Warren: Sitting Bullshit Saga has new revelations


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Oh this is just the gift that just keeps on giving. :eusa_angel: And for those that like to criticize based on what I select from an article, remember the rules for copyright infringement. We're not allowed to copy an article in its entirety.

Now this latest revelation from the Boston Globe goes to the heart of Warren's claim that she had no idea whatsoever that Harvard was promoting her as Native American. And it now ties Harvard into federally mandated diversity statistics.

Some one's fibbing here.:eusa_whistle:

From the Boston Globe and it's a great piece:

".But the school had begun describing Warren as Native American in the media soon after she was hired.

In 1996, law school news director Mike Chmura, speaking to the Harvard Crimson, identified Warren as a Native American professor.

In 1997, the Fordham Law Review, citing Chmura, referred to Warren as Harvard Law’s “first woman of color.’’

In 1998, Chmura wrote a letter to the New York Times, saying the law school had appointed or tenured “eight women, including a Native American.’’ Three days later, the Crimson again touched on the issue: “Harvard Law School currently has only one tenured minority woman, Gottlieb Professor of Law Elizabeth Warren, who is Native American.’’

Warren has said she was unaware of the media accounts. Asked when she found out the law school was describing her as a minority, Warren said, “I think I read it on the front page of the [Boston] Herald.’’

Chmura, now at Babson College, has refused phone and e-mail requests for an interview over the last week and a half.

In 1999, Harvard started publishing its full affirmative action plan on its website in the belief that it might be considered a public document.

The report from that year lists one Native American senior professor at the entire university. A section devoted specifically to the law school also lists a single Native American senior professor, presumably the same one. Both entries specify that the professor is female.

The Harvard document defines Native American as “a person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition.’’ It notes that this definition is consistent with federal regulations."

And here's the part of the piece that the Boston Globe has discovered that basically is the stake thru the heart of the lie that neither Harvard, nor Warren knew anything about her being listed as part of a diversity program. :eusa_whistle:

Harvard continued to publish its affirmative action plans online in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004. The school has analogous documents for the other years during Warren’s tenure, but has not published them online.

The Globe was not able to obtain hard copies of those reports on Thursday.

All of the available documents list a single female Native American senior professor at the university and specify that she is at the law school.

After 2004, when there was a debate about whether the document should be public, the university stopped publishing the full annual documents on its website, instead releasing summaries with less specific data.

In 2011, in another diversity census based on self-reported racial classification, Harvard Law listed a single Native American professor. It has not identified that professor’s name or gender.

Brown has called on Harvard to release records that could shed light on how Warren and the school classified her heritage. But the law school bans divulging personal information about its employees, including race or ethnicity.

Great article. And great journalism for a change. Here's the link so you can read the rest.

Filings add to questions on Warren’s ethnic claims - Metro - The Boston Globe

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