Voter Fraud

There is no Evidence Requiring a Photo ID, that can be provided at low or no cost to those who need it, Would disenfranchise huge numbers of Legitimate Voters.

Other than your sides spin.

In fact the only people that Logically would be Disenfranchised by such a Requirement would be those who cant afford one, (which we can fix by making it free) or those who can't legally get one in this country (people who are not Legitimate voters.

You guys might win the PR battle with your Spin on this issue, but it does not change the facts.

But then why would I expect reason from people who's party requires Photo ID to get into their Convention, But claims wanting to require ID to Vote is a racist attempt to suppress Minority Votes.

No reasoning with you people on this issue, it's all emotion and talking points. The only reason your party even opposes this sensible requirement is because they know they can spin in into the Narrative they have and use it to lock up the Minority vote. Honesty or the Integrity of our Democracy are less important to them than winning.

And besides the Beck rhetoric, where is the proof that the amount of voter fraud committed on the ballot end is sophisticated enough that 200+ years of elections hasn't found a fairly decent method to detect without requiring a photo ID? I don't think even a drug kingpin has the financial wherewithal to even come close to swaying an election - especially a national election.

I do think that elections are beginning to be stolen however. But the theft comes in the form of media disinformation, the corruption of district elections workers, and direct voter intimidation by groups like True The Vote and others. These have a far greater impact and aren't stoppable by requiring voter ID.

If you truly want an honest election, then work to end those atrocities - they're far more common than zombie and multi-voters.

Disagree.....those atrocities are just as common as the zombie and multi-voter fraud. If someone has a problem with True The Vote being in/near polling stations, then certainly the same would apply to those associated with the New Black Panther Party being present at polling stations complete with baseball bats, no less. Not to mention polling stations having obama's picture put up on the wall, election workers wearing obama hats, election workers who were going through the lines that voters were waiting in and tried to convince them to vote obama, intimidation tactics made by union officials,, let's not focus solely on conservatives. The left is far more adept at using these tactics....and they are allowed to get away with it, especially since obama runs the DOJ. One glaring example.....Holder and obama refused to prosecute an obvious case of voter intimidation by the Black Panther Party in 2008 and they have shown no signs of changing that intention. As for finging an uninterested third party to monitor the elections at the polls, good luck with that one. While I agree that neither party should be able to intimidate, harass, "encourage", or guilt someone into voting for the party official's perferred candidate, it is probably nearly impossible to find election workers who are not influenced by the WH administration......who clearly have a vested interest in making the election come out in their favor.

And that sort of proves my point rather than refutes it, doesn't it? I didn't mention left or right - simply that voter intimidation and campaigning inside the polls is far more common and FAR more effective than precinct frauds. It's wrong no matter who's involved - and IDs are not going to prevent the dishonesty at that level. The only thing an ID will accomplish is to keep honest people honest - and that, to me, is a total waste of time and government expense.
This website has a massive list of voter fraud cases uncovered:
(Most prominent 'vote fraud site' on the net)
Barack Obama Voter Fraud 2012
(check site to get their FaceBook url. Most of action going there. Cannot link)

Sign their petition here:
Petition for Recount on the 2012 Presidential Election | Petition2Congress

The election has not been certified. Here's what you can do:

'ATLAS SHRUGS' voter fraud list. 'Atlas Shrugs' has a list but cannot link. Contains video of eyewitness pollwatcher who verifies busload of Somalians bussed in, 95% spoke no english. Told to vote Obama. Google 'Atlas Shrugs voter fraud list'


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The only voter fraud is on the part of conservatives.

Who screwed the pooch so badly with this country they can't even get that right.
You guys can dodge and weave and obfusicate and divert and accuse and blame and throw in all the red herrings in the sea and build enough straw men to to fill a major city, and it won't change the one single concept that should be the focus of all freedom loving Americans re voter fraud.

If the people cannot be confident in the integrity and honesty of their vote, they have no freedom, no power, no self determination of any kind. And the ONLY reason to discourage doing everything necessary to ensure an honest vote is to promote a dishonest one.
The next time a Democrat wins a clean election will be the first time a Democrat has ever won a clean election. The lack of integrity and the depth of depravity of a liberal is alarming. They've lost on the battlefield of ideas. They've lost in the court of public opinion. And they've lost in the voting booths. So now they just usurp the U.S. Constitution, engage in significant and egregious voter fraud, utilize the IRS to block legitimate political organizations, and even resort to petty theft like a delinquent teenager. What does it say about a liberals faith in their own failed ideology that they feel the need to constantly resort to cheating?

Police Issue Arrest Warrant for Husband of Dem State Senator After GOP Volunteers Catch Him Red-Handed on Video Video
Let's take examples of documented voter fraud and extrapolate.

Vote harvesters are going into Latino districts, getting those with voter id to sign ballots which the harvester then fills out and turns in, the Obama machine has thousands of salaried workers doing this, almost impossible to trace.

Prospective voters are paid in cash, in whiskey, in food stamps to go and cast their votes for certain candidates.

Souls to the polls is a religious sponsored and socially pressured strong arm effort to bring the block vote to the polls. This kind of activity is repeated as vote harvesters herd people to the polls. Once again there is no criminal penalty for coercing people to the polls (uninterested voters) but the laws are being skirted.

Three people voting fraudulently per million, laughable. Consider only the dead people that vote.

One lady has just been jailed for voting nineteen times. Another in ohio that voted six times received a heroes welcome from democrats after her six year sentence was suspended, and she was a democratic poll worker.

Thousands of people have voted in two different states.

This is another example of liberals saying something which therefore makes it the truth. The only reason I don't predict election outcome is because I believe the opportunity for fraud especially in states like Colorado where democrats have set the election process to allow for massive voter fraud is unpredictable.

Voter I'd cards in most states are free. No one without id in public life can do anything. As some posts have already pointed out voter I'd laws in Georgia and Connecticut have nit only made for cleaner elections but have increased voter turnout.

No voter fraud, please! Stop pissing on my leg and telling me it's raining.
“Let's take examples of documented voter fraud and extrapolate.”


Cite documented evidence where fraud by identity changed the outcome of a given election. Absent such evidence, voter ID laws are unwarranted.

The state may not place an undue burden on the fundamental right to vote predicated solely on subjective conjecture, speculation, and extrapolation. That the state perceives a citizen 'might' commit voter fraud by identity is not justification to indeed restrict one's civil rights.
“Let's take examples of documented voter fraud and extrapolate.”


Cite documented evidence where fraud by identity changed the outcome of a given election. Absent such evidence, voter ID laws are unwarranted.

The state may not place an undue burden on the fundamental right to vote predicated solely on subjective conjecture, speculation, and extrapolation. That the state perceives a citizen 'might' commit voter fraud by identity is not justification to indeed restrict one's civil rights.

Do you have the SCOTUS ruling on that?
I think you meant to say 'here are the facts on voter fraud as presented by my side of the aisle.'

There is not, and has not been, enough voter fraud to legitimize disenfranchising huge numbers of legitimate voters.
How much voter fraud do you want? If the election is close it would not take much to change the results. What do you mean by
disenfranchising huge numbers of legitimate voters. It is that some kind of code for keeping up the fraud?
Why is it that Democrats don't want to show an ID to vote? Is it because they don't have one? No. They have it.
So why would they not want to show it? Well the ID may not match the name under which they are voting.
That is the real reason to fight voter ID.
I think you meant to say 'here are the facts on voter fraud as presented by my side of the aisle.'

There is not, and has not been, enough voter fraud to legitimize disenfranchising huge numbers of legitimate voters.
How much voter fraud do you want? If the election is close it would not take much to change the results. What do you mean by
disenfranchising huge numbers of legitimate voters. It is that some kind of code for keeping up the fraud?
Why is it that Democrats don't want to show an ID to vote? Is it because they don't have one? No. They have it.
So why would they not want to show it? Well the ID may not match the name under which they are voting.
That is the real reason to fight voter ID.
Warner, BirdPoop was BANNED quite a few months ago... perhaps her SOCK would like to answer you?
Irrelevant ? Well you big constitutionalist the Supreme Court doesn't think so. You do believe in the Supreme Court right?

Al Frankenstein was elected by less than 300 votes, so if just one vote in each precinct was fraudulent that tipped the election. A number of years ago it was shown that just changing one vote in every precinct in the country would have changed the national election results. Chicago elections are notoriously corrupt and it has been alleged that mayor daily delivered the presidency to JFK with the jiggering of the ballot box. Once again liberals who have made the definition of voter fraud so narrow that most egregious behavior cannot be prosecuted or discovered. So I guess millions of little cuts are fine and that unless we have a beheading there is no problem. And the best bit of knowledge is that if there is massive voter fraud, say by computer, no one will ever know, and if they do by some miracle discover it, the election will be long over, mission accomplished.
That the state perceives a citizen 'might' commit voter fraud by identity is not justification to indeed restrict one's civil rights.
That a liberal perceives a citizen 'might' commit a gun crime is not justification to indeed restrict one's 2nd Amendment rights.

I wonder why it is that you don't apply that same standard to other rights? Maybe because applying it to one right (voting) results in more power for your side, while not applying it to another right (guns) leads to more power for your side.
Before the election, massive voter fraud by Democrats was predicted in MD, but the Republican won the governorship easily. IMO, the only fraud was the Republicans' crying "wolf".
That the state perceives a citizen 'might' commit voter fraud by identity is not justification to indeed restrict one's civil rights.
That a liberal perceives a citizen 'might' commit a gun crime is not justification to indeed restrict one's 2nd Amendment rights.

I wonder why it is that you don't apply that same standard to other rights? Maybe because applying it to one right (voting) results in more power for your side, while not applying it to another right (guns) leads to more power for your side.

So you want to treat voting rights the same as we treat gun rights? Careful there, you might get something you don't want.

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