Wars, And Rumors Of Wars


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
... will always be there for this simple reason: We are put on this earth to fight evil.

[6] And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. [7] For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Matthew, Chapter 26

1.In chapter 13 of Genesis Abraham (Abram) goes to war to save his nephew, Lot. He joins with the King of Sodom as an ally even though the city of Sodom was evil.
A man of peace.....joins forces with the evil kingdom of Sodom????

Prager explains it thus:

ā€œAbramā€™s willingness to join forces with the king of Sodom, a city which the Bible has already described as evil (Genesis 13:13), is another example of biblical moral wisdom. In waging war against evil, we cannot always choose whom we would most like as our allies. Sometimes we are morally bound to fight alongside bad people in order to defeat worse people.

2. There are those who reject this assertion, arguing that ā€œthe lesser of two evils is still evil.ā€ But no one denies that the lesser evil is evil. The biblical and moral argument is that between a greater and a lesser evil, good is achieved by first defeating the greater evil for the obvious reason that less evil is always better than more evil.

After Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, Winston Churchill, one of the staunchest anti-Communists, joined forces with the Communist Soviet Union and its murderous dictator, Josef Stalin, in order to defeat Hitler and Nazism. As Churchill put it to the British Parliament: ā€œIf Hitler invaded hell, I would make at least a favorable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons.ā€

13.8 Abram said to Lot, ā€œLet there be no strife between you and me, between my herdsmen and yours, for we are kinsmen.

3. Yet,
Abram was a man of peace.

ā€¦it should be noted that loving peace and pursuing peaceā€”two biblical idealsā€”have little in common with pacifism. Pacifism, the belief that killing is never moral, decreases peace in the worldā€”for the obvious reason that often the only way to stop the murder of innocent people is to kill the murderer(s).

Peace is beautifulā€”but not at the expense of justice or goodness. In formulating a plan of action, the paramount question individuals and governments must ask is not ā€œWill it lead to peace?ā€ but ā€œWill it lead to good or evil?ā€ If one does not resist evil, temporary ā€œpeaceā€ is easily obtained. But such peace is mere delusion; all it does is ensure more violence.

4. Hatred of pacifism should not be read as endorsement of all warfare.

In 1927, the French writer Julien Benda published La trahison des clercs, (The treason of the intellectuals), in which he differentiates between the ā€˜pacifismā€™ of intellectuals, a ā€˜vulgar pacifism,ā€™ which ā€˜does nothing but denounce the man who kills, and sneers at the prejudices of patriotism.ā€™ He describes ā€˜mystic pacifismā€™ as solely animated by a blind hatred of war and refuses to inquire whether a war is just or not, whether those fighting are attackers or defenders. It is impossible to exaggerate the consequences of this behavior, as it obliterates the concept of justice in those smitten with it.
Phyllis Chesler

Pacifism as a doctrine is a refutation of the reason we are put on earth: to fight evil.
The old testament speaks of a genocidal war against the Philistines. The Israelites would pull up to a city and kill every last man, woman and child and destroy the place until not one stone was left atop another. Sounds pretty evil to me.
5. Was the 32nd President a pacifist? Was he forced into war?

Franklin Roosevelt formed an unbreakable bond with the worst killer in history, Joseph Stalin. It is more than possible to make the argument that his intent was more out of common interests, than pacifism. His relationships with the headline dictators was easily verifiableā€¦.with Mussolini, and Hitler, as well as with Stalin.

But....a pacifist????
He certainly didnā€™t prepare Americaā€™s militaryā€¦"...a historianā€™s July 22, 2010, article on President Franklin Roosevelt and Great Britain in WW II. David Woolner wrote that in June 1939, which was three months before England declared war on Germany, "the roughly 180,000-man U.S. Army ranked 19th in the world--smaller than Portugalā€™s!"

Roosevelt was perfectly copacetic with allowing dictators to do their thing. He knew about Russia's imposed famine, slaughtering millions.....but...out of pacifism???? Or simply embracing evil?

6. And FDR applauded Chamberlainā€™s appeasement of Hitlerā€¦

ā€œMUNICH MESSAGE FROM U.S. BARED; Roosevelt Sent Encouraging 'Good Man' to Chamberlain Day Before Conferenceā€
MUNICH MESSAGE FROM U.S. BARED; Roosevelt Sent Encouraging 'Good Man' to Chamberlain Day Before Conference

"Munich." The lesson of appeasementā€”that giving in to aggression just invites more aggressionā€”has calcified into dogma. Neville Chamberlain's name has become code for a weak-kneed, caviling politician, just as Winston Churchill has become the beau ideal of indomitable leadership.

When Chamberlain first announced, after returning from signing his deal with Hitler at Munich in 1938, that "peace is at hand," FDR sent Chamberlain a telegram: "Good man," it said. "I am not a bit upset over the final result," FDR wrote the U.S. ambassador to Italy. When Hitler began to chew up the rest of Europe in 1939, FDR temporized and maneuvered to build political support for intervention among his decidedly isolationist countrymen. Indeed, the United States did not declare war on Germany until Germany declared war on the United States in December 1941, four days after Pearl Harbor." Presidents and the Mythology of Munich

This date, May 10th, 1940ā€¦. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain resigned his office and was replaced by Winston Churchill.

One wonders what Rooseveltā€™s view of pacifism, and of evil, were.
......it's not always to stop evil....the ''''christians'''' pillaged a '''christian'' city for $$$$$
...Britain went all over the world for $$$$$
...France and Britain 1956 Suez War
...the US destroying the Native Americans
...Spanish in South America
these are all ''bad'' guys defeating the ''good'' guys or starting crap for $$$$/etc
..good and evil is a very complicated and controversial issue in these conflicts
5. Was the 32nd President a pacifist? Was he forced into war?

Franklin Roosevelt formed an unbreakable bond with the worst killer in history, Joseph Stalin. It is more than possible to make the argument that his intent was more out of common interests, than pacifism. His relationships with the headline dictators was easily verifiableā€¦.with Mussolini, and Hitler, as well as with Stalin.

But....a pacifist????
He certainly didnā€™t prepare Americaā€™s militaryā€¦"...a historianā€™s July 22, 2010, article on President Franklin Roosevelt and Great Britain in WW II. David Woolner wrote that in June 1939, which was three months before England declared war on Germany, "the roughly 180,000-man U.S. Army ranked 19th in the world--smaller than Portugalā€™s!"

Roosevelt was perfectly copacetic with allowing dictators to do their thing. He knew about Russia's imposed famine, slaughtering millions.....but...out of pacifism???? Or simply embracing evil?

6. And FDR applauded Chamberlainā€™s appeasement of Hitlerā€¦

ā€œMUNICH MESSAGE FROM U.S. BARED; Roosevelt Sent Encouraging 'Good Man' to Chamberlain Day Before Conferenceā€
MUNICH MESSAGE FROM U.S. BARED; Roosevelt Sent Encouraging 'Good Man' to Chamberlain Day Before Conference

"Munich." The lesson of appeasementā€”that giving in to aggression just invites more aggressionā€”has calcified into dogma. Neville Chamberlain's name has become code for a weak-kneed, caviling politician, just as Winston Churchill has become the beau ideal of indomitable leadership.

When Chamberlain first announced, after returning from signing his deal with Hitler at Munich in 1938, that "peace is at hand," FDR sent Chamberlain a telegram: "Good man," it said. "I am not a bit upset over the final result," FDR wrote the U.S. ambassador to Italy. When Hitler began to chew up the rest of Europe in 1939, FDR temporized and maneuvered to build political support for intervention among his decidedly isolationist countrymen. Indeed, the United States did not declare war on Germany until Germany declared war on the United States in December 1941, four days after Pearl Harbor." Presidents and the Mythology of Munich

This date, May 10th, 1940ā€¦. British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain resigned his office and was replaced by Winston Churchill.

One wonders what Rooseveltā€™s view of pacifism, and of evil, were.
Frau Braun PC is still pissed that Hitler didnā€™t win
7.Following WWI, and reaching an apex during the Vietnam War, the Left has generally been hostile to anything having to do with war, often embracing pacifism. The bumper-sticker ā€œWar is Not the Answerā€ expresses a nearly universal Left-wing view.

The Left believes that just about every conflict can be settled through negotiations, that war solves nothing, and that American expenditures on defense are merely a sign of militarism, imperialism, and the insatiable appetite of the ā€œmilitary-industrial complex.ā€

In fact, any national violence is deemed immoral, and the use of the military considered nefarious, unless it is used as boy scouts would be.

Many Leftists oppose children viewing cartoons, like Bugs Bunny, that depict a stylized violence, not to mention playing with toy guns, war scenarios, or even drawing stick figures portraying violence.

Many universities have departments of ā€œpeace studies.ā€ ā€œThe field of Peace Studies is alternatively known as Peace and Conflict Studies, Conflict Analysis and Resolution, and Peace and Justice Studies. It is concerned with the roots of conflict, the conditions for peace, and, ultimately, the daunting challenge of realizing peace on our little planet. To that end, if you major in Peace Studies, you'll read about and (hopefully) add to the large body of scholarship on the causes and prevention of war and how to create a more just and peaceful world.ā€
College Major Search | College Majors List | The Princeton Review

Co-existing with evil is pretty darn close to endorsing it.
It explains the nearly century-long support, and embrace, of the Soviet Union.
7.Following WWI, and reaching an apex during the Vietnam War, the Left has generally been hostile to anything having to do with war, often embracing pacifism. The bumper-sticker ā€œWar is Not the Answerā€ expresses a nearly universal Left-wing view.

The Left believes that just about every conflict can be settled through negotiations, that war solves nothing, and that American expenditures on defense are merely a sign of militarism, imperialism, and the insatiable appetite of the ā€œmilitary-industrial complex.ā€

In fact, any national violence is deemed immoral, and the use of the military considered nefarious, unless it is used as boy scouts would be.

Many Leftists oppose children viewing cartoons, like Bugs Bunny, that depict a stylized violence, not to mention playing with toy guns, war scenarios, or even drawing stick figures portraying violence.

Many universities have departments of ā€œpeace studies.ā€ ā€œThe field of Peace Studies is alternatively known as Peace and Conflict Studies, Conflict Analysis and Resolution, and Peace and Justice Studies. It is concerned with the roots of conflict, the conditions for peace, and, ultimately, the daunting challenge of realizing peace on our little planet. To that end, if you major in Peace Studies, you'll read about and (hopefully) add to the large body of scholarship on the causes and prevention of war and how to create a more just and peaceful world.ā€
College Major Search | College Majors List | The Princeton Review

Co-existing with evil is pretty darn close to endorsing it.
It explains the nearly century-long support, and embrace, of the Soviet Union.
..I'm not lefty
8. Harry Truman began his tenure in Washington on the same page as FDRā€¦..pro-Soviet Union. But he looked at the factsā€¦ā€¦and proved he could recognize evil.
How about the personification of the Democrat Party???

Did Roosevelt recognize evil?

When we review Roosevelt's administration, there appears an interesting dichotomy.

Let's assume that FDR recognized how truly evil Marxism was...
a. Roosevelt knew of the Katyn Forest Massacre, the discovery of twenty-two thousand corpses of Polish officers of shot, bayoneted, and asphyxiated Polish officers were uncovered in the Katyn pine forest near Smolensk, Russia, executed by the NKVD when the Soviets held the territory, spring of 1940.
.... the Ukrainian Terror Famine, the blood purges, and assorted atrocities, violence against religion....

b. In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, Wm.Bullitt warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy. He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.' He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies.
"For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

Yet, FDR lied to the American public as to the evil nature of Bolshevism.

What was the reason that Franklin Roosevelt was willing to .....overlook ....Stalin's 'domestic arrangements' ?
Was he a pacifistā€¦..or simply willing to overlook, and essentially advance, evil?

There is only one answer.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt got us involved in WW2 to get us out of the Depression, wonder if a war with China will be the way to get out of this 2020 Wuhan Depression
President Franklin D. Roosevelt got us involved in WW2 to get us out of the Depression, wonder if a war with China will be the way to get out of this 2020 Wuhan Depression


Yet he never seemed to actually want us out of the Depression....he extended it by years.

More likely....

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace toĀ·the Soviet Union." Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48
9.A central theme of Leftism is pacifism, largely because no welfare state can afford a strong military. Europeans came to rely on America to fight the worldā€™s evils and even to defend their countries. This means that ā€˜equalityā€™ trumps morality.

That is why Liberal elites are so confused: they venerate a Cuban tyranny with its egalitarian society over a free, decent, and prosperous America that has greater inequality of material wealth.

The Right regards pacifism as an accessory to evil.

10.Everything associated with the military is held in disrepute: nationalism, a strong military, honoring the military, referring to military dead as heroes. And even referring to anything as ā€œevil.ā€

Since the end of WWII, the Left has opposed fighting almost any evil. Even when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, the Left opposed military intervention. What could be more moral than opposing Saddamā€™s take-over of a nation, and considering the strategic importance of the area, and even the fact that the UN supported the use of the militaryā€¦still, two-thirds of the House Democrats, and 46 of 56 Democrat Senators voted against the war.

Pacifism, the antithesis of nationalism, is a major attraction of both the United Nations and the World Court, both venerated by the Left. These vaunted institutions are opposed to all nationalism, ....except, of course, Palestinian.
... will always be there for this simple reason: We are put on this earth to fight evil.

[6] And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. [7] For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Matthew, Chapter 26

1.In chapter 13 of Genesis Abraham (Abram) goes to war to save his nephew, Lot. He joins with the King of Sodom as an ally even though the city of Sodom was evil.
A man of peace.....joins forces with the evil kingdom of Sodom????

Prager explains it thus:

ā€œAbramā€™s willingness to join forces with the king of Sodom, a city which the Bible has already described as evil (Genesis 13:13), is another example of biblical moral wisdom. In waging war against evil, we cannot always choose whom we would most like as our allies. Sometimes we are morally bound to fight alongside bad people in order to defeat worse people.

2. There are those who reject this assertion, arguing that ā€œthe lesser of two evils is still evil.ā€ But no one denies that the lesser evil is evil. The biblical and moral argument is that between a greater and a lesser evil, good is achieved by first defeating the greater evil for the obvious reason that less evil is always better than more evil.

After Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, Winston Churchill, one of the staunchest anti-Communists, joined forces with the Communist Soviet Union and its murderous dictator, Josef Stalin, in order to defeat Hitler and Nazism. As Churchill put it to the British Parliament: ā€œIf Hitler invaded hell, I would make at least a favorable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons.ā€

13.8 Abram said to Lot, ā€œLet there be no strife between you and me, between my herdsmen and yours, for we are kinsmen.

3. Yet,
Abram was a man of peace.

ā€¦it should be noted that loving peace and pursuing peaceā€”two biblical idealsā€”have little in common with pacifism. Pacifism, the belief that killing is never moral, decreases peace in the worldā€”for the obvious reason that often the only way to stop the murder of innocent people is to kill the murderer(s).

Peace is beautifulā€”but not at the expense of justice or goodness. In formulating a plan of action, the paramount question individuals and governments must ask is not ā€œWill it lead to peace?ā€ but ā€œWill it lead to good or evil?ā€ If one does not resist evil, temporary ā€œpeaceā€ is easily obtained. But such peace is mere delusion; all it does is ensure more violence.

4. Hatred of pacifism should not be read as endorsement of all warfare.

In 1927, the French writer Julien Benda published La trahison des clercs, (The treason of the intellectuals), in which he differentiates between the ā€˜pacifismā€™ of intellectuals, a ā€˜vulgar pacifism,ā€™ which ā€˜does nothing but denounce the man who kills, and sneers at the prejudices of patriotism.ā€™ He describes ā€˜mystic pacifismā€™ as solely animated by a blind hatred of war and refuses to inquire whether a war is just or not, whether those fighting are attackers or defenders. It is impossible to exaggerate the consequences of this behavior, as it obliterates the concept of justice in those smitten with it.
Phyllis Chesler

Pacifism as a doctrine is a refutation of the reason we are put on earth: to fight evil.

Jesus fought evil with the truth - John 4:23; 17:17. He also taught us to love our enemies - Matthew 5:44

Christendom usually considers all wars to be "just wars" even on both sides! For example, chaplains on both sides of World War II prayed to God for victory. German soldiers had "Gott mit uns" (= God with us) on their belts. See:


"Gott mit uns (meaning God with us) is a phrase commonly used on armor in the German military from the German Empire to the end of the Third Reich, although its historical origins are far older. The Imperial Russian motto, "Š”ъ Š½Š°Š¼Šø Š‘Š¾Š³ŃŠ!" ("S' nami Bog'!"), also translates to this."

In Matthew 24:7 Jesus specifies, not wars in general, but Greek basilea (Kingdoms) against basilea plus ethnos (whole peoples) against ethnos. Britannica notes that World War I was the first "total war." Thus we believe the time of the end began in 1914

But we stress the good news of God's Kingdom - Matthew 24:14
... will always be there for this simple reason: We are put on this earth to fight evil.

[6] And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. [7] For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. Matthew, Chapter 26

1.In chapter 13 of Genesis Abraham (Abram) goes to war to save his nephew, Lot. He joins with the King of Sodom as an ally even though the city of Sodom was evil.
A man of peace.....joins forces with the evil kingdom of Sodom????

Prager explains it thus:

ā€œAbramā€™s willingness to join forces with the king of Sodom, a city which the Bible has already described as evil (Genesis 13:13), is another example of biblical moral wisdom. In waging war against evil, we cannot always choose whom we would most like as our allies. Sometimes we are morally bound to fight alongside bad people in order to defeat worse people.

2. There are those who reject this assertion, arguing that ā€œthe lesser of two evils is still evil.ā€ But no one denies that the lesser evil is evil. The biblical and moral argument is that between a greater and a lesser evil, good is achieved by first defeating the greater evil for the obvious reason that less evil is always better than more evil.

After Hitler invaded the Soviet Union, Winston Churchill, one of the staunchest anti-Communists, joined forces with the Communist Soviet Union and its murderous dictator, Josef Stalin, in order to defeat Hitler and Nazism. As Churchill put it to the British Parliament: ā€œIf Hitler invaded hell, I would make at least a favorable reference to the Devil in the House of Commons.ā€

13.8 Abram said to Lot, ā€œLet there be no strife between you and me, between my herdsmen and yours, for we are kinsmen.

3. Yet,
Abram was a man of peace.

ā€¦it should be noted that loving peace and pursuing peaceā€”two biblical idealsā€”have little in common with pacifism. Pacifism, the belief that killing is never moral, decreases peace in the worldā€”for the obvious reason that often the only way to stop the murder of innocent people is to kill the murderer(s).

Peace is beautifulā€”but not at the expense of justice or goodness. In formulating a plan of action, the paramount question individuals and governments must ask is not ā€œWill it lead to peace?ā€ but ā€œWill it lead to good or evil?ā€ If one does not resist evil, temporary ā€œpeaceā€ is easily obtained. But such peace is mere delusion; all it does is ensure more violence.

4. Hatred of pacifism should not be read as endorsement of all warfare.

In 1927, the French writer Julien Benda published La trahison des clercs, (The treason of the intellectuals), in which he differentiates between the ā€˜pacifismā€™ of intellectuals, a ā€˜vulgar pacifism,ā€™ which ā€˜does nothing but denounce the man who kills, and sneers at the prejudices of patriotism.ā€™ He describes ā€˜mystic pacifismā€™ as solely animated by a blind hatred of war and refuses to inquire whether a war is just or not, whether those fighting are attackers or defenders. It is impossible to exaggerate the consequences of this behavior, as it obliterates the concept of justice in those smitten with it.
Phyllis Chesler

Pacifism as a doctrine is a refutation of the reason we are put on earth: to fight evil.

Jesus fought evil with the truth - John 4:23; 17:17. He also taught us to love our enemies - Matthew 5:44

Christendom usually considers all wars to be "just wars" even on both sides! For example, chaplains on both sides of World War II prayed to God for victory. German soldiers had "Gott mit uns" (= God with us) on their belts. See:


"Gott mit uns (meaning God with us) is a phrase commonly used on armor in the German military from the German Empire to the end of the Third Reich, although its historical origins are far older. The Imperial Russian motto, "Š”ъ Š½Š°Š¼Šø Š‘Š¾Š³ŃŠ!" ("S' nami Bog'!"), also translates to this."

In Matthew 24:7 Jesus specifies, not wars in general, but Greek basilea (Kingdoms) against basilea plus ethnos (whole peoples) against ethnos. Britannica notes that World War I was the first "total war." Thus we believe the time of the end began in 1914

But we stress the good news of God's Kingdom - Matthew 24:14

Informative post. Thank you.

But the Nazis weren't actually Christians.

Timeline of Key Events: Nazism & Churches
1933 - New government and the Catholic Church sign an agreement in which it is indicated that each will respect the other's role
-The government is supportive of the creation of the Reich Church
1934 -Confessional Church breaks away from Reich Church
-2 Protestant Bishops arrested but shortly released
1925 -700 Prussian Protestant pastors are arrested as they condemned the Nazi neo-paganism
1936 -The National Socialist Teachers League asks members not to teach religion.
-Bishop of Munster thanks Hitler for remilitarizing the Rhineland.
-Hundreds of Confessional pastors are sent to concentration camps for criticising the Nazi ideology.
1937 -Crucifixes are banned from classrooms no more.
-Pope criticizes Nazism and its racist nature.
1939 -Faulhaber has a special service to celebrate Hitler surviving an assassination attempt.
1941 -Churches welcome German attack of USSR.

Hitler's Main Aims Regarding the Church:
Hitler himself was born a Catholic and Christianity and Naziism shared values which they both deemed as important (such as family life and their common hatred of communism). However Hitler realized that the Church may become an obstacle for his greater vision he wanted to replace the Christian church with a different and new Aryan faith which would reflect the values of an inferior race. He knew however that this cannot be done overnight and therefore begun with the need of a 'positive Christianity', in which he would gain some control through the people in power at the Church to increase his influence upon the Church.

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