WATCH Obama idiots will Say Romney paid more in taxes for "SHOW"!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
the Romneys donated $4 million to charity last year, nearly 30 per cent of their income but claimed a tax deduction for only $2.25m of this,
pushing the candidate’s effective tax rate higher.
“The Romneys’ generous charitable donations in 2011 would have significantly reduced their tax obligation for the year,” Mr Malt wrote.
Romney releases tax return details -

NOW watch!!! Even this article criticizes Romney for doing it for SHOW!!

WeLL so f...king WHAT of it????

Maybe Romney's leadership by PAYING more then necessary would be something Obama/Buffet (who OWES the IRS $1 billion!!)/Gates all complain about i.e. "millionaires and billionaires" paying less then their secretaries.. could do!

I mean come on Obama... YOU brag about being your "brother's keeper"!!!!

Come on Buffet... you complain about paying a lower rate then your secretary... do as Romney has done... PAY MORE!!!
the Romneys donated $4 million to charity last year, nearly 30 per cent of their income but claimed a tax deduction for only $2.25m of this,
pushing the candidate’s effective tax rate higher.
“The Romneys’ generous charitable donations in 2011 would have significantly reduced their tax obligation for the year,” Mr Malt wrote.
Romney releases tax return details -

NOW watch!!! Even this article criticizes Romney for doing it for SHOW!!

WeLL so f...king WHAT of it????

Maybe Romney's leadership by PAYING more then necessary would be something Obama/Buffet (who OWES the IRS $1 billion!!)/Gates all complain about i.e. "millionaires and billionaires" paying less then their secretaries.. could do!

I mean come on Obama... YOU brag about being your "brother's keeper"!!!!

Come on Buffet... you complain about paying a lower rate then your secretary... do as Romney has done... PAY MORE!!!

No we won't. Good job. You said it for us... :clap2:
One thing for sure if it is Obama, 52% of the votes will be from IDIOTS!
Romney had to do it because he was already on record saying he hadn't paid less than 13% in the last ten years. If he'd taken the deduction he was entitled to he would have paid 9%.

Of course he also said that anyone who paid more than they owed wasn't qualified to be president.:lol:
Well, one news said he could have deducted more for charity but that would have put him below 13%, which he said he never why not 12 years worth? Lese majeste? LOL
You know this amount Romney pays is still way too little. Under tiered income tax the top rate is over 30%, and this is on average Americans. When are working stiffs going to stop sticking up for the super wealthy? Must be the southern sharecropper attitude. Take care of and don't criticize the Big boss and he'll maybe take care of you?
Actually, college educated people vote democrat by a higher margin. Also, republicans field inferior people like Bush, Perry, Palin, to give their base someone they can relate to.

One thing for sure if it is Obama, 52% of the votes will be from IDIOTS!
If drudge links MSNBC/Media Matters and others of that ilk, I don't believe it!
And the reason is I probably more then ANYONE else on this board LINK/Substantiate!
ANd that's because I hate having to admit a mistake.. EVEN though I occasional have to!

Like this time..
THANK YOU for POINTING out my totally stupid and dumb mistake!
WOW you are right 68,425.2% is the value and you are right I missed the decimal!

So I don't generally make a mistake if it's from Drudge because frankly DRUDGE doesn't create things .. he links!
So it's my responsibility NOT Drudge's to determine the accuracy.
NOW watch!!! Even this article criticizes Romney for doing it for SHOW!!

WeLL so f...king WHAT of it????


How comical.....watching the "voices" (in you Teabaggers' heads), arguing with each-other!!!


September 21, 2012

Come On Down To Crazy Mitt's!!!

"In March, U.S. News & World Report published a poll, conducted by Craigslist and IBOPE Zogby, that asked Republican voters whom they would trust more when buying a used car: Rick Santorum or Mitt Romney?

Of the 660 adults surveyed, U.S. News reported, six out of 10 Republicans said they trusted Santorum enough to buy a used car from him, while fewer than half said they would buy one from Romney."



"I ALWAYS buy at Crazy Mitt's!!!"

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