War-weary US is numbed to drumbeat of troop deaths


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
War-weary US is numbed to drumbeat of troop deaths | General Headlines | Comcast

It was another week at war in Afghanistan, another string of American casualties, and another collective shrug by a nation weary of a faraway conflict whose hallmark is its grinding inconclusiveness.
Nearly every day the Pentagon posts another formulaic death notice, each one brief and unadorned, revealing the barest of facts - name, age and military unit - but no words that might capture the meaning of the loss.

American troops are still dying in Afghanistan at a pace that doesn't often register beyond their hometowns. So far this year, it's 31 a month on average, or one per day. National attention is drawn, briefly, to grim and arbitrary milestones such as the 1,000th and 2,000th war deaths. But days, weeks and months pass with little focus by the general public or its political leaders on the individuals behind the statistics.

Time to bring home the troops and kick Obama to the curb....
Americans will feel better after Syria gets knocked over. Besides, that's all that's keeping the economy going, perpetual war. Well that and Fed money printing.
Democrats would make more of war dead, if there was a republican president. Since obama's presidebt, the war dead doubled, two for one, compared to when Bush was president they are afraid to point that out.
Democrats would make more of war dead, if there was a republican president. Since obama's presidebt, the war dead doubled, two for one, compared to when Bush was president they are afraid to point that out.

You had a succession of republican presidents and democrat presidents, and there was no difference in their foreign policies.

Conclusion: your "presidents" or your "political parties" are not the ones who determine your policies.
The Stay at Home Bush lovers care not for the lives of US troops, it is just another TV show for the PRyanheads.
It's not the "war weary US" you freaking dummies. It's the liberal media that can't make an issue out of the greatest Military in the world that is forced to fight by rules set by the enemy without impacting the administration. Remember the media's salivating coverage of Cindy Sheehan's anti-war demonstrators? Where the fuk are they today? You can bet your ass(ets) that the media will suddenly be interested in Afghanistan the day Romney is elected.
The Stay at Home Bush lovers care not for the lives of US troops, it is just another TV show for the PRyanheads.

That is NOT true, Peach; and it's especially NOT true for those of us who served, particularly those of us who have been to war ourselves. Believe me when I tell you that we take those losses very personally.
It's not the "war weary US" you freaking dummies. It's the liberal media that can't make an issue out of the greatest Military in the world that is forced to fight by rules set by the enemy without impacting the administration. Remember the media's salivating coverage of Cindy Sheehan's anti-war demonstrators? Where the fuk are they today? You can bet your ass(ets) that the media will suddenly be interested in Afghanistan the day Romney is elected.

So true.......

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