Waffle House Hero, James Shaw Jr., Brave Times 2


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

In today's political climate with conservatives' affection for Nazis increasing daily, the incident at the Nashville Waffle House could have easily ended differently, with James Shaw Jr. being called an accomplice instead of a hero.

The half-naked, alleged shooter Travis Reinking, is suspected of wounding two people outside a Waffle House in a Nashville suburb, then, going inside and killing two more.

James Shaw Jr., a diner in the restaurant, waited for his chance to save his own life, and wrested the assault weapon from Reinking.

Shaw is being called a hero, and that is doubly true considering he is an African-American and Reinking is white.

In the extremely red state of Tennessee, had police arrived as Shaw took the gun from Reinking, the cops would have blown Shaw’s brains out.

To cover the cops’ mistake, Shaw would have been declared Reinking’s accomplice in the shootings. That he was justifiably shot by officers of the MNPD as Reinking handed him the gun so Shaw could take his turn killing restaurant patrons.

Fortunately for Shaw, he was no longer holding the AR-15 when police cars rolled into the parking lot of the Waffle House, after Reinking was long gone. Even with witnesses present throughout the entire incident, police interviewing them would have convinced the witnesses what they had seen was two shooters taking turns killing people.

Reports would have not cited Shaw’s actions as heroic, headlines would have read: One Shooter Killed by Police, Other Being Sought.

Good guy with no gun disarmed Waffle House shooter


In today's political climate with conservatives' affection for Nazis increasing daily, the incident at the Nashville Waffle House could have easily ended differently, with James Shaw Jr. being called an accomplice instead of a hero.

The half-naked, alleged shooter Travis Reinking, is suspected of wounding two people outside a Waffle House in a Nashville suburb, then, going inside and killing two more.

James Shaw Jr., a diner in the restaurant, waited for his chance to save his own life, and wrested the assault weapon from Reinking.

Shaw is being called a hero, and that is doubly true considering he is an African-American and Reinking is white.

In the extremely red state of Tennessee, had police arrived as Shaw took the gun from Reinking, the cops would have blown Shaw’s brains out.

To cover the cops’ mistake, Shaw would have been declared Reinking’s accomplice in the shootings. That he was justifiably shot by officers of the MNPD as Reinking handed him the gun so Shaw could take his turn killing restaurant patrons.

Fortunately for Shaw, he was no longer holding the AR-15 when police cars rolled into the parking lot of the Waffle House, after Reinking was long gone. Even with witnesses present throughout the entire incident, police interviewing them would have convinced the witnesses what they had seen was two shooters taking turns killing people.

Reports would have not cited Shaw’s actions as heroic, headlines would have read: One Shooter Killed by Police, Other Being Sought.

Good guy with no gun disarmed Waffle House shooter


Funny, you with this post, have more in common with the Nazis.

Also funny how racists you are, by assuming that the man would have been accused of being an accomplice, simply because of his skin color. Basing your opinion on this event, solely on the color of his skin, makes you the racists, not us.

This entire post, shows the real fascists in our country, are those people like you. Not conservatives.

In today's political climate with conservatives' affection for Nazis increasing daily, the incident at the Nashville Waffle House could have easily ended differently, with James Shaw Jr. being called an accomplice instead of a hero.

The half-naked, alleged shooter Travis Reinking, is suspected of wounding two people outside a Waffle House in a Nashville suburb, then, going inside and killing two more.

James Shaw Jr., a diner in the restaurant, waited for his chance to save his own life, and wrested the assault weapon from Reinking.

Shaw is being called a hero, and that is doubly true considering he is an African-American and Reinking is white.

In the extremely red state of Tennessee, had police arrived as Shaw took the gun from Reinking, the cops would have blown Shaw’s brains out.

To cover the cops’ mistake, Shaw would have been declared Reinking’s accomplice in the shootings. That he was justifiably shot by officers of the MNPD as Reinking handed him the gun so Shaw could take his turn killing restaurant patrons.

Fortunately for Shaw, he was no longer holding the AR-15 when police cars rolled into the parking lot of the Waffle House, after Reinking was long gone. Even with witnesses present throughout the entire incident, police interviewing them would have convinced the witnesses what they had seen was two shooters taking turns killing people.

Reports would have not cited Shaw’s actions as heroic, headlines would have read: One Shooter Killed by Police, Other Being Sought.

Good guy with no gun disarmed Waffle House shooter


Funny, you with this post, have more in common with the Nazis.

Also funny how racists you are, by assuming that the man would have been accused of being an accomplice, simply because of his skin color. Basing your opinion on this event, solely on the color of his skin, makes you the racists, not us.

This entire post, shows the real fascists in our country, are those people like you. Not conservatives.
Erroneous from first word to last.
A Black stopped a violent act, now that is indeed remarkable! Typically they chant "World Star" and assault some random bystander. We are making progress!
A great story, regardless of anything else. Very few people would have done what this guy did.


Now, although Shaw is quick to brush the claim aside, he is being hailed as a hero.

James Shaw Jr. was identified as the hero who helped stop the Waffle House shooter this morning. He says he doesn’t feel like a hero, which is exactly what you’d expect a real hero to say. The 29-year-old hero from Waffle House shooting: 'I saw the opportunity and I took it'

— Jon Henshaw (@henshaw) April 22, 2018

“I don’t really know, when everyone said that (of being a hero), it feels selfish,” the Tennessean reports Shaw as saying. “I was just trying to get myself out. I saw the opportunity and pretty much took it.”

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