CDZ Was 'Idiocracy' a Work of Genius, or just Nonsense?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I think this movie is brilliant, but most people I know disagree.

What do you think?

Do you agree with the reviewer?

Some cut scenes

hybernation projectr

PResident Camacho State of the Union
Dystopian review

Idocracracy a Utopia?

Is Idiocaracy Deep or Dumb?

Lol, reviewer gets it exactly wrong

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I think this movie is brilliant, but most people I know disagree.

What do you think?

Do you agree with the reviewer?

Some cut scenes

hybernation projectr

PResident Camacho State of the Union

Actually it was fairly accurate, but what about people on the dole in America? Everything for free. They do not work yet spend more than me on groceries. Free housing for them too, even in posher neighborhoods than I would ever care to afford.

LBJ started that. Before LBJ, if you didn't work in America, you starved to death. No government subsidized housing, none of that bullshit. Government subsidizing housing drives up housing prices for everyone.
I'd add one thing they missed, though - this real, deep level of raw, visceral hatred from so many.

I don't know if they saw that coming.

So many of what against who? :dunno:

Party against opposing party.

The impeachment of Nixon was justified, IMO, for obstruction of justice reasons, but there were obvious crimes committed in the break in at the Watergate hotel that were justification for criminal investigation. There is no such smoking gun with Trump. Clinton was subject to a lengthy set of investigations that resembled a fishing expedition to many people as Ken Starr's mandate expanded over the years. But Democrats felt like the Justice system was weaponized against Clinton mucdh as many Republicans fel witht he the Nixon investigations.

The partisan rankor has grown with each generation and each set of investigations.

We need a Federal White House level Inspector General and end Special Prosecutors as a thing any more.
I think this movie is brilliant, but most people I know disagree.

What do you think?

Do you agree with the reviewer?

Some cut scenes

hybernation projectr

PResident Camacho State of the Union

It's my favorite political movie.. And it's TOTALLY predictive.. We're almost there. Just waiting for the Great Los Angeles Garbage quake...

A gun toting president from celebrity status as a pro wrestler? A Washington that has no idea how things actually work?? Corporatocracy reduced to a dozen key businesses?

It's a brilliant piece of work.. They hid this movie because of the rights assigned. Can't get it on Netflix or HBO or most cable movie channels.. Don't KNOW who is tying up the rights -- but they need to FREE IDIOCRACY...
I think this movie is brilliant, but most people I know disagree.

What do you think?

Do you agree with the reviewer?

Some cut scenes

hybernation projectr

PResident Camacho State of the Union

Total buffoonery.

Oddly accurate total buffoonery, but total buffoonery none the less.
I would describe "Idiocracy" as one of the
most frightening horror movies ever made.

Sometimes you can tell the truth more realistically
and honestly by using humor especially satire.

Once you tap that spirit of making comedy out of tragedy,
the truth comes out and cuts closer to the bone than
even the writers might expect.

That's my experience anyway with writing satire.
Unconsciously the worst reality about humanity
comes out, and yes it makes the writers look like
geniuses whether they were fully conscious of
the process or the process was using them.

When I write, I feel as if the message is telling itself
and I'm just the conduit but not the actual creator
in charge of the script. It comes through me, but
is not of my making. I am like the musician or the
transcriber playing out a symphony already designed.

Truly inspired art is like that. It takes a combination
of conscious decisions, both art and science,
and letting go and letting the creative process speak for itself.
I would describe "Idiocracy" as one of the
most frightening horror movies ever made.

Sometimes you can tell the truth more realistically
and honestly by using humor especially satire.

Once you tap that spirit of making comedy out of tragedy,
the truth comes out and cuts closer to the bone than
even the writers might expect.

That's my experience anyway with writing satire.
Unconsciously the worst reality about humanity
comes out, and yes it makes the writers look like
geniuses whether they were fully conscious of
the process or the process was using them.

When I write, I feel as if the message is telling itself
and I'm just the conduit but not the actual creator
in charge of the script. It comes through me, but
is not of my making. I am like the musician or the
transcriber playing out a symphony already designed.

Truly inspired art is like that. It takes a combination
of conscious decisions, both art and science,
and letting go and letting the creative process speak for itself.

My wife says that you are right, and trust me, that is as good as hearing it from Gawd Himself.
I think this movie is brilliant, but most people I know disagree.

What do you think?

Do you agree with the reviewer?

Some cut scenes

hybernation projectr

PResident Camacho State of the Union

I've always said Idiocracy is one of the most under-rated movies of all time. It's hilarious and at the same time offers a frighteningly plausible view of our future given the current state of affairs.
"Now I understand everyone's shit's emotional right now. But I've got a 3 point plan that's going to fix EVERYTHING.
We've got this guy Not Sure. Number 2: He's got a higher IQ than ANY MAN ALIVE. and Number 3: He's going to fix EVERYTHING."
The idea was around before Mike Judge. I recall reading an interview with Devo back when they first hit the scene and they explained their name was a reference to people devolving. I don't recall whether they pointed out the inverse relation between intelligence and procreation, but it was a pretty similar principle.
The idea was around before Mike Judge. I recall reading an interview with Devo back when they first hit the scene and they explained their name was a reference to people devolving. I don't recall whether they pointed out the inverse relation between intelligence and procreation, but it was a pretty similar principle.

They wore flower pots on their heads. :rolleyes:

Upside-down flower pots.
I don't think we've hit Idiocracy levels yet, but we're on our way. With this significant divide full of hate in our country right now, I'd say we're still on Demolition Man levels of dystopia. Where you're either radical left or radical right, and just hating on the others' way of lifestyle. Not to mention that the left has definitely dominated the right culturally.

However, I do feel we're on the path to Idiocracy. Especially with the denial of reality coming out of academia, clearly self-destructive political policies, and how our media is basically just gossip garbage designed more for entertainment and views rather than informing. If the political gap gets fixed and our country *doesn't* crumble, then I'd say we'd be heading closer to Idiocracy.
The term was invented by H.L. Mencken iirc. Haven't seen the movie but the idea ha been around since the 1920's, mainly aimed at white Christian culture and a favorite with pseudo-intellectual fashion victims who thought endorsing such stuff as eugenics, pop psychology, and other 'progressive' fads made you 'intelligent' and 'superior', i.e. mostly people who never actually lifted a finger to help anybody else, just ran their mouths about what a failure others they sneered at and disapproved of were.

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