Voter fraud goes undetected.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Chris Matthews cannot be so stupid to think the only Government issued photo is a driver’s license? When a senior is no longer able to drive, they go back to the DMV and get a photo identification. My Downs Syndrome grand-daughter has one and she has never driven a car. I stop driving 5 years ago because of MS and I have a DMV Photo Identification. Cost me $5 then. I took senior transportation to the DMV to get it. Got in the line for the disabled and took me about 15 minutes. If you are to old to go to the DMV, then how the hell are you going to get to the polling station? I am 72 years old and I cannot count the times I have had to show a photo identification over the years. Showed it today to get lab work.

It is insulting and demeaning for democrats to say old Black people cannot prove their citizenship. If they ever attended school, worked, collected welfare, food stamps, Medicaid and Social Security and Medicare, they have proof of birth that is needed to get a DMV Photo Identification. I am a 72 year old minority and I take offense.

Chris baby, just because there has only been .0002% fraud detected do not mean there are many more undetected. 20 million people are in this country illegally undetected do not mean they are not here. We know they are here but we cannot find them all. We know there is voter fraud but we just cannot find it all.

Mayor of Miami was ousted in 1998 on charges of absentee voter fraud. Suarez helped fill out absentee ballot forms and enlist Republican absentee voters in Miami-Dade County for the 2000 presidential election. “Dade County Republicans have a very specific expertise in getting out absentee ballots,” Suarez is claimed to have remarked. “I obviously have specific experience in this myself.”
United States presidential election in Florida, 2000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Illegal Immigrants Are Voting in American Elections
Yet in the debates over what to do about the 8 million to 12 million illegal aliens estimated to be in the United States, there has been virtually no discus*sion of how to ensure that they (and millions of legal aliens) do not register and vote in elections.
The Cutting Edge News
We are so overdue for correction here. Sad that it is even an issue.

Its the pubs who say that racist AZ law, 1070 works because the cops will check on the citizenship of them thar vile illegals who (don't really) get $72 gazillion trillions of our hard earned Newmerican bucks and no way can they fake their IDeees.

Stands to "reason" that if there are nasty ole fraudulent voters, they can get IDeees too. You know, like those kollege kids who want to drink the night away but gotta get IDees that say they're old enuff.

According to the rw's, voters and migrant workers are just laying wait, ready to jump on the chance to take jobs away from deserving UH-mar-uh-kins. They're wrong but they don't really care.

Truth is, voters just want to exercise their RIGHTs, R's just want to steal elections, migrant workers just want a decent life and drug dealers can print all the fake IDs the need.

And, American workers refuse to do the work of illegals, at any wage.

But don't tell the rw's cuz they don't wanna know.

Its the pubs who say that racist AZ law, 1070 works because the cops will check on the citizenship of them thar vile illegals who (don't really) get $72 gazillion trillions of our hard earned Newmerican bucks and no way can they fake their IDeees.

Stands to "reason" that if there are nasty ole fraudulent voters, they can get IDeees too. You know, like those kollege kids who want to drink the night away but gotta get IDees that say they're old enuff.

According to the rw's, voters and migrant workers are just laying wait, ready to jump on the chance to take jobs away from deserving UH-mar-uh-kins. They're wrong but they don't really care.

Truth is, voters just want to exercise their RIGHTs, R's just want to steal elections, migrant workers just want a decent life and drug dealers can print all the fake IDs the need.

And, American workers refuse to do the work of illegals, at any wage.

But don't tell the rw's cuz they don't wanna know.

Truth is that the same standards should apply to all of us. One Legal Voter, one Vote. Trust but verify. You are the other hand have issues with reality and fairness. You are agenda driven. You need to work on playing fair.
So many logical fallacies, so little time...

Chris Matthews cannot be so stupid to think the only Government issued photo is a driver’s license? When a senior is no longer able to drive, they go back to the DMV and get a photo identification. My Downs Syndrome grand-daughter has one and she has never driven a car. I stop driving 5 years ago because of MS and I have a DMV Photo Identification. Cost me $5 then. I took senior transportation to the DMV to get it. Got in the line for the disabled and took me about 15 minutes. If you are to old to go to the DMV, then how the hell are you going to get to the polling station? I am 72 years old and I cannot count the times I have had to show a photo identification over the years. Showed it today to get lab work.

It is insulting and demeaning for democrats to say old Black people cannot prove their citizenship. If they ever attended school, worked, collected welfare, food stamps, Medicaid and Social Security and Medicare, they have proof of birth that is needed to get a DMV Photo Identification. I am a 72 year old minority and I take offense.

Chris baby, just because there has only been .0002% fraud detected do not mean there are many more undetected. 20 million people are in this country illegally undetected do not mean they are not here. We know they are here but we cannot find them all. We know there is voter fraud but we just cannot find it all.

Mayor of Miami was ousted in 1998 on charges of absentee voter fraud. Suarez helped fill out absentee ballot forms and enlist Republican absentee voters in Miami-Dade County for the 2000 presidential election. “Dade County Republicans have a very specific expertise in getting out absentee ballots,” Suarez is claimed to have remarked. “I obviously have specific experience in this myself.”
United States presidential election in Florida, 2000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please explain how Voter ID would have caught or prevented the type of fraud committed by the mayor of Miami.

This should be good.

Illegal Immigrants Are Voting in American Elections
Yet in the debates over what to do about the 8 million to 12 million illegal aliens estimated to be in the United States, there has been virtually no discus*sion of how to ensure that they (and millions of legal aliens) do not register and vote in elections.
The Cutting Edge News

We already have a registration system which, when properly managed, prevents illegal immigrants from registering to vote!

Voter ID would not prevent illegals from registering to vote. Think about it. An illegal immigrant manages to get around the registration rules and gets on the voter rolls.

Then on election day they go to the polls and state their name. The little old lady checking the names on the rolls then asks for ID. The immigrant shows their ID.

Good to go!

Fix the actual problems! Voter ID will not fix the problems. It will add another layer of bureaucracy to the government and a further impediment to our right to vote.

Now...take a look at this:
Portage County veteran, 86, doesn't vote after VA identification card rejected at polls

A Portage County World War II veteran was turned away from a polling place this morning because his driver’s license had expired in January and his new Veterans Affairs ID did not include his home address.

“My beef is that I had to pay a driver to take me up there because I don’t walk so well and have to use this cane and now I can’t even vote,” said Paul Carroll, 86, who has lived in Aurora nearly 40 years, running his own business, Carroll Tire, until 1975.

“I had to stop driving, but I got the photo ID from the Veterans Affairs instead, just a month or so ago. You would think that would count for something. I went to war for this country, but now I can’t vote in this country.”

Fact: US citizens in good standing have been disenfranchised by Voter ID laws.

How come all the patriotic, Constitution defending, right wing mouth breathers on here didn't start 15 topics on one day about the WWII veteran who was denied his Constitutional rights?


Where were Rush, Hannity, Coulter, and Malkin?


I'd expect a thousand Tea Partiers to be raiding the voting precinct and stabbing the officials to death with their flag lapel pins.

It is most curious they were completely silent.

There is not a single case of voter fraud that anyone can provide that only Voter ID would prevent or catch. Not one. Many have tried to find one, all have failed.

You want to know the REAL motive behind Voter ID?

Here it is: Registering the Poor to Vote is Un-American

Why are left-wing activist groups so keen on registering the poor to vote?

Because they know the poor can be counted on to vote themselves more benefits by electing redistributionist politicians. Welfare recipients are particularly open to demagoguery and bribery.

Registering them to vote is like handing out burglary tools to criminals.
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This shit cracks me up. "I can't find evidence whatsoever of fraud which only Voter ID would catch or prevent, so I will just SAY there is fraud going on."
So many logical fallacies, so little time...

Please explain how Voter ID would have caught or prevented the type of fraud committed by the mayor of Miami.

This should be good.

I did NOT claim absentee voter fraud could be detected by photo ID. The point I was making was to Chris Matthews claim there were no wide spread voter fraud. Point I was making was that there is wide spread voter fraud. Is that good enough, wise ass.
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This shit cracks me up. "I can't find evidence whatsoever of fraud which only Voter ID would catch or prevent, so I will just SAY there is fraud going on."

Thats not saying much because YOU cannot find evidence. Shit cracks you up is a clue.:cuckoo:
Photo ID would stop some and that could be just enough to make a difference in fair and unfair.
Do you know why when you are stopped on a traffic violation and policeman takes you driver's license and call DMV on it? Did not think so.
If absentee ballots were verified maybe fraud could be detected.
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Wise Ass, As a matter of fact, a DMV Photo Identifications would stop absentee voter fraud because voters ID could be checked against a data base containing names and numbers of Photo Identifications. DMV Photo Identification cannot duplicated false ones as Social Security card can, etc. We need new Social Security card that cannot be duplicated also.

Chris Matthews cannot be so stupid to think the only Government issued photo is a driver’s license? When a senior is no longer able to drive, they go back to the DMV and get a photo identification. My Downs Syndrome grand-daughter has one and she has never driven a car. I stop driving 5 years ago because of MS and I have a DMV Photo Identification. Cost me $5 then. I took senior transportation to the DMV to get it. Got in the line for the disabled and took me about 15 minutes. If you are to old to go to the DMV, then how the hell are you going to get to the polling station? I am 72 years old and I cannot count the times I have had to show a photo identification over the years. Showed it today to get lab work.

It is insulting and demeaning for democrats to say old Black people cannot prove their citizenship. If they ever attended school, worked, collected welfare, food stamps, Medicaid and Social Security and Medicare, they have proof of birth that is needed to get a DMV Photo Identification. I am a 72 year old minority and I take offense.

Chris baby, just because there has only been .0002% fraud detected do not mean there are many more undetected. 20 million people are in this country illegally undetected do not mean they are not here. We know they are here but we cannot find them all. We know there is voter fraud but we just cannot find it all.

Mayor of Miami was ousted in 1998 on charges of absentee voter fraud. Suarez helped fill out absentee ballot forms and enlist Republican absentee voters in Miami-Dade County for the 2000 presidential election. “Dade County Republicans have a very specific expertise in getting out absentee ballots,” Suarez is claimed to have remarked. “I obviously have specific experience in this myself.”
United States presidential election in Florida, 2000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Illegal Immigrants Are Voting in American Elections
Yet in the debates over what to do about the 8 million to 12 million illegal aliens estimated to be in the United States, there has been virtually no discus*sion of how to ensure that they (and millions of legal aliens) do not register and vote in elections.
The Cutting Edge News

If the right was really concerned about voter fraud and not just the kind that having an ID would supposedly stop then you might have a point. But they're not. Other glaring security holes that are real problems, like paperless voting machines, they do nothing about. And how about when the top election official in the state is also a top official in the Republican's campaign? Again no problem at all, even when said person would have no problem at all being all alone with the ballots. Just him and the ballots, nobody else there, gee what could possibly go wrong.

Then there's the work they're doing to make it harder to get the ID, like closing the DMVs in the inner city or in strong Democratic districts

Its the pubs who say that racist AZ law, 1070 works because the cops will check on the citizenship of them thar vile illegals who (don't really) get $72 gazillion trillions of our hard earned Newmerican bucks and no way can they fake their IDeees.

Stands to "reason" that if there are nasty ole fraudulent voters, they can get IDeees too. You know, like those kollege kids who want to drink the night away but gotta get IDees that say they're old enuff.

According to the rw's, voters and migrant workers are just laying wait, ready to jump on the chance to take jobs away from deserving UH-mar-uh-kins. They're wrong but they don't really care.

Truth is, voters just want to exercise their RIGHTs, R's just want to steal elections, migrant workers just want a decent life and drug dealers can print all the fake IDs the need.

And, American workers refuse to do the work of illegals, at any wage.

But don't tell the rw's cuz they don't wanna know.

Truth is that the same standards should apply to all of us. One Legal Voter, one Vote. Trust but verify. You are the other hand have issues with reality and fairness. You are agenda driven. You need to work on playing fair.

You do know that "trust but verify" is a commie quote right?
Fact: US citizens in good standing have been disenfranchised by Voter ID laws.

How come all the patriotic, Constitution defending, right wing mouth breathers on here didn't start 15 topics on one day about the WWII veteran who was denied his Constitutional rights?


Where were Rush, Hannity, Coulter, and Malkin?


I'd expect a thousand Tea Partiers to be raiding the voting precinct and stabbing the officials to death with their flag lapel pins.

It is most curious they were completely silent.


Chris Matthews cannot be so stupid to think the only Government issued photo is a driver’s license? When a senior is no longer able to drive, they go back to the DMV and get a photo identification. My Downs Syndrome grand-daughter has one and she has never driven a car. I stop driving 5 years ago because of MS and I have a DMV Photo Identification. Cost me $5 then. I took senior transportation to the DMV to get it. Got in the line for the disabled and took me about 15 minutes. If you are to old to go to the DMV, then how the hell are you going to get to the polling station? I am 72 years old and I cannot count the times I have had to show a photo identification over the years. Showed it today to get lab work.

It is insulting and demeaning for democrats to say old Black people cannot prove their citizenship. If they ever attended school, worked, collected welfare, food stamps, Medicaid and Social Security and Medicare, they have proof of birth that is needed to get a DMV Photo Identification. I am a 72 year old minority and I take offense.

Chris baby, just because there has only been .0002% fraud detected do not mean there are many more undetected. 20 million people are in this country illegally undetected do not mean they are not here. We know they are here but we cannot find them all. We know there is voter fraud but we just cannot find it all.

Mayor of Miami was ousted in 1998 on charges of absentee voter fraud. Suarez helped fill out absentee ballot forms and enlist Republican absentee voters in Miami-Dade County for the 2000 presidential election. “Dade County Republicans have a very specific expertise in getting out absentee ballots,” Suarez is claimed to have remarked. “I obviously have specific experience in this myself.”
United States presidential election in Florida, 2000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Illegal Immigrants Are Voting in American Elections
Yet in the debates over what to do about the 8 million to 12 million illegal aliens estimated to be in the United States, there has been virtually no discus*sion of how to ensure that they (and millions of legal aliens) do not register and vote in elections.
The Cutting Edge News

There's nothing in the Constitution that says I have to have a photo ID to vote.

In 2005, the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that up to 3 percent of the 30,000 individuals called for jury duty from voter registration rolls over a two-year period in just one U.S. district court were not U.S. citizens

So 900 illegals are registered to vote. Wow, stop the presses. How many of those 900 were prosecuted? How many actually voted?

Its hard to imagine why they didn't tell us the title of that report or give us a link to it. Maybe its because they don't want us to look it up?

During An Aggressive Campaign By The Bush Administration To Go After Illegal Voting, "Only 14 Federal Convictions For Voter Fraud Involving Non-Citizens." From an NPR segment quoting Lorraine Minnite, author of The Myth of Voter Fraud:
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Voter fraud goes undetected.
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......if it wasn't was there any fraud?


You Teabaggers spend an awful-lotta-time in a state o' perpetual-confusion, don't you? :eusa_eh:

I see no evidence of the socialist Smurfs Engaging in voter fraud but that doesn't mean the Smurfs are not stealing our elections.
So many logical fallacies, so little time...

Please explain how Voter ID would have caught or prevented the type of fraud committed by the mayor of Miami.

This should be good.

I did NOT claim absentee voter fraud could be detected by photo ID. The point I was making was to Chris Matthews claim there were no wide spread voter fraud. Point I was making was that there is wide spread voter fraud. Is that good enough, wise ass.

You have a low threshold for "widespread".
I see no evidence of the socialist Smurfs Engaging in voter fraud but that doesn't mean the Smurfs are not stealing our elections.

Or blue fairies on the moon. Or unicorns. Unicorns are stealing our elections!
Hans A. von Spakovsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

von Spakovsky's nomination was opposed by Senate Democrats, who argued that his oversight of voter laws was unacceptably partisan and that he had consistently acted to disenfranchise poor and minority voters.[2][3] Opposition to the nomination was bolstered by objections from career Justice Department staff, who accused von Spakovsky of politicizing his nominally non-partisan office to an unprecedented degree.[4]

While von Spakovsky and the Bush Administration denied the accusations of partisanship, the nomination was withdrawn on May 15, 2008.[5] Von Spakovsky subsequently joined the staff of the Heritage Foundation, a politically conservative think tank.

At the Justice Department, Mr. Spakovsky helped oversee the voting rights unit. In 2003, when the Texas Congressional redistricting spearheaded by the House majority leader, Tom DeLay, Republican of Texas, was sent to the Justice Department for approval, the career staff members unanimously said it discriminated against African-American and Latino voters.

Mr. Spakovsky overruled the staff, said Joseph Rich, a former lawyer in the office. Mr. Spakovsky did the same thing when they recommended the rejection of a voter identification law in Georgia considered harmful to black voters. Mr. Rich said. Federal courts later struck down the Georgia law and ruled that the boundaries of one district in the Texas plan violated the Voting Rights Act.
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