Wallingford police called after Nazi, Confederate merchandise found at flea market

I bought a Confederate battle flag and displayed it for two reasons, one to piss off the left loons and two I will not be dictated by political correctness.

simple decency------when did you give it up? to lots of people those flags
represent enslavement

But too me it represents heritage and pride. I don't care how others feel about it. You see I have my rights also and I fully intend to use and express them.

heritage of enslavement and raping little girls? for southern pride---how about biscuits and gravy? -------catfish dredged in corn meal?---------uhm...... saying
YA'ALL ----and----oh I know----SWEET TEA. A story----my son was in the navy and somehow he became the sorta "guide" for his mates when they were ashore in foreign lands. He knew nothing more than they did----but---well----he is a yankee. The poor southern kids actually seem to believe that everyone understands "southern" --------they would ask for "sweet tea" in paris cafes-----in
a restaurant in Italy one insisted on SPAGHETTI AL FREDO----and could not be convinced that the Italian waiter did not know what he was talking about

I'm a "Yankee" but I understand why the Civil War happened and I understand that flag has meaning other than you idiots and your "it's RACIST". Grow up

no doubt it has MANY meanings-----just as the HAMMER AND SICKLE banners have many meanings and just as the Nazi SWASTIKA has many meanings----but to lots of people all of them have very very very negative and hurtful meanings.
You want one of them hanging on your house-----fine with me------I would spit but I would not call the cops or tear the rag down or attend your ROBERT E. LEE birthday party
I bought a Confederate battle flag and displayed it for two reasons, one to piss off the left loons and two I will not be dictated by political correctness.

simple decency------when did you give it up? to lots of people those flags
represent enslavement

But too me it represents heritage and pride. I don't care how others feel about it. You see I have my rights also and I fully intend to use and express them.

heritage of enslavement and raping little girls? for southern pride---how about biscuits and gravy? -------catfish dredged in corn meal?---------uhm...... saying
YA'ALL ----and----oh I know----SWEET TEA. A story----my son was in the navy and somehow he became the sorta "guide" for his mates when they were ashore in foreign lands. He knew nothing more than they did----but---well----he is a yankee. The poor southern kids actually seem to believe that everyone understands "southern" --------they would ask for "sweet tea" in paris cafes-----in
a restaurant in Italy one insisted on SPAGHETTI AL FREDO----and could not be convinced that the Italian waiter did not know what he was talking about

I'm a "Yankee" but I understand why the Civil War happened and I understand that flag has meaning other than you idiots and your "it's RACIST". Grow up

no doubt it has MANY meanings-----just as the HAMMER AND SICKLE banners have many meanings and just as the Nazi SWASTIKA has many meanings----but to lots of people all of them have very very very negative and hurtful meanings.
You want one of them hanging on your house-----fine with me------I would spit but I would not call the cops or tear the rag down or attend your ROBERT E. LEE birthday party

The mistake of your life would be to spit on anything I own
Wow, so now it's come to the point that if you even have some memorabilia from the the Confederacy, some people believe you should be hauled off to jail ?
Holy shit, that is ridiculous ! There are millions of Confederate items around the country in the hands of collectors, some people actually believe that's illegal, or should be ?
Yep, they sure do...

really? it seems to me that the issue is the PUBLIC DISPLAY of your support of chattel slavery-------not a flag in a box in your basement
What the fuck are you talking about you condescending Harpy? Where did I ever support any kind of slavery? Chattel or not. There were slaves owned by the communists (not chattel slaves) but they called them "citizens" and that's what you prefer. Enslave everybody to the ruling class (party) you would be a part of as a commissar….. naturally.
Wow, so now it's come to the point that if you even have some memorabilia from the the Confederacy, some people believe you should be hauled off to jail ?
Holy shit, that is ridiculous ! There are millions of Confederate items around the country in the hands of collectors, some people actually believe that's illegal, or should be ?
Yep, they sure do...

really? it seems to me that the issue is the PUBLIC DISPLAY of your support of chattel slavery-------not a flag in a box in your basement
What the fuck are you talking about you condescending Harpy? Where did I ever support any kind of slavery? Chattel or not. There were slaves owned by the communists (not chattel slaves) but they called them "citizens" and that's what you prefer. Enslave everybody to the ruling class (party) you would be a part of asa commissar….. naturally.

try again cock sucking pimp-----I would have the same comments for a dog who decided to display a HAMMER AND SICKLE flag over his house as I would have for a dog like you with a confederate slave owner flag over his house. You can to the white thing with the big red dot on it--------another expression of your filth
simple decency------when did you give it up? to lots of people those flags
represent enslavement

But too me it represents heritage and pride. I don't care how others feel about it. You see I have my rights also and I fully intend to use and express them.

heritage of enslavement and raping little girls? for southern pride---how about biscuits and gravy? -------catfish dredged in corn meal?---------uhm...... saying
YA'ALL ----and----oh I know----SWEET TEA. A story----my son was in the navy and somehow he became the sorta "guide" for his mates when they were ashore in foreign lands. He knew nothing more than they did----but---well----he is a yankee. The poor southern kids actually seem to believe that everyone understands "southern" --------they would ask for "sweet tea" in paris cafes-----in
a restaurant in Italy one insisted on SPAGHETTI AL FREDO----and could not be convinced that the Italian waiter did not know what he was talking about

I'm a "Yankee" but I understand why the Civil War happened and I understand that flag has meaning other than you idiots and your "it's RACIST". Grow up

no doubt it has MANY meanings-----just as the HAMMER AND SICKLE banners have many meanings and just as the Nazi SWASTIKA has many meanings----but to lots of people all of them have very very very negative and hurtful meanings.
You want one of them hanging on your house-----fine with me------I would spit but I would not call the cops or tear the rag down or attend your ROBERT E. LEE birthday party

The mistake of your life would be to spit on anything I own

Oh yeah-------I got bad news for you-----I GOT THE MAP OF IRELAND on my face-----the local boys would come to my aid before coming to your aid-----I just snap my fingers and paddy comes running with the boys. -----really----I grew
up in a neighborhood with LOTS of Irish kids-------and whenever someone said
"that little irish girl over there....." it was ME ------the single deficit was-----well-----I was very shy------and reticent------it just did not fit. Even the coppery streaks in my hair------the stubby nose and the freckles------did not cover up for that reticent
thing-----but I did survive
I have no doubt the person filing the complaint was a libtard with a sense of entitlement. This country needs to have a national lesson on the Constitution because some people(mostly the left) don't seem to understand it.
No, do away with welfare, people seem to have to much time on their hands to find things to be offended about.
="Marianne, post: 11813447, member:] [...]

Moore says he supports the caller who dialed up police and is sympathetic to what they felt. As a dealer of commodities with a controversial past, he can see both sides.

Well I don't support the whining, un-American sonofabitch. If he or she is offended by the sight of such items, so what? If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out -- don't call the police! I am not offended by any such items and I have a right to see them if I choose to.

The cockroach who called the police because he/she was "offended" by the historical items deserves to be tossed into an extermination camp. Because that mentality needs to be purged.
So somewhere in Wallingford, Connecticut, nothing happened. Great story.

You completely missed the point. It's not that nothing happened, something is happening and it's not good. With all the BS over flying the confederate flag people seem to think they can impose their beliefs on other people. The fact that someone was so ignorant of someone's else's Constitutional rights says a lot. The general consensus is that if it offends someone it should disappear. We are becoming Hyper sensitive.

I could take this a step further and say that liberals don't seem to think that they have to consider anyone else if it offends them and their agenda. It's a dangerous mindset. "I don't like that so you have to take it down" attitude is becoming prevalent and this article is an proof of that. Another example is the Confederate flag and Nazi' memorabilia bad and needs to be removed but fly gay pride flags and rainbow up the white house, regardless that a considerable amount of the country(mostly conservative) disagrees with it, that's OK fuck their feelings. What happens if a Conservative wins the White House in 2016? Do liberals want to be treated the same way they are treating conservatives? Could happen.
What would a conservative try to do to liberals if they were elected to the White House? Most of the things conservatives WANT to do to liberals are completely unconstitutional. So I'm not sure what you're worried about.

It was also perfectly constitutional for the person in your OP to be selling his items. So follow the constitution, and you'll be just fine. :thup:
Oh in 2016 the republican president will be able to go after liberals using the irs, just like Obama has done. Now you will be okay with it? The same way as you supported Obama doing it.
I am left handed ----and find any negative allusion to LEFT -----offensive.
Lots of people OPPRESS the persons of ****LEFT HANDEDNESS****
those damned lecture hall chairs with the little platform hooked on are ALL ON THE RIGHT -------note books have big giant rings----that IMPEDE my ability to write in the damned things. --------I HATE THE RIGHT
="Marianne, post: 11813447, member:] [...]

Moore says he supports the caller who dialed up police and is sympathetic to what they felt. As a dealer of commodities with a controversial past, he can see both sides.

Well I don't support the whining, un-American sonofabitch. If he or she is offended by the sight of such items, so what? If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out -- don't call the police! I am not offended by any such items and I have a right to see them if I choose to.

The cockroach who called the police because he/she was "offended" by the historical items deserves to be tossed into an extermination camp. Because that mentality needs to be purged.

your response is a bit flamboyant------why not just beat her up and pull the heels off of her FIVE INCH jobs?
Wow, so now it's come to the point that if you even have some memorabilia from the the Confederacy, some people believe you should be hauled off to jail ?
Holy shit, that is ridiculous ! There are millions of Confederate items around the country in the hands of collectors, some people actually believe that's illegal, or should be ?
Yep, they sure do...

really? it seems to me that the issue is the PUBLIC DISPLAY of your support of chattel slavery-------not a flag in a box in your basement
What the fuck are you talking about you condescending Harpy? Where did I ever support any kind of slavery? Chattel or not. There were slaves owned by the communists (not chattel slaves) but they called them "citizens" and that's what you prefer. Enslave everybody to the ruling class (party) you would be a part of asa commissar….. naturally.

try again cock sucking pimp-----I would have the same comments for a dog who decided to display a HAMMER AND SICKLE flag over his house as I would have for a dog like you with a confederate slave owner flag over his house. You can to the white thing with the big red dot on it--------another expression of your filth
I recommend you to go as a Harpy and find Priapus, your mouth will be full for quite a while and and you won't be able to spew unfounded fucking accusations. I see that you prefer using the word "dog" what is derogatory to infidels and did not use the word "goyim" what is the description of gentiles. Research the ERA of American slavery to see that it was not uniquely an American phenomenon but was an accepted institution word wide. ( am not endorsing slavery with what I am talking about, those are facts you revisionist communist) Don't try to say that slavery was designed in the South part of the USA, what later became known for 4 years as the Confederacy, by Southerners for the purposed to establish an ideology of racism.
I have no doubt the person filing the complaint was a libtard with a sense of entitlement. This country needs to have a national lesson on the Constitution because some people(mostly the left) don't seem to understand it.
Don't blame such a truly amorphous category as the "left." Because you might be surprised at how many individuals who inhabit the political left for one reason or other might agree with you on many issues.
I am left handed ----and find any negative allusion to LEFT -----offensive.
Lots of people OPPRESS the persons of ****LEFT HANDEDNESS****
those damned lecture hall chairs with the little platform hooked on are ALL ON THE RIGHT -------note books have big giant rings----that IMPEDE my ability to write in the damned things. --------I HATE THE RIGHT
Good for you!
="Marianne, post: 11813447, member:] [...]

Moore says he supports the caller who dialed up police and is sympathetic to what they felt. As a dealer of commodities with a controversial past, he can see both sides.

Well I don't support the whining, un-American sonofabitch. If he or she is offended by the sight of such items, so what? If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out -- don't call the police! I am not offended by any such items and I have a right to see them if I choose to.

The cockroach who called the police because he/she was "offended" by the historical items deserves to be tossed into an extermination camp. Because that mentality needs to be purged.
What they need is a taste of communism with Gulag
WTF??? Another moron totalitarian minded asshole calling the police. For what? The merchant should have asked him if it were OK to sell maybe?Everybody get offended about every fucking thing one can think of. These type of SOBs want to control everything.

Get enough of these SOBs together and they will imprison you, or worse, for disagreeing with their politics. Their exclusionary mentality, which seems simperingly innocent at first glance, will eventually evolve into Nazism. Anyone who wishes to control what you learn, read, know or listen to is far more dangerous than one who wishes only to steal from you.
WALLINGFORD, Conn. (WTNH) — Over the weekend, Wallingford police were dispatched after someone called them to say there was a merchant selling Nazi and Confederate memorabilia at flea market, which some had found deeply offensive.

What I'd like to know is why police were dispatched in response to such a complaint. Don't the Wallingford cops have anything better to do than roll on such nonsense complaints? The cop or 911 dispatcher who took the call needs to attend a class on the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

His/her short answer should have been, "So what?"

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