Want to Put Your Pension into Green Energy?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Hey, Want to Put Your Pension into Green Energy?

by Daniel Greenfield
Oct 2nd, 2012

I met a man under the Brooklyn Bridge the other day, he tried to sell me the bridge and when I asked him for an owner’s manual for it, he tried to sell me some green energy in a green reusable bag instead. And when that didn’t work, he told me that he had some renewable carbon credit Rolex watches to show me. I wasn’t buying, but some of the biggies are.

The Asset Owners Disclosure Project started out in Australia, but it’s pushing trying to pressure funds around the world into dumping money into Green Energy. And it’s really going after pension funds.

Now the independent, not-for-profit Asset Owners Disclosure Project (AODP) is asking the world’s largest 1000 asset owners to reveal how they are addressing climate change and the “green economy”.

A related project, The Vital Few, launched in New York overnight, is aimed at getting fund members to join forces and put pressure on fund trustees to shift assets to climate-friendly investments and protect their savings from the risk posed by climate change.

Here is the left at its best and worst, distorting language to suck everyone else into their alternate universe. Instead of sticking to honest terminology, they begin describing conventional investments as “High Risk” and their worthless crony capitalist projects as “Low Risk”.

Suddenly fund managers start thinking that the profitable mining operation is risky because THE OCEANS ARE RISING and it’s time to put money into something safe, like windmills built in areas that hardly see any wind. And you can’t blame them because they’re just monkeys shifting from what they are told are high risk investments to low risk investments. They score social responsibility points and retirees end up washing dishes.

That’s EnviroCapitalism for you.


Right. Let’s bankrupt millions of retirees by shoving their money into climate change scams while pressuring companies to “Go Green” in order to get some of that money. A few trillion dollars here and there and it’ll be time for some end of life panels for people who can no longer afford medical care due to the biggest investment scam in human history.

Hey, Want to Put Your Pension into Green Energy? | FrontPage Magazine

If anyone doubts the agenda of the global warming crowd all they have to do is look at those goggle eyed fools holding the banner. Now they want the UN to tax American corporations so that the US is brought down to a 3rd world playing field.

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