WANTED: Moderate Monkeys


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Moderate Monkeys will eventually pick a side* during each election just like the wing-nut Monkeys do, but... when the election's over, Moderate Monkeys actively look for things to support, as well as things to ream, both sides on. This is how they start the process of shopping their vote for the next election.

This is the thread to admit that 'those guys', :eusa_shifty: whoever in the fuck 'they' are, just might have a reasonable bone in their body.

It's also the thread to 'shame the devil and tell the truth' and 'fess up about a flaw or two that we see in the mirror, :dunno: whoever in the fuck 'we' are.

It's easy... ass-u-me-ing we're Moderate Monkeys. :cool:


Come on Democrats... If you're uncomfortable with the way some Republicans suck Corporate Cock for 'campaign money', and the cronyism in some of the entrenched, status quo protecting unions is o.k. with you, you might not be a Moderate Monkey.

*Unfortunately, some elections are just easier than others to decide on, but that's the subject of another story.... When was the last time YOU switched parties? :eusa_eh:
I love me some moderate republicans. Talking about fiscal responsibility without all the chicken little bullshit, and not obsessing and screaming at the top of their lungs about the social shit?


I switched parties in 2006 by the way.
I love me some moderate republicans. Talking about fiscal responsibility without all the chicken little bullshit, and not obsessing and screaming at the top of their lungs about the social shit?


I switched parties in 2006 by the way.

It would be nice if the Dems could do the same.. you know, talk about fiscal responsibility without all the chicken little bullshit about condoms, gay marriage, abortion and whatnot.
Can't say this year. Think I have a Senate race coming up. Normally I would go news silent for as long as possible. Last time it was four years.

Did that answer your question?
I love me some moderate republicans. Talking about fiscal responsibility without all the chicken little bullshit, and not obsessing and screaming at the top of their lungs about the social shit?


I switched parties in 2006 by the way.

Today is a good day to change back. :D
I love me some moderate republicans. Talking about fiscal responsibility without all the chicken little bullshit, and not obsessing and screaming at the top of their lungs about the social shit?


I switched parties in 2006 by the way.

It would be nice if the Dems could do the same.. you know, talk about fiscal responsibility without all the chicken little bullshit about condoms, gay marriage, abortion and whatnot.

:badgrin: Yeah, civil rights issues, contraception and important societal issues that effect all of us is exactly the same as pushing religion, trying to make rape okay and the cornucopia of retarded things that come out of prominent Republicans' mouths.
Can't say this year. Think I have a Senate race coming up. Normally I would go news silent for as long as possible. Last time it was four years.

Did that answer your question?

If that's your answer it does. There's nothing worse than talking points repeated without an honest opinion to accompany them.
I love me some moderate republicans. Talking about fiscal responsibility without all the chicken little bullshit, and not obsessing and screaming at the top of their lungs about the social shit?


I switched parties in 2006 by the way.

It would be nice if the Dems could do the same.. you know, talk about fiscal responsibility without all the chicken little bullshit about condoms, gay marriage, abortion and whatnot.

:badgrin: Yeah, civil rights issues, contraception and important societal issues that effect all of us is exactly the same as pushing religion, trying to make rape okay and the cornucopia of retarded things that come out of prominent Republicans' mouths.

So, then it is ok to talk about social issues...??? Because, that wasn't Cowman's take on things.
Can't say this year. Think I have a Senate race coming up. Normally I would go news silent for as long as possible. Last time it was four years.

Did that answer your question?

If that's your answer it does. There's nothing worse than talking points repeated without an honest opinion to accompany them.

You're like the person in the room with the camera. A hundred photos and you're not in one of them. You asked the question. What's your answer? Or is that a secret? Classified?
I love me some moderate republicans. Talking about fiscal responsibility without all the chicken little bullshit, and not obsessing and screaming at the top of their lungs about the social shit?


I switched parties in 2006 by the way.

Today is a good day to change back. :D

This thread would be the place to discuss the reasons why a change might do you good.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2nfgp3Ga80]Sheryl Crow Performing "A Change Would Do You Good" - YouTube[/ame]
Yep, ok to talk about societal issues. Just be prepared to be on the losing side of the debate at times. And accept the world is not going to end when you lose, and the people that held the opinion that won are probably just as loyal Americans as you are, they just see things differant.

When you 'Conservatives' cease to immediatly start talking seccession and second amendment solutions every time you lose, you will be taken seriously. Not untill then.

One does long for the conservatives like Bill Buckley. About the only one left that is writing sanely is David Brooks.
Can't say this year. Think I have a Senate race coming up. Normally I would go news silent for as long as possible. Last time it was four years.

Did that answer your question?

If that's your answer it does. There's nothing worse than talking points repeated without an honest opinion to accompany them.

You're like the person in the room with the camera. A hundred photos and you're not in one of them. You asked the question. What's your answer? Or is that a secret? Classified?

Oh hell no... no secret. I'm a registered republican right now. The next two years will tell what I'll be on paper for the next round, I was a democrat in '08. Whoever has the most interesting primaries gets to count me.
Yep, ok to talk about societal issues. Just be prepared to be on the losing side of the debate at times. And accept the world is not going to end when you lose, and the people that held the opinion that won are probably just as loyal Americans as you are, they just see things differant.

When you 'Conservatives' cease to immediatly start talking seccession and second amendment solutions every time you lose, you will be taken seriously. Not untill then.

One does long for the conservatives like Bill Buckley. About the only one left that is writing sanely is David Brooks.

Speaking of David Brooks, he wrote an excellent piece about moderates just prior to the election; his definition is what I would consider a moderate:

The moderate creates her policy agenda by looking to her specific circumstances and seeing which things are being driven out of proportion at the current moment. This idea -- that you base your agenda on your specific situation -- may seem obvious, but immoderate people often know what their solutions are before they define the problems.

For a certain sort of conservative, tax cuts and smaller government are always the answer, no matter what the situation. For a certain sort of liberal, tax increases for the rich and more government programs are always the answer.

The moderate does not believe that there are policies that are permanently right. Situations matter most. Tax cuts might be right one decade but wrong the next. Tighter regulations might be right one decade, but if sclerosis sets in then deregulation might be in order.

David Brooks: What moderation means - San Jose Mercury News

Most social issues don't lend themselves well to moderation; people of conscience can feel very strongly one way or the other and compromise can be difficult if not impossible.

I'd like to think I adhere somewhat to this; however, I do think that "tax cuts and smaller government" are usually the answer....:D
If that's your answer it does. There's nothing worse than talking points repeated without an honest opinion to accompany them.

You're like the person in the room with the camera. A hundred photos and you're not in one of them. You asked the question. What's your answer? Or is that a secret? Classified?

Oh hell no... no secret. I'm a registered republican right now. The next two years will tell what I'll be on paper for the next round, I was a democrat in '08. Whoever has the most interesting primaries gets to count me.

I don't except your answer. All you said was that you were going to vote in two years. You did not say why you are going to vote in two years.
Those guys whoever they are need to stop trying to micro-manage my life. Stop the war on the US Constitution. Embrace it, love it, live it and please lead by it.

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