Warren hatches the latest manufactured crisis to save her run.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
This is all the Democrats do, create one crisis after another for their own political gain. The latest example of many is Warren's claim that TWO YEARS AGO Sanders told her in a private interview a woman can't be President. Apparently the episode was so traumatizing she had to sit on it until her poll numbers went in the tank. Then she "breaks the story" and then Zucker orders the CNN talking heads to push the story. They of course pick it up and run with it like a pack of wild dogs. She played it for all it was worth in the last debate.

Anyone with basic common sense can see this strategy the Democrats use over and over and over. It is a very deceptive tactic but they will keep using it because it seems to work especially when you have the entire Media at your command.
Warren Says Sanders Told Her a Woman Could Not Win the Presidency

And no one on this forum even likes Warren or the DNC?!? :auiqs.jpg:


That's THREE, three threads on the same topic. . . . ah aha ahah aha ha

“Who is Lying, Fauxkahauntass or Bernie Chavez? ”

“I think you called me a liar on national TV”
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