Watch for a shift in the narrative.

Overspending is not a partisan thing. It is a political thing, and at the level of government where it is possible to "print money," it is uncontrollable. Politicians who perceive that they can curry favor with voters by spending THEIR money will do so. Period. Democrats are worse, but Republicans not much better.

There is no discretion in the decision to spend massive amounts of money to try to save this economy. It is imperative. The questions are mainly about how to distribute the money that is seeding the economy, and those questions have partisan answers.

I don't know whether it is ignorance or vileness that causes the bizarre sniping about Our Beloved President's supposed self-dealing here. HIS BUSINESSES ARE SUFFERING. His personal net worth is dropping by millions of dollars per month - probably tens of millions. And NOTHING that is done will bring them back to "normal" in his lifetime. What the fuck do you want?

As for the Feds bailing out the states? Have Leftists lost all touch with Constitutional reality? The Feds are NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FINANCIAL WELLBEING OF THE STATES. Period. They are required by law and by their own Constitutions to run a balanced budget, and to take care of themselves. And who could fail to note that it is the DEMOCRAT-CONTROLLED STATES that are the most financially fucked up?

I would go to war before accepting a Federal bailout of California. Or Illinois. Or New York, Massachusetts, Maryland, or Washington state. Fuck you all, very much.
California especially has been irresponsible. They decided to fund massive pension plans that already had them in Trillion dollar deficits. They never asked the federal government for guidelines when they set those up.
In defiance of federal laws they set themselves up as a sanctuary state. Giving aide and help to illegal immigrants.
They were in dire straights and they knew it as could be seen by the idea to try and tax texts.
When they issued the stay home order it dropped their taxation. This put an even greater strain on their failing state.
One could list the same for almost every one of the states you listed.
We all remember how Repubs were all about fending off a recession while Dubya was still prez. They helped pass TARP, which authorized $700B for the purchased of distressed assets to prop up the financial system. They also helped pass what was essentially phase 1 of the auto company bailout. Bush announces $17.4 billion auto bailout

Then came Obama's landslide election and suddenly Repubs became quite concerned about the size of the budget deficits. They would spend years sabotaging the recovery under the guise of that mantra.

With another Repub in the Oval Office at a time of great economic strain congressional Repubs have had no qualms with spending trillions of dollars to boost the economy in order to enhance Big Fat Don's chances of re-election. Budget deficits be damned.

However, they are beginning to understand the political cost of the nation's debt expanding so massively while a (R) is prez. After all, they have pretended for years to care about deficits and have duped their constituency in to believing they are fiscal conservatives (nothing could be further from the truth).

Enter one of the most conniving, deceitful politicians to ever disgrace the Senate chamber. Someone who sees the potential danger to the fortunes of Repubs over all the spending. What's a cretin to do?

McConnell Calls General Relief for States ‘Blue State Bailouts’

"Right now state and local governments are dealing with most of the front-line responsibilities for battling coronavirus at a time when the economic collapse is destroying their revenue bases; unlike the feds, they can’t just print money, and most toil under balanced-budget requirements. So they could use some no-strings help, but the party of Richard Nixon is hostile to the idea, even though Republicans completely control 21 states and share power in 14 others.

Democrats had to champion aid to state and local coronavirus efforts as part of the big $2.2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill enacted nearly a month ago, and were able to secure $150 billion. With governors of both parties calling for $500 billion for states alone prior to passage of the “interim” stimulus bill that has passed the Senate and is pending in the House, Democrats went to the well again, but only got permission for states to use money unobligated from the first pot of money for general fiscal purposes. Donald Trump tweeted support for doing something for the “lost revenues” the states have experienced in the next stimulus bill — which is presumably the final one, at least before the election. But now Mitch McConnell is pumping the brakes, and complaining about the profligate states and how they don’t deserve help:"
Leave it to a piece of slime like McTreason to wordsmith the ubiquitous need on the part of all states who have seen their revenue base markedly decline by trying to define it as a "blue state" problem. Repubs and right wing media have already worked exhaustively to deflect blame away from Trump for his failed response to the virus. Now McTurtle is ready to pitch in by putting blame on blue states for a crisis not of their making.
This is what happens when you constrict yourself to a simplistic, binary partisan ideology.

These Reaganite wannabes have been cheering Trump on while he's exploded spending since DAY ONE, long before the virus.

A cautionary tale: Don't get sucked into an ideology.

Partisanship is not ideology.

You are conflating two very different animals.

Reagan was a Free Trader. The Free Traders have been anti-Trump resisters from day one. Or, they were painfully convinced by real arguments.
Red China got just what it wanted when they unleashed this virus on the free world. Democrat governors are also getting what they wanted as their state economies deteriorate. Not much difference between them and the commies. Better dead than red.
Don't listen to the President.
That's the best advice you've ever given. know..........liar.

“Have you been briefed by the CDC?” Kernen asked.

“I have,” Trump replied.

Kernen then asked: “Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?”

Trump said: “No. Not at all.”

“And, we’re, we have it totally under control,” Trump said.

“It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

Thanks for that bit, but it does absolutely NOTHING to take away from the epic flip-flopping and narrative shifts the Democrats (and snowflakes) have engaged in during their continuous attempts to re-write history to cover up how they have been wrong from the very start of this pandemic and have been playing 'catch-up' to the president the whole way.

That's the best advice you've ever given. know..........liar.
“Have you been briefed by the CDC?” Kernen asked.
“I have,” Trump replied.
Kernen then asked: “Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?”
Trump said: “No. Not at all.”
“And, we’re, we have it totally under control,” Trump said.
“It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

No links to stated "quotes"

The meltdown continues........
Again, not endless. Being forced to lie to defend yourself is never a good sign for the legitimacy of the point you are failing to make.


So stop lying!!


A negative can't be proved.
You mean proven?
Claiming that it is impossible to prove a negative is a pseudologic, because there are many proofs that substantiate negative claims in mathematics, science, and economics, including Arrow's impossibility theorem. There can be multiple claims within a debate. Nevertheless, whoever makes a claim carries the burden of proof regardless of positive or negative content in the claim.

A negative claim may or may not exist as a counterpoint to a previous claim. A proof of impossibility or an evidence of absence argument are typical methods to fulfill the burden of proof for a negative claim.
A negative can't be proved.
You mean proven?
Claiming that it is impossible to prove a negative is a pseudologic, because there are many proofs that substantiate negative claims in mathematics, science, and economics, including Arrow's impossibility theorem. There can be multiple claims within a debate. Nevertheless, whoever makes a claim carries the burden of proof regardless of positive or negative content in the claim.

A negative claim may or may not exist as a counterpoint to a previous claim. A proof of impossibility or an evidence of absence argument are typical methods to fulfill the burden of proof for a negative claim.

Awwww sh!t!!

Yes, proved.

I have a few glitches with certain words - I don't know why.
Thanks for the reminder.
Hopefully I'll get those glitches worked out before I die.
We all remember how Repubs were all about fending off a recession while Dubya was still prez. They helped pass TARP, which authorized $700B for the purchased of distressed assets to prop up the financial system. They also helped pass what was essentially phase 1 of the auto company bailout. Bush announces $17.4 billion auto bailout

Then came Obama's landslide election and suddenly Repubs became quite concerned about the size of the budget deficits. They would spend years sabotaging the recovery under the guise of that mantra.

With another Repub in the Oval Office at a time of great economic strain congressional Repubs have had no qualms with spending trillions of dollars to boost the economy in order to enhance Big Fat Don's chances of re-election. Budget deficits be damned.

However, they are beginning to understand the political cost of the nation's debt expanding so massively while a (R) is prez. After all, they have pretended for years to care about deficits and have duped their constituency in to believing they are fiscal conservatives (nothing could be further from the truth).

Enter one of the most conniving, deceitful politicians to ever disgrace the Senate chamber. Someone who sees the potential danger to the fortunes of Repubs over all the spending. What's a cretin to do?

McConnell Calls General Relief for States ‘Blue State Bailouts’

"Right now state and local governments are dealing with most of the front-line responsibilities for battling coronavirus at a time when the economic collapse is destroying their revenue bases; unlike the feds, they can’t just print money, and most toil under balanced-budget requirements. So they could use some no-strings help, but the party of Richard Nixon is hostile to the idea, even though Republicans completely control 21 states and share power in 14 others.

Democrats had to champion aid to state and local coronavirus efforts as part of the big $2.2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill enacted nearly a month ago, and were able to secure $150 billion. With governors of both parties calling for $500 billion for states alone prior to passage of the “interim” stimulus bill that has passed the Senate and is pending in the House, Democrats went to the well again, but only got permission for states to use money unobligated from the first pot of money for general fiscal purposes. Donald Trump tweeted support for doing something for the “lost revenues” the states have experienced in the next stimulus bill — which is presumably the final one, at least before the election. But now Mitch McConnell is pumping the brakes, and complaining about the profligate states and how they don’t deserve help:"
Leave it to a piece of slime like McTreason to wordsmith the ubiquitous need on the part of all states who have seen their revenue base markedly decline by trying to define it as a "blue state" problem. Repubs and right wing media have already worked exhaustively to deflect blame away from Trump for his failed response to the virus. Now McTurtle is ready to pitch in by putting blame on blue states for a crisis not of their making.
We told all voters don’t vote for failed democrats.. you all don’t listen
dOnald tRump is a failed Democrat?
We all remember how Repubs were all about fending off a recession while Dubya was still prez. They helped pass TARP, which authorized $700B for the purchased of distressed assets to prop up the financial system. They also helped pass what was essentially phase 1 of the auto company bailout. Bush announces $17.4 billion auto bailout

Then came Obama's landslide election and suddenly Repubs became quite concerned about the size of the budget deficits. They would spend years sabotaging the recovery under the guise of that mantra.

With another Repub in the Oval Office at a time of great economic strain congressional Repubs have had no qualms with spending trillions of dollars to boost the economy in order to enhance Big Fat Don's chances of re-election. Budget deficits be damned.

However, they are beginning to understand the political cost of the nation's debt expanding so massively while a (R) is prez. After all, they have pretended for years to care about deficits and have duped their constituency in to believing they are fiscal conservatives (nothing could be further from the truth).

Enter one of the most conniving, deceitful politicians to ever disgrace the Senate chamber. Someone who sees the potential danger to the fortunes of Repubs over all the spending. What's a cretin to do?

McConnell Calls General Relief for States ‘Blue State Bailouts’

"Right now state and local governments are dealing with most of the front-line responsibilities for battling coronavirus at a time when the economic collapse is destroying their revenue bases; unlike the feds, they can’t just print money, and most toil under balanced-budget requirements. So they could use some no-strings help, but the party of Richard Nixon is hostile to the idea, even though Republicans completely control 21 states and share power in 14 others.

Democrats had to champion aid to state and local coronavirus efforts as part of the big $2.2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill enacted nearly a month ago, and were able to secure $150 billion. With governors of both parties calling for $500 billion for states alone prior to passage of the “interim” stimulus bill that has passed the Senate and is pending in the House, Democrats went to the well again, but only got permission for states to use money unobligated from the first pot of money for general fiscal purposes. Donald Trump tweeted support for doing something for the “lost revenues” the states have experienced in the next stimulus bill — which is presumably the final one, at least before the election. But now Mitch McConnell is pumping the brakes, and complaining about the profligate states and how they don’t deserve help:"
Leave it to a piece of slime like McTreason to wordsmith the ubiquitous need on the part of all states who have seen their revenue base markedly decline by trying to define it as a "blue state" problem. Repubs and right wing media have already worked exhaustively to deflect blame away from Trump for his failed response to the virus. Now McTurtle is ready to pitch in by putting blame on blue states for a crisis not of their making.
We told all voters don’t vote for failed democrats.. you all don’t listen
dOnald tRump is a failed Democrat?
Thanks for that bit, but it does absolutely NOTHING to take away from the epic flip-flopping and narrative shifts the Democrats (and snowflakes) have engaged in during their continuous attempts to re-write history to cover up how they have been wrong from the very start of this pandemic and have been playing 'catch-up' to the president the whole way.
If you think there should be punishment for being wrong then I'm sure you'll agree Trump should not be re-elected. Cuz he has been wrong about everything from the beginning.



'COVID-19 is not a threat. Don't listen to the President. Go about your daily lives. Continue to group in large numbers, ride the subway, come to Chinatown, enjoy life...'

'We are putting together legislation to 'STOP' / PREVENT the Travel Ban

'We don't have time for xenophobic policies and fear-mongering....'

'Calling COVID-19 the 'China Virus' is racist'


President Trump (not us) downplayed the seriousness / threat of the virus - he did NOTHING'

President Trump activated the CDC, stood up the Virus task Force, declared a national Emergency, & imposed the travel ban Democrats opposed.



'The Travel Ban was the Right Thing to do.'

'We would have put the travel ban in place sooner...'

That didn't happen anywhere outside the RWNJ infotainment sites.
A negative can't be proved.
You mean proven?
Claiming that it is impossible to prove a negative is a pseudologic, because there are many proofs that substantiate negative claims in mathematics, science, and economics, including Arrow's impossibility theorem. There can be multiple claims within a debate. Nevertheless, whoever makes a claim carries the burden of proof regardless of positive or negative content in the claim.

A negative claim may or may not exist as a counterpoint to a previous claim. A proof of impossibility or an evidence of absence argument are typical methods to fulfill the burden of proof for a negative claim.

Awwww sh!t!!

Yes, proved.

I have a few glitches with certain words - I don't know why.
Thanks for the reminder.
Hopefully I'll get those glitches worked out before I die.
Then consider working out that saying "it is impossible to prove a negative is a pseudologic" before you die as well :)
We all remember how Repubs were all about fending off a recession while Dubya was still prez. They helped pass TARP, which authorized $700B for the purchased of distressed assets to prop up the financial system. They also helped pass what was essentially phase 1 of the auto company bailout. Bush announces $17.4 billion auto bailout

Then came Obama's landslide election and suddenly Repubs became quite concerned about the size of the budget deficits. They would spend years sabotaging the recovery under the guise of that mantra.

With another Repub in the Oval Office at a time of great economic strain congressional Repubs have had no qualms with spending trillions of dollars to boost the economy in order to enhance Big Fat Don's chances of re-election. Budget deficits be damned.

However, they are beginning to understand the political cost of the nation's debt expanding so massively while a (R) is prez. After all, they have pretended for years to care about deficits and have duped their constituency in to believing they are fiscal conservatives (nothing could be further from the truth).

Enter one of the most conniving, deceitful politicians to ever disgrace the Senate chamber. Someone who sees the potential danger to the fortunes of Repubs over all the spending. What's a cretin to do?

McConnell Calls General Relief for States ‘Blue State Bailouts’

"Right now state and local governments are dealing with most of the front-line responsibilities for battling coronavirus at a time when the economic collapse is destroying their revenue bases; unlike the feds, they can’t just print money, and most toil under balanced-budget requirements. So they could use some no-strings help, but the party of Richard Nixon is hostile to the idea, even though Republicans completely control 21 states and share power in 14 others.

Democrats had to champion aid to state and local coronavirus efforts as part of the big $2.2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill enacted nearly a month ago, and were able to secure $150 billion. With governors of both parties calling for $500 billion for states alone prior to passage of the “interim” stimulus bill that has passed the Senate and is pending in the House, Democrats went to the well again, but only got permission for states to use money unobligated from the first pot of money for general fiscal purposes. Donald Trump tweeted support for doing something for the “lost revenues” the states have experienced in the next stimulus bill — which is presumably the final one, at least before the election. But now Mitch McConnell is pumping the brakes, and complaining about the profligate states and how they don’t deserve help:"
Leave it to a piece of slime like McTreason to wordsmith the ubiquitous need on the part of all states who have seen their revenue base markedly decline by trying to define it as a "blue state" problem. Repubs and right wing media have already worked exhaustively to deflect blame away from Trump for his failed response to the virus. Now McTurtle is ready to pitch in by putting blame on blue states for a crisis not of their making.
We told all voters don’t vote for failed democrats.. you all don’t listen
dOnald tRump is a failed Democrat?
Read the thread kid.

You're gonna hafta learn to do this on your own.
A negative can't be proved.
You mean proven?
Claiming that it is impossible to prove a negative is a pseudologic, because there are many proofs that substantiate negative claims in mathematics, science, and economics, including Arrow's impossibility theorem. There can be multiple claims within a debate. Nevertheless, whoever makes a claim carries the burden of proof regardless of positive or negative content in the claim.

A negative claim may or may not exist as a counterpoint to a previous claim. A proof of impossibility or an evidence of absence argument are typical methods to fulfill the burden of proof for a negative claim.

Awwww sh!t!!

Yes, proved.

I have a few glitches with certain words - I don't know why.
Thanks for the reminder.
Hopefully I'll get those glitches worked out before I die.
Then consider working out that saying "it is impossible to prove a negative is a pseudologic" before you die as well :)

I'll consider it...

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