Watch father speak out after after daughter is allegedly murdered by illegal alien he stabbed her


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The father of a teenage girl is speaking out after his daughter was allegedly murdered at the hands of an illegal alien who entered the United States as an “unaccompanied alien child.”
Watch–Father Speaks Out After Daughter is Allegedly Murdered by Illegal Alien: ‘He Stabbed Her to Death’


Awwww well wait until the smart asses make fun, poke fun, chant let them in, let them in ehheeehh
you idiots don't believe chit until it happens to you and yours because you are beyond the MORON level.
Ah so it was a murder after a breakup...Happens every day in the USA even by citizens and many times they kill their children also.
[Sadly] quite normal eh , course if the ILLEGAL wasn't here it couldn't have happened . [Sadly] Since it did happen i'm happy to see that an ILLEGAL ALIEN did the murder [allegedly] . And the news should be advertised all over the place Moonglow .
The father of a teenage girl is speaking out after his daughter was allegedly murdered at the hands of an illegal alien who entered the United States as an “unaccompanied alien child.”
Watch–Father Speaks Out After Daughter is Allegedly Murdered by Illegal Alien: ‘He Stabbed Her to Death’


Awwww well wait until the smart asses make fun, poke fun, chant let them in, let them in ehheeehh
you idiots don't believe chit until it happens to you and yours because you are beyond the MORON level.
Too bad Trump is so incompetent as to have completely failed on his greatest promise, the wall, which will never happen :dunno:
ilegals have been coming into the USA these last 50 years since 'reagan - bush' approved illegal entry into the USA and you know that . Nothing to do with the TRUMP BFlag .
[Sadly] quite normal eh , course if the ILLEGAL wasn't here it couldn't have happened . [Sadly] Since it did happen i'm happy to see that an ILLEGAL ALIEN did the murder [allegedly] . And the news should be advertised all over the place Moonglow .
It is if you haven't been paying attention don't blame me.
I don't blame YOU but i think that your attitude sucks as it seems to me that YOU are an apologist for Illegal Aliens and other groups Moonglow .
You can put whatever title you want upon them, they are still humans and humans kill..
he was an ILLEGAL Alien and shouldn't have been in the USA , I guess that i should just be glad it wasn't my Daughter screwing around with an illegal alien Moonglow .
Now they're doing the jobs Americans will do.
Only because the assholes that run the companies hire them.

You mean like Nancy Pelosi industries? (what, you weren't aware of her wineries?)

Are you still under the delusion that the "Right" is the party of wealth?

Any idea which side is Farcebook?, Google?, Amazon?, Microsoft? and on and on and on
She should never have spoken to him to begin with.
-------------------------------------- seems to me that the message is correct plus its also the OldMans fault letting his Daughter [think she was a 16 year old] mess around with an Illegal Alien as if thats normal and good . By the way , i did not watch the link.
Now they're doing the jobs Americans will do.
Only because the assholes that run the companies hire them.

You mean like Nancy Pelosi industries? (what, you weren't aware of her wineries?)

Are you still under the delusion that the "Right" is the party of wealth?

Any idea which side is Farcebook?, Google?, Amazon?, Microsoft? and on and on and on
I know of repubs and dems that hire them, what's the difference?

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