Wal-Mart Ditches Hippy-Dippy-Trippy, Returns to its Core Customer Base


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Looks like stocking the shelves with organic wheat grass and twigs, and the whole granola head "going green" propaganda went over like a fart in church, with the retail chain's long-time core customer base....Let the sniffing and derision from the usual suspect hoity-toity leftist snobs commence!

After suffering seven straight quarters of losses, today the merchandise giant Wal-Mart will announce that it is “going back to basics,” ending its era of high-end organic foods, going “green,” and the remainder of its appeal to the upscale market. Next month the company will launch an “It’s Back” campaign to woo the millions of customers who have fled the store. They will be bringing back “heritage” products, like inexpensive jeans and sweatpants.

Few may recognize it as such, but this episode should be seen as a cautionary tale about “progressives” and social engineering experiments on low-income Americans. This morning’s Wall Street Journal article is blunt:

That strategy failed, and the Bentonville, Ark., retail giant now is pursuing a back-to-basics strategy to reverse the company’s fortunes.​

The failure, in large part, can be pinned to Leslie Dach: a well-known progressive and former senior aide to Vice President Al Gore. In July 2006, Dach was installed as the public relations chief for Wal-Mart. He drafted a number of other progressives into the company, seeking to change the company’s way of doing business: its culture, its politics, and most importantly its products.

Out went drab, inexpensive merchandise so dear to low-income Americans. In came upscale organic foods, “green” products, trendy jeans, and political correctness. In other words, Dach sought to expose poor working Americans to the “good life” of the wealthy, environmentally conscious Prius driver.

Pajamas Media » Wal-Mart Goes ‘Back to Basics’: A Cautionary Tale for the Left
Makes sense...

Who the hell do they think shops at WalMart?
When you have to feed and cloth your kids, and have to count the coins in the jar to do so.

You don't give a fig if Joe the Plumber helped make them or Jet Li's little brother did.

there was nothing wrong with the food or cloths for kids at wal-mart.

Just don't buy anything there you plan to keep for a few years.
i assure you i have crossed them wal mart doors.....there are some things i just cant find elsewhere or the price is 3 or 4 dollars more...but i do try to buy american as much as i can afford
Good for WalMart. They got GORED, but stopped the suicidal march before it became fatal.
If every penny counts....WalMart is the place to go

Stretches your dollar about 20%
hmmm i find many of the prices at walmart to be the same or more than other places......now on the things they do have the better prices on...it will be a good difference....

i dont trust the meat at walmart
Makes sense...

Who the hell do they think shops at WalMart?

Yeah, that didn't seem like too bright of a move.

Whole Foods seems to be doing fine.

If yall have space to store things.

Join Sams Club.

Some things in there are twice the size [or you get 2 normal sized taped together] for the cost of just under the price of one.
Makes sense...

Who the hell do they think shops at WalMart?

Yeah, that didn't seem like too bright of a move.

Whole Foods seems to be doing fine.

Yes they are. They target a different customer set (although an overlapping one in many areas) than does WalMart.

I love WF - it is a well run company. There employee health care plan should be a model for the country, but they have been massively attacked by the left for it. It give employees CHOICE and the ability to roll over money into health savings accounts.

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