War crimes by the Bush Administration.

Nope. Desiring to jail your political opponents makes you very likely to be a lefty, in today's clime.
I'm one of the biggest Trump supporters on here. Pay attention
from now on.
I thought President Bush was very honest, and his librarian wife, First Lady Laura Bush was dynamite to ignorance by inciting literacy at a high level to all American Children.
President Bush stood for strength in American children, not to mention adults, by his daily running through the paths of Washington D.C., from his background of being the owner of a major league competitive sports team. He won awards from Ducks Unlimited for his great love of protecting animals from ground pollution from the petroleum industry and set an example in so doing to the world to clean up its pollution act. He did his best, and I am proud I had the privilege of voting for him twice for President. And I praise him for starting a Presidential Library in his adopted state of Texas where his family lived starting with his second birthday if memory serves me right.
And as far as war crimes are concerned, he prevented Saddam Hussein from murdering millions. God bless President Dubya for all time.
Are you really this badly misinformed because I know you're not stupid . Maybe you only care about the truth when it's convenient or fits you(R) agenda.

Of course you made your money the old fashioned way right in the oil business ?. Now it all makes sense.

Nobody wants their success tarnished by blood money.
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Nope. Desiring to jail your political opponents makes you very likely to be a lefty, in today's clime.
I'm one of the biggest Trump supporters on here. Pay attention
from now on.
I thought President Bush was very honest, and his librarian wife, First Lady Laura Bush was dynamite to ignorance by inciting literacy at a high level to all American Children.
President Bush stood for strength in American children, not to mention adults, by his daily running through the paths of Washington D.C., from his background of being the owner of a major league competitive sports team. He won awards from Ducks Unlimited for his great love of protecting animals from ground pollution from the petroleum industry and set an example in so doing to the world to clean up its pollution act. He did his best, and I am proud I had the privilege of voting for him twice for President. And I praise him for starting a Presidential Library in his adopted state of Texas where his family lived starting with his second birthday if memory serves me right.
And as far as war crimes are concerned, he prevented Saddam Hussein from murdering millions. God bless President Dubya for all time.
Are you really this badly misinformed because I know you're not stupid . Maybe you only care about the truth when it's convenient or fits you(R) agenda.

Of course you made your money the old fashioned way right in the oil business ?. Now it all makes sense.

Nobody wants their success tarnished by blood money.
My great uncle was the best of good men and a Justice of the Peace in Houston, Texas, my home town. In addition to being a great legal scholar my great uncle friended then-Senator G.H.W.Bush, and future president. His profession did not allow him to friend many people because he had so many other responsibilities, and he aided me when I had troubles with impeccable advice, which I took. I attended a church event in which the Bush brothers attended and seemed to be great athletes on the volleyball court. I have nothing but good feelings toward that family without knowing them personally. Yes, I know all about problems young master Bush was said to have had at his university, 40 years prior to his running for President. I saw him taking very bad hits from a jealous Democrat Party who superimposed his face on the Mad Magazine Icon. Nothing could be further from the truth about the adult George W. Bush, and when a friend of my family is assaulted, I join the rest of my family in fighting liars with my last breath, and do not ever forget it, sir. Good day.
Just to refresh everyone's memories, especially the specific Obama-haters who have collective amnesia about the events between 2001 to 2009.

Former US President George W Bush, his Vice-President Dick Cheney and six other members of his administration have been found guilty of war crimes by a tribunal in Malaysia.

Bush, Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and five of their legal advisers were tried in their absence and convicted on Saturday.

Victims of torture told a panel of five judges in Kuala Lumpur of their suffering at the hands of US soldiers and contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Among the evidence, Briton Moazzam Begg, an ex-Guantanamo detainee, said he was beaten, put in a hood and left in solitary confinement. Iraqi woman Jameelah Abbas Hameedi said she was stripped and humiliated in the notorious Abu Ghraib prison.

Transcripts of the five-day trial will be sent to the chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court, the United Nations and the Security Council.

President Bush defeated Saddam, the Islamic Terrorist and their close ally, the Democrats
Why Bush, Blair should be charged with war crimes over Iraq invasion

Deliberately misled Congress into a war with Iraq leading to over 4000 American deaths and tens of thousands wounded, over half a million Iraqi dead, trillions of dollars wasted, US economy severely damaged, and international reputation in tatters.

Admitted to spying on thousands, perhaps millions of Americans without warrants in violation of FISA law, Federal Telecommunications Act, and 4th Amendment.

Held thousands of people prisoner without charges and without the fundamental right to the writ of habeas corpus. Kidnapped and rendered many to secret overseas prisons.

Authorized and condoned the torture of thousands of prisoners, leading in many documented cases to death, in violation of Geneva Convention and Federal Anti-Torture Law.

Revealed the identity of CIA agent Valerie (Plame) Wilson and impeded related investigations.

Used “executive privilege” to refuse to comply with over a dozen Congressional subpoenas related to improper firing of Federal attorneys, illegally pressuring EPA, torture, election violations, et-cetera.

Refer to HRes 1258, which contains 35 Articles of Impeachment against Cheney
The Left has a long history of treason.
It comes from their deep hatred for America.
There deep hatred for America comes for their hatred for the people who founded America.
Democrats are bigots.
The Nazis were socialists willing to kill people they framed and began taunting on KrystalNacht.
The Russian Bolsheviks based their socialism on killing other Russians inconvenient to their hateful rule.
The Democrat Party has introduced over a dozen sucker benefits to the CoronaVirus bill that have positively nothing to do with any arm of support for the Issue at hand nor the American people as a whole, instead catering to their little petty friends who beat up on Trump supporters as they did with George W. Bush and others, hoping one of them will crumble like President Nixon with a resignation if they are mean and hateful with their lies as they were with all those others in the past. The truth be known, the Democrat Party should be ashamed of itself for violating President Eisenhower's laws against practicing communism, which uses all but one tactic the Democrat Party is patterning itself after. I think it is predictable to say they will wipe out a huge percentage of their political appointments as their predecessors in communism did in years past, to muster all the power in the hands of the most abusive political system ever imposed on the human race, which when all is said and done, socialism will one day reveal itst true closeness to those who are merely fronting for 'communism. After the killing is done, the gloves come off to their followers, and dissenters are quickly dispersed to the least productive areas of their land.
Financially rich, ethically worthless.

Shortly after 9/11, the Bush administration launched the propaganda campaign for attacking Iraq. This was a war crime. At Nuremberg after World War II we hung Nazis for similar crimes against humanity.

Instead of demanding accountability, our political, corporate, media and military powers keep working to make all that history of lies disappear. That cover-up is another crime. I wouldn’t care so much except that this is not about George W. Bush being a dishonest human being. It’s about the millions of dead and traumatized, the landscape and economies destroyed, the weapons we used still causing terrible birth defects, the cultures destroyed—and all the profit made by the US war industry.
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The Left has a long history of treason.
It comes from their deep hatred for America.
There deep hatred for America comes for their hatred for the people who founded America.
Democrats are bigots.
The Nazis were socialists willing to kill people they framed and began taunting on KrystalNacht.
The Russian Bolsheviks based their socialism on killing other Russians inconvenient to their hateful rule.
The Democrat Party has introduced over a dozen sucker benefits to the CoronaVirus bill that have positively nothing to do with any arm of support for the Issue at hand nor the American people as a whole, instead catering to their little petty friends who beat up on Trump supporters as they did with George W. Bush and others, hoping one of them will crumble like President Nixon with a resignation if they are mean and hateful with their lies as they were with all those others in the past. The truth be known, the Democrat Party should be ashamed of itself for violating President Eisenhower's laws against practicing communism, which uses all but one tactic the Democrat Party is patterning itself after. I think it is predictable to say they will wipe out a huge percentage of their political appointments as their predecessors in communism did in years past, to muster all the power in the hands of the most abusive political system ever imposed on the human race, which when all is said and done, socialism will one day reveal itst true closeness to those who are merely fronting for 'communism. After the killing is done, the gloves come off to their followers, and dissenters are quickly dispersed to the least productive areas of their land.
Please try to stay on topic.
( That was some funny shit though, twisted sister)
Why Bush, Blair should be charged with war crimes over Iraq invasion

Deliberately misled Congress into a war with Iraq leading to over 4000 American deaths and tens of thousands wounded, over half a million Iraqi dead, trillions of dollars wasted, US economy severely damaged, and international reputation in tatters.

Admitted to spying on thousands, perhaps millions of Americans without warrants in violation of FISA law, Federal Telecommunications Act, and 4th Amendment.

Held thousands of people prisoner without charges and without the fundamental right to the writ of habeas corpus. Kidnapped and rendered many to secret overseas prisons.

Authorized and condoned the torture of thousands of prisoners, leading in many documented cases to death, in violation of Geneva Convention and Federal Anti-Torture Law.

Revealed the identity of CIA agent Valerie (Plame) Wilson and impeded related investigations.

Used “executive privilege” to refuse to comply with over a dozen Congressional subpoenas related to improper firing of Federal attorneys, illegally pressuring EPA, torture, election violations, et-cetera.

Refer to HRes 1258, which contains 35 Articles of Impeachment against Cheney

1. The stated reasons for the war were fine. THe snafu over WMDs, was not his fault, but the fault of unprofessional intelligence professinals.

2. The cost of the war is irrelevant to it's legality.

3. THe erosion of our privacy is a valid issue. Making it about Bush is a way to avoid actually addressing it.

4. THe POWs, were unlawful combatants. By the rules of war, they had no rights to speak of. Arbitrary executions would have been the traditional treatment for bandits and pirates.
1. The stated reasons for the war were fine. THe snafu over WMDs, was not his fault, but the fault of unprofessional intelligence professinals.
That's a big cover up lie.
They knew he had wmd's because we SOLD THEM to him !
But they couldn't let us know that.

They were in fact -cutting edge anthrax bio weapons- which Saddam never used against Iran, so DOD was worried he'd use them on our guys in GW1....that's why my brother has epilepsy ...from the fucking anthrax vaccine they made them take.

Watch Rumsfeld, totally caught off guard, trying to spin his reasoning for meeting with Saddam Hussein....( back in the good old days when CNN was real )
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1. The stated reasons for the war were fine. THe snafu over WMDs, was not his fault, but the fault of unprofessional intelligence professinals.
That's a big cover up lie.
They knew he had wmd's because we SOLD THEM to him !
But they couldn't let us know that.

They were in fact -cutting edge anthrax bio weapons- which Saddam never used against Iran, so DOD was worried he'd use them on our guys in GW1....that's why my brother has epilepsy ...from the fucking anthrax vaccine they made them take.

Watch Rumsfeld, totally caught off guard, trying to spin his reasoning for meeting with Saddam Hussein....( back in the good old days when CNN was real )

Most of Saddam's stuff was soviet. Most of the rest was European. We were very small potatoes, mostly during the Iran/Iraq War, when we didn't want Iran taking over.

Completely reasonably.
Most of Saddam's stuff was soviet. Most of the rest was European. We were very small potatoes, mostly during the Iran/Iraq War, when we didn't want Iran taking over.

Completely reasonably.
Do some homework or else stop lying.

Which part don't you believe? You do know that the vast majority of Saddam's stuff was soviet, right?

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