Wake Up, MAGA Morons!


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Trump has been a complete disaster. You’ve been lied to. Do you have any self-respect at all?

More coal plants have closed under Trump than in Obama's last term - CNNPolitics

The Mitchell Power Station, just south of Pittsburgh, actually turned Pennsylvania coal into power for a good 65 years before the discovery of cheaper, cleaner forms of energy.
As fracked natural gas and renewables like wind and solar undercut the price of coal, both Mitchell and the nearby Hatfield's Ferry power plants were deactivated on the same day in 2013.
Many in this corner of coal country blamed Obama-era regulations on their demise, so when a candidate named Donald Trump promised to end a so-called "war on coal," they were ready to believe.

"We are putting our great coal miners back to work," he repeated to rally crowds waving "Trump Digs Coal" signs. "I'm coal's last shot."

But thanks largely to free-market forces, more coal-fired power plants have been deactivated in Trump's first two years in office then in Obama's entire first term. When asked about the President's claim to be the savior of coal, veteran miner and industry consultant Art Sullivan bristles.

"He's trying to get their votes," he says, standing by the fenced-off entrance to a mine not far from Mitchell where he once served as Face Boss, a coal industry term for managers. "He's lying to them."
Because you WERE betrayed!

Our wonderful Pres. Trump is the best thing to happen to this country in decades.

He deserves to be praised and adored by all citizens for his unselfish service and dedication to the nation.

Only miscreants and malcontents will deny this fact. .... :cool:
Each and every single one of these coal mines can close and these dumb bastards will still support their Trumpenführer.


Like he told them during his campaign, if he shot someone on 5th Avenue, they'd still support him.
Two former coal miners told CNN’s Bill Weir on Monday that President Donald Trump has been blatantly lying about his ability to bring coal jobs back to the American heartland.

While talking with Weir, coal mining consultant Arthur Sullivan said that Trump has not been truthful about the prospects of bringing back coal jobs that have been declining since the 1980s.

“He’s trying to get [miners’] votes, he isn’t telling them the truth,” Sullivan said. “He’s lying to them.”

Sullivan said that he was particularly annoyed about the president giving false hope to coal miners because “these are really good people” and “if they have the truth, they will make the right decisions.”

Former coal miner Blair Zimmerman, meanwhile, told Weir that Trump was “absolutely” giving miners “false hope” about a coal renaissance that would most likely never come.

Deregulating stuff will help this much,” he said, making a gesture with his fingers to indicate a small quantity. “It’s not going to help a lot.”

Zimmerman also said that he asked the Trump campaign for specifics about how to bring back coal, and was frustrated that they didn’t seem to have any real plans.

Trump and his tag alongs failed to see the lower cost of natural gas as driving the next set of turbines in a power house..
Trump has been a complete disaster. You’ve been lied to. Do you have any self-respect at all?

More coal plants have closed under Trump than in Obama's last term - CNNPolitics

The Mitchell Power Station, just south of Pittsburgh, actually turned Pennsylvania coal into power for a good 65 years before the discovery of cheaper, cleaner forms of energy.
As fracked natural gas and renewables like wind and solar undercut the price of coal, both Mitchell and the nearby Hatfield's Ferry power plants were deactivated on the same day in 2013.
Many in this corner of coal country blamed Obama-era regulations on their demise, so when a candidate named Donald Trump promised to end a so-called "war on coal," they were ready to believe.

"We are putting our great coal miners back to work," he repeated to rally crowds waving "Trump Digs Coal" signs. "I'm coal's last shot."

But thanks largely to free-market forces, more coal-fired power plants have been deactivated in Trump's first two years in office then in Obama's entire first term. When asked about the President's claim to be the savior of coal, veteran miner and industry consultant Art Sullivan bristles.

"He's trying to get their votes," he says, standing by the fenced-off entrance to a mine not far from Mitchell where he once served as Face Boss, a coal industry term for managers. "He's lying to them."

Sycophantic leftard sez??? "Wake up you Trumpers and shun him!!! Join us leftards!!!"

I wouldn't "team up" with those of his ilk under any circumstances.
Pat LeBlanc, the chairman of EBW Electronics, is a Republican who voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. Two years later, he says he feels “betrayed” and that his factory may have to move to Mexico because of the president’s tariffs, which will likely slice his 2019 profits in half.

“It’s killing us,” he said. “I just feel so betrayed. If we fail because the company is being harmed by the government, that just makes me sick.”

These comments are a striking about-face from remarks LeBlanc made in 2013. At the time, EBW was ranked as one of the fastest growing companies in the Midwest.

“Yeah, we’re adding jobs and we’re growing faster than anyone else,” told The Holland Sentinel at the time. “Getting into LEDs is what really propelled us. And we’re not moving to Mexico.”

Cory Steeby, EBW’s president, says the tariffs on steel and aluminum imports were “a tax that comes right off the bottom line,” and that moving to Mexico appears to be the only way to avoid them.

It totally incentivizes you to move out of the United States and build either in Canada or Mexico,” Steeby said. “These are active conversations right now.”
Pat LeBlanc, the chairman of EBW Electronics, is a Republican who voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election. Two years later, he says he feels “betrayed” and that his factory may have to move to Mexico because of the president’s tariffs, which will likely slice his 2019 profits in half.

“It’s killing us,” he said. “I just feel so betrayed. If we fail because the company is being harmed by the government, that just makes me sick.”

These comments are a striking about-face from remarks LeBlanc made in 2013. At the time, EBW was ranked as one of the fastest growing companies in the Midwest.

Yeah, we’re adding jobs and we’re growing faster than anyone else,” told The Holland Sentinel at the time. “Getting into LEDs is what really propelled us. And we’re not moving to Mexico.”

This post was a two-fer: it also shits on the wingnuts who, along with whackadoodle Sarah Palin, were SO UPSET that companies were eliminating incandescent lightbulbs.

Trump is the weakest president since Gerald Ford.

LOL. Not possible unless you remove Obama and Carter from the list of presidents. Those same idiots that complained about pollution from coal mines now complain about coal mines closing. I didn't here them during "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor." Yep, Trump has been terrible for the economy since unemployment is low, black unemployment is near record low, Hispanic unemployment is lower than in years, people got a tax break, etc, etc, etc. His supreme court nominees have helped bring the court back to it's constitutional basis even though the left brought false accusations against them. He might not have been my pick for president, but as long as the idiots on the left hate him I guess he will do.

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