you in 2022. It's gonna be fun! :)
You have a point. However, Trump was never given a chance from the beginning. It was a war...except from Fox, some radio hosts, some internet sites and some pundits. The rest is you. Near everything. It is incredible the man achieved what the did.
I watched PBS quite a bit tonight. I also read news sources on the web extensively. Watching the television, I soon realized that if that were my only source, I'd have no idea what is really going on in the world!

CASE IN POINT: for instance, researching the internet from a variety of sources, I'm aware of these concerns to the nation with Joe Biden:
  1. Was the election fair and honest?
  2. Did the FBI spy on Trump illegally?
  3. Did Nancy really stand down security at the Capitol?
  4. What effect the 2nd impeachment when it came long before most of the evidence was even out showing that Trump didn't and couldn't have incited it?
  5. What became of the cost of staging 25K troops in DC on cold floors for a non-existent threat?
  6. When will spending 6 trillion kick in hyper inflation?
  7. What is the mental competency of Biden?
  8. Who is running the White House?
  9. Why is Kamela running everything?
  10. Does Joe have the energy to even serve his term?
  11. The crisis on the southern border.
  12. The soaring cost of life in Joe's America.
  13. Where is the unity Joe promised?
  14. The vilification of Christians, Republicans and Trump supporters.
  15. Where's the Covid thing going and when is it ever ending?

Instead, watching PBS, I got NO SENSE of any of this. Instead, I realized a few things.
  • Whereas the media put Trump front and center PERSONALLY at every issue, with Joe, he is now just part of a "team." Hardly any media talks to Joe directly, or even sees or meets him! Instead, now Joe is just part of something called The Biden Administration, and you are far more likely to just get someone, anyone, to speak for the "administration." Access to Joe is essentially cut off and highly controlled.
  • Bringing up the border issue, all that was said of it was that the "Biden Administration" is working on bringing 1000 separated families together. NOT ONLY DID THEY SPIN THIS AS A POSITIVE THING as if anyone cares about these foreign invading "families," but they actually spun it as a solution to a problem that Trump caused!
  • The war in Yemen. Yemen? Didn't you know that was a concern of yours? One person interviewed there said that Joe's pulling of soldiers out of there was a bad thing, but then the host spun that as really a GOOD thing.
That's about it. Nothing really about food, jobs, crime, riots, rising costs, etc., that actually concern people, much less that he could actually be an illegal president. It was as if they went out and covered a lot of other topics to fill the hour to KEEP JOE OUT OF THE CONVERSATION. If all you do is watch the TV news, you'll have a VERY different perception of Joe and the world, and a rather positive one, even about Covid.

Here we are, 14 months after the fact, and now Covid is just another "fact of life." Take it from Joe. If you can't, there are lots and lots of people out there trying very hard to get you to believe that all is fine and well under "The Biden Administration."

Want a little cheese to go with that whine, Freaky?

Go fuck yourself Jack and get off my thread if you aren't going to contribute positively to it. As usual, you got nothing to say but your usual bullshit denial of everything but with never a shred of evidence supporting your claims.

Right back at you Freaky. You've got nothing so I understand you lashing out. It must be tough when your dreams of finally having a President who was going to put all those "different" people in their place are smashed when he's shown the door because he turned out to be an incompetent boob. But people like you support him, so I'm not surprised at the butthurt.

So let me rub some salt in your already deep wounds.
Here's where your little masturbation fantasy began...a nothing burger that I just knew the alt-right media was gonna blow up into a national conspiracy. Too bad it turned out to be...nothing.

Next, here's a slap down of your constant BS posts that no judge or court ever looked at any evidence...they did. And found it to be lacking. Like 73 times and counting.

Oh and your assertion that the "math doesn't add up". The only math you need to know is Biden 306, Trump 232.

See Freaky, I don't need to debate you in any forum on the mountains of worthless conspiracy theories you spout. I just did it in three easy links. Now THAT'S contributing something of substance...I mean it wasn't positive..for your side. But is was of substance.
See you in 2022. It's gonna be fun! :)
You have a point. However, Trump was never given a chance from the beginning. It was a war...except from Fox, some radio hosts, some internet sites and some pundits. The rest is you. Near everything. It is incredible the man achieved what the did.
Reagan faced a hostile MSM, and many in the electorate who thought he was literally a menace. W came in after winning Fla despite no doubt that more people tried to vote for Gore than him. Yet they won popular approval. (W squandered it)

Trump's entire schtick was to ferment an us v. them. He reaped what he sowed. I disagree with you on whether his policies had positive effect. But of course they weren't all bad. Nixon wasn't all bad. But that's not really the point.

The point is your post makes trump out as a victim of outside forces. He came in speechafying against the intelligence community even from the wall where they hang the stars for dead agents. He used the military to quash dissent in Lafayatte Park at a god damn church.

What Trump faced that was unique was an investigation of his affairs with Russia. And what we know is murky both in what Trump did and didn't do
I watched PBS quite a bit tonight. I also read news sources on the web extensively. Watching the television, I soon realized that if that were my only source, I'd have no idea what is really going on in the world!

CASE IN POINT: for instance, researching the internet from a variety of sources, I'm aware of these concerns to the nation with Joe Biden:
  1. Was the election fair and honest?
  2. Did the FBI spy on Trump illegally?
  3. Did Nancy really stand down security at the Capitol?
  4. What effect the 2nd impeachment when it came long before most of the evidence was even out showing that Trump didn't and couldn't have incited it?
  5. What became of the cost of staging 25K troops in DC on cold floors for a non-existent threat?
  6. When will spending 6 trillion kick in hyper inflation?
  7. What is the mental competency of Biden?
  8. Who is running the White House?
  9. Why is Kamela running everything?
  10. Does Joe have the energy to even serve his term?
  11. The crisis on the southern border.
  12. The soaring cost of life in Joe's America.
  13. Where is the unity Joe promised?
  14. The vilification of Christians, Republicans and Trump supporters.
  15. Where's the Covid thing going and when is it ever ending?

Instead, watching PBS, I got NO SENSE of any of this. Instead, I realized a few things.
  • Whereas the media put Trump front and center PERSONALLY at every issue, with Joe, he is now just part of a "team." Hardly any media talks to Joe directly, or even sees or meets him! Instead, now Joe is just part of something called The Biden Administration, and you are far more likely to just get someone, anyone, to speak for the "administration." Access to Joe is essentially cut off and highly controlled.
  • Bringing up the border issue, all that was said of it was that the "Biden Administration" is working on bringing 1000 separated families together. NOT ONLY DID THEY SPIN THIS AS A POSITIVE THING as if anyone cares about these foreign invading "families," but they actually spun it as a solution to a problem that Trump caused!
  • The war in Yemen. Yemen? Didn't you know that was a concern of yours? One person interviewed there said that Joe's pulling of soldiers out of there was a bad thing, but then the host spun that as really a GOOD thing.
That's about it. Nothing really about food, jobs, crime, riots, rising costs, etc., that actually concern people, much less that he could actually be an illegal president. It was as if they went out and covered a lot of other topics to fill the hour to KEEP JOE OUT OF THE CONVERSATION. If all you do is watch the TV news, you'll have a VERY different perception of Joe and the world, and a rather positive one, even about Covid.

Here we are, 14 months after the fact, and now Covid is just another "fact of life." Take it from Joe. If you can't, there are lots and lots of people out there trying very hard to get you to believe that all is fine and well under "The Biden Administration."

Want a little cheese to go with that whine, Freaky?

Go fuck yourself Jack and get off my thread if you aren't going to contribute positively to it. As usual, you got nothing to say but your usual bullshit denial of everything but with never a shred of evidence supporting your claims.

Right back at you Freaky. You've got nothing so I understand you lashing out. It must be tough when your dreams of finally having a President who was going to put all those "different" people in their place are smashed when he's shown the door because he turned out to be an incompetent boob. But people like you support him, so I'm not surprised at the butthurt.

So let me rub some salt in your already deep wounds.
Here's where your little masturbation fantasy began...a nothing burger that I just knew the alt-right media was gonna blow up into a national conspiracy. Too bad it turned out to be...nothing.

Next, here's a slap down of your constant BS posts that no judge or court ever looked at any evidence...they did. And found it to be lacking. Like 73 times and counting.

Oh and your assertion that the "math doesn't add up". The only math you need to know is Biden 306, Trump 232.

See Freaky, I don't need to debate you in any forum on the mountains of worthless conspiracy theories you spout. I just did it in three easy links. Now THAT'S contributing something of substance...I mean it wasn't positive..for your side. But is was of substance.
See you in 2022. It's gonna be fun! :)
You have a point. However, Trump was never given a chance from the beginning. It was a war...except from Fox, some radio hosts, some internet sites and some pundits. The rest is you. Near everything. It is incredible the man achieved what the did.
Trump's entire schtick was to ferment an us v. them. He reaped what he sowed.

???? Trump sowed that? From the MOMENT the guy ran for office, the LEFT made it an issue of US vs. them, and you're still at it, calling Trump supporters Trumpanzees and White Supremacist terrorist threats. Trump merely REACTED to it and FOUGHT it.
I watched PBS quite a bit tonight. I also read news sources on the web extensively. Watching the television, I soon realized that if that were my only source, I'd have no idea what is really going on in the world!

CASE IN POINT: for instance, researching the internet from a variety of sources, I'm aware of these concerns to the nation with Joe Biden:
  1. Was the election fair and honest?
  2. Did the FBI spy on Trump illegally?
  3. Did Nancy really stand down security at the Capitol?
  4. What effect the 2nd impeachment when it came long before most of the evidence was even out showing that Trump didn't and couldn't have incited it?
  5. What became of the cost of staging 25K troops in DC on cold floors for a non-existent threat?
  6. When will spending 6 trillion kick in hyper inflation?
  7. What is the mental competency of Biden?
  8. Who is running the White House?
  9. Why is Kamela running everything?
  10. Does Joe have the energy to even serve his term?
  11. The crisis on the southern border.
  12. The soaring cost of life in Joe's America.
  13. Where is the unity Joe promised?
  14. The vilification of Christians, Republicans and Trump supporters.
  15. Where's the Covid thing going and when is it ever ending?

Instead, watching PBS, I got NO SENSE of any of this. Instead, I realized a few things.
  • Whereas the media put Trump front and center PERSONALLY at every issue, with Joe, he is now just part of a "team." Hardly any media talks to Joe directly, or even sees or meets him! Instead, now Joe is just part of something called The Biden Administration, and you are far more likely to just get someone, anyone, to speak for the "administration." Access to Joe is essentially cut off and highly controlled.
  • Bringing up the border issue, all that was said of it was that the "Biden Administration" is working on bringing 1000 separated families together. NOT ONLY DID THEY SPIN THIS AS A POSITIVE THING as if anyone cares about these foreign invading "families," but they actually spun it as a solution to a problem that Trump caused!
  • The war in Yemen. Yemen? Didn't you know that was a concern of yours? One person interviewed there said that Joe's pulling of soldiers out of there was a bad thing, but then the host spun that as really a GOOD thing.
That's about it. Nothing really about food, jobs, crime, riots, rising costs, etc., that actually concern people, much less that he could actually be an illegal president. It was as if they went out and covered a lot of other topics to fill the hour to KEEP JOE OUT OF THE CONVERSATION. If all you do is watch the TV news, you'll have a VERY different perception of Joe and the world, and a rather positive one, even about Covid.

Here we are, 14 months after the fact, and now Covid is just another "fact of life." Take it from Joe. If you can't, there are lots and lots of people out there trying very hard to get you to believe that all is fine and well under "The Biden Administration."

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