Washington, Juba inching closer at the expense of Khartoum


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2012
Reported lately by Khartoum newspapers, former US special envoy, Princeton Lyman said that South Sudan has been experiencing severe economic crisis since December 2011, warning against imminent calamitous economic collapse.

The United States, therefore, is preparing a donor conference to support South Sudan to overcome the crisis. The statement is not arbitrary. On the contrary, senior US officials agree to provide military, political and economic support to Juba at the expense of Khartoum.

The Sudanese government criticized a proposed plan by the United States to host a South Sudan donors conference saying it will embolden Juba not to implement cooperation agreement signed last year.

The Sudanese foreign ministry spokesperson Al-Obeid Marwih suggested that Washington was seeking to avert what it saw as an imminent economic collapse in the oil-rich South Sudan.

Marwih said that the conference will have a "negative impact" on the cooperation accords as Juba will drag its feet on outstanding security issues with Sudan.

The Sudanese official stressed that Juba backtracked on what was agreed upon in relation to resolving security issues and allowing for executing all cooperation deals in one go.

He alleged that lobby groups in Washington pressed the Obama administration to hold the conference for fear of seeing the new state drown into chaos.

Marwih said that South Sudan’s economy is in deep trouble because of the oil production halt adding that international community was keen on seeing Khartoum and Juba resolve their differences so that oil exports can resume and provide the much-needed cash.

The lashing is result of US's siding and bias against Sudan. President Barrack Obama’s 2013 budget has allocated $2.7 billion to help South Sudan build governing capacity and reforms and proposed writing off Sudan’s entire debt estimated at 2.4 billion dollars, but there are no gifts or grants for Sudan.

To make things worse, the Congress is planning to impose additional sanctions on Khartoum according to Sudan Peace Act which was crafted by the Senators McGovern and Frank Wolf Wolf. The latter has slipped into South Kordofan from South Sudan accompanied by Nicholas Christopher of the New York Times in flagrant violation of UN charter, Sudanese and international laws. Khartoum has protested at US department of State over the illegal entry.

The Act proposed new a broad based sanctions targeting the government and individuals. The bill bans individuals and their families to enter US, calls for deporting the Sudanese living in US and imposing sanctions on ICC signatories for not arresting Sudanese officials indicted by ICC. Khartoum has rejected the bill.
Another lobby from the Congress and Department of State has adopted hostile stand rejecting normalization of ties with Khartoum.

The US lobby which backs South Sudan and Kauda Alliance include US actor George Clooney, Co-founder of the Enough Project, John Prendergast , Co-Chair, Darfur Interfaith Network, Martha Boshnick, Co-founder and Director of Stop Genocide Now.org, Gabriel Stauring and Sudan Advocacy Action Forum. The same lobby is leading anti Sudan campaign pressuring the Congress to force Khartoum change its stands.

The outgoing envoy has exerted greater is exerting great efforts to resolve pending issues between Sudan and South Sudan.

Mr Lyman has held a marathon meetings with the Sudanese and South Sudanese delegations in narrow differences over pending issues and insisted on keeping the current government in power. This will raise many questions about the US's stands towards Sudan.

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