Voter intimidation?? Does the law apply to those intimidating electors ??


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
Are the democrats showing their dark side or their corrupt side by trying to change the outcome of an election through voter intimidation ? Should people go to jail for vote tampering or voter intimidation where they hope to illegally force the desired outcome that they want, instead of allowing the system to work just as it was designed to do ??
Will huge lawsuits erupt that will end up costing the taxpayers millions upon millions in the aftermath ????
If it isn't clear by now that democrats are the filth of American society, then you haven't been paying attention.

Good thing most people have been. The leftist loses since 2010 prove it. Another good thing is they don't appear to be able to change.

I think we're witnessing the demise of the democrat party. Give it another ten years and they'll be nothing but a pesky little bunch of irrelevant jackasses... which is their party mascot, and it fits.
well, according to our founders, the electors are suppose to choose our President, independently....that gives all electors great responsibility,

regardless of how the States have tried to manipulate the elector's duty to ensure their comfy two party system and block out any and all third party candidates from ever winning....

constitutionally, they can not prevent an elector from voting his or her conscience.

THAT is the system...the founders created....that's not bucking the system?

NO ONE of the electors should be threatened though...that is just plain wrong!!!
well, according to our founders, the electors are suppose to choose our President, independently....that gives all electors great responsibility,

regardless of how the States have tried to manipulate the elector's duty to ensure their comfy two party system and block out any and all third party candidates from ever winning....

constitutionally, they can not prevent an elector from voting his or her conscience.

THAT is the system...the founders created....that's not bucking the system?

NO ONE of the electors should be threatened though...that is just plain wrong!!!
. Intervention or the attempt to sway the electors original intent and vote to be cast as was intended, I would say is the same as tampering with a jury during a huge trial. To much is put into motion after an election has ended, and the results are in, and if a sore loser or losers try to overturn an election based upon illegal tactics being used (i.e. intimidation by the posting of names, addresses of the electors as one example) or (a Jil Stein ridiculous recount attempt), (a Michael Moore call for violence and mayhem during the inaugural), in order to intervene in nefarious or illegal ways should be met with stern condemnation, lawsuits, penalties and prosecutions where nessesary. Enough of the lawlessness of the left already.
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Will huge lawsuits erupt that will end up costing the taxpayers millions upon millions in the aftermath ????
if the democrats are successful in their attempts to coerce the electors to vote against what they should be voting, then I certainly hope that enough can be wasted through lawsuits and investigations to seriously impact the ability of the government to continue paying for all the social programs.
Will huge lawsuits erupt that will end up costing the taxpayers millions upon millions in the aftermath ????
if the democrats are successful in their attempts to coerce the electors to vote against what they should be voting, then I certainly hope that enough can be wasted through lawsuits and investigations to seriously impact the ability of the government to continue paying for all the social programs.
. The lawlessness of the left has got to end.
Will huge lawsuits erupt that will end up costing the taxpayers millions upon millions in the aftermath ????
if the democrats are successful in their attempts to coerce the electors to vote against what they should be voting, then I certainly hope that enough can be wasted through lawsuits and investigations to seriously impact the ability of the government to continue paying for all the social programs.
. The lawlessness of the left has got to end.
you voted for the Man of Lawlessness!!!!! :p. Google it.....the man of Lawlessness

And If electors change their vote to who they believe should be President, I have no problem with it....that's their duty....

Will Trump supporters threaten them if they voted their conscience against Trump? What's your best guess?
Just another slippery slope precedent being established by people that cannot see beyond the tips of their own noses...
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We've only had faithless electors alter an election once, and that was because somebody died

and it was 23 faithless electors, Hildebeast would need half again as many to win

In 1836, the electors of VA refused to back Johnson as VICE President

these are the same people that told us that refusing to accept results and allow for a peacful transfer of power could undermine the stability of our government and country

Now, these same people are, with a wink and a nod, actually encouraging riots

And the media ignores it - it is surreal...

Our friends on the left and in the media are all about some double standards
Will huge lawsuits erupt that will end up costing the taxpayers millions upon millions in the aftermath ????
if the democrats are successful in their attempts to coerce the electors to vote against what they should be voting, then I certainly hope that enough can be wasted through lawsuits and investigations to seriously impact the ability of the government to continue paying for all the social programs.
. The lawlessness of the left has got to end.
you voted for the Man of Lawlessness!!!!! :p. Google it.....the man of Lawlessness

And If electors change their vote to who they believe should be President, I have no problem with it....that's their duty....

Will Trump supporters threaten them if they voted their conscience against Trump? What's your best guess?
you might need to check and see what the electors are supposed to do. They are not supposed to change their vote to coincide with their own personal desires, they are there to be a one vote voice for the winning majority in the district that they speak for. they, just like every other legal citizen had the chance to express their personal choice when they voted. Now as an elector, it is their responsibility to vote for the majority regardless of their own personal desire
Will huge lawsuits erupt that will end up costing the taxpayers millions upon millions in the aftermath ????
if the democrats are successful in their attempts to coerce the electors to vote against what they should be voting, then I certainly hope that enough can be wasted through lawsuits and investigations to seriously impact the ability of the government to continue paying for all the social programs.
. The lawlessness of the left has got to end.
you voted for the Man of Lawlessness!!!!! :p. Google it.....the man of Lawlessness

And If electors change their vote to who they believe should be President, I have no problem with it....that's their duty....

Will Trump supporters threaten them if they voted their conscience against Trump? What's your best guess?
you might need to check and see what the electors are supposed to do. They are not supposed to change their vote to coincide with their own personal desires, they are there to be a one vote voice for the winning majority in the district that they speak for. they, just like every other legal citizen had the chance to express their personal choice when they voted. Now as an elector, it is their responsibility to vote for the majority regardless of their own personal desire
oh I KNOW how the States CHANGED what the founders created as electors and changed the intent of our founding fathers when they created electors, to preserve their 2 parties and to prevent any third party candidate from even having an honest chance at becoming president.

THAT is a sham....

electors are suppose to vote their conscience, and no where in the constitution does it say electors are suppose to collude with other electors and declare all elector votes as winner takes all...each elector issued to a State, represents a congressional district....they represent the US Congressmen the State has
in the US Congress, plus each State gets 2 more electors that represent their US Senators, EACH has a vote just like EACH Congressmen of their State has a vote and Each Senator of their State has a vote in the US Congress and US Senate....In Congress, they don't take the 20 Us congressmen for Texas and make THEM ALL HAVE THE SAME example, if 11 of the 20 Texas congressmen voted yes on something and 9 of the Texas Congressmen voted no on it, THEY DO NOT change the congressmen that voted no on the measure to yes....the majority of Texas congress critters voted yes, 11 of them, but the 9 other congress critters voted their conscience and the record of their vote stands in the archives forever....

The 2 electors each state gets to represent their senators, IS THE ADVANTAGE given to smaller states...because even the largest state is only given 2 electors, just like the Senate, each state, no matter a high populated or low populated, gets 2 votes, 2 senators, 2 electors.... Nebraska is just as important California...

Those 2 electors go towards the majority winner in the State, the other electors should be given to the candidate that won the congressional voting district the elector represents.

THIS is how Maine and Nebraska have it set up and I would like to in the future, have the electors go back to what our founders intended....

The first 4 presidential elections, worked the way the founders intended, but on the 5th presidential election when Political parties and the two party system had its root beginnings, the states began to manipulate the electors in their states to try to finagle more power for the individual parties...the creators of the electoral process were VERY UPSET and contemplated an amendment to the constitution to prevent the States from doing what they are doing right now....

the WHOLE REASON the founders took the responsibility from congressmen and senators from picking is because they could foresee congress critters colluding to what made their state or rather political party, stronger in their votes instead of picking for President who served THE NATION best.
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going back to the thread's original premise....I don't think any elector should have to worry about one should be intimidating them in a manner that is threatening...

they should vote their conscience of who they believe would serve the nation best as President....

and no one after they vote should intimidate them or threaten them either....they have a huge responsibility to the Nation....and the best they can possibly do, is vote their conscience.... we have to accept that....

otherwise we would just have a popular vote, and electors would be no where to be found.
going back to the thread's original premise....I don't think any elector should have to worry about one should be intimidating them in a manner that is threatening...

they should vote their conscience of who they believe would serve the nation best as President....

and no one after they vote should intimidate them or threaten them either....they have a huge responsibility to the Nation....and the best they can possibly do, is vote their conscience.... we have to accept that....

otherwise we would just have a popular vote, and electors would be no where to be found.
. Ok, so why all the deplorable tactics being used by the left in hopes to change the electors minds, and then expecting some sort of collusion with them in the process ??? Are they not trying to undermine the process now due to their extreme hateful views & Prejudice's in which they harbor or keep ??? Are they a threat to this nations election process, and are they showing themselves to be the ones we all should have been worried about the whole time instead of vice versa ??
going back to the thread's original premise....I don't think any elector should have to worry about one should be intimidating them in a manner that is threatening...

they should vote their conscience of who they believe would serve the nation best as President....

and no one after they vote should intimidate them or threaten them either....they have a huge responsibility to the Nation....and the best they can possibly do, is vote their conscience.... we have to accept that....

otherwise we would just have a popular vote, and electors would be no where to be found.
. Ok, so why all the deplorable tactics being used by the left in hopes to change the electors minds, and then expecting some sort of collusion with them in the process ??? Are they not trying to undermine the process now due to their extreme hateful views & Prejudice's in which they harbor or keep ??? Are they a threat to this nations election process, and are they showing themselves to be the ones we all should have been worried about the whole time instead of vice versa ??
I'm not certain on these alleged deplorable acts and what they actually are....other than what you have mentioned? threatening someone with harm is totally unacceptable to me, if this is what you have heard they are doing?

but I I think the ill feelings and pushing to have some electors change their votes is because of the way that many States handle their electors and force them to vote for who the State wants them to vote for....the majority winner party takes all electors....and that's not how it was intentionally created to work like....

the electors were suppose to represent their congressional voting district within that State... a lot of citizens feel left out, by not getting their representation in the electoral college vote due to WINNER TAKES ALL....which has lead to this civil unrest...

The thing is, even if each state electors are used like my State of Maine, where each elector given for each congressional voting district gets to vote for his voting district and cast his vote to the candidate the voting district chose, Donald Trump in all of my calculations, would still have won...even without winning the popular vote.

The reason why, is that each small and large state, are given 2 electors to represent the US Senators in congress....those 2 electors vote for their state's majority winner....Trump won 31 states, Clinton won 19 States, Trump got 62 additional electoral votes for his 31 state win, and Clinton only got 38 additional electoral votes for her 19 state even if she had been winning the electors representing the population, all of the small states that Trump won, gave him all of those extra electors that the states get representing their Senators....which is what gives the smaller states the advantage that our founders wanted in the electoral system....

I'm sorry for the long post....and I know it is confusing to most, but I have spent the last week or two or three reading up on the founders and the electoral process they created and HOW the States have changed the process from the founder's intent....

These changes the States have done to change the electoral process in to a winner takes all electors that most States have put in place but mine and Nebraska, have made the disparity between the popular vote and the electoral vote, unpalatable, and makes voters feel they have been disenfranchised....and they have been, least with their representation in the electoral count...but as mentioned, they still would more than likely not have a Clinton as president, because of the extra 2 electors states get that do not represent the voting district population but the whole State population....however, even though the electoral COUNT would have been closer and would have shown the sentiments or rather the will of the people a little more accurately, my estimate still gives the win to Trump.

I know, I know, I KNOW!
ALL a bunch of gibberish to most... I'll stop repeating myself now and go back to crocheting the rug I am making!!! hahahahahaha! :lol:

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