Washington is not a swamp.


Gold Member
Apr 12, 2011
Robert Samuelson: The Real Truth About Washington



"For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth." — President Donald Trump, Jan. 20.

Washington is not a swamp.

Since at least the days of Jimmy Carter, presidential politicians have run against Washington, which is — according to the standard indictment — overrun by corrupt politicians, overpaid lobbyists, and self-important media types. Donald Trump is no exception and, indeed, in his sneering description of the nation's capital as a "swamp," has done his predecessors one better.

But his portrait is an absurdity. It bears little relationship to two overriding realities. First, the rewards of government go mostly to "the people" through massive transfer programs such as Social Security. Second, the costs have been borne mainly by the rich and upper middle class, who pay most taxes, and foreign and domestic lenders who cover chronic budget deficits...

...The left-hand column gives the number of recipients, the right hand column their share in the population. For example: In 2012, Social Security had 52 million recipients, representing 16.8% of the population.

Federal Transfer Programs, 2012

Program People Population share

Social Security 52 million 16.8%

Medicare 49 million 15.8%

Medicaid 83 million 26.7%

Food stamps 51 million 16.6%

Jobless benefits 4 million 1.2%

When all transfer programs were included and double counting was eliminated (say, food-stamp beneficiaries on Medicaid), about 153 million Americans received some sort of federal benefit in 2012...

...the notion that the "people did not share" in government's wealth is a preposterous platitude. It's the opposite of the truth...

...both parties have evaded a candid debate on government's role and limits. What programs need to be reduced or expanded? What taxes need to be raised? Trump did not even mention deficits in his inaugural address. On this issue, he may be as bad as his recent predecessors and, perhaps, worse.

* * * * * * * *

fwiw, we don't have to go back to 2012 to see this, here're the 2015 numbers:

No it's a cesspool. Now go back to your shithole.
No it's a cesspool. Now go back to your shithole.
And that's intelligent debate?
It will be interesting to see the figures in a couple of years (if Mr Grope lasts that long).
He's going to give a massive boost to the Military, spend a tidy sum on a useless wall (this will be known to history as 'Donny's Folly', and cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans....
I have a nasty feeling the Social Security, Medicare etc, are going to see some pretty savage cuts.
And watch him Make America Great Again, by slashing education, Nasa, and science in general.
Robert Samuelson: The Real Truth About Washington



"For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth." — President Donald Trump, Jan. 20.

Washington is not a swamp.

Since at least the days of Jimmy Carter, presidential politicians have run against Washington, which is — according to the standard indictment — overrun by corrupt politicians, overpaid lobbyists, and self-important media types. Donald Trump is no exception and, indeed, in his sneering description of the nation's capital as a "swamp," has done his predecessors one better.

But his portrait is an absurdity. It bears little relationship to two overriding realities. First, the rewards of government go mostly to "the people" through massive transfer programs such as Social Security. Second, the costs have been borne mainly by the rich and upper middle class, who pay most taxes, and foreign and domestic lenders who cover chronic budget deficits...

...The left-hand column gives the number of recipients, the right hand column their share in the population. For example: In 2012, Social Security had 52 million recipients, representing 16.8% of the population.

Federal Transfer Programs, 2012

Program People Population share

Social Security 52 million 16.8%

Medicare 49 million 15.8%

Medicaid 83 million 26.7%

Food stamps 51 million 16.6%

Jobless benefits 4 million 1.2%

When all transfer programs were included and double counting was eliminated (say, food-stamp beneficiaries on Medicaid), about 153 million Americans received some sort of federal benefit in 2012...

...the notion that the "people did not share" in government's wealth is a preposterous platitude. It's the opposite of the truth...

...both parties have evaded a candid debate on government's role and limits. What programs need to be reduced or expanded? What taxes need to be raised? Trump did not even mention deficits in his inaugural address. On this issue, he may be as bad as his recent predecessors and, perhaps, worse.

* * * * * * * *

fwiw, we don't have to go back to 2012 to see this, here're the 2015 numbers:

Why is it that Social Security always seems to go bankrupt, but you never hear Welfare going bankrupt?
Social Security is funded by people working and giving up their hard earned money, because the government must take care of those too stupid to know how to save for a retirement, then steal from the fund to make sure those stupid voters continue to vote for them.
Welfare is funded by people working and giving up their hard earned money, because the government must take care of those too stupid to get a job and use their God given gifts to make something of themselves so those stupid voters continue to vote for them.
Liberal politicians hate hard working people, as was shown in the last election, where Black, Brown, Yellow, Red and White people came together and voted against 4 more years of Obama's policies that had many working minimum wages at 29 hours, just so those liberal elites could become filthy rich and Trump became the 45th president. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
Robert Samuelson: The Real Truth About Washington



"For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth." — President Donald Trump, Jan. 20.

Washington is not a swamp.

Since at least the days of Jimmy Carter, presidential politicians have run against Washington, which is — according to the standard indictment — overrun by corrupt politicians, overpaid lobbyists, and self-important media types. Donald Trump is no exception and, indeed, in his sneering description of the nation's capital as a "swamp," has done his predecessors one better.

But his portrait is an absurdity. It bears little relationship to two overriding realities. First, the rewards of government go mostly to "the people" through massive transfer programs such as Social Security. Second, the costs have been borne mainly by the rich and upper middle class, who pay most taxes, and foreign and domestic lenders who cover chronic budget deficits...

...The left-hand column gives the number of recipients, the right hand column their share in the population. For example: In 2012, Social Security had 52 million recipients, representing 16.8% of the population.

Federal Transfer Programs, 2012

Program People Population share

Social Security 52 million 16.8%

Medicare 49 million 15.8%

Medicaid 83 million 26.7%

Food stamps 51 million 16.6%

Jobless benefits 4 million 1.2%

When all transfer programs were included and double counting was eliminated (say, food-stamp beneficiaries on Medicaid), about 153 million Americans received some sort of federal benefit in 2012...

...the notion that the "people did not share" in government's wealth is a preposterous platitude. It's the opposite of the truth...

...both parties have evaded a candid debate on government's role and limits. What programs need to be reduced or expanded? What taxes need to be raised? Trump did not even mention deficits in his inaugural address. On this issue, he may be as bad as his recent predecessors and, perhaps, worse.

* * * * * * * *

fwiw, we don't have to go back to 2012 to see this, here're the 2015 numbers:

Why is it that Social Security always seems to go bankrupt, but you never hear Welfare going bankrupt?
Social Security is funded by people working and giving up their hard earned money, because the government must take care of those too stupid to know how to save for a retirement, then steal from the fund to make sure those stupid voters continue to vote for them.
Welfare is funded by people working and giving up their hard earned money, because the government must take care of those too stupid to get a job and use their God given gifts to make something of themselves so those stupid voters continue to vote for them.
Liberal politicians hate hard working people, as was shown in the last election, where Black, Brown, Yellow, Red and White people came together and voted against 4 more years of Obama's policies that had many working minimum wages at 29 hours, just so those liberal elites could become filthy rich and Trump became the 45th president. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.

The Real Owner of the U.S. Debt Will Surprise You

Oh we have jobs now, I thought we didn't due to Obama. Now we owe the most debt to the SSF. Everything got better under Obama and now we can go back to the Republicans where Texas has 10 billion in surplus and many uninsured , and WI who has not kept up with job growth, but now wants those on welfare with children to work 20 hours a week in they can find a job with insurance, and also their min wage is still at a rock bottom 7.25 an hour. This is Ryans state as well, another loser. No God does not give jobs, middle class give jobs and the median income of about 55,000, they give jobs.
The more money middle income has the more is spread around. The GOP is big business and will soon have slave labor, with the destruction of unions.

The GOP is a disaster and so is trump.
Robert Samuelson: The Real Truth About Washington



"For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth." — President Donald Trump, Jan. 20.

Washington is not a swamp.

Since at least the days of Jimmy Carter, presidential politicians have run against Washington, which is — according to the standard indictment — overrun by corrupt politicians, overpaid lobbyists, and self-important media types. Donald Trump is no exception and, indeed, in his sneering description of the nation's capital as a "swamp," has done his predecessors one better.

But his portrait is an absurdity. It bears little relationship to two overriding realities. First, the rewards of government go mostly to "the people" through massive transfer programs such as Social Security. Second, the costs have been borne mainly by the rich and upper middle class, who pay most taxes, and foreign and domestic lenders who cover chronic budget deficits...

...The left-hand column gives the number of recipients, the right hand column their share in the population. For example: In 2012, Social Security had 52 million recipients, representing 16.8% of the population.

Federal Transfer Programs, 2012

Program People Population share

Social Security 52 million 16.8%

Medicare 49 million 15.8%

Medicaid 83 million 26.7%

Food stamps 51 million 16.6%

Jobless benefits 4 million 1.2%

When all transfer programs were included and double counting was eliminated (say, food-stamp beneficiaries on Medicaid), about 153 million Americans received some sort of federal benefit in 2012...

...the notion that the "people did not share" in government's wealth is a preposterous platitude. It's the opposite of the truth...

...both parties have evaded a candid debate on government's role and limits. What programs need to be reduced or expanded? What taxes need to be raised? Trump did not even mention deficits in his inaugural address. On this issue, he may be as bad as his recent predecessors and, perhaps, worse.

* * * * * * * *

fwiw, we don't have to go back to 2012 to see this, here're the 2015 numbers:

Why is it that Social Security always seems to go bankrupt, but you never hear Welfare going bankrupt?
Social Security is funded by people working and giving up their hard earned money, because the government must take care of those too stupid to know how to save for a retirement, then steal from the fund to make sure those stupid voters continue to vote for them.
Welfare is funded by people working and giving up their hard earned money, because the government must take care of those too stupid to get a job and use their God given gifts to make something of themselves so those stupid voters continue to vote for them.
Liberal politicians hate hard working people, as was shown in the last election, where Black, Brown, Yellow, Red and White people came together and voted against 4 more years of Obama's policies that had many working minimum wages at 29 hours, just so those liberal elites could become filthy rich and Trump became the 45th president. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
Your ilk gives conservatives a bad name......... Oh and I'm not a liberal.

Try doing a little research instead of regurgitating decades old rhetoric.
Last edited:
Robert Samuelson: The Real Truth About Washington



"For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth." — President Donald Trump, Jan. 20.

Washington is not a swamp.

Since at least the days of Jimmy Carter, presidential politicians have run against Washington, which is — according to the standard indictment — overrun by corrupt politicians, overpaid lobbyists, and self-important media types. Donald Trump is no exception and, indeed, in his sneering description of the nation's capital as a "swamp," has done his predecessors one better.

But his portrait is an absurdity. It bears little relationship to two overriding realities. First, the rewards of government go mostly to "the people" through massive transfer programs such as Social Security. Second, the costs have been borne mainly by the rich and upper middle class, who pay most taxes, and foreign and domestic lenders who cover chronic budget deficits...

...The left-hand column gives the number of recipients, the right hand column their share in the population. For example: In 2012, Social Security had 52 million recipients, representing 16.8% of the population.

Federal Transfer Programs, 2012

Program People Population share

Social Security 52 million 16.8%

Medicare 49 million 15.8%

Medicaid 83 million 26.7%

Food stamps 51 million 16.6%

Jobless benefits 4 million 1.2%

When all transfer programs were included and double counting was eliminated (say, food-stamp beneficiaries on Medicaid), about 153 million Americans received some sort of federal benefit in 2012...

...the notion that the "people did not share" in government's wealth is a preposterous platitude. It's the opposite of the truth...

...both parties have evaded a candid debate on government's role and limits. What programs need to be reduced or expanded? What taxes need to be raised? Trump did not even mention deficits in his inaugural address. On this issue, he may be as bad as his recent predecessors and, perhaps, worse.

* * * * * * * *

fwiw, we don't have to go back to 2012 to see this, here're the 2015 numbers:

Why is it that Social Security always seems to go bankrupt, but you never hear Welfare going bankrupt?
Social Security is funded by people working and giving up their hard earned money, because the government must take care of those too stupid to know how to save for a retirement, then steal from the fund to make sure those stupid voters continue to vote for them.
Welfare is funded by people working and giving up their hard earned money, because the government must take care of those too stupid to get a job and use their God given gifts to make something of themselves so those stupid voters continue to vote for them.
Liberal politicians hate hard working people, as was shown in the last election, where Black, Brown, Yellow, Red and White people came together and voted against 4 more years of Obama's policies that had many working minimum wages at 29 hours, just so those liberal elites could become filthy rich and Trump became the 45th president. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
Your ilk gives conservatives a bad name......... Oh and I'm not a liberal.
Oh and I'm not a liberal
So you are too ashamed to call yourself a liberal, and think yourself a moderate? You are a spineless one, who sway whichever the way the wind blows? Or are you?

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036112_sociopaths_cults_influence.html#ixzz4Ws4Kzw6v
Just one thing, Americans paid for social security and Medicare, Even retired Americans pay for Medicare out of Social security. These are good things and have helped more people than every economist's BS from the beginning of time. Talk is so cheap.

A thoughtful piece. Why the elites always rule

But given automation and technology one day UBI will be a necessary component of society, we may not see it even as some European nations consider it today.

How Not to Argue for Basic Income
No swamp? Explain how politicians that earn $100-200k a year become wealthy beyond imagination. Explain how corporations that donate heavily to said politicians grow bigger and richer while the middle class stagnates or slides backwards. The OP is just a lame attempt to justify socialism. We cannot tax and spend our way into prosperity, if we could we wouldn't be 20 trillion in the hole.
Just one thing, Americans paid for social security and Medicare, Even retired Americans pay for Medicare out of Social security. These are good things and have helped more people than every economist's BS from the beginning of time. Talk is so cheap.

A thoughtful piece. Why the elites always rule

But given automation and technology one day UBI will be a necessary component of society, we may not see it even as some European nations consider it today.

How Not to Argue for Basic Income
Instead of UBI, how about not talking down to people as they cant make it in the world, because of the color of their skin, but give them skills that would allow them to repair the automation and technology. As typical of liberalism, give a man a fish he eats for the day. Conservatism, teach a man to fish and eats for a lifetime. Big differences when it comes to ideology.

The Road to Serfdom - Wikipedia
The Road to Serfdom (German: Der Weg zur Knechtschaft) is a book written between 1940 and 1943 by Austrian British economist and philosopher Friedrich von Hayek, in which he "[warns] of the danger of tyranny that inevitably results from government control of economic decision-making through central planning."[1] He further argues that the abandonment of individualism and classical liberalism inevitably leads to a loss of freedom, the creation of an oppressive society, the tyranny of a dictator, and the serfdom of the individual. Hayek challenged the general view among British academics that fascism (including National Socialism) was a capitalist reaction against socialism. He argued that fascism, National Socialism and socialism had common roots in central economic planning and empowering the state over the individual.
Robert Samuelson: The Real Truth About Washington



"For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth." — President Donald Trump, Jan. 20.

Washington is not a swamp.

Since at least the days of Jimmy Carter, presidential politicians have run against Washington, which is — according to the standard indictment — overrun by corrupt politicians, overpaid lobbyists, and self-important media types. Donald Trump is no exception and, indeed, in his sneering description of the nation's capital as a "swamp," has done his predecessors one better.

But his portrait is an absurdity. It bears little relationship to two overriding realities. First, the rewards of government go mostly to "the people" through massive transfer programs such as Social Security. Second, the costs have been borne mainly by the rich and upper middle class, who pay most taxes, and foreign and domestic lenders who cover chronic budget deficits...

...The left-hand column gives the number of recipients, the right hand column their share in the population. For example: In 2012, Social Security had 52 million recipients, representing 16.8% of the population.

Federal Transfer Programs, 2012

Program People Population share

Social Security 52 million 16.8%

Medicare 49 million 15.8%

Medicaid 83 million 26.7%

Food stamps 51 million 16.6%

Jobless benefits 4 million 1.2%

When all transfer programs were included and double counting was eliminated (say, food-stamp beneficiaries on Medicaid), about 153 million Americans received some sort of federal benefit in 2012...

...the notion that the "people did not share" in government's wealth is a preposterous platitude. It's the opposite of the truth...

...both parties have evaded a candid debate on government's role and limits. What programs need to be reduced or expanded? What taxes need to be raised? Trump did not even mention deficits in his inaugural address. On this issue, he may be as bad as his recent predecessors and, perhaps, worse.

* * * * * * * *

fwiw, we don't have to go back to 2012 to see this, here're the 2015 numbers:

Why is it that Social Security always seems to go bankrupt, but you never hear Welfare going bankrupt?
Social Security is funded by people working and giving up their hard earned money, because the government must take care of those too stupid to know how to save for a retirement, then steal from the fund to make sure those stupid voters continue to vote for them.
Welfare is funded by people working and giving up their hard earned money, because the government must take care of those too stupid to get a job and use their God given gifts to make something of themselves so those stupid voters continue to vote for them.
Liberal politicians hate hard working people, as was shown in the last election, where Black, Brown, Yellow, Red and White people came together and voted against 4 more years of Obama's policies that had many working minimum wages at 29 hours, just so those liberal elites could become filthy rich and Trump became the 45th president. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
Your ilk gives conservatives a bad name......... Oh and I'm not a liberal.
Oh and I'm not a liberal
So you are too ashamed to call yourself a liberal, and think yourself a moderate? You are a spineless one, who sway whichever the way the wind blows? Or are you?

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036112_sociopaths_cults_influence.html#ixzz4Ws4Kzw6v
I'm what you call a realist who doesn't buy into your crap or the other side's crap. Basically all you do is spew generalized, stereotyped garbage.
Look at your sociopath definition, where did you come up with that? Natural News??!!! You're fucking kidding me, right??!! :lmao:
That's like claiming the National Inquirer is the premier, truthful source of peer reviewed medical and scientific articles........
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Robert Samuelson: The Real Truth About Washington



"For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth." — President Donald Trump, Jan. 20.

Washington is not a swamp.

Since at least the days of Jimmy Carter, presidential politicians have run against Washington, which is — according to the standard indictment — overrun by corrupt politicians, overpaid lobbyists, and self-important media types. Donald Trump is no exception and, indeed, in his sneering description of the nation's capital as a "swamp," has done his predecessors one better.

But his portrait is an absurdity. It bears little relationship to two overriding realities. First, the rewards of government go mostly to "the people" through massive transfer programs such as Social Security. Second, the costs have been borne mainly by the rich and upper middle class, who pay most taxes, and foreign and domestic lenders who cover chronic budget deficits...

...The left-hand column gives the number of recipients, the right hand column their share in the population. For example: In 2012, Social Security had 52 million recipients, representing 16.8% of the population.

Federal Transfer Programs, 2012

Program People Population share

Social Security 52 million 16.8%

Medicare 49 million 15.8%

Medicaid 83 million 26.7%

Food stamps 51 million 16.6%

Jobless benefits 4 million 1.2%

When all transfer programs were included and double counting was eliminated (say, food-stamp beneficiaries on Medicaid), about 153 million Americans received some sort of federal benefit in 2012...

...the notion that the "people did not share" in government's wealth is a preposterous platitude. It's the opposite of the truth...

...both parties have evaded a candid debate on government's role and limits. What programs need to be reduced or expanded? What taxes need to be raised? Trump did not even mention deficits in his inaugural address. On this issue, he may be as bad as his recent predecessors and, perhaps, worse.

* * * * * * * *

fwiw, we don't have to go back to 2012 to see this, here're the 2015 numbers:

Why is it that Social Security always seems to go bankrupt, but you never hear Welfare going bankrupt?
Social Security is funded by people working and giving up their hard earned money, because the government must take care of those too stupid to know how to save for a retirement, then steal from the fund to make sure those stupid voters continue to vote for them.
Welfare is funded by people working and giving up their hard earned money, because the government must take care of those too stupid to get a job and use their God given gifts to make something of themselves so those stupid voters continue to vote for them.
Liberal politicians hate hard working people, as was shown in the last election, where Black, Brown, Yellow, Red and White people came together and voted against 4 more years of Obama's policies that had many working minimum wages at 29 hours, just so those liberal elites could become filthy rich and Trump became the 45th president. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
Your ilk gives conservatives a bad name......... Oh and I'm not a liberal.
Oh and I'm not a liberal
So you are too ashamed to call yourself a liberal, and think yourself a moderate? You are a spineless one, who sway whichever the way the wind blows? Or are you?

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036112_sociopaths_cults_influence.html#ixzz4Ws4Kzw6v
I'm what you call a realist who doesn't buy into your crap or the other side's crap. Basically all you do is spew generalized, stereotyped garbage.
Look at your sociopath definition, where did you come up with that? Natural News??!!! You're fucking kidding me, right??!! :lmao:
That's like claiming the National Inquirer is the premier, truthful source of peer reviewed medical and scientific articles........
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
So tell me in my post about Social Security and Welfare, what was it, that wasn't true? Please give links to prove me wrong. Since you are a realist you must have plenty of information to draw from.
Just one thing, Americans paid for social security and Medicare, Even retired Americans pay for Medicare out of Social security. These are good things and have helped more people than every economist's BS from the beginning of time. Talk is so cheap.

A thoughtful piece.

But given automation and technology one day UBI will be a necessary component of society, we may not see it even as some European nations consider it today.
We paid into SS because we had no choice. The money isn't there, politicians raided it decades ago. We borrow to make the payouts and people get many times more back than what was payed in.

When it was created about 30 workers supported a recipient and on average people didn't live that long on retirement. Now we have about 3 workers per retiree and with modern meds we live much longer. It isn't sustainable unless we tax the younger workforce so heavily they live in poverty for the state.

That's exactly what happened in Europe and it's why they flung open their doors ti immigration and are paying heavily for it with Islamic nuts that have no desire to assimilate into European culture.
Washington is not a swamp...
No it's a cesspool. Now go back to your shithole.
And that's intelligent debate?

Seriously while you're probably right about "Social Security, Medicare etc, are going to see some pretty savage cuts" you might not want to blame that on T but rather on the fact that reality is what it is and while fantasy is fun we still need to cope with life on the Planted Earth.

What I'm talking about is interest payments on the debt. As interest rates return to where they were in say, '06 we'll see payments soar from the current $1/4T to more like one or two $T per year. That means even the $10.7T in cuts over ten years (talked about on another thread) will have to be just the beginning.
Robert Samuelson: The Real Truth About Washington



"For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth." — President Donald Trump, Jan. 20.

Washington is not a swamp.

Since at least the days of Jimmy Carter, presidential politicians have run against Washington, which is — according to the standard indictment — overrun by corrupt politicians, overpaid lobbyists, and self-important media types. Donald Trump is no exception and, indeed, in his sneering description of the nation's capital as a "swamp," has done his predecessors one better.

But his portrait is an absurdity. It bears little relationship to two overriding realities. First, the rewards of government go mostly to "the people" through massive transfer programs such as Social Security. Second, the costs have been borne mainly by the rich and upper middle class, who pay most taxes, and foreign and domestic lenders who cover chronic budget deficits...

...The left-hand column gives the number of recipients, the right hand column their share in the population. For example: In 2012, Social Security had 52 million recipients, representing 16.8% of the population.

Federal Transfer Programs, 2012

Program People Population share

Social Security 52 million 16.8%

Medicare 49 million 15.8%

Medicaid 83 million 26.7%

Food stamps 51 million 16.6%

Jobless benefits 4 million 1.2%

When all transfer programs were included and double counting was eliminated (say, food-stamp beneficiaries on Medicaid), about 153 million Americans received some sort of federal benefit in 2012...

...the notion that the "people did not share" in government's wealth is a preposterous platitude. It's the opposite of the truth...

...both parties have evaded a candid debate on government's role and limits. What programs need to be reduced or expanded? What taxes need to be raised? Trump did not even mention deficits in his inaugural address. On this issue, he may be as bad as his recent predecessors and, perhaps, worse.

* * * * * * * *

fwiw, we don't have to go back to 2012 to see this, here're the 2015 numbers:

Why is it that Social Security always seems to go bankrupt, but you never hear Welfare going bankrupt?
Social Security is funded by people working and giving up their hard earned money, because the government must take care of those too stupid to know how to save for a retirement, then steal from the fund to make sure those stupid voters continue to vote for them.
Welfare is funded by people working and giving up their hard earned money, because the government must take care of those too stupid to get a job and use their God given gifts to make something of themselves so those stupid voters continue to vote for them.
Liberal politicians hate hard working people, as was shown in the last election, where Black, Brown, Yellow, Red and White people came together and voted against 4 more years of Obama's policies that had many working minimum wages at 29 hours, just so those liberal elites could become filthy rich and Trump became the 45th president. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
Your ilk gives conservatives a bad name......... Oh and I'm not a liberal.
Oh and I'm not a liberal
So you are too ashamed to call yourself a liberal, and think yourself a moderate? You are a spineless one, who sway whichever the way the wind blows? Or are you?

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036112_sociopaths_cults_influence.html#ixzz4Ws4Kzw6v
I'm what you call a realist who doesn't buy into your crap or the other side's crap. Basically all you do is spew generalized, stereotyped garbage.
Look at your sociopath definition, where did you come up with that? Natural News??!!! You're fucking kidding me, right??!! :lmao:
That's like claiming the National Inquirer is the premier, truthful source of peer reviewed medical and scientific articles........
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
So tell me in my post about Social Security and Welfare, what was it, that wasn't true? Please give links to prove me wrong. Since you are a realist you must have plenty of information to draw from.
Nah because it would be a waste of my time. You'd simply claim it leftist propaganda, fall back on your typical name calling and beat your chest claiming victory over another "liberal"......... been there done that, have too many t-shirts, ya want one or two?
Of course I know what your response to this post will be also. Do your own research, make up your own mind instead of relying on decades old rhetoric.
Look up how Social Security benefits are accumulated AND paid out, look at who is actually on welfare and why. Not everyone can be perfect like you and have all their future plans come to fruition............ It must be nice having God like powers that the rest of us mortals can only dream of. :thup:
Last edited:
Robert Samuelson: The Real Truth About Washington



"For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth." — President Donald Trump, Jan. 20.

Washington is not a swamp.

Since at least the days of Jimmy Carter, presidential politicians have run against Washington, which is — according to the standard indictment — overrun by corrupt politicians, overpaid lobbyists, and self-important media types. Donald Trump is no exception and, indeed, in his sneering description of the nation's capital as a "swamp," has done his predecessors one better.

But his portrait is an absurdity. It bears little relationship to two overriding realities. First, the rewards of government go mostly to "the people" through massive transfer programs such as Social Security. Second, the costs have been borne mainly by the rich and upper middle class, who pay most taxes, and foreign and domestic lenders who cover chronic budget deficits...

...The left-hand column gives the number of recipients, the right hand column their share in the population. For example: In 2012, Social Security had 52 million recipients, representing 16.8% of the population.

Federal Transfer Programs, 2012

Program People Population share

Social Security 52 million 16.8%

Medicare 49 million 15.8%

Medicaid 83 million 26.7%

Food stamps 51 million 16.6%

Jobless benefits 4 million 1.2%

When all transfer programs were included and double counting was eliminated (say, food-stamp beneficiaries on Medicaid), about 153 million Americans received some sort of federal benefit in 2012...

...the notion that the "people did not share" in government's wealth is a preposterous platitude. It's the opposite of the truth...

...both parties have evaded a candid debate on government's role and limits. What programs need to be reduced or expanded? What taxes need to be raised? Trump did not even mention deficits in his inaugural address. On this issue, he may be as bad as his recent predecessors and, perhaps, worse.

* * * * * * * *

fwiw, we don't have to go back to 2012 to see this, here're the 2015 numbers:

Why is it that Social Security always seems to go bankrupt, but you never hear Welfare going bankrupt?
Social Security is funded by people working and giving up their hard earned money, because the government must take care of those too stupid to know how to save for a retirement, then steal from the fund to make sure those stupid voters continue to vote for them.
Welfare is funded by people working and giving up their hard earned money, because the government must take care of those too stupid to get a job and use their God given gifts to make something of themselves so those stupid voters continue to vote for them.
Liberal politicians hate hard working people, as was shown in the last election, where Black, Brown, Yellow, Red and White people came together and voted against 4 more years of Obama's policies that had many working minimum wages at 29 hours, just so those liberal elites could become filthy rich and Trump became the 45th president. Such stupid people who vote Dumbocrat.
Your ilk gives conservatives a bad name......... Oh and I'm not a liberal.
Oh and I'm not a liberal
So you are too ashamed to call yourself a liberal, and think yourself a moderate? You are a spineless one, who sway whichever the way the wind blows? Or are you?

#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036112_sociopaths_cults_influence.html#ixzz4Ws4Kzw6v

You want to know what a liberal is , look no further than the man you hired, trump, and well he is also a good definition of a sociopath, self absorbed, egomaniac.

Now I understand you think all Democrats , are transvestites, gay and lazy ass slobs, you have it wrong, many of us are vets, hard working and college people who work, but also believe there is a great disparity among classes and the white Christian men will not take our progress away. We believe in choice, healthcare and good educational public schools for all. Higher taxes for the wealthy and those like Trump who does not pay taxes, need to be in prison. Yes your pres, white collar crimes and who knows what else, admitted he grabs pussy and kissed beautiful women, an adulterer, a child born out of wedlock, shall I go on.

Also most of us believe in the first amendment, equal rights for all , not just the wealthy, work, and care for those unable to work, the poor , and Mother Earth. This earth is all we have. Many of us are anti war, and do not believe in going into country , destroying it like Iraq, and then stealing their oil. That is what Israel is doing. We do not want to be like Israel.

Now your righties , fake Christians, have very little empathy for the less fortunate who through no fault of their own were born into a poor family in a poor neighborhood and had a terrible upbringing, or they get an illness and can't work. A country is only as good as how they care for their people and with Trump and his cabinets picks we are in dire straits, warring with Mexico and China, when companies are global.

I think most people would like to work, if given the chance. There is only one good thing that came out of trumps mouth and he mentioned the gangs of the inner cities, yes as most people who live there are scared to death.

The rich helped to create the poor, and they are the ones who love to keep them needy, so they can feel
SUPERIOUR and have have control over them. The Dems are not perfect , but the GOP is 10 times worst.
You want to know what a liberal is , look no further than the man you hired, trump, and well he is also a good definition of a sociopath, self absorbed, egomaniac.

Now your righties , fake Christians, have very little empathy for the less fortunate who through no fault of their own were born into a poor family
You are literally insane. What liberal wants less taxes, less business regulation, a real border, shutting down sanctuary cities, and on and on.

Fake Christian? You haven't got an honest bone in your body. And lots of people grow up poor and end up doing pretty well. It's why people migrate here. If you can't make it in America, you can't make it anywhere. Move to Cuba.
You want to know what a liberal is , look no further than the man you hired, trump, and well he is also a good definition of a sociopath, self absorbed, egomaniac.

Now your righties , fake Christians, have very little empathy for the less fortunate who through no fault of their own were born into a poor family
You are literally insane. What liberal wants less taxes, less business regulation, a real border, shutting down sanctuary cities, and on and on.

Fake Christian? You haven't got an honest bone in your body. And lots of people grow up poor and end up doing pretty well. It's why people migrate here. If you can't make it in America, you can't make it anywhere. Move to Cuba.

No that is what the GOP want. Yes fake Christians like Trump, the morally corrupt.

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