Washing machines/dryers prices up 17% under Trump (thank you, tariffs)

I'm sure there will be some examples of that. But it is a price we have to pay. Allowing our trading "partners" to benefit so hugely at our expense is not sane.

4% unemployment, more jobs than people to fill them and 108 straight months of economic expansion...those bastards, how dare they do this to us? How can a country survive with such terrible economic numbers.

Generations of wage stagnation, so bad that white life expectancy is actually DROPPING.

Evolution, those that can’t adapt are left behind.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

So, you finally admit it. It is not that you think that your policies are better, it is that you don't care about your fellow Americans whom they hurt.

Got it.

I do not have a policy, I am not the government. But in general yes I do think that freedom is better than government control. You whine about people being hurt, did you whine about buggy makers going out of business, did you whine about telephone operators being put out of a a job, or elevator operators or black smiths or all the other jobs that were once prevalent and no longer are.

Just how far back would you like to turn back time?
Most of what you're saying is just not true. Our trading partners aren't coming after us. They are just responding to actions Trump has taken.

I am not referring to just since Trump took office. I am talking about generations of predatory trade policies, like that seen with Airbus.

Trump Right on Trade Predators

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.” "

And do I even have to talk about the Chinese?!

Trump is right in pointing out that trade deficits are bad but he's dead wrong in assuming trade deficits are a result cheating by our trading partners.

Why do you assume he is assuming? Maybe he seriously looked at the issue and thought about it deeply, if quickly, and concluded based on the evidence that they are cheating.

In the world of international trade, tariffs are the nuclear option, the option of last resort for several reasons.

t's been decades. The Rust Belt looks like a war zone. The working poor are so squeezed that White Life spans are actually DROPPING.

First, it forces the other country to respond in kind.

No, it does not.

The leaders of our Trading "Partners" have a choice, allow for more balanced trade, or risk a trade war.

They are supposed to be so much more adult and professional and smarter than Trump.

So, why are they risking a global trade war?

They must think they are really, hugely benefiting from the status quo to risk it.

Second, there are always unintended consequences; that is the tariff may protect a certain industry by restricting imports but it will invariable hurt another industry that needs those imports to maintain profits.

I'm sure there will be some examples of that. But it is a price we have to pay. Allowing our trading "partners" to benefit so hugely at our expense is not sane.

And our we asking so much? If the trade deficit dropped to a still massive and huge 150 billion a year, Trump would go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents, and coast though re-election.

Why the strong pushback? Why are THEY risking a global trade war?

Third there are a number of other options, that can be used that are less likely to start a trade war and more likely to lead to positive negotiations. Unfortunately, those options are technical and not likely to score any political points for the president.

Bullshit. People are dying from the economic stress caused by this shit. We need strong and aggressive action NOW.
It is easy to blame the large trade deficit on foreign governments that block the sale of U.S. products in their markets, which hurts American businesses and lowers their employees’ standard of living. It’s also easy to blame foreign governments that subsidize their exports to the U.S., which hurts the businesses and employees that lose sales to foreign suppliers (though U.S. households as a whole benefit when foreign governments subsidize what American consumers buy).

But foreign import barriers and exports subsidies aren’t the reason for the U.S. trade deficit. The real reason is that Americans are spending more than they produce. The overall trade deficit is the result of the saving and investment decisions of U.S. households and businesses. The policies of foreign governments affect only how that deficit is divided among America’s trading partners.

The reason why Americans’ saving and investment decisions drive the overall trade deficit is straightforward: If a country saves more of total output than it invests in business equipment and structures, it has extra output to sell to the rest of the world. In other words, saving minus investment equals exports minus imports — a fundamental accounting identity that is true for every country in every year.

So reducing the U.S. trade deficit requires Americans to save more or invest less. On their own, policies that open other countries’ markets to U.S. products, or close U.S. markets to foreign products, won’t change the overall trade balance.

The U.S. has been able to sustain a trade deficit every year for more than three decades because foreigners are willing to lend it the money to finance its net purchases, by purchasing U.S. bonds and stocks or investing in U.S. real estate and other businesses. There is no guarantee that this will continue in the decades ahead; but there is also no reason why it should come to an end. While foreign entities that lend to U.S. borrowers will want to be repaid some day, others can take their place as the next generation of lenders.

The real reason for the trade deficit? Our spending habits

If tariffs make US manufacturing more competitive, that will encourage more investment in US manufacturing both by US companies and foreign companies, I have received some very encouraging anecdotal reports on this, and it is verified by the surge in manufacturing employment.

AND, might I add, that, the status quo that you are so supportive of, is not sustainable, because, someday, those loans will grow beyond our ability to service them.

Then the House of Cards, come tumbling down in flames and ruin.

The sooner we change that shit, the better.

It is encouraging to see manufacturing employment follow the trend of the last 6 years, I agree

I'm sure there will be some examples of that. But it is a price we have to pay. Allowing our trading "partners" to benefit so hugely at our expense is not sane.

4% unemployment, more jobs than people to fill them and 108 straight months of economic expansion...those bastards, how dare they do this to us? How can a country survive with such terrible economic numbers.

Generations of wage stagnation, so bad that white life expectancy is actually DROPPING.

Evolution, those that can’t adapt are left behind.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

So, you finally admit it. It is not that you think that your policies are better, it is that you don't care about your fellow Americans whom they hurt.

Got it.

I do not have a policy, I am not the government. But in general yes I do think that freedom is better than government control. You whine about people being hurt, did you whine about buggy makers going out of business, did you whine about telephone operators being put out of a a job, or elevator operators or black smiths or all the other jobs that were once prevalent and no longer are.

Just how far back would you like to turn back time?

1. Your pretense that you don't have a policy that you support is noted and dismissed as cowardly and dishonest.

2. An accusation of "whining" coming for someone who supports whites dying, I don't fucking care. Screw you.
Most of what you're saying is just not true. Our trading partners aren't coming after us. They are just responding to actions Trump has taken.

I am not referring to just since Trump took office. I am talking about generations of predatory trade policies, like that seen with Airbus.

Trump Right on Trade Predators

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.” "

And do I even have to talk about the Chinese?!

Trump is right in pointing out that trade deficits are bad but he's dead wrong in assuming trade deficits are a result cheating by our trading partners.

Why do you assume he is assuming? Maybe he seriously looked at the issue and thought about it deeply, if quickly, and concluded based on the evidence that they are cheating.

In the world of international trade, tariffs are the nuclear option, the option of last resort for several reasons.

t's been decades. The Rust Belt looks like a war zone. The working poor are so squeezed that White Life spans are actually DROPPING.

First, it forces the other country to respond in kind.

No, it does not.

The leaders of our Trading "Partners" have a choice, allow for more balanced trade, or risk a trade war.

They are supposed to be so much more adult and professional and smarter than Trump.

So, why are they risking a global trade war?

They must think they are really, hugely benefiting from the status quo to risk it.

Second, there are always unintended consequences; that is the tariff may protect a certain industry by restricting imports but it will invariable hurt another industry that needs those imports to maintain profits.

I'm sure there will be some examples of that. But it is a price we have to pay. Allowing our trading "partners" to benefit so hugely at our expense is not sane.

And our we asking so much? If the trade deficit dropped to a still massive and huge 150 billion a year, Trump would go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents, and coast though re-election.

Why the strong pushback? Why are THEY risking a global trade war?

Third there are a number of other options, that can be used that are less likely to start a trade war and more likely to lead to positive negotiations. Unfortunately, those options are technical and not likely to score any political points for the president.

Bullshit. People are dying from the economic stress caused by this shit. We need strong and aggressive action NOW.
It is easy to blame the large trade deficit on foreign governments that block the sale of U.S. products in their markets, which hurts American businesses and lowers their employees’ standard of living. It’s also easy to blame foreign governments that subsidize their exports to the U.S., which hurts the businesses and employees that lose sales to foreign suppliers (though U.S. households as a whole benefit when foreign governments subsidize what American consumers buy).

But foreign import barriers and exports subsidies aren’t the reason for the U.S. trade deficit. The real reason is that Americans are spending more than they produce. The overall trade deficit is the result of the saving and investment decisions of U.S. households and businesses. The policies of foreign governments affect only how that deficit is divided among America’s trading partners.

The reason why Americans’ saving and investment decisions drive the overall trade deficit is straightforward: If a country saves more of total output than it invests in business equipment and structures, it has extra output to sell to the rest of the world. In other words, saving minus investment equals exports minus imports — a fundamental accounting identity that is true for every country in every year.

So reducing the U.S. trade deficit requires Americans to save more or invest less. On their own, policies that open other countries’ markets to U.S. products, or close U.S. markets to foreign products, won’t change the overall trade balance.

The U.S. has been able to sustain a trade deficit every year for more than three decades because foreigners are willing to lend it the money to finance its net purchases, by purchasing U.S. bonds and stocks or investing in U.S. real estate and other businesses. There is no guarantee that this will continue in the decades ahead; but there is also no reason why it should come to an end. While foreign entities that lend to U.S. borrowers will want to be repaid some day, others can take their place as the next generation of lenders.

The real reason for the trade deficit? Our spending habits

If tariffs make US manufacturing more competitive, that will encourage more investment in US manufacturing both by US companies and foreign companies, I have received some very encouraging anecdotal reports on this, and it is verified by the surge in manufacturing employment.

AND, might I add, that, the status quo that you are so supportive of, is not sustainable, because, someday, those loans will grow beyond our ability to service them.

Then the House of Cards, come tumbling down in flames and ruin.

The sooner we change that shit, the better.

It is encouraging to see manufacturing employment follow the trend of the last 6 years, I agree

View attachment 204408

The job surge I was referring to was from the July numbers.

BUT, I note your graph. Makes all the more moronic all the anti-Trumpers arguing that manufacturing jobs could not come back, or were dying, or were of the past, or any of the moronic bullshit they said about them.
4% unemployment, more jobs than people to fill them and 108 straight months of economic expansion...those bastards, how dare they do this to us? How can a country survive with such terrible economic numbers.

Generations of wage stagnation, so bad that white life expectancy is actually DROPPING.

Evolution, those that can’t adapt are left behind.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

So, you finally admit it. It is not that you think that your policies are better, it is that you don't care about your fellow Americans whom they hurt.

Got it.

I do not have a policy, I am not the government. But in general yes I do think that freedom is better than government control. You whine about people being hurt, did you whine about buggy makers going out of business, did you whine about telephone operators being put out of a a job, or elevator operators or black smiths or all the other jobs that were once prevalent and no longer are.

Just how far back would you like to turn back time?

1. Your pretense that you don't have a policy that you support is noted and dismissed as cowardly and dishonest.

2. An accusation of "whining" coming for someone who supports whites dying, I don't fucking care. Screw you.

1. You said nothing about me supporting a policy, you said "your policies". Do try and remember what it is you write. But yes, I support the policy of more freedom and less government...the two opposite things that you support.

2. Why do you only care about whites dying, are you a racist?
Most of what you're saying is just not true. Our trading partners aren't coming after us. They are just responding to actions Trump has taken.

I am not referring to just since Trump took office. I am talking about generations of predatory trade policies, like that seen with Airbus.

Trump Right on Trade Predators

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.” "

And do I even have to talk about the Chinese?!

Trump is right in pointing out that trade deficits are bad but he's dead wrong in assuming trade deficits are a result cheating by our trading partners.

Why do you assume he is assuming? Maybe he seriously looked at the issue and thought about it deeply, if quickly, and concluded based on the evidence that they are cheating.

In the world of international trade, tariffs are the nuclear option, the option of last resort for several reasons.

t's been decades. The Rust Belt looks like a war zone. The working poor are so squeezed that White Life spans are actually DROPPING.

First, it forces the other country to respond in kind.

No, it does not.

The leaders of our Trading "Partners" have a choice, allow for more balanced trade, or risk a trade war.

They are supposed to be so much more adult and professional and smarter than Trump.

So, why are they risking a global trade war?

They must think they are really, hugely benefiting from the status quo to risk it.

Second, there are always unintended consequences; that is the tariff may protect a certain industry by restricting imports but it will invariable hurt another industry that needs those imports to maintain profits.

I'm sure there will be some examples of that. But it is a price we have to pay. Allowing our trading "partners" to benefit so hugely at our expense is not sane.

And our we asking so much? If the trade deficit dropped to a still massive and huge 150 billion a year, Trump would go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents, and coast though re-election.

Why the strong pushback? Why are THEY risking a global trade war?

Third there are a number of other options, that can be used that are less likely to start a trade war and more likely to lead to positive negotiations. Unfortunately, those options are technical and not likely to score any political points for the president.

Bullshit. People are dying from the economic stress caused by this shit. We need strong and aggressive action NOW.
It is easy to blame the large trade deficit on foreign governments that block the sale of U.S. products in their markets, which hurts American businesses and lowers their employees’ standard of living. It’s also easy to blame foreign governments that subsidize their exports to the U.S., which hurts the businesses and employees that lose sales to foreign suppliers (though U.S. households as a whole benefit when foreign governments subsidize what American consumers buy).

But foreign import barriers and exports subsidies aren’t the reason for the U.S. trade deficit. The real reason is that Americans are spending more than they produce. The overall trade deficit is the result of the saving and investment decisions of U.S. households and businesses. The policies of foreign governments affect only how that deficit is divided among America’s trading partners.

The reason why Americans’ saving and investment decisions drive the overall trade deficit is straightforward: If a country saves more of total output than it invests in business equipment and structures, it has extra output to sell to the rest of the world. In other words, saving minus investment equals exports minus imports — a fundamental accounting identity that is true for every country in every year.

So reducing the U.S. trade deficit requires Americans to save more or invest less. On their own, policies that open other countries’ markets to U.S. products, or close U.S. markets to foreign products, won’t change the overall trade balance.

The U.S. has been able to sustain a trade deficit every year for more than three decades because foreigners are willing to lend it the money to finance its net purchases, by purchasing U.S. bonds and stocks or investing in U.S. real estate and other businesses. There is no guarantee that this will continue in the decades ahead; but there is also no reason why it should come to an end. While foreign entities that lend to U.S. borrowers will want to be repaid some day, others can take their place as the next generation of lenders.

The real reason for the trade deficit? Our spending habits

If tariffs make US manufacturing more competitive, that will encourage more investment in US manufacturing both by US companies and foreign companies, I have received some very encouraging anecdotal reports on this, and it is verified by the surge in manufacturing employment.

AND, might I add, that, the status quo that you are so supportive of, is not sustainable, because, someday, those loans will grow beyond our ability to service them.

Then the House of Cards, come tumbling down in flames and ruin.

The sooner we change that shit, the better.

It is encouraging to see manufacturing employment follow the trend of the last 6 years, I agree

View attachment 204408

The job surge I was referring to was from the July numbers.

BUT, I note your graph. Makes all the more moronic all the anti-Trumpers arguing that manufacturing jobs could not come back, or were dying, or were of the past, or any of the moronic bullshit they said about them.

Less so than all you Trump ass sniffers that claim they cannot come back without a fucking trade war.
Generations of wage stagnation, so bad that white life expectancy is actually DROPPING.

Evolution, those that can’t adapt are left behind.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

So, you finally admit it. It is not that you think that your policies are better, it is that you don't care about your fellow Americans whom they hurt.

Got it.

I do not have a policy, I am not the government. But in general yes I do think that freedom is better than government control. You whine about people being hurt, did you whine about buggy makers going out of business, did you whine about telephone operators being put out of a a job, or elevator operators or black smiths or all the other jobs that were once prevalent and no longer are.

Just how far back would you like to turn back time?

1. Your pretense that you don't have a policy that you support is noted and dismissed as cowardly and dishonest.

2. An accusation of "whining" coming for someone who supports whites dying, I don't fucking care. Screw you.

1. You said nothing about me supporting a policy, you said "your policies". Do try and remember what it is you write. But yes, I support the policy of more freedom and less government...the two opposite things that you support.

2. Why do you only care about whites dying, are you a racist?

1. Your pretense that you really thought I thought you were a government is dismissed as utterly asinine. Stop being an ass.

2. Whites are the only ones with a declining life span.And you support them dying. YOu are a callous ass.

2b and you are a race baiting piece of shit.
I am not referring to just since Trump took office. I am talking about generations of predatory trade policies, like that seen with Airbus.

Trump Right on Trade Predators

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.” "

And do I even have to talk about the Chinese?!

Why do you assume he is assuming? Maybe he seriously looked at the issue and thought about it deeply, if quickly, and concluded based on the evidence that they are cheating.

t's been decades. The Rust Belt looks like a war zone. The working poor are so squeezed that White Life spans are actually DROPPING.

No, it does not.

The leaders of our Trading "Partners" have a choice, allow for more balanced trade, or risk a trade war.

They are supposed to be so much more adult and professional and smarter than Trump.

So, why are they risking a global trade war?

They must think they are really, hugely benefiting from the status quo to risk it.

I'm sure there will be some examples of that. But it is a price we have to pay. Allowing our trading "partners" to benefit so hugely at our expense is not sane.

And our we asking so much? If the trade deficit dropped to a still massive and huge 150 billion a year, Trump would go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents, and coast though re-election.

Why the strong pushback? Why are THEY risking a global trade war?

Bullshit. People are dying from the economic stress caused by this shit. We need strong and aggressive action NOW.
It is easy to blame the large trade deficit on foreign governments that block the sale of U.S. products in their markets, which hurts American businesses and lowers their employees’ standard of living. It’s also easy to blame foreign governments that subsidize their exports to the U.S., which hurts the businesses and employees that lose sales to foreign suppliers (though U.S. households as a whole benefit when foreign governments subsidize what American consumers buy).

But foreign import barriers and exports subsidies aren’t the reason for the U.S. trade deficit. The real reason is that Americans are spending more than they produce. The overall trade deficit is the result of the saving and investment decisions of U.S. households and businesses. The policies of foreign governments affect only how that deficit is divided among America’s trading partners.

The reason why Americans’ saving and investment decisions drive the overall trade deficit is straightforward: If a country saves more of total output than it invests in business equipment and structures, it has extra output to sell to the rest of the world. In other words, saving minus investment equals exports minus imports — a fundamental accounting identity that is true for every country in every year.

So reducing the U.S. trade deficit requires Americans to save more or invest less. On their own, policies that open other countries’ markets to U.S. products, or close U.S. markets to foreign products, won’t change the overall trade balance.

The U.S. has been able to sustain a trade deficit every year for more than three decades because foreigners are willing to lend it the money to finance its net purchases, by purchasing U.S. bonds and stocks or investing in U.S. real estate and other businesses. There is no guarantee that this will continue in the decades ahead; but there is also no reason why it should come to an end. While foreign entities that lend to U.S. borrowers will want to be repaid some day, others can take their place as the next generation of lenders.

The real reason for the trade deficit? Our spending habits

If tariffs make US manufacturing more competitive, that will encourage more investment in US manufacturing both by US companies and foreign companies, I have received some very encouraging anecdotal reports on this, and it is verified by the surge in manufacturing employment.

AND, might I add, that, the status quo that you are so supportive of, is not sustainable, because, someday, those loans will grow beyond our ability to service them.

Then the House of Cards, come tumbling down in flames and ruin.

The sooner we change that shit, the better.

It is encouraging to see manufacturing employment follow the trend of the last 6 years, I agree

View attachment 204408

The job surge I was referring to was from the July numbers.

BUT, I note your graph. Makes all the more moronic all the anti-Trumpers arguing that manufacturing jobs could not come back, or were dying, or were of the past, or any of the moronic bullshit they said about them.

Less so than all you Trump ass sniffers that claim they cannot come back without a fucking trade war.

That is a nice strawman you invented there. You are welcome to defend it yourself. It has nothing to do with me, or anyone I know.
Evolution, those that can’t adapt are left behind.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

So, you finally admit it. It is not that you think that your policies are better, it is that you don't care about your fellow Americans whom they hurt.

Got it.

I do not have a policy, I am not the government. But in general yes I do think that freedom is better than government control. You whine about people being hurt, did you whine about buggy makers going out of business, did you whine about telephone operators being put out of a a job, or elevator operators or black smiths or all the other jobs that were once prevalent and no longer are.

Just how far back would you like to turn back time?

1. Your pretense that you don't have a policy that you support is noted and dismissed as cowardly and dishonest.

2. An accusation of "whining" coming for someone who supports whites dying, I don't fucking care. Screw you.

1. You said nothing about me supporting a policy, you said "your policies". Do try and remember what it is you write. But yes, I support the policy of more freedom and less government...the two opposite things that you support.

2. Why do you only care about whites dying, are you a racist?

1. Your pretense that you really thought I thought you were a government is dismissed as utterly asinine. Stop being an ass.

2. Whites are the only ones with a declining life span.And you support them dying. YOu are a callous ass.

2b and you are a race baiting piece of shit.

You are full of shit again...

Life Expectancy Declines Among Americans for Second Year - The Atlantic

The only racial group that saw a significant increase in their death rate between 2015 and 2016 were black men
So, you finally admit it. It is not that you think that your policies are better, it is that you don't care about your fellow Americans whom they hurt.

Got it.

I do not have a policy, I am not the government. But in general yes I do think that freedom is better than government control. You whine about people being hurt, did you whine about buggy makers going out of business, did you whine about telephone operators being put out of a a job, or elevator operators or black smiths or all the other jobs that were once prevalent and no longer are.

Just how far back would you like to turn back time?

1. Your pretense that you don't have a policy that you support is noted and dismissed as cowardly and dishonest.

2. An accusation of "whining" coming for someone who supports whites dying, I don't fucking care. Screw you.

1. You said nothing about me supporting a policy, you said "your policies". Do try and remember what it is you write. But yes, I support the policy of more freedom and less government...the two opposite things that you support.

2. Why do you only care about whites dying, are you a racist?

1. Your pretense that you really thought I thought you were a government is dismissed as utterly asinine. Stop being an ass.

2. Whites are the only ones with a declining life span.And you support them dying. YOu are a callous ass.

2b and you are a race baiting piece of shit.

You are full of shit again...

Life Expectancy Declines Among Americans for Second Year - The Atlantic

The only racial group that saw a significant increase in their death rate between 2015 and 2016 were black men

I've seen different analysis's of that report, which indicated that whites were the only ones losing life expectancy.

If you want, I'll be happy to post a link.

BUt the real issue here is that when confronted by a reference to the pain and death of White Americans, your response was to just let them die.

You argue as though you believe that your polices are "Better".

But in reality, you just don't give a fuck, or are actively hostile to those paying the price.

You are a callous ass.
I do not have a policy, I am not the government. But in general yes I do think that freedom is better than government control. You whine about people being hurt, did you whine about buggy makers going out of business, did you whine about telephone operators being put out of a a job, or elevator operators or black smiths or all the other jobs that were once prevalent and no longer are.

Just how far back would you like to turn back time?

1. Your pretense that you don't have a policy that you support is noted and dismissed as cowardly and dishonest.

2. An accusation of "whining" coming for someone who supports whites dying, I don't fucking care. Screw you.

1. You said nothing about me supporting a policy, you said "your policies". Do try and remember what it is you write. But yes, I support the policy of more freedom and less government...the two opposite things that you support.

2. Why do you only care about whites dying, are you a racist?

1. Your pretense that you really thought I thought you were a government is dismissed as utterly asinine. Stop being an ass.

2. Whites are the only ones with a declining life span.And you support them dying. YOu are a callous ass.

2b and you are a race baiting piece of shit.

You are full of shit again...

Life Expectancy Declines Among Americans for Second Year - The Atlantic

The only racial group that saw a significant increase in their death rate between 2015 and 2016 were black men

I've seen different analysis's of that report, which indicated that whites were the only ones losing life expectancy.

If you want, I'll be happy to post a link.

BUt the real issue here is that when confronted by a reference to the pain and death of White Americans, your response was to just let them die.

You argue as though you believe that your polices are "Better".

But in reality, you just don't give a fuck, or are actively hostile to those paying the price.

You are a callous ass.

Yes, yes I am. I have no sympathy for people that refuse to help themselves after a decade or two.
1. Your pretense that you don't have a policy that you support is noted and dismissed as cowardly and dishonest.

2. An accusation of "whining" coming for someone who supports whites dying, I don't fucking care. Screw you.

1. You said nothing about me supporting a policy, you said "your policies". Do try and remember what it is you write. But yes, I support the policy of more freedom and less government...the two opposite things that you support.

2. Why do you only care about whites dying, are you a racist?

1. Your pretense that you really thought I thought you were a government is dismissed as utterly asinine. Stop being an ass.

2. Whites are the only ones with a declining life span.And you support them dying. YOu are a callous ass.

2b and you are a race baiting piece of shit.

You are full of shit again...

Life Expectancy Declines Among Americans for Second Year - The Atlantic

The only racial group that saw a significant increase in their death rate between 2015 and 2016 were black men

I've seen different analysis's of that report, which indicated that whites were the only ones losing life expectancy.

If you want, I'll be happy to post a link.

BUt the real issue here is that when confronted by a reference to the pain and death of White Americans, your response was to just let them die.

You argue as though you believe that your polices are "Better".

But in reality, you just don't give a fuck, or are actively hostile to those paying the price.

You are a callous ass.

Yes, yes I am. I have no sympathy for people that refuse to help themselves after a decade or two.

So, in a debate about which policy is best for America, you admit that you just don't care about a large number of Americans.

THat sort of removes any legitimacy you might have had.
1. You said nothing about me supporting a policy, you said "your policies". Do try and remember what it is you write. But yes, I support the policy of more freedom and less government...the two opposite things that you support.

2. Why do you only care about whites dying, are you a racist?

1. Your pretense that you really thought I thought you were a government is dismissed as utterly asinine. Stop being an ass.

2. Whites are the only ones with a declining life span.And you support them dying. YOu are a callous ass.

2b and you are a race baiting piece of shit.

You are full of shit again...

Life Expectancy Declines Among Americans for Second Year - The Atlantic

The only racial group that saw a significant increase in their death rate between 2015 and 2016 were black men

I've seen different analysis's of that report, which indicated that whites were the only ones losing life expectancy.

If you want, I'll be happy to post a link.

BUt the real issue here is that when confronted by a reference to the pain and death of White Americans, your response was to just let them die.

You argue as though you believe that your polices are "Better".

But in reality, you just don't give a fuck, or are actively hostile to those paying the price.

You are a callous ass.

Yes, yes I am. I have no sympathy for people that refuse to help themselves after a decade or two.

So, in a debate about which policy is best for America, you admit that you just don't care about a large number of Americans.

THat sort of removes any legitimacy you might have had.

4% unemployment, more jobs than people and 108 straight months of economic expansion. The majority of Americans are doing just fucking fine. All you give a shit about is one tiny little part of America
1. Your pretense that you really thought I thought you were a government is dismissed as utterly asinine. Stop being an ass.

2. Whites are the only ones with a declining life span.And you support them dying. YOu are a callous ass.

2b and you are a race baiting piece of shit.

You are full of shit again...

Life Expectancy Declines Among Americans for Second Year - The Atlantic

The only racial group that saw a significant increase in their death rate between 2015 and 2016 were black men

I've seen different analysis's of that report, which indicated that whites were the only ones losing life expectancy.

If you want, I'll be happy to post a link.

BUt the real issue here is that when confronted by a reference to the pain and death of White Americans, your response was to just let them die.

You argue as though you believe that your polices are "Better".

But in reality, you just don't give a fuck, or are actively hostile to those paying the price.

You are a callous ass.

Yes, yes I am. I have no sympathy for people that refuse to help themselves after a decade or two.

So, in a debate about which policy is best for America, you admit that you just don't care about a large number of Americans.

THat sort of removes any legitimacy you might have had.

4% unemployment, more jobs than people and 108 straight months of economic expansion. The majority of Americans are doing just fucking fine. All you give a shit about is one tiny little part of America

Oh, you mean like transgender people and gays?
Most of what you're saying is just not true. Our trading partners aren't coming after us. They are just responding to actions Trump has taken.

I am not referring to just since Trump took office. I am talking about generations of predatory trade policies, like that seen with Airbus.

Trump Right on Trade Predators

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.” "

And do I even have to talk about the Chinese?!

Trump is right in pointing out that trade deficits are bad but he's dead wrong in assuming trade deficits are a result cheating by our trading partners.

Why do you assume he is assuming? Maybe he seriously looked at the issue and thought about it deeply, if quickly, and concluded based on the evidence that they are cheating.

In the world of international trade, tariffs are the nuclear option, the option of last resort for several reasons.

t's been decades. The Rust Belt looks like a war zone. The working poor are so squeezed that White Life spans are actually DROPPING.

First, it forces the other country to respond in kind.

No, it does not.

The leaders of our Trading "Partners" have a choice, allow for more balanced trade, or risk a trade war.

They are supposed to be so much more adult and professional and smarter than Trump.

So, why are they risking a global trade war?

They must think they are really, hugely benefiting from the status quo to risk it.

Second, there are always unintended consequences; that is the tariff may protect a certain industry by restricting imports but it will invariable hurt another industry that needs those imports to maintain profits.

I'm sure there will be some examples of that. But it is a price we have to pay. Allowing our trading "partners" to benefit so hugely at our expense is not sane.

And our we asking so much? If the trade deficit dropped to a still massive and huge 150 billion a year, Trump would go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents, and coast though re-election.

Why the strong pushback? Why are THEY risking a global trade war?

Third there are a number of other options, that can be used that are less likely to start a trade war and more likely to lead to positive negotiations. Unfortunately, those options are technical and not likely to score any political points for the president.

Bullshit. People are dying from the economic stress caused by this shit. We need strong and aggressive action NOW.
It is easy to blame the large trade deficit on foreign governments that block the sale of U.S. products in their markets, which hurts American businesses and lowers their employees’ standard of living. It’s also easy to blame foreign governments that subsidize their exports to the U.S., which hurts the businesses and employees that lose sales to foreign suppliers (though U.S. households as a whole benefit when foreign governments subsidize what American consumers buy).

But foreign import barriers and exports subsidies aren’t the reason for the U.S. trade deficit. The real reason is that Americans are spending more than they produce. The overall trade deficit is the result of the saving and investment decisions of U.S. households and businesses. The policies of foreign governments affect only how that deficit is divided among America’s trading partners.

The reason why Americans’ saving and investment decisions drive the overall trade deficit is straightforward: If a country saves more of total output than it invests in business equipment and structures, it has extra output to sell to the rest of the world. In other words, saving minus investment equals exports minus imports — a fundamental accounting identity that is true for every country in every year.

So reducing the U.S. trade deficit requires Americans to save more or invest less. On their own, policies that open other countries’ markets to U.S. products, or close U.S. markets to foreign products, won’t change the overall trade balance.

The U.S. has been able to sustain a trade deficit every year for more than three decades because foreigners are willing to lend it the money to finance its net purchases, by purchasing U.S. bonds and stocks or investing in U.S. real estate and other businesses. There is no guarantee that this will continue in the decades ahead; but there is also no reason why it should come to an end. While foreign entities that lend to U.S. borrowers will want to be repaid some day, others can take their place as the next generation of lenders.

The real reason for the trade deficit? Our spending habits

If tariffs make US manufacturing more competitive, that will encourage more investment in US manufacturing both by US companies and foreign companies, I have received some very encouraging anecdotal reports on this, and it is verified by the surge in manufacturing employment.

AND, might I add, that, the status quo that you are so supportive of, is not sustainable, because, someday, those loans will grow beyond our ability to service them.

Then the House of Cards, come tumbling down in flames and ruin.

The sooner we change that shit, the better.
In markets not controlled by the goverment, companies become more competitive by producing a better product for the price. This is the kind of success that brings in investment capital and opens up new markets.

Steel and Aluminum companies don't have worry about producing better products at better prices. They just have to lobby congress and the administration to keep those tariffs coming to force Americans to buy their products.

And that House of Cards is far more likely to come tumbling down when Americans are paying more and getting less.
Last edited:
Most of what you're saying is just not true. Our trading partners aren't coming after us. They are just responding to actions Trump has taken.

I am not referring to just since Trump took office. I am talking about generations of predatory trade policies, like that seen with Airbus.

Trump Right on Trade Predators

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.” "

And do I even have to talk about the Chinese?!

Trump is right in pointing out that trade deficits are bad but he's dead wrong in assuming trade deficits are a result cheating by our trading partners.

Why do you assume he is assuming? Maybe he seriously looked at the issue and thought about it deeply, if quickly, and concluded based on the evidence that they are cheating.

In the world of international trade, tariffs are the nuclear option, the option of last resort for several reasons.

t's been decades. The Rust Belt looks like a war zone. The working poor are so squeezed that White Life spans are actually DROPPING.

First, it forces the other country to respond in kind.

No, it does not.

The leaders of our Trading "Partners" have a choice, allow for more balanced trade, or risk a trade war.

They are supposed to be so much more adult and professional and smarter than Trump.

So, why are they risking a global trade war?

They must think they are really, hugely benefiting from the status quo to risk it.

Second, there are always unintended consequences; that is the tariff may protect a certain industry by restricting imports but it will invariable hurt another industry that needs those imports to maintain profits.

I'm sure there will be some examples of that. But it is a price we have to pay. Allowing our trading "partners" to benefit so hugely at our expense is not sane.

And our we asking so much? If the trade deficit dropped to a still massive and huge 150 billion a year, Trump would go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents, and coast though re-election.

Why the strong pushback? Why are THEY risking a global trade war?

Third there are a number of other options, that can be used that are less likely to start a trade war and more likely to lead to positive negotiations. Unfortunately, those options are technical and not likely to score any political points for the president.

Bullshit. People are dying from the economic stress caused by this shit. We need strong and aggressive action NOW.
It is easy to blame the large trade deficit on foreign governments that block the sale of U.S. products in their markets, which hurts American businesses and lowers their employees’ standard of living. It’s also easy to blame foreign governments that subsidize their exports to the U.S., which hurts the businesses and employees that lose sales to foreign suppliers (though U.S. households as a whole benefit when foreign governments subsidize what American consumers buy).

But foreign import barriers and exports subsidies aren’t the reason for the U.S. trade deficit. The real reason is that Americans are spending more than they produce. The overall trade deficit is the result of the saving and investment decisions of U.S. households and businesses. The policies of foreign governments affect only how that deficit is divided among America’s trading partners.

The reason why Americans’ saving and investment decisions drive the overall trade deficit is straightforward: If a country saves more of total output than it invests in business equipment and structures, it has extra output to sell to the rest of the world. In other words, saving minus investment equals exports minus imports — a fundamental accounting identity that is true for every country in every year.

So reducing the U.S. trade deficit requires Americans to save more or invest less. On their own, policies that open other countries’ markets to U.S. products, or close U.S. markets to foreign products, won’t change the overall trade balance.

The U.S. has been able to sustain a trade deficit every year for more than three decades because foreigners are willing to lend it the money to finance its net purchases, by purchasing U.S. bonds and stocks or investing in U.S. real estate and other businesses. There is no guarantee that this will continue in the decades ahead; but there is also no reason why it should come to an end. While foreign entities that lend to U.S. borrowers will want to be repaid some day, others can take their place as the next generation of lenders.

The real reason for the trade deficit? Our spending habits

If tariffs make US manufacturing more competitive, that will encourage more investment in US manufacturing both by US companies and foreign companies, I have received some very encouraging anecdotal reports on this, and it is verified by the surge in manufacturing employment.

AND, might I add, that, the status quo that you are so supportive of, is not sustainable, because, someday, those loans will grow beyond our ability to service them.

Then the House of Cards, come tumbling down in flames and ruin.

The sooner we change that shit, the better.

It is encouraging to see manufacturing employment follow the trend of the last 6 years, I agree

View attachment 204408
US manufacturing is growing at the fastest rate in 14 years. Today, the number one challenge is filling positions in new plants, large and small all over the country.
You are full of shit again...

Life Expectancy Declines Among Americans for Second Year - The Atlantic

The only racial group that saw a significant increase in their death rate between 2015 and 2016 were black men

I've seen different analysis's of that report, which indicated that whites were the only ones losing life expectancy.

If you want, I'll be happy to post a link.

BUt the real issue here is that when confronted by a reference to the pain and death of White Americans, your response was to just let them die.

You argue as though you believe that your polices are "Better".

But in reality, you just don't give a fuck, or are actively hostile to those paying the price.

You are a callous ass.

Yes, yes I am. I have no sympathy for people that refuse to help themselves after a decade or two.

So, in a debate about which policy is best for America, you admit that you just don't care about a large number of Americans.

THat sort of removes any legitimacy you might have had.

4% unemployment, more jobs than people and 108 straight months of economic expansion. The majority of Americans are doing just fucking fine. All you give a shit about is one tiny little part of America

Oh, you mean like transgender people and gays?

I do not think he cares about transgender people and gays
1. Your pretense that you really thought I thought you were a government is dismissed as utterly asinine. Stop being an ass.

2. Whites are the only ones with a declining life span.And you support them dying. YOu are a callous ass.

2b and you are a race baiting piece of shit.

You are full of shit again...

Life Expectancy Declines Among Americans for Second Year - The Atlantic

The only racial group that saw a significant increase in their death rate between 2015 and 2016 were black men

I've seen different analysis's of that report, which indicated that whites were the only ones losing life expectancy.

If you want, I'll be happy to post a link.

BUt the real issue here is that when confronted by a reference to the pain and death of White Americans, your response was to just let them die.

You argue as though you believe that your polices are "Better".

But in reality, you just don't give a fuck, or are actively hostile to those paying the price.

You are a callous ass.

Yes, yes I am. I have no sympathy for people that refuse to help themselves after a decade or two.

So, in a debate about which policy is best for America, you admit that you just don't care about a large number of Americans.

THat sort of removes any legitimacy you might have had.

4% unemployment, more jobs than people and 108 straight months of economic expansion. The majority of Americans are doing just fucking fine. All you give a shit about is one tiny little part of America

Stop acting like the well being of America or Americans is your concern.

You admitted that you are comfortable with declining White Life spans.

You cited evolution and stated your lack of concern for those that can't adapt. IN Evolution, those that can't adapt die off.

You did that in the context of a comment from me on declining white life spans.

So, don't even try to run away from what you said, ie that you don't even fucking care if large numbers of Americans die, or in the context of evolution, large groups of your fellow Americans DIE OFF.

So, we are past the point of the discussion where you get to pretend that you support your policies because they are good for America or Americans.
Most of what you're saying is just not true. Our trading partners aren't coming after us. They are just responding to actions Trump has taken.

I am not referring to just since Trump took office. I am talking about generations of predatory trade policies, like that seen with Airbus.

Trump Right on Trade Predators

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.” "

And do I even have to talk about the Chinese?!

Trump is right in pointing out that trade deficits are bad but he's dead wrong in assuming trade deficits are a result cheating by our trading partners.

Why do you assume he is assuming? Maybe he seriously looked at the issue and thought about it deeply, if quickly, and concluded based on the evidence that they are cheating.

In the world of international trade, tariffs are the nuclear option, the option of last resort for several reasons.

t's been decades. The Rust Belt looks like a war zone. The working poor are so squeezed that White Life spans are actually DROPPING.

First, it forces the other country to respond in kind.

No, it does not.

The leaders of our Trading "Partners" have a choice, allow for more balanced trade, or risk a trade war.

They are supposed to be so much more adult and professional and smarter than Trump.

So, why are they risking a global trade war?

They must think they are really, hugely benefiting from the status quo to risk it.

Second, there are always unintended consequences; that is the tariff may protect a certain industry by restricting imports but it will invariable hurt another industry that needs those imports to maintain profits.

I'm sure there will be some examples of that. But it is a price we have to pay. Allowing our trading "partners" to benefit so hugely at our expense is not sane.

And our we asking so much? If the trade deficit dropped to a still massive and huge 150 billion a year, Trump would go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents, and coast though re-election.

Why the strong pushback? Why are THEY risking a global trade war?

Third there are a number of other options, that can be used that are less likely to start a trade war and more likely to lead to positive negotiations. Unfortunately, those options are technical and not likely to score any political points for the president.

Bullshit. People are dying from the economic stress caused by this shit. We need strong and aggressive action NOW.
It is easy to blame the large trade deficit on foreign governments that block the sale of U.S. products in their markets, which hurts American businesses and lowers their employees’ standard of living. It’s also easy to blame foreign governments that subsidize their exports to the U.S., which hurts the businesses and employees that lose sales to foreign suppliers (though U.S. households as a whole benefit when foreign governments subsidize what American consumers buy).

But foreign import barriers and exports subsidies aren’t the reason for the U.S. trade deficit. The real reason is that Americans are spending more than they produce. The overall trade deficit is the result of the saving and investment decisions of U.S. households and businesses. The policies of foreign governments affect only how that deficit is divided among America’s trading partners.

The reason why Americans’ saving and investment decisions drive the overall trade deficit is straightforward: If a country saves more of total output than it invests in business equipment and structures, it has extra output to sell to the rest of the world. In other words, saving minus investment equals exports minus imports — a fundamental accounting identity that is true for every country in every year.

So reducing the U.S. trade deficit requires Americans to save more or invest less. On their own, policies that open other countries’ markets to U.S. products, or close U.S. markets to foreign products, won’t change the overall trade balance.

The U.S. has been able to sustain a trade deficit every year for more than three decades because foreigners are willing to lend it the money to finance its net purchases, by purchasing U.S. bonds and stocks or investing in U.S. real estate and other businesses. There is no guarantee that this will continue in the decades ahead; but there is also no reason why it should come to an end. While foreign entities that lend to U.S. borrowers will want to be repaid some day, others can take their place as the next generation of lenders.

The real reason for the trade deficit? Our spending habits

If tariffs make US manufacturing more competitive, that will encourage more investment in US manufacturing both by US companies and foreign companies, I have received some very encouraging anecdotal reports on this, and it is verified by the surge in manufacturing employment.

AND, might I add, that, the status quo that you are so supportive of, is not sustainable, because, someday, those loans will grow beyond our ability to service them.

Then the House of Cards, come tumbling down in flames and ruin.

The sooner we change that shit, the better.
In markets not controlled by the goverment, companies become more competitive by producing a better product for the price. This is the kind of success that brings in investment capital and opens up new markets.

Steel and Aluminum companies don't have worry about producing better products at better prices. They just have to lobby congress and the administration to keep those tariffs coming to force Americans to buy their products.

And that House of Cards is far more likely to come tumbling down when Americans are paying more and getting less.

1. The world market is controlled by governments and government policies. See the EU support of Airbus, as a small symbolic example, or the Chinese government's refusal to crack down on movie pirating.

2. If the American manufacturers cant' compete with foreign manufacturers, and the massive and ever growing trade deficit shows they, in large, they cannot, regardless of what the reason is, then we need to consider how American interests are served by constantly losing.

3. This country is not going to fall apart because of a small dialing back of the consumer economy. 17% more for washers and dryers? I just bought a washer and dryer for my rental unit, if the prices were inflated, it did not slow me down, or place undue hardship on me.
Most of what you're saying is just not true. Our trading partners aren't coming after us. They are just responding to actions Trump has taken.

I am not referring to just since Trump took office. I am talking about generations of predatory trade policies, like that seen with Airbus.

Trump Right on Trade Predators

"Richard Evans of British Aerospace explained: “Airbus is going to attack the Americans, including Boeing, until they bleed and scream.” And another executive said, “If Airbus has to give away planes, we will do it.” "

And do I even have to talk about the Chinese?!

Trump is right in pointing out that trade deficits are bad but he's dead wrong in assuming trade deficits are a result cheating by our trading partners.

Why do you assume he is assuming? Maybe he seriously looked at the issue and thought about it deeply, if quickly, and concluded based on the evidence that they are cheating.

In the world of international trade, tariffs are the nuclear option, the option of last resort for several reasons.

t's been decades. The Rust Belt looks like a war zone. The working poor are so squeezed that White Life spans are actually DROPPING.

First, it forces the other country to respond in kind.

No, it does not.

The leaders of our Trading "Partners" have a choice, allow for more balanced trade, or risk a trade war.

They are supposed to be so much more adult and professional and smarter than Trump.

So, why are they risking a global trade war?

They must think they are really, hugely benefiting from the status quo to risk it.

Second, there are always unintended consequences; that is the tariff may protect a certain industry by restricting imports but it will invariable hurt another industry that needs those imports to maintain profits.

I'm sure there will be some examples of that. But it is a price we have to pay. Allowing our trading "partners" to benefit so hugely at our expense is not sane.

And our we asking so much? If the trade deficit dropped to a still massive and huge 150 billion a year, Trump would go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents, and coast though re-election.

Why the strong pushback? Why are THEY risking a global trade war?

Third there are a number of other options, that can be used that are less likely to start a trade war and more likely to lead to positive negotiations. Unfortunately, those options are technical and not likely to score any political points for the president.

Bullshit. People are dying from the economic stress caused by this shit. We need strong and aggressive action NOW.
It is easy to blame the large trade deficit on foreign governments that block the sale of U.S. products in their markets, which hurts American businesses and lowers their employees’ standard of living. It’s also easy to blame foreign governments that subsidize their exports to the U.S., which hurts the businesses and employees that lose sales to foreign suppliers (though U.S. households as a whole benefit when foreign governments subsidize what American consumers buy).

But foreign import barriers and exports subsidies aren’t the reason for the U.S. trade deficit. The real reason is that Americans are spending more than they produce. The overall trade deficit is the result of the saving and investment decisions of U.S. households and businesses. The policies of foreign governments affect only how that deficit is divided among America’s trading partners.

The reason why Americans’ saving and investment decisions drive the overall trade deficit is straightforward: If a country saves more of total output than it invests in business equipment and structures, it has extra output to sell to the rest of the world. In other words, saving minus investment equals exports minus imports — a fundamental accounting identity that is true for every country in every year.

So reducing the U.S. trade deficit requires Americans to save more or invest less. On their own, policies that open other countries’ markets to U.S. products, or close U.S. markets to foreign products, won’t change the overall trade balance.

The U.S. has been able to sustain a trade deficit every year for more than three decades because foreigners are willing to lend it the money to finance its net purchases, by purchasing U.S. bonds and stocks or investing in U.S. real estate and other businesses. There is no guarantee that this will continue in the decades ahead; but there is also no reason why it should come to an end. While foreign entities that lend to U.S. borrowers will want to be repaid some day, others can take their place as the next generation of lenders.

The real reason for the trade deficit? Our spending habits

If tariffs make US manufacturing more competitive, that will encourage more investment in US manufacturing both by US companies and foreign companies, I have received some very encouraging anecdotal reports on this, and it is verified by the surge in manufacturing employment.

AND, might I add, that, the status quo that you are so supportive of, is not sustainable, because, someday, those loans will grow beyond our ability to service them.

Then the House of Cards, come tumbling down in flames and ruin.

The sooner we change that shit, the better.

It is encouraging to see manufacturing employment follow the trend of the last 6 years, I agree

View attachment 204408
US manufacturing is growing at the fastest rate in 14 years. Today, the number one challenge is filling positions in new plants, large and small all over the country.

Which is a good thing. And should lead to upward wage pressure, very soon.

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