Is santa a left wing socialist liberal?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Damn right and left wing conservatives love him. Christmas is a left wing socialist liberal holiday and right wing conservatives love it. Right wing conservatives fight to preserve Christmas traditions. Christmas is a season for giving. Something right wing conservatives hate. They cannot have it both ways. If Santa is a left wing socialist liberal and Christmas a left wing socialist holiday then that would make Christ a left wing socialist liberal?
Who love Christmas more the right wing conservatives. Who has pass more liberal government programs than right wing conservatives. Right wing conservatives are socialist and they don't even know it. They worship a liberal GOD.
Not with all the elves he has working for him.

Santa is a straight up capitalist. Only thing that's socialist about him is the red jumpsuit.
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Not with all the elves he has working for him.

Santa is a straight up capitalist. Only thing that's socialist about him is the red jumpsuit.

Santa is a capitalist? Man, does that guy owe some back taxes. :eek: Maybe he has an account in the Caymans.
are the gifts "presents" or are they stolen / redistributed from someone who earned them?

If they are stolen from a working stiff he is a progeessive
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are the gifts "presents" or are they stolen / redistributed from someone who earned them?

If they are stolen from a working stiff he is a progeessive

No. You are looking for this guy:
Those so called elves are people, undernourished and underfed adults. They are underpaid, and overworked, while fatso Santa is running around making gutteral ho, ho noises which means bring on the broads. Union thugs tried to bring some better working conditions to the area but the climate was not good for union thugs so they went to a local bar where some elves set up free drinks.
Damn right and left wing conservatives love him. Christmas is a left wing socialist liberal holiday and right wing conservatives love it. Right wing conservatives fight to preserve Christmas traditions. Christmas is a season for giving. Something right wing conservatives hate. They cannot have it both ways. If Santa is a left wing socialist liberal and Christmas a left wing socialist holiday then that would make Christ a left wing socialist liberal?
Who love Christmas more the right wing conservatives. Who has pass more liberal government programs than right wing conservatives. Right wing conservatives are socialist and they don't even know it. They worship a liberal GOD.

Actually, it's the right actually encouraging people to give. Telling politicians to take from others isn't giving. It's actually Robbery.
Christmas is a season for giving. Something right wing conservatives hate.
You really should check you facts first, before making statements.
Conservatives hate giving? Better check again
Republicans give more than twice what Democrats give in charitable contributions.
In 2008 Arthur C. Brooks wrote a book that included information on this very question and found that even though on average Democrat households have higher incomes, the Republican or Conservative households donate more of their income. Republicans also donate more blood as well.
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Conservatives More Liberal Givers

Conservatives love giving, they just hate it when the government takes their money and does the giving for them
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