In case anyone forgot why Walker and the WI GOP went after unions...


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011
here's a reminder:

[ame=]WI Leader Admits His Union-busting agenda is intended to hurt Obama reelection - YouTube[/ame]
Can't get the video but what we know is ...

They live to serve the Kochs.

That's why they call themselves Koch Suckers.
Public Unions need to be busted.

We are well on our way now!

Public Unions need to be busted.

We are well on our way now!


No, felons like Walker's old county staff need to be charged. Unions made America great, in your country, they are busted. Few Americans want to join you in Saudi Arabia, take Bush II. :lol::lol:
I am always amused how conservatives vilify unions.

Let's be honest what happened here. Once upon a time, a high level of unionization in the private sector raised all wages, union and non-union alike. The Wealthy paid a healthy share of the taxes, as they should. There were tariffs in place that protected our industries (vital to our national defense and economy) from unfair foreign competition. You had a vibrant middle class, Mom could stay home with the kids while Dad worked, people could enjoy vacations.

Then these idiots went along with the Plutocrat's oky-dokes.

"Give up your unions, and your right to collectively bargain. We’ll recognize you for your hard work and merit. We’ll use nice sounding terms like ‘right to work’ and ‘At Will employment’ to describe this."

"Dooooooy, Oky-doke!" said the middle class.

So they find themselves working harder for less money, and eventually get put out on the street at 50 because the company can always find someone younger who'll work cheaper.

“Give up your Union Medical Plans, and go with these company Medical Plans instead!”

“Dooooy, Oky-doke”

They find themselves paying more every year for plans that cover less and less. HMO stands for Horrible Medical Options. And if they got too sick, they found they were usually the first to be let go during a downsizing.

"Give up your pensions, we'll let you get in on the Wall Street fun with something called a 401K. Then you can borrow against the value of a home you already paid off! Trust us!"

"Dooooy, Oky-Doke"

Now they find themselves with a busted 401K, an underwater mortgage in foreclosure AND no hope of ever actually retiring. Meanwhile the fat cats on Wall Street and the banks got a government bailout they paid for, and paid themselves bonuses out of it.

"Hey, hey, you know, we can get more business opportunities if we sign this free trade bill with third world rat-holes that don't have the safety, environmental and work rules we have."

"Doooooy, Oky-Doke"

And they act all surprise when the manufacturing jobs go to China, and the Customer Service jobs go to India, and when their POS Chinese made computer breaks down, they can call to Pradip… er, “Bobby” about how to fix it, but he doesn't understand English.

"Hey, let's give tax cuts to rich people!"

"Doooy, Oky-Doke!"

Oh, that means we increase taxes on working people. SUCKERS!!!

And of course, if someone might actually figure out that they’ve been had, we can distract them by talking about gay marriage, abortion, guns or some other issue that gets their blood boiling for no good reason, but has no real impact on their lives.

The ironic thing is that the GOP has engaged in this obscene transfer of wealth, but instead of being angry at the people who perpetrated it, we are angry at the people in the unions who DIDN'T FALL FOR IT.

In short, someone burns down your house, and instead of wanting to punish the arsonist, you want them to burn down your neighbor's house instead.

"DOOOOOY, Oky-doke"
you know what would be real funny ???? hysterical might I add ??? today the attorney general of Wisconsin files charges on walker ... I can see it now ... the polls haven't open yet for the people to vote ... ma an paw are sitting at the table eating breakfast this morning, while they watching two police officers are escorting Walker to their car hand cuffed, get in the back of the patrol car scottie boy, were taking you down town for booking ... scottie, with alligator tears all the way
Perhaps it's time for those Unions in WI to be busted. Perhaps it's time for the Unions to quit buying elections. Times are changing, public sector Unions are something that even FDR, the union supporting president, was against. He tried to warn us but it mattered not to those greedy folks that think it's a good thing to drive up the price of goods so China can make them for 1/2 of what it costs us.

And no, I'm not suggesting we pay workers the same wages as China. A fair wage is a fair wage, when you don't do anything not in your "union job description" the additional hires drive up the cost of goods.
Perhaps it's time for those Unions in WI to be busted. Perhaps it's time for the Unions to quit buying elections. Times are changing, public sector Unions are something that even FDR, the union supporting president, was against. He tried to warn us but it mattered not to those greedy folks that think it's a good thing to drive up the price of goods so China can make them for 1/2 of what it costs us.

And no, I'm not suggesting we pay workers the same wages as China. A fair wage is a fair wage, when you don't do anything not in your "union job description" the additional hires drive up the cost of goods.

So why should corporations be able to buy elections, and unions not be?

I've seen people cite the FDR quote, but the fact is, FDR was like any other politician. He saw government jobs as rewards to be handed out for the winners.

Public Service Unions are there so you don't lose your job to the idiot cousin of the Alderman.

Incidently, your comment that union wages are allowing the chinese to beat us is ludicrous. Non-union shops are being shut down at a faster rate than union shops. The American working man can't bend over far enough to accommedate their greed.

That's the problem with greed. The word "Enough" is never there.
Walker went after unions because they were responsible for the gaping holes in Wisconsin's budget bleeding red.
And he was proved right: balanced budget, no new taxes, no layoffs.
But the Left can't stand that. In their minds unions are heroes. Never mind they can't name a thing unions have done for this country since WW2. Never mind unions have cost more jobs here than WalMart. No, unions are sacred. It is the fundamental right to have a corrupt fat cat dictate what you can earn that is at stake here.
Perhaps it's time for those Unions in WI to be busted. Perhaps it's time for the Unions to quit buying elections. Times are changing, public sector Unions are something that even FDR, the union supporting president, was against. He tried to warn us but it mattered not to those greedy folks that think it's a good thing to drive up the price of goods so China can make them for 1/2 of what it costs us.

And no, I'm not suggesting we pay workers the same wages as China. A fair wage is a fair wage, when you don't do anything not in your "union job description" the additional hires drive up the cost of goods.

So why should corporations be able to buy elections, and unions not be?

I've seen people cite the FDR quote, but the fact is, FDR was like any other politician. He saw government jobs as rewards to be handed out for the winners.

Public Service Unions are there so you don't lose your job to the idiot cousin of the Alderman.

Incidently, your comment that union wages are allowing the chinese to beat us is ludicrous. Non-union shops are being shut down at a faster rate than union shops. The American working man can't bend over far enough to accommedate their greed.

That's the problem with greed. The word "Enough" is never there.

Yea, OK. When was the last time you were in a Union shop/employment?? Can't bend over and pick up trash, that's the janitor's job. Can't go get the screws from inventory, not in your job description, shut the line down. Can't pull that report to finish yours, not in your job description, shut down for the day until someone brings it to you. Yea, yea, yea Unions are so necessary.
Perhaps it's time for those Unions in WI to be busted. Perhaps it's time for the Unions to quit buying elections. Times are changing, public sector Unions are something that even FDR, the union supporting president, was against. He tried to warn us but it mattered not to those greedy folks that think it's a good thing to drive up the price of goods so China can make them for 1/2 of what it costs us.

And no, I'm not suggesting we pay workers the same wages as China. A fair wage is a fair wage, when you don't do anything not in your "union job description" the additional hires drive up the cost of goods.

So why should corporations be able to buy elections, and unions not be?

I've seen people cite the FDR quote, but the fact is, FDR was like any other politician. He saw government jobs as rewards to be handed out for the winners.

Public Service Unions are there so you don't lose your job to the idiot cousin of the Alderman.

Incidently, your comment that union wages are allowing the chinese to beat us is ludicrous. Non-union shops are being shut down at a faster rate than union shops. The American working man can't bend over far enough to accommedate their greed.

That's the problem with greed. The word "Enough" is never there.

Yea, OK. When was the last time you were in a Union shop/employment?? Can't bend over and pick up trash, that's the janitor's job. Can't go get the screws from inventory, not in your job description, shut the line down. Can't pull that report to finish yours, not in your job description, shut down for the day until someone brings it to you. Yea, yea, yea Unions are so necessary.
They're necessary to protect poorly educated sub standard workers with bad attitude. Like Joe.
Perhaps it's time for those Unions in WI to be busted. Perhaps it's time for the Unions to quit buying elections. Times are changing, public sector Unions are something that even FDR, the union supporting president, was against. He tried to warn us but it mattered not to those greedy folks that think it's a good thing to drive up the price of goods so China can make them for 1/2 of what it costs us.

And no, I'm not suggesting we pay workers the same wages as China. A fair wage is a fair wage, when you don't do anything not in your "union job description" the additional hires drive up the cost of goods.

So why should corporations be able to buy elections, and unions not be?

I've seen people cite the FDR quote, but the fact is, FDR was like any other politician. He saw government jobs as rewards to be handed out for the winners.

Public Service Unions are there so you don't lose your job to the idiot cousin of the Alderman.

Incidently, your comment that union wages are allowing the chinese to beat us is ludicrous. Non-union shops are being shut down at a faster rate than union shops. The American working man can't bend over far enough to accommedate their greed.

That's the problem with greed. The word "Enough" is never there.

Yea, OK. When was the last time you were in a Union shop/employment?? Can't bend over and pick up trash, that's the janitor's job. Can't go get the screws from inventory, not in your job description, shut the line down. Can't pull that report to finish yours, not in your job description, shut down for the day until someone brings it to you. Yea, yea, yea Unions are so necessary.

Why is that any of your business? That is between the corporation and the workers.
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Walker went after unions because they were responsible for the gaping holes in Wisconsin's budget bleeding red.
And he was proved right: balanced budget, no new taxes, no layoffs.
But the Left can't stand that. In their minds unions are heroes. Never mind they can't name a thing unions have done for this country since WW2. Never mind unions have cost more jobs here than WalMart. No, unions are sacred. It is the fundamental right to have a corrupt fat cat dictate what you can earn that is at stake here.

The unions were willing to make concessions, and his insistance on ending collective bargaining did nothing to close those gaps.

And frankly, blaming unions for job losses is like blaming a short skirt for a rape.
Walker went after unions because they were responsible for the gaping holes in Wisconsin's budget bleeding red.
And he was proved right: balanced budget, no new taxes, no layoffs.
But the Left can't stand that. In their minds unions are heroes. Never mind they can't name a thing unions have done for this country since WW2. Never mind unions have cost more jobs here than WalMart. No, unions are sacred. It is the fundamental right to have a corrupt fat cat dictate what you can earn that is at stake here.

The unions were willing to make concessions, and his insistance on ending collective bargaining did nothing to close those gaps.

And frankly, blaming unions for job losses is like blaming a short skirt for a rape.

The unions blew their chance when they took over the capital and trashed the place.

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