Wall Street for Hillary?: Clinton has $48.5M in hedge fund backing, compared to Trump's $19K


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Yea, while Hillary is out there crying about income inequality and promising to go after the wealthy, she is in bed with them and will continue to favor them. If you watch Clinton Cash, you will understand that Clintons are bought and paid for by the wealthiest people in the world and that includes some pretty corrupt tyrants. They want power and don't care how they get it. She is just using the poor in America to gain power the same way she used the poor people of Haiti to gain money. Nothing is sacred with this bitch except her own ambitions.

"Hedge fund owners and employees have so far this election cycle contributed nearly $48.5 million for Hillary Clinton, compared to about $19,000 for Donald Trump, an indication that Wall Street is clearly backing the Democratic presidential nominee.

The total amount of such campaign contributions in 2016 is $122.7 million, twice as much as in the 2012 election cycle, according to a recent federal report analyzed by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.

With the Democratic and Republican parties’ conventions over Thursday and the general election officially just a few days old, it’s no surprise that pro-Clinton groups have received more hedge fund money.

For nearly six months, Clinton primary rival Sen. Bernie Sanders railed against "big money" in politics and vowed to "reform" Wall Street, with an insurgent campaign that relied largely on small-dollar contributions.

"With a political campaign finance system that is corrupt and increasingly controlled by billionaires and special interests, I fear very much that … government … is beginning to perish in the United States of America," Sanders said. "We cannot allow that to happen."

In addition, Clinton, a former secretary of state and New York senator, has clear ties to Wall Street, with critics repeatedly pointing out that in recent years she has received $21 million in speaking fees from Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street firms."

Yea, while Hillary is out there crying about income inequality and promising to go after the wealthy, she is in bed with them and will continue to favor them. If you watch Clinton Cash, you will understand that Clintons are bought and paid for by the wealthiest people in the world and that includes some pretty corrupt tyrants. They want power and don't care how they get it. She is just using the poor in America to gain power the same way she used the poor people of Haiti to gain money. Nothing is sacred with this bitch except her own ambitions.

"Hedge fund owners and employees have so far this election cycle contributed nearly $48.5 million for Hillary Clinton, compared to about $19,000 for Donald Trump, an indication that Wall Street is clearly backing the Democratic presidential nominee.

The total amount of such campaign contributions in 2016 is $122.7 million, twice as much as in the 2012 election cycle, according to a recent federal report analyzed by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.

With the Democratic and Republican parties’ conventions over Thursday and the general election officially just a few days old, it’s no surprise that pro-Clinton groups have received more hedge fund money.

For nearly six months, Clinton primary rival Sen. Bernie Sanders railed against "big money" in politics and vowed to "reform" Wall Street, with an insurgent campaign that relied largely on small-dollar contributions.

"With a political campaign finance system that is corrupt and increasingly controlled by billionaires and special interests, I fear very much that … government … is beginning to perish in the United States of America," Sanders said. "We cannot allow that to happen."

In addition, Clinton, a former secretary of state and New York senator, has clear ties to Wall Street, with critics repeatedly pointing out that in recent years she has received $21 million in speaking fees from Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street firms."

And her son in law bilked 40 million dollars out of people.
But, but isn't Trump funding his own campaign...?

Most of it. He hasn't taken enough from any individual where he'll owe them any favors. That is the best way. Hillary is in debt to people for big money and they will expect something in return, just like they did when she was Sec. of State.
But, but isn't Trump funding his own campaign...?
Primary he did and for every dollar he spent Hillary had to spend 40.

Well, Greasy Lee, and your point is...?
You already ADMITTED to being a paid shill, piss off.
If that is the case, someone made a poor investment. They need to invest in more capable, articulate, intelligent posters. Everyone knows Lakhota is a joke.
Yea, while Hillary is out there crying about income inequality and promising to go after the wealthy, she is in bed with them and will continue to favor them. If you watch Clinton Cash, you will understand that Clintons are bought and paid for by the wealthiest people in the world and that includes some pretty corrupt tyrants. They want power and don't care how they get it. She is just using the poor in America to gain power the same way she used the poor people of Haiti to gain money. Nothing is sacred with this bitch except her own ambitions.

"Hedge fund owners and employees have so far this election cycle contributed nearly $48.5 million for Hillary Clinton, compared to about $19,000 for Donald Trump, an indication that Wall Street is clearly backing the Democratic presidential nominee.

The total amount of such campaign contributions in 2016 is $122.7 million, twice as much as in the 2012 election cycle, according to a recent federal report analyzed by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.

With the Democratic and Republican parties’ conventions over Thursday and the general election officially just a few days old, it’s no surprise that pro-Clinton groups have received more hedge fund money.

For nearly six months, Clinton primary rival Sen. Bernie Sanders railed against "big money" in politics and vowed to "reform" Wall Street, with an insurgent campaign that relied largely on small-dollar contributions.

"With a political campaign finance system that is corrupt and increasingly controlled by billionaires and special interests, I fear very much that … government … is beginning to perish in the United States of America," Sanders said. "We cannot allow that to happen."

In addition, Clinton, a former secretary of state and New York senator, has clear ties to Wall Street, with critics repeatedly pointing out that in recent years she has received $21 million in speaking fees from Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street firms."


that's because wall street doesn't want dumb donald anywhere near our economy.

the economist magazine said him being elected president would be a catastrophic event of the same magnitude as a major terrorist attack.

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