Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas

This is serious. The Far Right are basically religious extremists
Screen Shot 2020-11-02 at 4.28.53 PM.jpg
You mean they believe in, G-God??!!! :omg:

Voting for the Republicans thinking they will improve people's economy
Too bad no one can expect voting Democrat further would improve the economy.

Voting in 2022, and possibly in 2024, for economic reasons only, is not the way the voters will hopefully go.
Please, do not vote only based on economy, inflation and crime
If only you guys weren't so DISASTROUS in handling the economy, inflation, crime, borders, jobs, energy and foreign relations, you wouldn't have that to worry about now!

Republicans want an end to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid.
Don't forget we also want to push your grandparents off a cliff, too! :smoke:
If you want States like Texas to be able to close almost all Health clinics with the excuse of abortion, which leaves too many poor and middle class people with NO affordable care within miles and miles of where they live, vote Republican.
An abortion mill isn't a "health clinic", bedwetter.
I think voting for the House and Senate would be in the best interests of America as I pointed out earlier in this thread. I also disagree with you BS of demonizing on party over the other.

If you want continued inflation, more government spending, higher crime, more homelessness, higher housing costs, then vote for the Democrats.

If you want to hold government spending in check, lower inflation, a balance and deficit reduction for the next two years, you vote Republican. We traditionally do better as a country under a Democratic Party President and a Republican Congress, until a third party comes about, this is America‘s best chance.
The inflation is Global for various reasons which happened during the past 2 years, and especially since last February.

Housing costs fluctuate all the time. Evidence that the high cost only happens with Democrats ? Show the source.

Homelessness is caused by many factors, including hurricanes, etc

[Debt and deficit reduction by Republicans?]

The national debt has risen by almost $7.8 trillion during Trump’s time in office. That’s nearly twice as much as what Americans owe on student loans, car loans, credit cards and every other type of debt other than mortgages, combined, according to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. It amounts to about $23,500 in new federal debt for every person in the country.

(full article online)

Trump's most enduring legacy could be the historic rise in the ... › business › 2021/01/14

Jan 14, 2021 — The growth in the annual deficit under Trump ranks as the third-biggest increase, relative to the size of the economy, of any U.S. presidential ...

Do you have the actual facts when you post about how good for the country Republicans in Congress or as Presidents are?
In the last twenty years, I could count on one hand, teh number of times, I've heard the idea floated.

This is some of the most pathetic panic mongering I have ever seen from the dems, and that's a HIGH FUCKING BAR,
You clearly have not been paying attention. It's a perennial favorite.


2021: Conservatives prepare new push for constitutional convention

2019: Convention of States Fires Up Base for Push to Rewrite U.S. Constitution

2018: U.S. Constitution Threatened as Article V Convention Movement Nears Success





Would you like me to go back further? Because I can.
The money is being reduced as its costs more. A thirteen-billion-dollar aircraft carrier-built costs a couple of billion in China in real terms. The decline of an empire really sucks. Britain around the end of the 19th century felt that. It is our turn now.
You continue to say Nothing.
There are a lot of Billionaires and others who want the Republicans in power, so that they will continue to do what they are used to doing, which is not care about the population, about climate change, people's health, voting rights, etc.
Oddly, Jeff Bezos, Mark Suckabuck, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Tom Steyer, Michael Bloomberg, and Geroge Soros were all unavailable for comment.
Republicans want an end to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. Can anyone afford to not have any of those if they need it, as the first two they receive them by right after a certain age?
We should be so lucky.
Republicans, the PARTY which TAKES, and TAKES AWAY from the population. And give mostly to those who already have a lot of everything.
Like when they proposed to take tax dollars from the working class, in order to bail out college "educated" slackers, who wasted their time getting degrees in women's studies and art history?

Oh wait.....
Wow, a balanced budget amendment and term limits for members of Congress....sounds awful, dumbass.
You missed my point, genius.

You think only the right wing would have a say at a Constitutional Convention?

The left would, too, and their primary target would be the Second Amendment.

So like I said. Be careful what you wish for.
You missed my point, genius.

You think only the right wing would have a say at a Constitutional Convention?

The left would, too, and their primary target would be the Second Amendment.

So like I said. Be careful what you wish for.
Yet Bidung is mum on anything that may benefit America...go figure.

Much of the income is dark money, with the origins hidden. CMD has managed to identify some key donors – among them the Mercer Family Foundation set up by reclusive hedge fund manager Robert Mercer, and a couple of groups run by Leonard Leo, the mastermind behind the rightwing land grab in the federal courts.

More than $1m (£880,265) has also been donated in the form of Bitcoin.

The attraction to these groups and donors of pursuing a states route to rewriting the US constitution is easily explained. Over the past 12 years, since the eruption of the Tea Party in 2010, Republican activists have deployed extreme partisan gerrymandering to pull off an extraordinary takeover of state legislatures.

Bannon is not finished: his ‘precinct strategy’ could alter US elections for years
Read more
In 2010, Republicans controlled both chambers of just 14 state legislatures. Today, that number stands at 31.

“Republicans are near the high watermark in terms of their political control in the states, and that’s why the pro-Trump rightwing of the party is increasingly embracing the constitutional convention strategy,” said Arn Pearson, CMD’s executive director.

Should a convention be achieved, the plan would be to give states one vote each. There is no legal or historical basis for such an arrangement but its appeal is self-evident.

This is serious. The Far Right are basically religious extremists and others with extremists views to change the politics of the US to the way they want it, keeping all other Parties from possibly ever achieving the passing of Human and Civil Rights or the Presidency again.

Voting for the Republicans thinking they will improve people's economy, etc, is only giving them the tools to achieve all of their goals.

Voting in 2022, and possibly in 2024, for economic reasons only, is not the way the voters will hopefully go.

Without our Human and Civil Rights in place by law, the economic costs do become higher to most people who cannot afford paying certain health issues, etc. Discriminations of all kinds, Racism, Homophobia, and many other forms only grow.
Since Trump took office in January 2017, his administration has worked aggressively to turn back the clock on our nation’s civil and human rights progress. Here’s how.


Do the proper research. There is still time before November 8.

Please, do not vote only based on economy, inflation and crime, which Republicans are allegedly said to be good at. Think about where voting Republican could possibly lead this country into in a few years.

There are a lot of Billionaires and others who want the Republicans in power, so that they will continue to do what they are used to doing, which is not care about the population, about climate change, people's health, voting rights, etc.

Republicans want an end to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. Can anyone afford to not have any of those if they need it, as the first two they receive them by right after a certain age?

Republicans, the PARTY which TAKES, and TAKES AWAY from the population. And give mostly to those who already have a lot of everything.

Think, before voting. Thank you.


"Far right ideas" like free speech, the right to bear arms, free markets...

Wow, a balanced budget amendment and term limits for members of Congress....sounds awful, dumbass.
When have Republicans achieved a balanced budget?

Fact Check: Who was president the last time the budget was balanced?

- The U.S. government suffered budget deficits every year from 1970 through 1997.
- Democrat Bill Clinton was president in 1998, when the government finally recorded a surplus.
- There also were budget surpluses in 1999, 2000 and in 2001. 2001 was the last year the Clinton administration proposed the budget.
- Republican George W. Bush succeeded Clinton in 2001. The United States had a budget deficit in 2002, and it has recorded budget deficits every year since. The deficit is projected to increase substantially this year under President Barack Obama.
- Republicans say they should get at least some of the credit for the balanced budgets during the Clinton administration, because Republican majorities controlled both the House and Senate.

Has Congress ever passed a balanced budget?

There is no balanced budget provision in the U.S. Constitution, so the federal government is not required to have a balanced budget and Congress usually does not pass one. Several proposed amendments to the U.S. Constitution would require a balanced budget, but none have been enacted.

Balanced budget amendment - Wikipedia
Oct 4, 2018

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Over the past year, we have seen a repeat of long-standing Republican fiscal and economic policies: Republicans have passed a deep tax cut, overwhelmingly benefitting corporations and wealthier Americans; the deficit, predictably, has soared; and Republicans have pointed to the deficits they have created as justification for cutting spending on programs vital to American families, including Social Security and Medicare. This three-step plan is not new. Proponents of the 1981 Reagan tax cuts called it “starving the beast.” Similarly, the results are not new. This is the third time in recent decades that Republicans have passed deep tax cuts for the wealthy that led to markedly higher budget deficits.
Democrats have taken a very different fiscal approach. Democratic Congresses and Presidents have presided over eras of deficit reduction and even balanced budgets, and Democrats have pushed to require Congress to pay for major new initiatives. While Republicans’ main approach to federal budget deficits is to simultaneously create and complain about them, Democrats have actually done something about them.

Sending money to some Republicans is actually sending money for Trump, which is one of the only ways he makes a living :

[The Republican's corrupt leader. Keep giving Trump money]

On Wednesday, reporter Sam Stein tweeted out how Trump’s Save America PAC was sending out fundraising emails that featured GOP Senate candidate for Arizona, Blake Masters. Masters is running against incumbent Democratic Senator Mark Kelly and is losing. Masters would love a chance at getting some power and money, and he has sufficiently kissed Trump’s swampy ring in order to get an endorsement. Masters’ ability to fundraise for his unpopular campaign hasn’t gone so well of late. But as Stein points out, just because you are being let into the con, doesn’t mean you get to have anything more than a sliver of the profits.

RELATED STORY: Trump campaign moved millions into Trump businesses after elections

you people have to get fucking trump out of your heads.....geezus do you dream about the fucker?...
When have Republicans achieved a balanced budget?

Fact Check: Who was president the last time the budget was balanced?

- The U.S. government suffered budget deficits every year from 1970 through 1997.
- Democrat Bill Clinton was president in 1998, when the government finally recorded a surplus.
- There also were budget surpluses in 1999, 2000 and in 2001. 2001 was the last year the Clinton administration proposed the budget.
- Republican George W. Bush succeeded Clinton in 2001. The United States had a budget deficit in 2002, and it has recorded budget deficits every year since. The deficit is projected to increase substantially this year under President Barack Obama.
- Republicans say they should get at least some of the credit for the balanced budgets during the Clinton administration, because Republican majorities controlled both the House and Senate.

Has Congress ever passed a balanced budget?

There is no balanced budget provision in the U.S. Constitution, so the federal government is not required to have a balanced budget and Congress usually does not pass one. Several proposed amendments to the U.S. Constitution would require a balanced budget, but none have been enacted.
Balanced budget amendment - Wikipedia

Balanced budget amendment - Wikipedia

Balanced budget amendment - Wikipedia
Oct 4, 2018

Download PDF
Over the past year, we have seen a repeat of long-standing Republican fiscal and economic policies: Republicans have passed a deep tax cut, overwhelmingly benefitting corporations and wealthier Americans; the deficit, predictably, has soared; and Republicans have pointed to the deficits they have created as justification for cutting spending on programs vital to American families, including Social Security and Medicare. This three-step plan is not new. Proponents of the 1981 Reagan tax cuts called it “starving the beast.” Similarly, the results are not new. This is the third time in recent decades that Republicans have passed deep tax cuts for the wealthy that led to markedly higher budget deficits.
Democrats have taken a very different fiscal approach. Democratic Congresses and Presidents have presided over eras of deficit reduction and even balanced budgets, and Democrats have pushed to require Congress to pay for major new initiatives. While Republicans’ main approach to federal budget deficits is to simultaneously create and complain about them, Democrats have actually done something about them.

Kinda missed the point of having a Constitutional Convention didn't ya sparky.
The border crisis, oil crisis, crime crisis. Open your eyes and be more aware.
Blame it all on Democrats? On Biden?

Oil = The Russian invasion of Ukraine
Border = needs a good amendment. During Trump they kept coming. Trump is the only administration which separated families for 3 or more years, with many still not reunited.

Crime = A Democrats problem, cause? Show me the evidence.

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