Was obama The Reason The LEFT Turned Into Full Blown Socialists?


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
The left has pride left at all. They are now full blown socialists and communists. We also know that their messiah is a full blown spread the wealth around, tax the rich, redistribute the wealth, out of control big government spender, and they love him, dear leader, he gives them things for FREE. If the democrats of 30 years ago could see what kind of people the democrats of today have become, they'd roll over in their graves. I'm just waiting for the swastikas on arm bands at obama rallies. That's all that's missing.



The left hate capitalism, they hate this country, bamie floated to the top of the shit pile in the outhouse and wa la.. you have the king of the socialist blame AMerica first club.
Sadly it's how Hitler got started.

Agreed. At this point, I say let obama and the gimme, gimme, gimme lazy masses that reeclected him get EVERYTHING THEY WANT, jump off the fiscal cliff with them. Let them OWN what happens next. It won't be pretty. It will expose obama for the commie he is just like all the commies that raised him and all the commies he surrounds himself with and adores. Going over the cliff with him will just speed up the implosion of our economy. Maybe when we run out of money and turn into Greece people will finally get the picture.
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I think that ideology has been driving up in recent years. MAybe even further back. He was just the leader to put it in action. Both parties have evolved. If the repubs of the 1800's knew about their platform today, they would bew rolling in their graves as well
Sadly it's how Hitler got started.

Agreed. At this point, I say let obama and the gimme, gimme, gimme lazy masses that reeclected him get EVERYTHING THEY WANT, jump off the fiscal cliff with them. Let them OWN what happens next. It won't be pretty. It will expose obama for the commie he is just like all the commies that raised him and all the commies he surrounds himself with and adores. Going over the cliff with him will just speed up the implosion of our economy. Maybe when we run out of money and turn into Greece people will finally get the picture.

They wont own up to shit! Never will. They do no wrong
Sadly it's how Hitler got started.

Agreed. At this point, I say let obama and the gimme, gimme, gimme lazy masses that reeclected him get EVERYTHING THEY WANT, jump off the fiscal cliff with them. Let them OWN what happens next. It won't be pretty. It will expose obama for the commie he is just like all the commies that raised him and all the commies he surrounds himself with and adores. Going over the cliff with him will just speed up the implosion of our economy. Maybe when we run out of money and turn into Greece people will finally get the picture.

I agree: Que sera, sera

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZbKHDPPrrc&feature=player_detailpage]Doris Day - Que Sera Sera - YouTube[/ame]

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother, what will I be
Will I be pretty, will I be rich
Here's what she said to me.

Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.

When I was young, I fell in love
I asked my sweetheart what lies ahead
Will we have rainbows, day after day

Here's what my sweetheart said.

Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.

Now I have children of my own
They ask their mother, what will I be
Will I be handsome, will I be rich
I tell them tenderly.

Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.
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Sadly it's how Hitler got started.

Agreed. At this point, I say let obama and the gimme, gimme, gimme lazy masses that reeclected him get EVERYTHING THEY WANT, jump off the fiscal cliff with them. Let them OWN what happens next. It won't be pretty. It will expose obama for the commie he is just like all the commies that raised him and all the commies he surrounds himself with and adores. Going over the cliff with him will just speed up the implosion of our economy. Maybe when we run out of money and turn into Greece people will finally get the picture.

They wont own up to shit! Never will. They do no wrong
True, they don't own up to their shit. They just talk shit like the artilcedumbass above. But it will be CLEAR who steered us off the cliff as fast as he/they could... obama and the democraps, and I think most people will finally get that, or at least enough to vote the filthy communists out of power. If not, this country is headed for total collapse on a scale that will drag the rest of the world down with it.

You clowns are why the GOP is drowning.

And you and your lazy, mouth breathing, worthless kind are why this country is in a world of shit. Get a call on your obama phone yet this morning?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpAOwJvTOio]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]
Agreed. At this point, I say let obama and the gimme, gimme, gimme lazy masses that reeclected him get EVERYTHING THEY WANT, jump off the fiscal cliff with them. Let them OWN what happens next. It won't be pretty. It will expose obama for the commie he is just like all the commies that raised him and all the commies he surrounds himself with and adores. Going over the cliff with him will just speed up the implosion of our economy. Maybe when we run out of money and turn into Greece people will finally get the picture.

They wont own up to shit! Never will. They do no wrong
True, they don't own up to their shit. They just talk shit like the artilcedumbass above. But it will be CLEAR who steered us off the cliff as fast as he/they could... obama and the democraps, and I think most people will finally get that, or at least enough to vote the filthy communists out of power. If not, this country is headed for total collapse on a scale that will drag the rest of the world down with it.

It's what this board has become...a dialy victory lap with no substance. It's why I post so infrequently now. All they keep repeating is they won and then they drop to their knees and exalt their Ruler with a cyber bow job of praise.
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No, the lefts promises of success while doing fuck all has been their platform for quite some time, obummer is just really really good at cranking up those who can't do anything for themselves.
No, the lefts promises of success while doing fuck all has been their platform for quite some time, obummer is just really really good at cranking up those who can't do anything for themselves.

The left today is nothing short of socialists and communists, and they LOVE their dear leader and messiah. They have been just WAITING for a full blown commie to come along so they could further their agenda of income redistribution, and to PUNISH the successful people for actually seceding. How DARE rich people make money without GIVING IT AWAY. They can't STAND to see it. They HATE capitalism and are MASTERS at CLASS WARFARE. They are the lazy under achievers that are now DEMANDING a ride on the back of those that strive to achieve. The only problem with that is, NOWHERE, ever in history, anywhere on earth, has that model for a society EVER WORKED, and it won't work here. As long as commie obama and his socialist/communist regime are in power, this country is on the fast track to DESTRUCTION.

The most PITIFUL fact is, the left KNOWS it, but they want their FREEBIES as long as they can get them, until they're FORCED to work, they'll sit on their lazy asses and talk on their obama phones until then.

did I miss the moment where Obama or ANYONE in the democratic party called for government ownership and control of the means of production and control of our economy?
I wonder...where have the Democrats of old gone? Surely they didn't hitch their wagons to the idiocy of the youth from the left wing loon fringe that now run the party
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No, the lefts promises of success while doing fuck all has been their platform for quite some time, obummer is just really really good at cranking up those who can't do anything for themselves.

NYCarnineer said it perfectly yesterday...and he received many thanks for his post...

He said....

"it is governments job to make people's lives better"

I disagree.

I believe it is governments job to create an environment that will allow people to make their own lives better. They are to keep us safe and monitor/prevent illegal and unethical actions so we can do with our lives what WE each, individually, believes is best for ourselves and our neighbors
did I miss the moment where Obama or ANYONE in the democratic party called for government ownership and control of the means of production and control of our economy?

Nope...these people are nutjobs who have no clue what they are talking about.
You far-righties are evidence of wide spread inbreeding in deep red states.

You are so fucking dense.
did I miss the moment where Obama or ANYONE in the democratic party called for government ownership and control of the means of production and control of our economy?

Nope...these people are nutjobs who have no clue what they are talking about.


He has iosisted on the right to increase the debt without approval/a vote from congress.

That, in itself, is insisting on controilling one of the major factors of our economy.

He has pushed through legislation that makes demands to business owners and insurance companies to do things they may not want to do...and that is controlling another MAJOR part of our economy.

He has invested our money in a failing company and has partial controlling power of an industry that he, himself, has called "the backbone" of our economy.

What is it that you are missing?
You far-righties are evidence of wide spread inbreeding in deep red states.

You are so fucking dense.

Damnit! And I was hoping you got cut off from the gov tit and your internet got cut off! Thanks for ruining my weekend!

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