Was COHENs $1.6MIL payoff a coverup for Playmate's abortion really for TRUMP mistress


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
This is still bubbling under the surface. A lot of weird details and 'events' around this $1.6 million payoff to a mistress who got pregnant and had an abortion after her affair with, SUPPOSEDLY, Eliott Broidy, the RNC finance chair. Cohen handled it. Cohen used the same secondary attorney for the woman that he used for Daniels. Cohen used the same ALIASES for Broidy and his mistress as for Trump and Daniels on the non-disclosure agreement. David Dennison for Broidy, Peggy Peterson for the playmate.

WAS IT A COVERUP FOR TRUMP? Did Broidy take the hit and do a big ask?

ONE day after the payoff gets handed over to the woman, Broidy gets to meet with Trump at the WH. Days later Broidy gets a QATAR $600 MILLION DOLLAR CONTRACT for 'security'.

VIDEO embedded in link.

Why It Looks Like Trump Got Playmate Pregnant -- And Broidy Covered For Him

By Susie Madrak
5/23/18 5:25am

Chris Hayes talked about this New York magazine article last night that theorizes that Trump got Playboy playmate Shera Bechard pregnant and used businessman Elliott Broidy to pay her $1.3 million in hush money.

The probable payoff for Broidy? Consulting contracts from the United Arab Emirates worth up to $600 million over five years. (Mother Jones' Kevin Drum concurs.)...

https://crooksandliars.com/2018/05/w...rce=idealmedia &utm_campaign=crooksandliars.com&utm_term=68739 &ut m_content=2241047

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