WAPO:Democrats falsely claim GOP tax plan will raise taxes for working-class families-4 Pinocchios


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Why are Dems lying about a tax plan that will help the middle class?

Analysis | Senate Democrats falsely claim GOP tax plan will raise taxes for most working-class families

Senate Democrats falsely claim GOP tax plan will raise taxes for most working-class families

On average, middle class families earning less than $86,000 would see a tax increase under the Republican ‘tax reform’ plan.”
— Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), in a tweet, Oct. 27

“The average tax increase on families nationwide earning up to $86,100 would be $794.00”
— Sen. Robert P. Casey Jr. (D-Pa.), in a tweet, Oct. 24

“Under GOP plan, U.S. families making ~$86k see avg tax increase of $794.”
— Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), in a tweet, Oct. 24

A reader asked whether Harris’s tweet was accurate. But when we looked into it, it turns out that many Democrats were tweeting the same talking point — that middle-class families would face an average tax increase under the GOP plan. The three tweets below are just a sampling.

On average, middle class families earning less than $86,000 would see a tax increase under the Republican “tax reform” plan.

— Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) October 27, 2017

The average tax increase on families nationwide earning up to $86,100 would be $794.00

— Senator Bob Casey (@SenBobCasey) October 24, 2017

It turns out this Twitter blizzard is the result of a bad game of telephone.

The Facts
We traced the talking point to a document put out by the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee, essentially the communications arm of Senate Democrats. That document laid out a series of statistics, tailored for each individual state, that purported to show how damaging the evolving Republican tax plan would be for middle-class Americans.

That document had this line on each state page: “The average tax increase on families nationwide earning up to $86,100 would be $794, a significant burden for middle-class families.”

This factoid in turn was sourced to a report by Democrats on the Joint Economic Committee. So we tracked that down.

That report had this line: “If enacted, the Republican tax reform proposal would saddle 8 million households that earn up to $86,100 with an average tax increase of $794 — a substantial expense for working families.”

Note the difference. The original report referred to 8 million households receiving a $794 tax increase. Somehow, when it got communicated down the line, that nuance was lost and it was translated into a talking point referring to allworking-class families.

Latoya Veal, spokeswoman for the JEC Democrats, explained how the number was calculated. The staff took an estimate by the Tax Policy Center, based on the GOP’s “Unified Framework” released in September. The staff then focused on the households making under $86,100 — the bottom three quintiles of taxpayers — that would face a tax increase. Weighting the tax increase by the number of people in each quintile, the staff came up with an average tax hike of $794 for the people receiving a tax increase.

the updated report makes clearer that 8 million households could face a tax increase — though again it fails to acknowledge that most people would have a tax cut.

The inaccurate tweets remain.

The Pinocchio Test
In their haste to condemn the GOP tax plan, Democrats have spread far and wide the false claim that families making less than $86,100 on average will face a hefty tax hike. Actually, it’s the opposite. Most families in that income range would get a tax cut. Any Democrat who spread this claim should delete their tweets and make clear they were in error.

Four Pinocchios

This tax plan is typical for the GOP. More for those who don't need it and less for everyone else. We can fight about the numbers all day long but that's what it ends up with. Rich guys don't write tax reform that benefits other people.
The Dirty Democratic Party regards middle class taxpayers as its enemy and illegal aliens and Jihadist as its allies
Dems are afraid to lose the Federal deductions on their draconian state and local taxes.

This tax plan help the middle class tremendously, Dems are just lying like they always do....like the lie they balanced the budget under Clinton. That is a fucking lie. 154 House Democrats opposed the balance budget act of 1997. It passed because of Republicans in Congress.

Don’t confuse Dems with facts, though. They need to lie to their ignorant and compliant electorate.
This tax plan is typical for the GOP. More for those who don't need it and less for everyone else. We can fight about the numbers all day long but that's what it ends up with. Rich guys don't write tax reform that benefits other people.

This isn't our first rodeo or the first time we've been lied to about it working out well for everyone. It didn't under Reagan or Bush and it won't under Trump. Just more federal debt and more wealth concentrated at the very top of America.

Example. A 20% top corporate rate instead of 35%? They already don't pay anything like either number. You might as well call it 0%, that's much closer to what most pay.
The Dirty Democratic Party regards middle class taxpayers as its enemy and illegal aliens and Jihadist as its allies

Dems love to fight for the wrong side...in exchange for votes to stay in office to enrich themselves through corruption.

Isn’t it odd how many people enter Washington broke, and they are multimillionaires when they leave? It’s always fascinating to me how those in Washington get wealthy on taxpayers backs.
This tax plan is typical for the GOP. More for those who don't need it and less for everyone else. We can fight about the numbers all day long but that's what it ends up with. Rich guys don't write tax reform that benefits other people.

This isn't our first rodeo or the first time we've been lied to about it working out well for everyone. It didn't under Reagan or Bush and it won't under Trump. Just more federal debt and more wealth concentrated at the very top of America.

Example. A 20% top corporate rate instead of 35%? They already don't pay anything like either number. You might as well call it 0%, that's much closer to what most pay.

:eusa_liar: your analysis is at best simpleton.
This tax plan is typical for the GOP. More for those who don't need it and less for everyone else. We can fight about the numbers all day long but that's what it ends up with. Rich guys don't write tax reform that benefits other people.

This isn't our first rodeo or the first time we've been lied to about it working out well for everyone. It didn't under Reagan or Bush and it won't under Trump. Just more federal debt and more wealth concentrated at the very top of America.

Example. A 20% top corporate rate instead of 35%? They already don't pay anything like either number. You might as well call it 0%, that's much closer to what most pay.

:eusa_liar: your analysis is at best simpleton.
My analysis isn't an analysis, it's American history.
This tax plan is typical for the GOP. More for those who don't need it and less for everyone else. We can fight about the numbers all day long but that's what it ends up with. Rich guys don't write tax reform that benefits other people.

This isn't our first rodeo or the first time we've been lied to about it working out well for everyone. It didn't under Reagan or Bush and it won't under Trump. Just more federal debt and more wealth concentrated at the very top of America.

Example. A 20% top corporate rate instead of 35%? They already don't pay anything like either number. You might as well call it 0%, that's much closer to what most pay.

:eusa_liar: your analysis is at best simpleton.
My analysis isn't an analysis, it's American history.
View attachment 158382

^^^ called out on his BS the lib moves the goal posts shocker.
This tax plan is typical for the GOP. More for those who don't need it and less for everyone else. We can fight about the numbers all day long but that's what it ends up with. Rich guys don't write tax reform that benefits other people.

Well "rich guys" seem to have a right to that as "rich guys"..
in 2014 Federal tax returns shows the top 5% i.e. "rich guys" paid nearly 60% of all the Federal taxes paid.
The rest of guys like you paid 2.75%.
Summary of the Latest Federal Income Tax Data, 2016 Update - Tax Foundation

Now unless you want a socialist state where NO innovation, no productivity, nothing constructive is done...maybe people like you should realize that "rich guys" most became "rich guys" due to their working evidently harder then you people that are just plain jealous and too lazy.

  • Millionaires Don't Pay Their Taxes
    Fact: It is estimated that millionaires, those in the top 1% of earners, pay about 40% of all taxes. Current tax regulation shifts may change these numbers to make this even larger than that - so think twice before accusing the millionaires in America of not paying taxes. (Do you know when you're going to retire? It might not be as soon as you think. Read The New Retirement Age.)
  • Millionaires Just Inherited Their Money
    According to Thomas J. Stanley's book, "The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy," only 20% of millionaires inherited their riches. The other 80% are what you'd call nouveau riche: first generation millionaires who earned their cash on their own.
    Many millionaires simply worked, saved and lived within their means to generate their wealth - think accountants and managers: regular people going to work every day. Most millionaires didn't get their riches overnight when a rich relative died - they worked for the money.
  • Millionaires Feel Rich
    From the outside looking in, you would think that millionaires feel rich and secure, but that's not so. Most millionaires worry about retirement, their kids' college fund and the mortgage just like the rest of us. Those worries are greatest among new millionaires, the people who just recently acquired their wealth. (For more, see Don't Forget The Kids: Save For Their Education And Retirement.)
  • Millionaires Have High-Paying Jobs
    It certainly doesn't hurt to be gainfully employed, but half of all millionaires are self-employed or own a business. It does help to have a college degree, as about 80% are college graduates, though only 18% have master's degrees.
  • Millionaires All Drive Fancy Cars
    You can get that idea of the rich guy in a fancy German car out of your head when you think of a millionaire: they actually drive a Ford, with the carmaker topping the millionaire preferred car list at 9.4%. Cadillacs run second on the millionaires' favorite car list, and Lincolns third according to onmoneymaking.com.
    Car payments are an investment with little return, which is why someone looking to grow wealth avoids high-priced vehicles in favor of a more economical set of wheels. (For more, see 10 Steps To Retire A Millionaire.)
  • Millionaires Hang Around the Golf Course All Day
    Those millionaires are all retired, with nothing else to do but hang around the golf course, right? Wrong: only 20% of millionaires are retirees, with a full 80% still going to work. It's not as glamorous or fun, but millionaires go to work just like you do; it's how the money gets in the bank.
  • Millionaires Are Elitists
    We've already established that most millionaires earned their money not inherited it, still go to work, drive a Ford and worry about their kids' college expenses. Sounds a lot like the rest of America, right? Millionaires come in all shapes and sizes - some may be elitists, but most are just regular Joes who successfully managed their money.
7 Millionaire Myths 7 Millionaire Myths
This tax plan is typical for the GOP. More for those who don't need it and less for everyone else. We can fight about the numbers all day long but that's what it ends up with. Rich guys don't write tax reform that benefits other people.

This isn't our first rodeo or the first time we've been lied to about it working out well for everyone. It didn't under Reagan or Bush and it won't under Trump. Just more federal debt and more wealth concentrated at the very top of America.

Example. A 20% top corporate rate instead of 35%? They already don't pay anything like either number. You might as well call it 0%, that's much closer to what most pay.

:eusa_liar: your analysis is at best simpleton.
My analysis isn't an analysis, it's American history.
View attachment 158382

NO QUESTION BUT YOU idiots seem to forget or never learned or weren't alive as I was during Jimmy Carter's presidency when we had the "MISERY INDEX"!!!

Now my living through the gas lines of Carter, Carter's sweater speeches, and the MISERY INDEX gave me a real personal perspective!
THAT's what Reagan FACED!
Under Carter...The inflation rate went from 6.8% in 1977, to 7.6% in 1978, to 11.5% in 1979, to 12.4% in 1980 THATS really hard to live under PLUS inflation is what your stupid chart seems to forget to account for!
Jimmy Carter's Inferior Years | Human Events

Under Carter...the prime rate reached 21.5% in December 1980, the highest rate in U.S. history under any President. And again... when the federal government had to pay strictly because of Carter's piss poor management.. Sep 1981 Interest rate on Federal treasuries 14%! Interest Rates, Discount Rate for United States
Highest in history and you dummies then push that US debt figure of Reagan without any consideration of that!
Under Carter...Unemployment rate Jan 1981 7.5%

Yup and I lived through this... plus the really bad indignity of it! I VOTED FOR CARTER!!! Yup. I believed the ignorant BIASED MSM about Nixon,etc. and did that stupid vote!
All people who pay estate taxes will see a YUUUGE tax cut. Some middle class people will see a tax hike, depending on how much itemized deducations they had in past years, and how many personal/dependent exemptions the lose.

How the GOP tax bill will impact you differently if you’re middle-class or rich

But yes, some middle class earners will see a reduction. The maj of tax relief however goes to corporations.
You know the Dems were lying when they were saying the bill was punishing children and the middle class before the specifics of the bill were even decided. :badgrin:

Dems know their voter base are really fucking stupid, so they just lie all day every day and their ignorant and compliant electorate slurp that shit up like a Mochalatta.


It's a straight up fucking LIE.
This tax plan is typical for the GOP. More for those who don't need it and less for everyone else. We can fight about the numbers all day long but that's what it ends up with. Rich guys don't write tax reform that benefits other people.
Full of shit moron is full of shit. Nothing but left wing talking points.

Tax the rich blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

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