WAIT! THIS is the final nail in the coffin


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
This might have been the straw that broke the erm... donkey's back (so to speak). Obama might have dealt a serious blow to every Democrat running in red states, since most of them are trying to distance themselves from him, while hiding the fact that most of them voted in lockstep with Obama's agenda. He inadvertently ratted them out on Al Sharpton's radio show:

President Barack Obama said:
“Well, look, here’s the bottom line,” said Obama, “We’ve got a tough map. A lot of the states that are contested this time are states that I didn’t win. And so some of the candidates there, you know, it is difficult for them to have me in the state because the Republicans will use that to try to fan Republican turn-out. The bottom line is, though, these are all folks who vote with me. They have supported my agenda in Congress. They are on the right side of minimum wage. They are on the right side of fair pay. They are on the right side of rebuilding our infrastructure. They’re on the right side of early childhood education.

So, this isn’t about my feelings being hurt. These are folks who are strong allies and supporters of me. And I tell them, I said, you know what, you do what you need to win. I will be responsible for making sure that our voters turn up.”

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This might have been the straw that broke the erm... donkey's back (so to speak). Obama might have dealt a serious blow to every Democrat running in red states, since most of them are trying to distance themselves from him, while hiding the fact that most of them voted in lockstep with Obama's agenda. He inadvertently ratted them out on Al Sharpton's radio show:

President Barack Obama said:
“Well, look, here’s the bottom line,” said Obama, “We’ve got a tough map. A lot of the states that are contested this time are states that I didn’t win. And so some of the candidates there, you know, it is difficult for them to have me in the state because the Republicans will use that to try to fan Republican turn-out. The bottom line is, though, these are all folks who vote with me. They have supported my agenda in Congress. They are on the right side of minimum wage. They are on the right side of fair pay. They are on the right side of rebuilding our infrastructure. They’re on the right side of early childhood education.

So, this isn’t about my feelings being hurt. These are folks who are strong allies and supporters of me. And I tell them, I said, you know what, you do what you need to win. I will be responsible for making sure that our voters turn up.”


Great OP.. He's a dumbass.. His ego can't handle the criticism LOL
Obama doubles down on ego.
Dems' only hope was distancing themselves from Obama and his failed policies. Here's Obama unable to take the hit to his ego cutting the ground from under them. He speaks truth though. A vote for any Democrat is a vote for Obama.
This might have been the straw that broke the erm... donkey's back (so to speak). Obama might have dealt a serious blow to every Democrat running in red states, since most of them are trying to distance themselves from him, while hiding the fact that most of them voted in lockstep with Obama's agenda. He inadvertently ratted them out on Al Sharpton's radio show:

President Barack Obama said:
“Well, look, here’s the bottom line,” said Obama, “We’ve got a tough map. A lot of the states that are contested this time are states that I didn’t win. And so some of the candidates there, you know, it is difficult for them to have me in the state because the Republicans will use that to try to fan Republican turn-out. The bottom line is, though, these are all folks who vote with me. They have supported my agenda in Congress. They are on the right side of minimum wage. They are on the right side of fair pay. They are on the right side of rebuilding our infrastructure. They’re on the right side of early childhood education.

So, this isn’t about my feelings being hurt. These are folks who are strong allies and supporters of me. And I tell them, I said, you know what, you do what you need to win. I will be responsible for making sure that our voters turn up.”


The far left narrative seems to be coming-out more and more, but then again when they control close to 80% of media, the far left can do what ever they want and know they will not be held accountable, especially from their own.

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