Walker caves.

Protesters were caught sneaking in windows and blocked hallways into the capitols assembly rooms, where important work has to be done today. So as we speak, protesters are being physically drug out of there by their filthy, greasy, hippie ass hair... finally. I hope a few skulls get cracked in the process. Enough of this stupid, loony left, anarchist protesting is enough. They lost, now go the fuck home and shut the fuck up. Normal, decent people are sick and damn tired of watching it and listening to it. Fucking socialist pieces of shit.
They have run out of civil options and reason so they turn to disruption and destruction

Which shouldn't be an option at all, even though it's time for them to all go home.

It shouldn't. Yes they have the right to protest peacefully. That does not include destruction and disruption. It's a crime what they get away with.
They have run out of civil options and reason so they turn to disruption and destruction

Which shouldn't be an option at all, even though it's time for them to all go home.

It shouldn't. Yes they have the right to protest peacefully. That does not include destruction and disruption. It's a crime what they get away with.

They won't get away with it for long. If the police don't remove them, the National Guard will be called in. I'm hearing that they're all packed into the halls outside the assembly hall vowing not to leave. That is illegal. They are blocking access to the hall and disrupting the work that needs to be done. They're banging on doors, pounding on windows and screaming through bull horns. This is all illegal, and I don't think it's going to be allowed to go on for long.

Could you imagine if the Tea Party was doing this? Hell the freakin' left would be FOAMING AT THE MOUTH WITH GLEE, and it would be on EVERY CHANNEL, EVERY NEWS PAPER and IN EVERY MAGAZINE. Just another example of BLATANT left wing HYPOCRISY.
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Which shouldn't be an option at all, even though it's time for them to all go home.

It shouldn't. Yes they have the right to protest peacefully. That does not include destruction and disruption. It's a crime what they get away with.

They won't get away with it for long. If the police don't remove them, the National Guard will be called in. I'm hearing that they're all packed into the halls outside the assembly hall vowing not to leave. That is illegal. They are blocking access to the hall and disrupting the work that needs to be done. They're banging on doors, pounding on windows and screaming through bull horns. This is all illegal, and I don't think it's going to be allowed to go on for long.

Could you imagine if the Tea Party was doing this? Hell the freakin' left would be FOAMING AT THE MOUTH WITH GLEE, and it would be on EVERY CHANNEL, EVERY NEWS PAPER and IN EVERY MAGAZINE. Just another example of BLATANT left wing HYPOCRISY.
what I find amazing is that what they complain about, they turn around and do themselves. Imagine Republican Senators running away. Would they be recognized as progressive heros too? Or would they be vilified?
It shouldn't. Yes they have the right to protest peacefully. That does not include destruction and disruption. It's a crime what they get away with.

They won't get away with it for long. If the police don't remove them, the National Guard will be called in. I'm hearing that they're all packed into the halls outside the assembly hall vowing not to leave. That is illegal. They are blocking access to the hall and disrupting the work that needs to be done. They're banging on doors, pounding on windows and screaming through bull horns. This is all illegal, and I don't think it's going to be allowed to go on for long.

Could you imagine if the Tea Party was doing this? Hell the freakin' left would be FOAMING AT THE MOUTH WITH GLEE, and it would be on EVERY CHANNEL, EVERY NEWS PAPER and IN EVERY MAGAZINE. Just another example of BLATANT left wing HYPOCRISY.
what I find amazing is that what they complain about, they turn around and do themselves. Imagine Republican Senators running away. Would they be recognized as progressive heros too? Or would they be vilified?

We all know the answer to that. There's no bigger hypocrites walking the face of the earth than LIBERALS and LEFTISTS.
They won't get away with it for long. If the police don't remove them, the National Guard will be called in. I'm hearing that they're all packed into the halls outside the assembly hall vowing not to leave. That is illegal. They are blocking access to the hall and disrupting the work that needs to be done. They're banging on doors, pounding on windows and screaming through bull horns. This is all illegal, and I don't think it's going to be allowed to go on for long.

Could you imagine if the Tea Party was doing this? Hell the freakin' left would be FOAMING AT THE MOUTH WITH GLEE, and it would be on EVERY CHANNEL, EVERY NEWS PAPER and IN EVERY MAGAZINE. Just another example of BLATANT left wing HYPOCRISY.
what I find amazing is that what they complain about, they turn around and do themselves. Imagine Republican Senators running away. Would they be recognized as progressive heros too? Or would they be vilified?

We all know the answer to that. There's no bigger hypocrites walking the face of the earth than LIBERALS and LEFTISTS.

Where is all the talk of obstuctionist now. Isn't that what republicans were called when they dissagreed and were in the minority?
Check this out. Move on.org, what a bunch of nuts. Dream on you leftwing nutjobs

Dear MoveOn member,
Minutes ago, Wisconsin Republicans made a shocking power grab—ramming through their partisan attack on workers' rights without a single Democrat present.

It's shameful, unprecedented, and probably illegal. We can't let them get away with this.

We have to recall the Republican state senators who did this.

Progressives in Wisconsin have already gathered thousands of signatures to do just that, but they need our help to get the job done. Let's send a clear message that trying to destroy the American Dream is a surefire way to get booted from office.

Can you help raise $500,000 tonight for the recall efforts, to make sure these senators lose their seats over their outrageous actions?
Click here to chip in $5 via ActBlue
What happened?

With the Wisconsin 14 out of state for weeks, Republicans have been unable to jam through Governor Walker's bill taking away union rights from public workers.

But tonight, the Republicans decided to use the nuclear option. After modestly changing the Governor's budget bill, they "declared" that it was a different kind of bill that they could pass without the Democrats and passed it—all in a half-hour.1

Thousands of Wisconsinites have already flooded the capitol and will occupy it overnight. And Wisconsin Democrats are already exploring legal challenges to stop the law. But it's up to the rest of us to make sure that these senators pay a heavy price for their actions, so everyone gets the message: Attack workers and middle class families, and there will be consequences.

Help raise $500,000 tonight to send these Republicans packing:

Of course everything thy are doing is very predictable

Its their "M O"

As a matter of course.

They are losing in State Legislatures around the Republic...and the more they lose? Just watch the venom spew forth.

It's in their nature...but don't forget/ They will try their damndest to Blame Conservatives for their mailaise...their failure...and the violence that ensues...from Leftist 60's wannabe hippie freaks...

Well it's only fair. We Conservatives generally blame liberal notions and policies for most of our existing problems. The difference is we don't try to tie all the blame to George Bush and Sarah Palin and our newest target---can we still say target?----Governor Walker. :)

Bullseye! LOL
Of course everything thy are doing is very predictable

Its their "M O"

As a matter of course.

They are losing in State Legislatures around the Republic...and the more they lose? Just watch the venom spew forth.

It's in their nature...but don't forget/ They will try their damndest to Blame Conservatives for their mailaise...their failure...and the violence that ensues...from Leftist 60's wannabe hippie freaks...

Well it's only fair. We Conservatives generally blame liberal notions and policies for most of our existing problems. The difference is we don't try to tie all the blame to George Bush and Sarah Palin and our newest target---can we still say target?----Governor Walker. :)

You sure placed your post in the cross hairs. :eusa_whistle:
As a matter of course.

They are losing in State Legislatures around the Republic...and the more they lose? Just watch the venom spew forth.

It's in their nature...but don't forget/ They will try their damndest to Blame Conservatives for their mailaise...their failure...and the violence that ensues...from Leftist 60's wannabe hippie freaks...

Well it's only fair. We Conservatives generally blame liberal notions and policies for most of our existing problems. The difference is we don't try to tie all the blame to George Bush and Sarah Palin and our newest target---can we still say target?----Governor Walker. :)

You sure placed your post in the cross hairs. :eusa_whistle:
But she was right on target.
Which shouldn't be an option at all, even though it's time for them to all go home.

It shouldn't. Yes they have the right to protest peacefully. That does not include destruction and disruption. It's a crime what they get away with.

They won't get away with it for long. If the police don't remove them, the National Guard will be called in. I'm hearing that they're all packed into the halls outside the assembly hall vowing not to leave. That is illegal. They are blocking access to the hall and disrupting the work that needs to be done. They're banging on doors, pounding on windows and screaming through bull horns. This is all illegal, and I don't think it's going to be allowed to go on for long.

Could you imagine if the Tea Party was doing this? Hell the freakin' left would be FOAMING AT THE MOUTH WITH GLEE, and it would be on EVERY CHANNEL, EVERY NEWS PAPER and IN EVERY MAGAZINE. Just another example of BLATANT left wing HYPOCRISY.

Not only that, but if it was the Tea Party we would be seeing post after post from the left feigning mock outrage, disgust, and contempt as they accuse the Tea Party of all manner of thuggery and worse. But if it's unions doing it......free speech.

And frankly, I have a hard time accepting that kind of double standard as honest, much less intelligent or fair.
It shouldn't. Yes they have the right to protest peacefully. That does not include destruction and disruption. It's a crime what they get away with.

They won't get away with it for long. If the police don't remove them, the National Guard will be called in. I'm hearing that they're all packed into the halls outside the assembly hall vowing not to leave. That is illegal. They are blocking access to the hall and disrupting the work that needs to be done. They're banging on doors, pounding on windows and screaming through bull horns. This is all illegal, and I don't think it's going to be allowed to go on for long.

Could you imagine if the Tea Party was doing this? Hell the freakin' left would be FOAMING AT THE MOUTH WITH GLEE, and it would be on EVERY CHANNEL, EVERY NEWS PAPER and IN EVERY MAGAZINE. Just another example of BLATANT left wing HYPOCRISY.

Not only that, but if it was the Tea Party we would be seeing post after post from the left feigning mock outrage, disgust, and contempt as they accuse the Tea Party of all manner of thuggery and worse. But if it's unions doing it......free speech.

And frankly, I have a hard time accepting that kind of double standard as honest, much less intelligent or fair.
This whole Obama administration is living breathing hypocricy
what the FUCK does that have to do with sending in thugs to disrupt a peaceful protest?


damn, you are too fucking stupid

"Nothing" is right you dumbass. But I wasn't commenting on that.

NYcarbineer .....For publicly saying he wouldn't negogiate while privately doing so

Charles_Main ....Yes how horrible of him to consider doing something Liberals do all the time

DiveCon ....yeah, to "think about it" but not actually do it

Dagoose.... Unlike Reagan who actually did


Dagoose....In November 1986, it was disclosed that the Reagan administration had been bargaining with terrorists by selling arms to Iran.
which again, has nothing to do with what was the subject you ignorant pos
They have run out of civil options and reason so they turn to disruption and destruction

Which shouldn't be an option at all, even though it's time for them to all go home.

It shouldn't. Yes they have the right to protest peacefully. That does not include destruction and disruption. It's a crime what they get away with.

True. If Union Representatives had shown up dressed appropriately and holding signs stating their concerns and opinions instead of hateful rhetoric and personal attacks, had behaved themselves and left the premises clean and in good repair as the Tea Partiers, 9/12ers, tax protesters, and similar groups do, I would have no problem with that. I might even afford them some respect for excercising their civil rights and expressing their opinion even though I have to disagree with them.

But these union thugs aren't doing that are they? $7.5 million in damages several days ago.....no telling how much now? Hateful language. Hateful signs. Disruptive and illegal behavior that is actually dangerous when fire exits etc. are blocked. Who with any kind of common sense can condone that?

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