Wasserman Schultz to allow laptop scan after months of stonewalling


Gold Member
Sep 2, 2016
This is gonna be good! lol

The former head of the Democratic Party who lost her post in the fallout from a massive email breach is expected to start cooperating with federal investigators in a separate cybersecurity case, after months of apparent stonewalling.

Fox News has learned that Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz plans to allow federal investigators to scan a laptop belonging to her as part of a complex probe into allegations of computer theft, over-billing and possible email hacking.

U.S. Capitol Police have had the laptop for months and until now had been unable to get access. It's unclear why the Florida lawmaker and ousted Democratic National Committee chairwoman had been battling law enforcement over the computer; however, her counsel began negotiating this week with Capitol Police in connection with the probe.

The contractors, all members of a Pakistani-Muslim family, also are being investigated for a possible procurement scam in which they allegedly bought computer equipment, then overcharged the House administrative office.

In addition, sources say the contractors had “unauthorized access” to the House computer system.

House Democrats have stood by the contractors, privately and publicly suggesting their heritage prompted the probe and is contributing to fear-mongering.

Read more here....
Wasserman Schultz to allow laptop scan after months of stonewalling in IT probe
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