Want to guess whats ruining this country

So the real problem is youth in general, just because this is the fourth time this has happened in the past two months, and every time it has happened it has been all black youth is just a coincidence

These are just the incidents you focus on. To believe that no white youths at all commit crimes is ignorance.
I go along with you , yes I do

I don't consider black youth to be the problem, you do, racist.

So the real problem is youth in general, just because this is the fourth time this has happened in the past two months, and every time it has happened it has been all black youth is just a coincidence

Yeap a racist piece of shit who thinks the important factor in this whole situation is the color of the kids doing it.

Stop calling yourself a democrat and get thee to a party who will wallow in racism like you wish.

I hear the Tea party folks allow racists in their ranks so get moving.

I suspect you LIED when you called yourself a democrat anyway.
TruthMattersNot is a vile.


Yup. Between Facebook and now Twitter, it's becoming the only way teens communicate with each other. Sick and sad.

I'm sorry, if you want a response from me you need to tweet me. :lol::lol: Find me on facebook and poke me, Mag. :lol:

Does this make the Wasilla Chihuahua a "teen" as well? The only way that stupid bitch communicates is with Facebook and Twitter.

Oh wait.......she never matured, so yeah......a pissed off teenager in an old hags body, using twitter and Facebook to appear "youthful".

Hmmm.....kinda sounds like CaliTwit as well........
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Its a flash party guys,

A bunch of kids send out a text to everyone they know and then those kids tell everyone they know to show up at a certain place at a certain time.

In this random gathering is people of all types including those who were just at the site orinally.

The kids are just trying to have fun and are too naive to know that criminals will use the opportunity to do what they want.

You can pretend all you want that this is anything different than kids of the past finding ways to meet other kids but this is happening all over the country and not just black kids are doing it.

You're a fucking idiot. Is this your definition of kids "just trying to have fun"?

Seth Kaufman, a delivery man for Olympia II Restaurant on South Street, shows off bruises he received after being attacked by members of the flash mob on South Street Saturday night.

South Street flash mob and aftermath | Philly | 03/20/2010

Now tell me if a group of whites beat up a black man, wouldn you consider that a hate crime? And why is this not a hate crime?

You are one stupid fucker.

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